Sunday, September 30, 2012

Madly in Love: The Evolution of Mara Dyer Blog Tour

Hey Everyone!

I'm beyond excited today to announce the upcoming promotional tour for Michelle Hodkin's The Evolution of Mara Dyer, one of my most anticipated books of the year. Or possibly ever. The wonderful and beautiful Danny from Bewitched Bookworms and I are honored to be hosting this tour, and we can't wait to tease, torture, and titillate you all with 12 days of exclusive content. Who's excited?

Starting October 15th and running through October 30th, twelve amazing blogs will be featuring quotes and small snippets from Evolution, all of which focus on Mara and Noah specifically to give you a sneak peek into their relationship in this dark and delicious sequel. In addition to the quotes, each stop will feature questions posed to Michelle to create an ongoing interview week to week and provide you with more inside scoop on this stunning couple.

I hope all of you are now looking forward to this as much as I am! Please mark your calendars to remind yourselves to get your Mara and Noah fix each and every day of the week leading up to and the week of the book's release on October 23rd:)

Monday, October 15th - Supernatural Snark
Tuesday, October 16th - Mundie Moms
Wednesday, October 17th - The Book Swarm
Thursday, October 18th - Refracted Light Reviews
Friday, October 19th - Dazzling Reads

Monday, October 22nd - Candace's Book Blog
Tuesday, October 23rd (release day) - Bookish Type Reviews
Wednesday, October 24th - Page Turners
Thursday, October 25th - Pure Imagination
Friday, October 26th - Bewitched Bookworms

Monday, October 29th - Books and Things
Tuesday, October 30th - Alice Marvels

Wait, there's more! To make this event a little more interactive in nature, Michelle would like to give fans and readers the chance to submit interview questions for the tour. If you would like to ask Michelle, Mara, or Noah a question, just fill out the form below. Please note that not all submitted questions will be answered, instead a handful will be chosen and featured on the various tour stops, so we encourage you to submit only your most burning (but not spoiler-related) Mara Dyer questions! The form will be open through Wednesday, October 3rd, any questions submitted after that date will not be eligible for the tour.


Mara Dyer once believed she could run from her past.

She can’t.

She used to think her problems were all in her head.

They aren’t.

She couldn’t imagine that after everything she’s been through, the boy she loves would still be keeping secrets.

She’s wrong.

In this gripping sequel to The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, the truth evolves and choices prove deadly. What will become of Mara Dyer next?


  1. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG JENNY!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!!! Aaaaaaah lucky ducky!! <333 Can't wait to see all the questions and answers, and thanks for hosting such an interactive and awesome blog tour! Love you!!! xx

    1. ISN'T IT EXCITING!?!?! I love this series so much. And Noah. *swoon*

  2. WOOOOOOOOOOOOW!! Can't wait for the blog tour to start!! So excited for this book!! :) :)

    1. YAY!!!! I'm so glad you're as excited as I am:)

  3. OOh I'll definitely have to follow this tour! I loved the first book and can't wait for this one. Thanks for sharing, Jenny! :)

    1. You're welcome Sam! I hope you enjoy all the teasers:)

  4. So cool! I can't wait for the sneak peeks into Noah & Mara's relationship! :)

  5. Looking forward to this tour! I haven't actually read the first book yet but this may be the final push I need to get started! I can't wait to be teased and tortured :D

    1. YESSSSSS! A glutton for punishment. I like it:)

  6. Woot! I lent my copy to a student and she came back with it the next day (THE NEXT DAY!) raving about it--said it was even better than the first. Double woot!

  7. Oh this tour sounds fantastic Jenny! I'm kicking myself for not picking up The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer yet, as I'll feel totally out of the loop with this tour! But don't worry I'll still be checking all the fab tour stops out! :)

    1. READ IT JASPRIT! It's all strange and dark and a little twisted and it just blew me away. I hope you get a chance to read it soon!

  8. yay! This is awesome! I can't wait to read this book and can't wait to check out all your posts leading up to its release. :)

    1. There are some quality teasers I think. Can't wait to share:)

  9. Why must you torture me, Jenny? WHY? *waits impatiently for October 15*

    1. Because it's fun? That makes me sound a little bit like a sociopath doesn't it? Yikes:)

  10. Soooo freaking excited for this tour.... jut saying!!!

  11. I am SO excited for this tour! And am so honored to be a part of it! This is definitely one (if not THE) most anticipated book for this year! Thanks so much for including me!

    1. YAY! I am too:) So glad to have you on board!

  12. Hi Jenny ^_^
    My blog's name is Dazzling Reads not Dazzling reviews XDDD
    I just replied to your email :)

    Thanks so much for inviting me to participate in this blog tour!! Im so excited plus Im a HUGE fan of Mara and Noah! yay!!


  13. SOOOO EXCITED! Cannot wait for this book! I've never been so excited for a book before!!

    1. IT'S AWESOME!!!! I hope you love it as much as I did:)

  14. WOW AWESOME !!! The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer is among my favourite YA books. I absolutely love Noah !!
    Thank you so much for this tour girls !!

  15. AWESOMEE!! I didnt know there was a blog tour for this one :((( is there anyway to participate? if so please email me at (majibookshelf(at)gmail(dot)com)
    Thanks alot and cant wait!!
    - Farah @MajiBookshelf

    1. Hey Farah! Thanks so much for your interest in the tour! The tour itself is set, but I'd love to have you submit questions for Michelle in the form above and have you participate that way!

  16. I won a copy of both of the Mara Dyer books from the publisher and FLEW through them! I simply can't wait for the next one!

    1. Me either. Retribution cannot release fast enough:)

  17. Oh yes, definitely excited! It seems like I've had to wait way too long to find out where the story goes after that insane cliffhanger in the first book!

  18. Ohhhhh!!! Can't wait!!!
    Noah *_*

  19. I still have to read the first one, but I am impatient and wait to read books so that I can read them back-to-back rather than wait between them.
