Sunday, July 21, 2013

Super Six Sunday: Love Stories

Inspired by Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and The Bookish, Super Six Sunday, a new feature from the fabulous ladies at Bewitched Bookworms, has different book-related topics each week and asks participants to address each topic in the form of a list of six. Obviously.

This week's topic is love stories, and given how much I love romance, it's both an awesome and a terrible prompt for me. Awesome because there are so many amazing love stories out there that have made me swoon, and terrible because it was nearly impossible to narrow it down to just six. I had to limit the topic even further in my head in order to choose books, so I went with love stories that feature really strong heroines, emotionally and physically, who aren't afraid to challenge the men in their lives. I think all six of the below women push buttons, question, and frustrate their men, but they are also loyal, powerful in their own ways, and are absolute equal partners in the relationship. Love them.

Nalini Singh • Adult Paranormal Romance

Nalini Singh is one of my very favorite authors, and her Psy-Changeling paranormal romance series has been one I've been obsessed with for years. We meet Hawke and Sienna in book one, but it takes another 8 books–yes eight, I died a little inside when each book that released wasn't theirs–before they finally get together. To be fair, they need all that time as Sienna is significantly younger than Hawke, but their journey in this book is one I've taken with them over and over again and will continue to do so for years to come.

Karen Marie Moning • Adult Urban Fantasy

I'm sure many of you have heard the word Barrons uttered (or exhaled on a shaky breath full of longing) even if you haven't yet read this series. Jericho Barrons is not your typical romance hero. He's often neither romantic nor heroic. He's downright cruel at times and the force of his personality can be overwhelming. It's as easy to hate him as it is to love him, but Mac holds her own and never takes a step back when he takes a threatening step forward. Instead, she meets him with a step of her own, and the two of them fight, taunt, argue and then explode romantically as the series continues, and I just can't recommend their story enough. It's definitely NOT a conventional love story in any way, and that's part of what I like so much about the two of them.

Erin McCarthy • Contemporary New Adult

True came to be in my hands just at the moment when the New Adult genre got to be at its most frustrating for me, the angst and drama of the relationships starting to test my patience and grate on my nerves, but then along came Rory. Rory wouldn't know how to play a game romantically with a guy if someone gave her a series of directions to review beforehand, and her honesty with everything she's feeling quickly led her to the top of my favorite heroines list. Tyler is a bit more cliched - a bad boy with a difficult past, but he's not nearly as superficial as labeling him a bad boy makes him seem, and I couldn't have loved him with Rory any more if I'd tried.

Diana Peterfreund • Young Adult/Dystopian

This story is one of the most romantic stories I've read where the hero and heroine don't even do so much as kiss on page. Elliot and Kai are all tension and hurt, dancing around one another as they search desperately in each other for the person they knew when they were younger, but whereas Kai takes his opportunities to land his emotional punches, Elliot always pulls hers, earning my respect and her place on this list. Despite all the lingering pain between them, there are such beautiful moments in this tale, and I always look forward to going back and spending time with Elliot an Kai on a re-read.

Elizabeth Norris • Paranormal Young Adult/SciFi

Unraveling is one of those books that took me by complete surprise, the blurb initially one that held no interest for me, but when I was lucky enough to get a review copy I decided I might as well give it a try. I fell in love with Janelle on nearly the first page, her sense of humor and low tolerance for the petty games of the popular crowd winning me over immediately. When Ben enters the picture there is no swooning (except on my part), and their relationship is one of tentative friendship and wary attraction for a long time before it becomes something much more heartwarming.

Susan Ee • Paranormal Young Adult

Like Unraveling, Angelfall was a complete surprise for me, a story I entered into not really knowing what to expect but I quickly found myself blown away. Penryn is fiercely protective of her younger sister, and when she gets taken, embarks on a long and terrifying journey with the dubious help of wingless angel Raffe to find her again. I loved everything about this book and the relationship between Penryn and Raffe, the antagonism and distrust between them ever-so slowly fading to leave genuine affection in its place. Again, a bit darker and less traditional of a love story, but strikingly memorable and beautiful just the same.

Those are six of my very favorites, what love story would top your list?


  1. For Darkness Shows The Stars would DEFINITELY be on my list too. I adored that book so much. I think I may have to read it once a year, it's that good. :)

    1. YEAH!!!! Me too, definitely one I can read over and over:) Loved Elliot and Kai so much!

  2. Oh gosh, I have read very few of these on your list but I think I own every single one of them, how sad is that!
    Guess I need to bump some of these up. I am a sucker for romance in any genre. I would have a super hard time just picking six as well!

    1. It was near impossible! I live for romance, so almost all the books I read have a romance of some kind in them, so I tried to pick reads that were a little less conventional or challenging:)

  3. How I waited for Hawke's story too, waited and waited, awww Hawke.

    But a lovestory, hm, Hawke's? Yes I can't think of anything ;)

    1. Yesssss. I am madly in love with Hawke. The wait for him was crazy long, but so worth it:)

  4. BARRONS!<333 ;) I love that love story, not to mention the one in Angelfall. I've been meaning to read Nalini Singh for awhile now, so I hope to get to her soon!(:

    1. BARRONS!!!! He's amazing. Ryodan is starting to creep up on his awesomeness and may overtake him at some point, but for now it's Barrons for me:)

  5. Your six just made me want to read them all over again! Barrons!! And the whole psy-changeling series and woot!

    1. YES! I feel a need to reread the psy changeling series again coming on. All this talk of Hawke and Sienna has me wanting to go back to the beginning:)

  6. Great picks, Jenny! Yes to Darkfever and Angelfall. I haven't heard some of the books you mentioned about but the novel True definitely took my interest. I know what you mean about NAs being too frustrating and angsty so it's always great to find one that is fun and different. For Darkness Shows the Stars too sounds interesting and you mentioned that its one of the most romantic stories you've read, I'll have to check that one out. Thanks for sharing this, Jenny! :)

    1. I loved both True and For Darkness Shows the Stars Eunice, they're amazing. Rory in True is just such a great character, she was so upfront about everything and there was no push and pull and no game playing. I just loved her:)

  7. I love that you picked Unraveling and True. Yay! Loved these two!! I haven't read Darkfever yet (nor have I read Angelfall which I own), but I'm planning on purchasing the books so I can get to know these characters everyone is raving about. I'd add Josh and Nastya, Will and Layken (or Sky and Holder) and also.. there's just something about Tris & Four and Perry & Aria. Ah, I just love my romance, haha. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday, sweetie!

    1. Oh yes, I almost had Perry and Aria on there, but I haven't read Through the Ever Night yet, so I held off. I still need to meet Will and Layken and Sky and Holder! So many great couples I need to meet yet:)

  8. I loved the romance in the Fever series and the romance in Angelfall, I have to agree that they are definitely books up there as my all time favourites! I haven't read a few others that you mentioned, but being the romance junkie that I am I'm sure that I'll love them too! :)

    1. Angelfall just blew me away Jasprit! I honestly had no idea what to expect going in, and angel books are usually hit or miss with me, but Angelfall was a massive hit. Is it time for book 2 yet?

  9. Well you moved up a few on my WL or TBR!
    I agree that the Fever series romance is very different, but it's just so sizzling!
    I love slow burn romance!
    I have been frustrated with NA romance too, it's good to know that True isn't like that, I'll have to pick it up.
    Great selection of books!

    1. True was awesome Candace! It was just such a refreshing read for me. I was dreading it just a touch because the setup was pretty familiar, but Rory and Tyler were just fantastic. And BARRONS. I couldn't not include him:)

  10. Do not think I've read any of these books, thanks for the tip :)

    1. Glad I could put these on your radar Elin!

  11. Have you read Heart of Obsidian? I'm loving it. Hawke and Sienna are my ABSOLUTE favorites, but Kaleb's story is pretty-freaking-awesome. I usually like the changeling heroes best, but, he's hawt.

    1. I still need to read Heart of Obsidian Ruby! I can't wait for Kaleb's story, I don't think I've read a bad review of it yet. I'm with you, I always gravitate toward the changeling heroes as well, but I'm thinking I'm going to love Kaleb:)

    2. I think you'll love him, definitely. I get the feeling--even more than I did reading Kiss of Snow--that Nalini has been building up to Kaleb's story for a long, long time. I think it's a game-changer for the series.

  12. MAC AND BARRONS AMAN!!!! They deserve to be in all caps whenever mentioned:) I adore Nalini's Guild Hunter series as well, Raphael and Elena almost made it on this list, but Hawke and Sienna and the wait for them just bumped R&E off:)

  13. YES YOU DO HEIDI!!! Such a fabulous series, I highly, highly recommend it. I can't wait for Across a Star Swept Sea, I'm hoping its' as amazing as For Darkness Shows the Stars:)

  14. Of all of those, I've only read Angelfall and I couldn't agree with you more. I have a few of the others and plan to get to them this winter. I guess I'm going to have to find out who Mac and Barron's are. It's like not knowing who Patch is or not knowing who Edward, Jacob and Bella are. I just feel like my reading experience is not complete if I don't know them. Thanks for sharing!!!

  15. Angelfall is that good ??!? I didn't know this and now really need to read this book! But what also surprised me to find on your list was this Changeling series.... it seems like I must read this series at some point..

    And OMG yes, Holy Cow - Barrons and Mac will always be one of my favorite's too even though it's not a traditional love story... I think I need to reread the books now.

  16. I've only read the YA books on this list but the romances in them were amazing. Your quote about For Darkness Shows the Stars where you say, "This story is one of the most romantic stories I've read where the hero and heroine don't even do so much as kiss on page," is so true. It just shows that you don't need to have make out scenes for a good romance (although it is preferred :).

  17. I totally enjoyed 'True'! It's definitely one that sticks out to me, and I've read a LOT of NA. I think I love that it does sound cliche, but it manages to be really emotionally truthful with great characters.

  18. Cool! I loved all of these book. I still need to read True.

  19. Oh, yes, I love LOVE LOVE Janelle and Ben! I'm so glad they found their place on your list. For me, the number 1 would have to be Sean and Puck from The Scorpio Races since they're my favorite couple ever. ("I will not be your weakness, Sean Kendrick." "It's too late for that, Puck." *melts*)

    There are quite a few that come after them, but nothing, nothing in the world compares to that subtle sweetness.

  20. Yay For Darkness Shows the Stars! And on the Karen Moning front, have you heard whether she's writing a follow up to Iced?

  21. LOVE LOVE This post. What fun! OMG BARRONS. I'm shaking now. I agree SA-WOON. Goodness that guy. I also love FDSTS - AGREED. So achingly romantic without kissing. AMAZING. Also Unraveling and Angelfall. GREAT picks, lady. I will be back for more of these fun posts, and I will put TRUE on my list ASAP.

  22. Ooh wonderful choices! I'm totally right there with you on Angelfall, For Darkness Shows the Stars, and Unraveling. What i love about this list is the books I haven't read yet, that are going straight into my TBR. (Okay to be fair, you had already put Darkfever in my TBR ages ago with your lovely reviews and discussion post, but it still counts). Thanks for sharing these and for giving me loads of new recommendations! I love the swoon, but it's always so much better when the heroines are strong, challenge their men, and push buttons. Awesome post!
