Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Review: Pivot Point

Pivot Point #1
Kasie West
Paranormal Young Adult
352 pages
Available February 12th
Received from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
Addison Coleman’s life is one big “What if?” As a Searcher, whenever Addie is faced with a choice, she can look into the future and see both outcomes. It’s the ultimate insurance plan against disaster. Or so she thought. When Addie’s parents ambush her with the news of their divorce, she has to pick who she wants to live with—her father, who is leaving the paranormal compound to live among the “Norms,” or her mother, who is staying in the life Addie has always known. Addie loves her life just as it is, so her answer should be easy. One Search six weeks into the future proves it’s not.

In one potential future, Addie is adjusting to life outside the Compound as the new girl in a Norm high school where she meets Trevor, a cute, sensitive artist who understands her. In the other path, Addie is being pursued by the hottest guy in school—but she never wanted to be a quarterback’s girlfriend. When Addie’s father is asked to consult on a murder in the Compound, she’s unwittingly drawn into a dangerous game that threatens everything she holds dear. With love and loss in both lives, it all comes down to which reality she’s willing to live through . . . and who she can’t live without.

Pivot Point gains our interest initially with an intriguing premise, the idea of being able to see what lies at the end of both offshoots of a fork in our life’s road something we find fascinating and in many ways enviable, but once we settle into the story we find it’s the characters and the ease with which the story is told that holds us captivated. Ms. West's writing style is one that makes us feel as though Addie’s story is being read aloud rather than printed in ink, the natural fluidity of the dialogue granting us the ability to practically hear the tone of each character’s voice, ensuring we experience them not simply with our eyes as they scan sentence after sentence, but with our ears, minds and hearts as well.

Addie is a gem of a character, positively overflowing with personality from the very first page and continuing to be a young woman who makes us laugh with her smart mouth throughout. Many times characters in possession of a great deal of snark can be overdone, their witticisms sometimes taking on a forced quality that makes us laugh even as we acknowledge their remark as something that could really only exist in fictional dialogue. Addie’s sense of humor though is both bold and understated at the same time, her banter not only with best friend Laila, but also love interests Trevor and Duke as well, humorous in an effortless way that has us falling a little more in love with her every time she opens her mouth.

The mention of love interests, plural, above may have some readers immediately balking, but fear not, though Duke and Trevor are both romantic interests for Addie in this story, only one truly exists in each of her realities. One path leads her to a relationship with Duke and the other to Trevor, but at no point are both boys competing for her affections at the same time. Instead, we get to enjoy the slow build of two tension-filled relationships, both young men charming in their own ways to ensure our hearts beat at above average speeds chapter after chapter. By the time we reach the concluding pages though, one path and one boy earn the definitive honor and distinction of our preference, and we can’t help but want to go back and reread all the chapters that depict his possibility in Addie’s Search.

Though the idea of two separate and complete storylines playing out in alternating chapters sounds like it might be a touch confusing and even frustrating at times, Ms. West does an exceptional job of holding our interest through both eventualities, emotionally invested in each equally up until the final chapters when a clear winner emerges. She expertly links together the two outcomes of Addie’s choice of living arrangement, tying pieces of them together through a shared mystery to beautifully blur what was previously a clearly delineated line between paths one and two. Ms. West is most certainly an auto-buy author for me now and I cannot wait to see what she delights us with next.

Rating: 4.5/5


  1. Oh YAY! I got this at ALA and have heard amazing things! I'll have to pick it up real soon as all the reviews are getting me super excited. I like that you point out that although there are two love interests they aren't actually in the same 'time' or whatever, that she gets the one in whichever time she chooses. I remember others discussing how it works as well and it sounds really great!

    1. I LOVED this book Candace! Can't wait to see what you think:) I was worried it wasn't going to be a series, but there's a sequel coming out next year - YAY!

  2. *squeals* !!! so awesome right?!?!?!? It was such a fantastic book and I love most that I didn't expect to love it so much. Kasie West is also bringing out a Contemporary book this year about which I'm now super excited!!

    1. I'm going to be buying everything she writes Danny, I couldn't get enough of this book!

  3. Whoa, there are so many fantastic books coming out. This one sounds amazing. I have been dying to read it. You make it sound amazing. I absolutely love character driven novels. I'm going to have to go in search of this one soon.

    Fantastic review.

    Sara @ Just Another Story

    1. It was such an interesting premise and the format could have really backfired on her, but she did a brilliant job with the two separate stories and linking them together:)

  4. I do wonder about this one, the end that is. Yes I kind of mostly want to know how it all works out

  5. I'd been on the fence about this book, but hearing such good things is convincing me that I need to read it. It sounds like the possible downfalls that could happen in a book like this aren't there, and that's always a plus. Thanks for the review!

    1. This one honestly wasn't really on my radar, but missing out on it would have been a huge mistake on my part. It thoroughly impressed me:)

  6. I really liked that there were two boys, but no love triangle to speak of. I admit that I didn't like this as much as you did, I wanted it to focus on the powers and not so much on the romance, but I also agree that West's writing is practically flawless. We just have different priorities, I suppose. West and I, that is, not YOU and I, lol.
    I'll probably still read her next book, even though I wasn't thrilled wiht this one. There was great potential there and I have a feeling the next one will be better.
    Fantastic, eloquent review as always, Jenny!

    1. Hahaha I'm a romance girl, so I was happy to focus on that rather than their abilities, though I was definitely interested in those as well. I just liked how easy everything seemed to flow:) Hope the next book is a bit more successful for you Maja!

  7. I don't think I've read a single negative review for this yet! The two storylines does sound a little confusing BUT all my trusted/favourite bloggers have said it's executed really well, so I'm trusting you guys<3 Oohhh I don't think I've read a book where there's two love interests but at different times...or maybe I have..oh, I don't know! BUT I'M SERIOUSLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS!!!!!! Here's hoping I can find this in Australia :)

    1. I thought it would be confusing, especially because each chapter isn't labeled as to which Addie we're getting, but it was always easy to figure out, and I loved the two boys. LOVED THEM.

  8. This one sounds so cool - I can't wait to read it! I've read a bunch of positive reviews already. I'm also a fan of the two boys but no big love triangle type of book! :)

    1. I was so glad for no triangle, and both boys are charming and funny and interesting, so it was really hard to actually form a preference, but in the end there was definitely one that won me over:)

  9. I'm THRILLED to hear you liked this one so much, because I have such high expectations for it! I just love the premise, though I did worry it would be too difficult to pull off separate timelines and keep the reader emotionally invested. It sounds like that was not a problem, so yay!

    Between your review and your christening Kasie an auto-buy author, I am even more pumped to get started on my copy. Beautiful review! :-)

    1. YAAAAAY!!!! I'm both nervous and excited for you to read it Lauren, I hope you like it as much as I did!

  10. Another glowing review for this book, seriously I need to read it soon! I was intrigued the idea of two alternating stories, and I'm glad it's not confusing. Also, thanks for pointing out that although there are two guys they're not fighting for her affection, I'm always a little wary about love triangles. Addie sounds like a character I could really get on with. Great review! ^^

    1. No love triangle I promise! Both relationships are butterfly-inducing too, it's just really well done:)

  11. This sounds like it was a total win! I love when an author takes a chance (alternating storylines) and it just works!

    1. YES! So much could have gone wrong and made it difficult to really get into this story, but I loved everything about it:)

  12. Reading the blurb, I wasn't so sure. I didn't really like the Sliding Doors movie that has a similar concept but this one sounds like it takes this concept and does it *really* well. Especially if you like the main character (and there's not a love triangle--I'm getting whiney about those!).

    1. I know, I honestly didn't have any plans to read this either but was lucky enough to get an early copy, and I was hooked from page one. I'm SO glad I read it, it was awesome:)

  13. Okay, I won't be reading your review right now, I just saw that you gave it ALMOST 5 stars, yay! I have it on my WoW today and I cannot wait to read this!! I will be reading your review once I'm done with reading and writing my own review, but I can't right now. I don't want to have any more information other than the blurb, lol. I love this cover and I'm SOOOOOO happy that you enjoyed this one. Fingers crossed I'll like it too:)

    1. I really, really hope you love it too Siiri! I got sucked in on the first page and didn't want it to end:)

  14. This sounds awesome and I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I love the premise--such a unique idea and the love interests sound like something I'd enjoy since it's a spin on the traditional love triangle. Great review, Jenny. I will definitely have to pick up a copy of this.

    1. It was more a love triangle with us as readers - we were the ones that had to figure with whom our true affection lay, and I loved that about it:)

  15. Wow Jenny this sounds awesome and I love when an author makes you use all of your senses and immerses you into the tale.

  16. I just love the premise of this one and though Maja had some reservations about the book, I'm really curious to see how your two opinions differentiate. Really looking forward to this one, especially since I didn't care for "Sliding Doors" as a movie.

  17. I am both scared and intrigued by this book, Jenny. I suspect that it would give me ALL THE EMOTIONS.

  18. Wait... paranormal AND artist in one of the characters? Jenny, why have you not told me about this sooner? You are telling me now? True. I accept your apology... ;)

    I really need to get this one. It sounds complicated but also that she brilliantly pulls it off. I mean different realities can get confusing in the best of books, but an autobuy author? I needs this book! The bookcase is gonna groan...

  19. I really enjoyed this book. Fabulous review. You are such a talented writer Jenny.

  20. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one so much, Jenny! I've heard mixed things about it, but it seems to be receiving very positive reviews, so I'll have to check it out soon for sure. Great review!(:

  21. I'm very excited for Pivot Point, I've seen so many positive reviews for it! Thanks for your sharing your thoughts.

  22. Glad to hear this is good. I hope they release it on audio.

  23. Jenny! OMG, I heart this book! I love the idea of watching your life from different pov's and of course getting a chance to decide. I really love it. It felt as thought I read this book so fast that I didn't have enough time in it. I want to read it again!

  24. Wow, it's like getting two great stories in one book! I can't wait to read it. Great review, you explain it very well.


  25. Isn't this one of the best books??? The ease with which Kasie switches between the two realities is astonishing! And the love triangle is unique in that it really isn't a love triangle at all. :) Also, I always knew she would choose a certain someone from the first page that they met. There was a little something extra special between them. TEAM TREVOR!!! I need book 2 now! Awesome review, Jenny! :)

  26. OMG!!!! This would be the perfect supernatural power for me b/c I'm so indecisive!!!! The premise of this book sounds great and I'm curious as to how the author works it out.

  27. This sounds magnificent, Jenny! The summary sounds wonderful and I'm so happy to hear that it doesn't disappoint. It sounds like this may become a favourite of mine this year! Fingers crossed :) Brilliant review as always!

    Lisa | Read Me Bookmark Me Love Me

  28. I love the premise of this one but was worried that it would be a little confusing to follow. It's good to know that that's not the case and that both storylines are equally interesting. I'm looking forward to finding out which path and boy Addie decides to choose, Jenny :)

  29. Oh wow, two parallel worlds? I would love to read about that especially since you said that the author has done it so well! Great review and I always love banter that goes on between the main protagonist and love interests!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  30. I was bummed that I was declined a copy of this from Edelweiss because I wanted to read it so much. I LOVE this concept so much, love thinking about the different paths your left can take just by changing one decision - like the movie Sliding Doors. I am so pleased you thought so highly of this one, Jenny!! I also really appreciate that the protag doesn't overdo it with her snark because I'm not a fan of Gilmore Girls-style snark that just seems so fake and unreal, either. Love this review!!

  31. Yay! So glad to see you loved this too, Jenny. I'm sure I know which boy you were rooting for. That ending! Wow! I can't wait to see how it plays out. Lovely review. :)

  32. Btw, Dancer (in Iced) is a bit of a geeky-hottie, right? I'll be emailing soon. I'm on chapter 12.

  33. I can't wait to read this! I think the idea of living two separate realities is really interesting. Great review!

  34. What a unique idea! It does sound like it could be confusing, but I'm intrigued enough to find out :)

  35. Thanks for telling us about this book. I just read it the other day and loved it.

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