Monday, September 10, 2012

Review: The Crown of Embers

(Fire and Thorns #2)
Rae Careson
Young Adult/Fantasy
410 pages
Available September 18th
Greenwillow Books
Received from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Amazon)
Elisa is a hero. She led her people to victory over a terrifying, sorcerous army. Her place as the country's ruler should be secure. But it isn't.

Her enemies come at her like ghosts in a dream, from both foreign realms and within her own court. And her destiny as the chosen one has not yet been fulfilled.

To conquer the power she bears once and for all, Elisa must follow the trail of long-forgotten--and forbidden--clues from the deep, undiscovered catacombs of her own city to the treacherous seas. With her goes a one-eyed spy, a traitor, and the man who--despite everything--she is falling in love with.

If she's lucky, she will return from this journey. But there will be a cost.

Returning us to a high fantasy world where a young woman struggles to discover who she is as a person, as a ruler, and as a chosen servant of God, The Crown of Embers does not leisurely reintroduce us to characters and story, instead it thrusts us right into the middle of action and political intrigue from chapter one. While we may stumble in the first few pages, our memories straining to recall the finer details of The Girl and Fire and Thorns, we quickly realize those details aren’t entirely necessary to guarantee our involvement in this second installment, and we easily slip into our roles as an eager and invested audience, reading raptly as Elisa’s world shifts on its axis.

Elisa is the young woman we remember from the very end of book one, a far cry from the girl overly fixated on weight and appearance she was in the beginning, having accepted her role as queen and diving headfirst into the political pit of vipers surrounding her. She’s been royalty all her life, but never before has the burden of decision-making been placed solely on her shoulders, and we sit back and smile proudly as she navigates dangerous waters, managing to avoid most of the resulting spray with a grace and aplomb she did not possess previously. She still reveals her young age on occasion, but the few times her spine of steel begins to bend only earns her more of our respect as she proves herself to be as much human as she is monarch.

The first book was predominantly a fantasy adventure, a romance present but so far in the background as to be almost unnoticeable, however in this second leg of Elisa’s journey, the romance with the Lord-Commander of the Royal Guard is far more prominent, the beautiful tension thrumming between proving to be one of the main elements that captivates us. Theirs is a relationship that builds so very slowly, a foundation of friendship quietly, and sometimes painfully, evolving into a fierce love that has us equal parts dreading and highly anticipating each chapter, wondering if their respective roles and the expectations they so stoically bear will prove too great an obstacle for them to overcome. Though Elisa is in a position of power over Hector, their connection never feels skewed or off-balance, rather both have a mutual respect for the other and prove again and again how willing they are to give their lives for the person they love.

Overall, The Crown of Embers is a sequel that gets off to a strong start and never relents, testing Elisa and company mentally and physically while emotionally challenging us as readers. Despite the seriousness of Elisa’s predicament as she desperately tries to rebuild her war-ravaged city even as the threat of battle hovers on her horizon, her interactions with Hector are often playful and rich with humor, bringing a smile to our faces even as we know they will be short lived. While we’re not left with a cliffhanger per se, events are definitely left unresolved, the next path laid out before us and our goals crystal clear as we look forward to seeing how our young queen will respond to the gauntlet thrown down by her enemies.

Rating: 4/5


  1. I'm not going to read this review, Jenny because I haven't read the first one yet but glad to see your 4 stars. :)

    1. It's pretty spoiler free, I promise:) I really enjoyed it!

  2. The first book was actually one of those books I didn't finish ;( And I was sad because I remember you said that it picked up in the last part of the book? Seeing that you now gave it such a high rating I might want to go back ... at some point.

    I love when a sequel truly is even better than the first, it's something not happening so often..

    1. Yes, I struggled through part 1 of the first book, but I thought parts 2 and 3 were much stronger and I was able to really get into the story. This one was strong all the way through I thought:)

  3. I had such mixed feelings about the first book, but cant overlook the amazing writing!! I know Ill read this one, I want to find out how Elisa deals with all the nonsense thrown at her, and I still need to figure out what the heck is in her belly button, because it just seems painful.

    1. I really like Elisa! I wasn't sure I was going to in the beginning of book 1, but she really grew at the end of that book and continued to do so in this one. Loved:)

  4. I've only skimmed your review since I've yet to pick up book 1 (yes, I suck.). I'm glad to see that the series is still going strong and that book 2 doesn't suffer from middle book syndrome.

    1. I definitely did not think this one suffered from any middle book issues, I really enjoyed it:)

  5. Haven't read this yet but I've heard great things about this series! I'm excited to meet Elisa in the future. Well-rounded characters are great friends because they are so relatable!

    Fab review, Jenny ;D

    1. Elisa really grew on me! I struggled a little with her in the beginning, but I'm a huge fan now:)

  6. It sounds like a wonderful mix of romance and story in this follow up to the first. I actually appreciate in YA when they build things slowly! Great Review!

    1. YES! I loved that the romance was ramped up just a bit in this one - I wouldn't call it a romance by any means, but I liked that the romance felt like an actual part of the story instead of a very minor side element:)

  7. I still haven't read the first book. What is wrong with me? Wait. Never mind. Don't answer that. Carry on. *skips away*

  8. I so want to read book 1! I do think it could be something for me

    1. I definitely recommend this series, a really nice fantasy YA:)

  9. Sometimes high fantasy can be hard to read, so I'm not sure how I'll feel about the first, but this one... you have me convinced to try it for the romance. Too bad fantasy is one genre you really should read out of order.... ;)

    1. That's... *shouldn't* read out of order... LOL

      I guess part of me is TRYING to do so... :D

    2. I agree, and I would definitely read this series in order so you can keep track of Elisa's growth. Plus the politics are complex and convoluted so it helps to start at the beginning:)

  10. Awesome!! I love it when books start off with action from the START of the chapter!! Even though I havent read the first book yet, i should! This sounds awesome! Great review love!
    - Farah @MajiBookshelf

    1. Yes, there was no real lull in this book, you're going the whole time and I loved that:)

  11. I like when a second book doesn't reiterate the last book too much. I heard good things about the first book, but I doubt I'll ever get to it. :( I'm glad you enjoyed.

    1. Same - it took me a chapter or two to reorient myself, but then it was easy to fall back into the world and get involved all over again:)

  12. OHMYGOSH JENNY YOU REVIEWED THIS! I was SO excited when I saw your review up for this one, especially because I can't WAIT for it! I love how this one seems to focus more on Elisa and the politics she faces, as well as some of the more beautiful romance. It seems to be a wonderful follow-up and I am glad it fails to sink into the usual tropes of "second novels". Gosh, I just CANNOT WAIT till September 18th! While The Raven Boys is the FIRST thing I'll be reading that day, this is a close second! Fantastic review, darling! :)

    1. YAY! I thought this was a great second installment, and I love how much Elisa is learning as she goes, she's so much stronger than she was in the beginning of book 1:) Can't wait to see what you think!

  13. Thank you so much! I did a happy dance this morning when I found out:)

  14. I haven't read this series. I guess I missed out on the first book, but it sounds like the second book really delivers. I love the way you describe the relationship between Elissa and the Lord Commander of the Royal Guard(that's a mouthful). Your review was beautiful and once again, makes me want to add both books to my TBR list. Great job!


  15. OMG Jenny! I loved this book far more than the first book. For me, the plot is sooo juicy! AGHHHH! I can't wait to see how it ends!! Thanks for you awesome review!

  16. AAAAAAAA! I should have read the first book when I got the chance. I've heard great things about this series and I'm glad that the sequel does not disappoint!

    Awesome review, Jenny! ♥ So glad you enjoyed it!

  17. I haven't read the first book but I only heard good things about it. So glad you loved this, Jenny! I like that the beginning is already action-packed and the romance is the subtle type. I think subtle romance is sometimes way better than accentuated romance. ;)

  18. I loved this book! I think I liked the first a tad bit more but this one was still epic for me. Elisa has grown so much! And the romance is perfect!

  19. Lol, this is all I needed to know: "the romance with the Lord-Commander of the Royal Guard is far more prominent." I had a feeling those two would get together eventually and I'm so happy they do. I totally approve!

  20. Thanks for the great review Jenny :) ! I really have to pick up a copy of Fire and Thorns because this series sounds seriously awesome !!

  21. I'm still debating picking up book one...there are just too many series out there these's hard to commit.

  22. So excited for this one!! I have to say I am really, really psyched for the romance, because I totally shipped them in the first book, and I've heard such fab things about their relationship in this book. I'll definitely be re-reading the first book and checking this one out ASAP. Great review! =)

  23. This book, has a very interesting story-line, and it does a great job at keeping my attention. My favorite part was the surprise Spanish flair since I love Spain and it's culture.

  24. Fabulous review! I'm glad there's a romance with Hector, and that it isn't rushed. I'm so excited to pick this one up!
