Thursday, July 11, 2013

Review: Some Quiet Place

Kelsey Sutton
Paranormal Young Adult
331 pages
Available now
Source: Finished copy from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
Elizabeth Caldwell doesn’t feel emotions . . . she sees them. Longing, Shame, and Courage materialize around her classmates. Fury and Resentment appear in her dysfunctional home. They’ve all given up on Elizabeth because she doesn’t succumb to their touch. All, that is, save one—Fear. He’s intrigued by her, as desperate to understand the accident that changed Elizabeth’s life as she is herself.

Elizabeth and Fear both sense that the key to her past is hidden in the dream paintings she hides in the family barn. But a shadowy menace has begun to stalk her, and try as she might, Elizabeth can barely avoid the brutality of her life long enough to uncover the truth about herself. When it matters most, will she be able to rely on Fear to save her?

Some Quiet Place is a story that fully reflects its title, moving forward quietly and cautiously as we try to solve the beautiful riddle that is Elizabeth and her emotionally empty existence. It's certainly not a story that will appeal to all, the slower nature of it at times a touch tedious as we wait for a petal of romance or mystery to unfurl and reveal the striking color we know know is hidden behind Elizabeth's seemingly impenetrable facade, but the unusualness of the premise and the characters themselves easily pick us up and carry us through when we get stuck and find ourselves occasionally floundering.

Elizabeth is a young woman whom from the blurb we expect to be fairly lifeless and one-dimensional, her immunity to every Emotion keeping our expectations of her very low, but what we don't realize until we're in the middle of her story is how her lack of emotional response to various things serves to heighten our own. We feel a pressing desire to respond in situations where she can't or won't, taking on the sorrow, the fear, the guilt and the pain so as to catalog and record them for posterity, making sure the people who deserve those responses from her receive them even if they don't come from Elizabeth herself.

Elizabeth is not a shell of a person throughout though, showing moments and flashes of feeling when her mind stops reminding her of her emptiness and allows her heart to fill her many spaces, and we simply can't help but root for her and Fear to find the source of her condition so that we might know how she came to be the way she is. Luckily for us, almost all our questions are answered by the end, Elizabeth's journey one evidenced by a series of bloody footprints and pieces of herself left behind for us to find, but instead of there being nothing left at the finish line we find a distinct something–a young woman twisted and molded into different shapes by pain and loss but who emerges the most striking version of herself, ready to remove some of the weight from her shoulders through the acceptance of her past and her hope for the future.

Overall, Some Quiet Place is likely to be on of those stories that inspires a wide variety of conflicting opinions, perhaps a bit more of a mood read than a straightforward romance or mystery, but ultimately something rewarding in its haunting uniqueness.

Rating: 4/5 

Find Kelsey

This book was sent to me by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.


  1. I am so glad you like this, it seems not everyone was able to appreciate it. I agree that you definitely need to be in the mood for something different to enjoy this one and not count on a lot of romance.

    1. I really did like it! It was different, and I could appreciate that about it:)

  2. Sounds really good!! It truly sounds powerful and maybe a slower pace suits this story.

    1. The slower pace definitely did suit the story, and I was never bored, it just moved quietly along and too me with it:)

  3. I am a bit concerned that I wouldn't be able to connect to this protagonist if all she feels is emptiness. But it's definitely nice to hear that she does start to experience feelings at some points in the story. I think it's interesting that you say that her lack of emotion and reaction actually resulted in you feeling an even greater desire to respond in her stead. I think I would, too! Overall, I'm really impressed at the uniqueness of this one, even if I'm not sure about the protag. Thanks for the review, Jenny! Very enlightening.

    1. I initially thought that too Aylee, but I really did like Elizabeth by the end. And she has a very difficult life, so it's easy to root for her, and I definitely felt like I compensated when she didn't react emotionally. Very interesting:)

  4. This sounds very unique and mysterious. I'm a girl who loves mystery and I'm up for different. Elizabeth sounds traumatized but in the end transformed and hopeful. I like that things seem to be resolved and that there's a romance! Need the romance, Jenny! Wonderful review! I love that cover, btw. Creepy and beautiful. :)

    1. That it is! I loved seeing what Elizabeth went through and watching as she emerged on the other side:) And yes, there is romance, so WIN!

  5. It seem, by all the reviews coming in, that this is a love it or hate it kind of book. I'd love to listen to this on audio, I bet it would be easier to connect with an emotionally blank character if I could hear "her" telling me the story. Just the tone and inflection that a narrator uses can bring life to the flattest of characters.

    1. I think it's definitely that kind of book. It will strike a chord with some people, and just not work for others I think. These types of reads are always the most interesting for me though, I love reading how everyone's reactions differ.

  6. I've been very curious about this. I'm concerned that the slowness may not work for me since I'm short on patience these days, but for the most part this sounds very good. I'll have to pick it up when I'm feeling less stressed and able to not rush a book.

    Thanks for continuing to visit my blog Jenny! I think I should be able to settle in to regular commenting again now. Hopefully. ;)

    1. Definitely a mood read Candace. It just worked for me, and it's fairly short so it's a quick read, and you can't help but want to know how she got where she is!

      And of course I'd keep visiting:)

  7. Conflicting opinions, interesting, I do wonder what I would feel

    1. Yes, I love reading conflicting opinions!

  8. I'm reading this book right now and I'm 70 pages through (also got a finished copy from the publisher) and I'm quite liking it! I have read not so many great reviews so I was a bit scared I wouldn't like it, though I'm really liking it so far.

    great review!
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. Yay! I'm so glad Juhina:) I really enjoyed it as well, Fear was a fascinating love interest I thought!

  9. I like the sound of this one, even though I've read some mixed reviews. The concept is pretty cool, as is the cover!

    1. I loved the concept. And even though it was paranormal, I didn't have all the questions I usually have while reading. I was content to just let things unfold as they would:)

  10. I like books that have people either loving or hating it. It means that the author has hit an emotional button and really pulled you in!

    1. Yes! And the reviews on this one are widely varied, so it's fun to see what everyone thinks:)

  11. I have admired the cover, but haven't felt the need to even read the synopsis for some unknown reason so I had no idea what this was about until you started talking about it. Even though the MC seems lifeless at first sight, I feel like she is a complex character. And thank god that the questions are answered. I hate it when I have unanswered questions (unless it's Michelle Hodkin, who, let's face it, is awesome and Mara Dyer is definitely one of those mind-f books that works with all og those unanswered questions). Glad you enjoyed it, hon!

    1. Yes, I was so glad we got answers in the end! I need answers. Except from Michelle Hodkin, you're right. She's an expert in messing with my mind:)

  12. I am intrigued. (Is it just me or have I been using that word a lot? It seems like I have.) It sounds like a pretty unique concept and even though it does sound like one of those books that will get a range of reactions, it'd be worth checking out.

    1. I feel like I use that world all the time. I have to write my reviews with a thesaurus sometimes just because I feel like I use the same words over and over:) Definitely a unique concept, I enjoyed it!

  13. I've heard so many mixed things about this book, Jenny, and I'd actually removed it from my tbr. But your review along with Melissa's have given me hope that this might actually be an interesting read. I'll be sure to check it out from the library when it becomes available. I'm so curious about Elizabeth. I'm excited to know what made her such a feelingless being. Anyways, beautiful convincing review as always, Jenny!

    1. I wasn't sure what to expect Nick. I knew Melissa liked it and she and I are almost always on the same page, but I worried Elizabeth just wouldn't work for me. I was wrong, I really did like her despite the fact that she didn't always react to situations the way I wanted her to:)

  14. Yeah, I'd expect someone who was immune to emotions to be very difficult to connect with but I can see how she (and the reader) would then be hyper-aware of others' emotions. Still not convinced this is a book for me but it *could* be!

    1. Exactly! I would get upset on her behalf or feel guilty on her behalf, it was all very interesting:)

  15. No matter how many times I see this cover it creeps me out every time. Still this story sounds like an interesting read :) I mean being immune to emotions is something really new. Great review Jenny :)

    1. It is creepy. Creepy and beautiful. I think it might be less creepy if she had arms. Where are her arms?

  16. YAY! I have been looking forward to this review and you totally got me. I need to read it.

    1. Awesome, can't wait to see what you think Savy!

  17. I am not sure this book is for me, but the premise is intriguing and the character of Elizabeth sounds pretty cool. I like that almost all of your questions are answered by the end of the book. I feel like that is so rare lately! I think you are right...this one is definitely a mood read, so I will keep this one in mind. Thanks for the great review, Jenny!

    1. It definitely won't be for everyone:) I'll be interested to see what you think if you find yourself in the right mood Christina!

  18. I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I've seen quite a bit of it around, so I'm curious to give it a shot myself even though I'm not sure if it is for me. Great review, Jenny! :)

    1. It's definitely a conversation starter I think, and books like that are fun for me:)

  19. I am happy to see this book in a more positive light here. I had written this one off after reading some rather negative thoughts on it but I love the way you put everything. It sounds like you get wrapped up in the emotions of this one quite a bit!

    1. Thanks Jenni! I was impressed by this one, it was different and challenging and I just enjoyed the journey Elizabeth went on to figure out what happened to her.

  20. Squee, this book was so on my radar from the cover to the synopsis and a few reviews made me back off, and then another had me put it back on my list..but you my dear Jenny..i know that if you loved it, then I will!!

    1. I hope you do Kimba! It could be slow at times and left me wondering what exactly was going on, but I loved where everything ended up and I felt like I learned so much about Elizabeth by the time I reached the last page:)

  21. I've read some negative reviews of this and I was so disappointed because the premise of this story is so interesting, and it definitely had me excited to read it. I'm thrilled to read your beautiful review, because now I'm sure this would be a book I would enjoy. I'm very easily swept up in haunting, beautiful, unique stories, and I'm glad to hear that this one swept you up. Thanks for your thoughtful, lovely review Jenny! :-)

    1. I hope you like it Lauren! I was in the perfect mood for something that was a bit different and a bit quieter, I'd been reading some really action packed stories so it was a nice change of pace.

  22. I've read some average reviews about this book and it its peeking my interest, I wish I did request it from NetGalley now! Bum! Ha! However, is it a slow pace throughout the book as Elizabeth takes on slow, peaceful life!? I'm not sure if that would keep me interested, if you know what I mean! Anyways lovely review! :)

    1. No, Elizabeth's life is definitely not peaceful, it's just not one of those stories that leaves you with a cliffhanger at the end of every chapter and has your heart beating like crazy. Things happen for sure and there's a mystery to solve, so I think there's enough to keep you interested. I was at least!

  23. Oh, I'm so glad to see you enjoyed this one, too, Jenny! I really thought that the characterization was stellar, and I just loved Fear. Plus, Kelsey writes some beautiful prose, doesn't she? Great review, as usual :)

    1. I really loved Fear too. I both loved and hated him sometimes, he was such a fascinating being. I will definitely be reading more from Kelsey!

  24. I'm actually not entirely sure if I will enjoy this book since it sounds so uniquely different, but I'm glad you did! It's a relief to hear that most questions are answered by the end, which is always a plus! Wonderful review, Jenny!

    1. Yes, I was so glad things were wrapped up for the most part. I had some mild curiosities about certain things, but all in all my questions were answered.

  25. Ooooo yay! So excited to see what you think Heidi!

  26. Okay, I was curious about this one and at the same time worried that I may not get into it. It sounds like I would really like this girl and now you have me so curious. LOVE that all the questions get answered in the end. Plus, I have to meet Fear. Hm... that sounds strange. LOL

    1. FEAR MELISSA! He's just so interesting. Sometimes swoonworthy and sometimes not, and I just wanted more of him:)

  27. Intrigued by the unique premise of this one but wasn't really sure what it was about. our review was very helpful -- thanks so much :)

    Jen @ YA Romantics

  28. I can't believe this, you magical you. I gave this one a fair chance and decided to give up, not because of the slower pacing, but because it relied on some tropes that really bothered me. And YET, you and your gorgeous review are making me reconsider. Perhaps I should have read on, I should have given it another two or three chapters?
    I'll have to retry and see where we end up.

  29. Beautifully written review. I have been seeing mixed reviews on this book, nevertheless the premise seems unique and intriguing. Maybe I'll just check this one out.

  30. What a great review...this does sound like a pretty interesting read...thanks for giving me one more to add to my wishlist!

  31. I like your point about this as a mood read-I found it pretty atmospheric but wasn't quite on board with all of the characters and how the plot unfolded.

  32. I absolutely love the cover of this one. It's beautiful! Thanks so much for the review. I have been wanting to read this one, but haven't seen that many reviews. I'm still pretty excited to read this-even looking forward to the slower pace.

    Thanks Jenny!

    Sara @ Just Another Story
