Monday, February 18, 2013

Shadows in the Silence Blog Tour: Will and Cadan Extras

Today I'm really excited to welcome back to the blog the promotional tour for Courtney Allison Moulton's paranormal young adult novel Shadows in the Silence! You can check out my first stop HERE for an exclusive (and smoking hot) teaser, and enter for your chance to win copies of the entire series.

For this second stop, I have the pleasure of sharing with you a sneak peek at the exclusive Wings of the Wicked (book 2) short stories, complete with an introduction by Courtney herself:

As with the paperback "Extras" edition of Angelfire, Wings of the Wicked also contains short stories exclusive to the paperback "Extras" edition. They aren't found in the hardcover edition or in the ebook - only in the paperback edition marked with "Extras!" I'm very lucky that my publisher enjoys these scenes from different points-of-view as much as I do and enough to add them in the paperback editions of my books for my readers to enjoy as well. To read the rest of the short stories, check out the paperback "Extras" edition of Wings of the Wicked!

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I entered through the revolving door and headed for the elevator, which shot me toward the sky and stopped at my floor. The moment the doors slipped open, I sensed demonic energy. It pulsed in my brain—against the walls and floor and ceiling like heavy pressure threatening to blow away these barriers if it were to build even the most miniscule amount more. The presence of the energy seemed to call to me, “I am here. This is what I am capable of and willing to do if I am displeased. All that exists in this world remains only because I have not yet destroyed it.” Only my father was ever that arrogant.

My keys jangled in my hands to announce my own presence. I didn’t realize I’d been holding my breath until I unlocked my apartment and pushed open the door. The lamp on an end table bathed the living room in low, steady light. On the other side of the room, Bastian stood with his back to me, gazing out the floor-length windows overlooking the city. I had to force myself to cross the threshold and enter my home which Bastian had violated and claimed. This was supposed to be my refuge from the carnage of my demonic purpose. This was where I could feel human.

“Where have you been?” Bastian’s voice was a cold steel knife through the silence. “You smell like blood.”


Frank Meyer drew a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I promise you, it’s her. I wouldn’t get this wrong. Some faces you never forget.”

He led me outside and into the sunlight. Across the green lawn dotted with trees were students intermingling after classes had ended, lingering to spend time with friends before departing or waiting for their rides.

“She’s around here somewhere,” Frank said distantly. “She’s usually picked up by her mother.”

But I had already spotted her before he finished that sentence and all the breath had been stolen from me. She was there, seated on the grass beside a blond-haired girl in the shade of a tree. She was laughing. Her smile crippled me. I struggled to stay standing and to not make a scene, but my knees wanted to buckle from my overwhelming emotions. She looked just as I remembered her. Her hair was a gleaming waterfall of cherries and dark chocolate, a color so unreal that sometimes I’d had to touch it to prove to myself it wasn’t some vision of dark fire. She was beautiful.

Thanks so much for sharing these with us Courtney! More information on Courtney and the Angelfire trilogy can be found here:

Amazon Buy Link
Barnes and Noble Buy Link
IndieBound Buy Link

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Your strength in heart and hand will fall. . . .

Ellie knows that the darkest moments are still to come, and she has everything to fight for:

She must fight for Will.
The demonic have resorted to their cruelest weapons to put Will in mortal danger, and Ellie makes an unlikely alliance to save him and to stop Lilith and Sammael, who seek to drown the world in blood and tear a hole into Heaven.

She must fight for humanity.

As the armies of Hell rise and gather for the looming End of Days, Ellie and her band of allies travel to the world’s darkest and most ancient regions in her quest to come into her full glory as the archangel Gabriel.

And Ellie must save herself.

Her humanity withers beneath the weight of her cold archangel power, but Ellie must hold tight to who she is and who she loves as she prepares for the ultimate battle for Heaven and Earth.

In this final installment in the Angelfire trilogy, Courtney Allison Moulton brings her dark world of epic battles and blistering romance to a blazing bright conclusion.

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Don't miss out on any of the previous or remaining tour stops! Each one has fun and exclusive content as well as a chance to win a complete set of the Angelfire trilogy.

1/30 - Once Upon a Twilight
2/1 - thebookcellarx

2/4 - supernaturalsnark
2/6 - MundieMoms
2/8 - Fiktshun

2/12 - PageTurnersBlog
2/13 - Once Upon A Twilight
2/15 - thebookcellarx

2/18 - supernaturalsnark
2/20 - Fiktshun
2/22 - MundieMoms


  1. OoOO how I love this series! I cannot wait to get my hands on this book! Oh Will *swoon*

  2. Ah I still haven't read Angelfire. I dunno why but it's been on my to-read list for too long. Maybe I should give it a try cause this sounds awesome! :)

    1. It's such a fun series, I highly recommend Tanja!

  3. WILLLLLLLL<3333 I'VE MISSED YOU SOOOOO MUCH! I must buy the paperbacks ASAP :) Need the short stories & to continue this series ASAP! Thanks for sharing<3

    1. I really want all these little extra short stories too, I love when authors give us these fun tidbits from other characters POVs:)

  4. I still have to read Wings of the Wicked.


    I got it at BEA - I got it signed! And I loved Angelfire, so it's not like I'm unsure about the series. Somehow it kept getting bumped to the bottom of the stack, but it is on my list of series' I want to finish in 2013. I WILL finish it.

    Heh. Will. I will finish it. Get it? Because Will is...

    That was so bad. Please ignore me.

  5. You know I'm a massive urban fantasy fan and I'm so happy to see that it's come to the world of YA (though this one has a lot of romance in it, too. More typical of a YA but all good!). Loved Angelfire!

    1. YEAH!!! This series definitely is a nice blend of urban fantasy and romance. Love it:)

  6. I haven't read Angelfire yet, but since you and so many people seem to love these books, I think I should give them a try :) After your previous tour stop I added it to my TBR pile and we'll see when I get to it. Hopefully soon:) Happy Monday, Jenny!!

    1. YAY! So glad you added it to your list Siiri! Happy Monday to you as well:)

  7. I have Angelfire in my tbr pile.I love the cover and have always loved urban fantasy!

  8. I still need to read Angelfire! I will have to move it up my TBR pile because I think I'd really like this series. Thanks for sharing this with us, Jenny!

  9. I still haven't read the last book yet! But I'm so excited and I have very high hopes after that brilliant second book.
    It's nice of the author and you to share those two short stories! :)

  10. Geesh! This is a series I need to read. I really want to meet Will! Needs this, I tells ya! Love these excerpts. :)

  11. Ooh love these short stories! But I'm so sad this series is over now. :(

    However, I am thrilled to see that I can get more short stories in the Extras version of Wings of the Wicked. I already have an ARC, but I need the real deal for my shelf, and this is the perfect excuse to get it ASAP. Thanks for sharing, I've been really enjoying following this tour! :-)

  12. Oh that's really cool that there are cool short stories to go in the paperback editions! I have only read the first book but I think I really need to continue the series!

  13. I still haven't this series. The artwork of Ellie and Will that I've seen on Moulton's page though is amazing. The artist is seriously talented.

  14. Super cool! I love the way the trilogy ended. So sad to see it go.
