Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: The Haven

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine and is a fun way to see what books other bloggers just can't wait to get their hands on!

Carol Lynch Williams
Paranormal Young Adult/Dystopian
Releases March 4th, 2014 from St. Martin's Griffin

From Goodreads:

For the teens at The Haven, the outside world, just beyond the towering stone wall that surrounds the premises, is a dangerous unknown. It has always been this way, ever since the hospital was established in the year 2020. But The Haven is more than just a hospital; it is their home. It is all they know. Everything is strictly monitored: education, exercise, food, and rest. The rules must be followed to keep the children healthy, to help control the Disease that has cast them as Terminals, the Disease that claims limbs and lungs—and memories.

But Shiloh is different; she remembers everything. Gideon is different, too. He dreams of a cure, of rebellion against the status quo. What if everything they’ve been told is a lie? What if The Haven is not the safe place it claims to be? And what will happen if Shiloh starts asking dangerous questions?

Though the premise doesn't sound completely new or different and the YA market is certainly saturated with dystopians at the moment, I still find myself intrigued by this one. The cover is gorgeous, clean and simple, and I can't help but be drawn to a book that just begs me to ask all sorts of "what if" questions. I'm a questioner to the nth degree when reading, and The Haven is simply taunting to me with its mysteries, so all I have left to say about this book is yes, please:)


  1. I hadn't heard of this one yet, it sounds fantastic!

    1. I'm super excited about it! Except for the release date of course, that could be earlier and I wouldn't mind a bit ;-)

  2. Exactly like you said, right now it doesn't stand out among the other dystopian stories because they all sounds the same.
    Just like NA books right now for me...

    So, I'm still looking forward hearing your thoughts on this one!

    1. I'm not over dystopians yet, they still fascinate me. I'm taking a break from NA, but I'm all for this one!

  3. I think we all say that we're getting tired of Dystopians, but deep down, we are all still in love with them. This one does sound good, and I'm definitely intrigued. Thanks for sharing, Jenny! I hope you get to read it soon. :)

    1. This one asks "what if" questions. I love "what if" questions!

  4. Oh this one does sound good! I ma adding it to my TBR pile right now!

  5. OOoh sounds interesting! Haven't heard of this one before!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Oh yes, I agree with you. YA market is being controlled by dystopians (as well as contemps). I'm still quite intrigued by them and I believe there'll be book that can stand next to Divergent, THG and The Maze Runner and not be outshadowed by these big series. I seriously hope this will be the book for you and, yes, of course the cover is g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s:)

    1. Isn't it pretty? I love the colors and the big, bold font:) I'm hoping the story is as awesome as the cover is gorgeous.

  7. I strongly believe that your and Sam have some secret stash where you hide all these amazing picks! I have never heard of this one but I fell in love with the cover not to talk about idea. Amazing pick Jenny. It goes on my to-read list :)

    1. Hahaha I found this one last week whilst trolling the Macmillan catalog. They have some fabulous books coming out next year:)

  8. I'm not all that into dystopia or post-apocalyptic fiction, as you know, but I've heard lots of good things about Carol Lynch Williams.

    1. I haven't read anything by her yet, so I'm excited to try this one.

  9. This is new to me, but I love Carol Lynch Williams. I have read Miles From Ordinary and The Chosen One, which are both edge of your seat/realistic reads, so I am interested to read a sci-fi/dystopian from her. Great pick, Jenny!

    1. I still need to read her! I love finding new-to-me authors, so I might have to read something on her backlist to tide me over until this comes out:)

  10. I'm so tired of YA dystopians (whose names aren't Allegiant!), so I think I'll wait to see how this series shapes up before diving in. I love the cover, though. I remember there was a phase in YA where there were a LOT of butterfly covers, so I guess it's back? Lovely pick, Jenny!(:

    1. Hahaha Allegiant is haunting everyone I think! YA covers, like the stories themselves, definitely move in circular trends. I'm sure the girls in dresses trend will loop back around too!

  11. You're right. It doesn't sound like anything new, but I'm still very intrigued. I'm not over dystopians yet. And I'm curious as to why there's a butterfly on the cover.
    Thanks for sharing, Jenny! :)

    1. Same! This book is going to make me ask questions and I always enjoy books like that.

  12. Sometimes all a book needs is great writing and a slight twist on the same-old, same-old, you know? I love the sound of it, and Carol is such a brilliant writer that I'm really intrigued! Those butterflies remind me of something though...thoughts?

    1. Possession maybe? That one had the butterfly in the ice cube design and was really simple like this cover. I'm of course drawing a blank on butterfly covers now that you've asked me about it:)

  13. Jenny once again you've managed to find another great read, I agree if I had read the premise anywhere else I don't think I would have found it appealing at all. But your excitement is definitely catching. Great pick! :)

  14. I haven't heard of this book before, but it sounds amazing! Great pick, can't wait for it to come out!

  15. Jenny, you once again picked a book that sounds awesome!

  16. I've been struggling a bit with dystopias lately, but I haven't been able to resist a gorgeous cover once so far, I doubt I'll start now. While you're right that this sounds pretty run of the mill, you never know, it might just surprise us. :)

  17. I haven't heard of this one before, surprisingly! It definitely doesn't sound like something unique or anything in the genre, but I'm thinking that if the execution is done well, then this will be a really enjoyable read! Plus, I ADORE that cover.

    Lovely pick! <3

  18. I hadn't heard of this one either, and even if there are dystopians out there in YA, they're still selling well because they still make for good stories. The cover is quite beautiful - I love the font and the colors. As you said: Clean but still eye-catching. I do like that the synopsis begs you to ask what if questions, so I also find myself intrigued by the religious name. Shiloh? Could this be some sort of biblical reference that'll play into what the Haven actually is?

  19. This sounds sooo cool! The dystopian genre isn't all that different but I totally get what you mean by being drawn to it. The story does suck you in. I also love that cover. I wonder if it has anything to do with the story, though? Adding this to my tbr! Thanks for bringing it to my attention, girl! Great pick! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  20. I like these kind of books. Oh you have made me want this one too!

  21. Definitely not an original story but I'm curious to see what the author does with it, how she twists this story so it *isn't* just another YA dystopia story. Like the cover, too!

  22. My one problem with this book is that I consistently get it mixed up with Kristi Cook's Haven. They both have a butterfly on the cover, in addition to the almost-the-same-name.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I am going to put it on my tbr shelf. Sounds interesting

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Jen you are like me..I am a sucker for dystopian and always hoping to find those stand outs..will be keeping my eye on this one! Great pick :)

  27. I love that when well done a million dystopians can have the same premise yet still be fresh! This sounds like it has great possibilities!

  28. Ooh yes, you're right, this does have me full of questions! And I really love that cover too. Awesome WoW choice! :-)

  29. The cover is beautiful and simple, but I'm a little dystopianed out a the moment (what? It's a word! Lol!) Hope you like this one, Jenny. :)

  30. I hadn't heard of this, but I'm definitely intrigued!

  31. I do like the cover for this a lot but the plot isn't really grabbing me. I'll need to see some very good reviews before I dare to try it.

  32. You're right, Dystopians seem very overdone right now. BUT I agree, the cover is gorgeous, and after reading that summary, I'm dying to find out what is really happening in this world. Thanks for blogging this one!
