Friday, February 14, 2014

The Big Love Letter Event + Giveaway: Kasie West + Tiffany Schmidt

Today marks week two of The Big Love Letter Event, a joint month-long feature hosted by Danny from Bewitched Bookworms and myself, and I hope you guys are having as much fun with these letters as we are. If you didn't get a chance, be sure and check out last week's love song from Kaidan Rowe and Wendy Higgins!

First of all, I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! Valentine's Day is a bit of a polarizing holiday, with some people expressing enthusiasm for a day celebrating love in all its various forms and others not feeling it so much, but for me any holiday that encourages the consumption of large quantities of chocolate is epic and earns my wholehearted approval. I'm looking at you too, Halloween ;-)

As a result of the aforementioned polarizing effect Valentine's Day has on the masses, I thought it might be fun to acknowledge the myriad of emotional reactions to this holiday with not just one love letter today, but two. The first is from Kasie West, an author who rocketed onto my radar with last year's Pivot Point (I LOVE YOU TREVOR!) and has continued to impress me with her extraordinary sense of humor and her engaging, witty characters. She was nice enough to share a letter from Caymen from The Distance Between Us to her boyfriend Xander, giving all of us a sweet look at their relationship.

• • • • • CAYMEN'S LOVE LETTER • • • • •

Dearest Dollface,

This being our very first Valentine’s Day together, I expect a big gift. Maybe a small jet or a tropical island. See, doesn’t it sound ridiculous when you read it? So please don’t buy me a gift that you know I can’t come anywhere close to reciprocating. I’m thinking something like a pre-sipped beverage or a movie in your fancy theater room will be perfect. As for my gift to you, I was thinking of buying you a porcelain doll. I know how much you love them. I found one that looks a lot like you, well, I might have to add a pinky ring, but then it will be spot on.

But in all seriousness (because I can hear you saying, ‘now your real answer’), I adore you, Xander. The last few months have been the best of my life. It’s been amazing touring some of your hotels with you and I can’t wait to see more. Mainly because I like hanging out with you, not necessarily because your hotels are all that interesting. And thank you for pretending that hanging out in my tiny apartment is the highlight of your day. It makes my mom feel good. Okay, it makes me happy too.

Don’t ever leave me or I’ll have to kill you. And I don’t want to dig your grave alone. It would be very very shallow. Oh wait…they have machines for that. Never mind. I love you, babe. Happy Valentine’s Day. Now look up from this letter, give me one of your heart-stopping smiles, and kiss me.

- Caymen 
• • • • • • • • • • • 

(Available Now)

Seventeen-year-old Caymen Meyers studies the rich like her own personal science experiment, and after years of observation she’s pretty sure they’re only good for one thing—spending money on useless stuff, like the porcelain dolls in her mother’s shop.

So when Xander Spence walks into the store to pick up a doll for his grandmother, it only takes one glance for Caymen to figure out he’s oozing rich. Despite his charming ways and that he’s one of the first people who actually gets her, she’s smart enough to know his interest won’t last. Because if there’s one thing she’s learned from her mother’s warnings, it’s that the rich have a short attention span. But Xander keeps coming around, despite her best efforts to scare him off. And much to her dismay, she's beginning to enjoy his company.

She knows her mom can’t find out—she wouldn’t approve. She’d much rather Caymen hang out with the local rocker who hasn’t been raised by money. But just when Xander’s attention and loyalty are about to convince Caymen that being rich isn’t a character flaw, she finds out that money is a much bigger part of their relationship than she’d ever realized. And that Xander’s not the only one she should’ve been worried about.

Find Kasie

• • • • • JONAH'S ANTI-LOVE LETTER • • • • •

The second letter today is a bit of an anti-love letter written by Jonah from Tiffany Schmidt's upcoming contemporary young adult release, Bright Before Sunrise. In her email to me, Tiffany wrote " characters don't like each other that much early in the book"; a statement that had me pre-ordering it immediately because I'm a MASSIVE sucker for antagonistic relationships. Yes, please and thank you! I thought it was the perfect addition to this event and today's post in particular, so I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did!

From Tiffany:

This letter is written from Jonah’s point of view and takes place during chapter five (“How Do You Say ’50 Minutes of Torture’ in Spanish”) of BRIGHT BEFORE SUNRISE. If anyone wants to read those chapters (and a few beyond) they’re available on Wattpad.


I slash her name across the top of the back of an extra worksheet then glance around and fold that part under. I know what I’m doing is ridiculous, and it’s not like I’d ever actually give this to her, but maybe if I write it out, I’ll be a little less pissed.

And the only other thing I have to do until the bell rings is check my phone under my desk and wonder why Carly’s not texting back.

Get a clue. The fact that you’re hot doesn’t mean you get whatever you want. And I guess I’m a minority of one, because I don’t want you.

Not that I think you want me. I’d probably have to go through a 50-step background check before I was allowed to kiss you. And I’d never pass.

But I need you to leave me alone. I don’t want to volunteer on any of your stupid projects. I don’t want you to fix my locker. I don’t want you to say hi to me in the hallway and flash me that smile. The one that—for just a second—makes me forget why I hate you.

Everyone else ignores me. Why can’t you?

- Jonah
• • • • • • • • • • • 

(releases February 18th from Walker Children's

When Jonah is forced to move from Hamilton to Cross Pointe for the second half of his senior year, "miserable" doesn't even begin to cover it. He feels like the doggy-bag from his mother's first marriage and everything else about her new life—with a new husband, new home and a new baby—is an upgrade. The people at Cross Pointe High School are pretentious and privileged—and worst of all is Brighton Waterford, the embodiment of all things superficial and popular. Jonah’s girlfriend, Carly, is his last tie to what feels real... until she breaks up with him.

For Brighton, every day is a gauntlet of demands and expectations. Since her father died, she’s relied on one coping method: smile big and pretend to be fine. It may have kept her family together, but she has no clue how to handle how she's really feeling. Today is the anniversary of his death and cracks are beginning to show. The last thing she needs is the new kid telling her how much he dislikes her for no reason she can understand. She's determined to change his mind, and when they're stuck together for the night, she finally gets her chance.

Jonah hates her at 3p.m., but how will he feel at 3 a.m.?

One night can change how you see the world. One night can change how you see yourself.

Find Tiffany

• • • • • • • • • • • 


Danny and I have an amazing giveaway to share with you all, one that will have 14 winners in total!
  • Winners 1 and 2: Each will get a book of their choice from one of the authors featured during the event (open internationally as long as Book Depository ships to you!)
  • Winner 3 : Signed Copy of Crash Into You by Katie McGarry (open US/CAN only) – Prize is provided by the author – A huge thank you to Katie!
  • Winners 4- 14: Sweet Trilogy swag packs from Wendy Higgins (open internationally) - Prize is provided by the author – Thank you so much Wendy!
The giveaway will run until March 7th and you can enter via the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to check back both here and at Bewitched Bookworms every Friday in February for more letters and a whole lot more love from these fantastic authors:

•      Wendy Higgins (Sweet Reckoning)
•      Katie McGarry (Crash Into You)
•      Kasie West (Split Second)
•      Sara B. Larson (Defy)
•      A.C. Gaughen (Lady Thief)
•      Tiffany Schmidt (Bright Before Sunrise)
•      Gena Showalter (The Queen of Zombie Hearts)
•      Nichole Chase (Recklessly Royal)
•      Lorraine Heath (When the Duke Was Wicked)
•      Lynne Matson (Nil)


  1. Ohhhh my Aweeesome! I haven't read both books yet, even though I'm a big fan of Kasie West. But after reading this Love letter I know I NEED to finally read it!!

    Also, this "Anti - Love Letter" is actually pretty awesome and teasing and most definitely makes me want to read the book right now!! *runs to buy some books*

    1. I really enjoyed The Distance Between us Danny! And I CANNOT WAIT for Bright Before Sunrise. I love antagonistic relationships so much:)

  2. "Now look up from this letter, give me one of your heart-stopping smiles, and kiss me."
    I <3 Kasie West's Distance Between Us!! :)

  3. OMG I think I just died a little, because that was the sweetest Valentine's Day letter I have ever read. GAHHH!!! THIS BOOK NEEDS A SEQUEL NOVELLA OR SOMETHING WITH JUST ALL THAT SWEETNESS :') "I was thinking of buying you a porcelain doll. I know how much you love them. I found one that looks a lot like you, well," HAHAHAHAHA I laughed so hard lol.

    Ah, the anti-love letter is cute as well:) I love how sometimes you just can't help but fall in love without meaning to and you do everything in your power to fight it, but it still sneaks up on you. Heh. Seems like someone is in trouble with that :D

    Thanks so much for sharing and Happy Valentine's Day, gorgeous!

    1. Jonah does sounds like he's in a little bit of trouble doesn't he? Love when that anger turns into something else:) So glad you're enjoying the letters Siiri, Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. I haven't read Bright Before Sunrise, but I have read The Distance Between Us and that letter was so cute! It definitely had Caymen and her sarcasm all over it! Seriously though, that story was just absolutely adorable - definitely a reread!

    1. Bright Before Sunrise comes out in just a couple days, I hope you give it a try! And I adored The Distance Between Us as well, she has such a great sense of humor:)

  5. I didn't expect that "anti" love letter of sorts, though it was creative. Caymen's letter is incredibly sweet, though I'd have preferred one from Trevor. *swoon* Wonderful post, Jenny, and thanks for sharing this with us this Valentine's Day!(:

    1. Yes! I thought it was perfect to have a love letter AND an anti-love letter for Valentine's day:) I wouldn't have minded a letter from Trevor either...maybe next year ;-)

  6. For some reason, Jonah's anti love-letter makes me very, very happy haha does this make me a bad person?! But seriously, if my husband ever wrote me something like Caymen did, I'd die of syrupy happiness. Happy Valentine's Day, friend!

    1. Right? I can't wait to see how their relationship develops! If you're a bad person as a result of loving their antagonism, then so am I and I don't even care:)

  7. Aww! <3 Caymen's letter is the sweetest and gave me all the feels. This is making me want to re-read the book soon. She's adorable. That doll comment had me giggling.

    Haha! Jonah's letter is epic. I definitely need to read the book to see them fall for each other. You know how I love these antagonistic romances.

    Thanks for sharing these, Jenny! Happy Valentine's Day. :)

    1. Antagonism for the win Nick! I just love those hate to love type stories. SO GOOD! Glad you enjoyed Caymen's letter too, it was fun to hear from her again!

  8. I absolutely love Trevor too, Jenny!!! So excited to get my hands on a copy of Split Second to be reunited again. :) I haven't read Kasie's contemporary romance book but I'm really looking forward to it. And that anti-love letter from Jonah made me go "aww, he's smitten but he doesn't want to show it." Happy Valentines Day!

    1. Trevor just makes me happy Rummanah! I think you'll really enjoy Split Second - lots of him:) I can't wait to meet Jonah in Bright Before Sunrise, it should be fun to watch the two of them fall for one another!

  9. LOL! I loved both of them -- both the love letter and anti-love letter (there's just something about an antagonistic relationship that makes my shriveled little heart happy). This is such a fun thing that y'all are doing!

    1. MINE TOO MARY! I need it to be Tuesday already so I can have that book in my hands:) I'm glad you're enjoying the event, I'm thinking we might have to make it a yearly endeavor!

  10. I love Caymen and Jonah's letters they both reveal a lot. You can tell that have it bad :) Awesome post! Happy Valentines Day!

    1. Happy Valentine's Day to you too Kim! Glad you're having fun reading the letters:)

  11. This was awesome, I love Caymen and I haven't even read the book yet!
    Great letters!

    Happy valentines Day Jenny!!

    1. To you as well Ali! I hope you give both these books a try:)

  12. I've really been wanting to read The Distance Between Us! This is such a fun post and a creative idea for a V-day feature!

    1. Thank you Candace! Danny and I are having so much fun with it, and all the authors have been AWESOME. Happy Valentine's Day!

  13. That first letter is so Cayman! I loved her sense of humor and it's great to "see" her and Xander again, if it it for a brief moment. :)

    I'm looking forward to reading Tiffany's book, one of these days.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the letters Chanpreet!!!

  14. Loved those letters. The first was just sweet enough with out being way too sweet. The second one... well, I think he doth proteseth too much. LOL :D

  15. OMG! That letter from Caymen has me beaming! LOVED IT! Kasie West rocks so hard.

  16. Oh well, those are both great in their own way. I'm going to be a dork, I mean book blogger at a signing with Kasie West. I'll tell her how much I liked that love letter. OH something to say!!!! Thanks Jenny!

    Now, I need to put Bright Before Sunrise on my pre-order list. It sounds great. I already like Jonah, a boy writing non love letters is one step closer to writing love letters and who can resist that!

  17. 2 letters, wow! Just had to make more room on my TBR pile!

  18. both those letters! I've read The Distance Between Us but not the second book and now I really want to! (mission accomplished Tiffany Schmidt!)

    And yes to holidays with chocolate and candy! Except, I must admit, that this time of year begins to get to me a little because we are in the middle of what I call "candy season'", that time between Halloween and Easter when there is ALWAYS candy in my house thanks to my two boys. And with candy season's antithesis just around the corner (that would be BATHING SUIT season) I'm kinda ready for the it to be over. Kinda. :)

  19. This is such an amazing feature! I loved The Distance Between Us and that letter is so adorable. Jonah's pretty amazing, too ;)

  20. Bright Before Sunrise looks really good; I'll have to check it out. :) And I'm so excited to read Split Second...!

  21. I love the letter. It seemed that Cayman has the wrong impression of Xander. He may ooze money but he sounds like a decent guy. Love to read the story.

  22. "Don’t ever leave me or I’ll have to kill you. And I don’t want to dig your grave alone. It would be very very shallow." I LOVE THIS LETTER. :-) Adorable! (But duh, it's Kasie West, what did I expect?) And what a fun letter from Jonah too! I love this event, these posts are so fun thanks for sharing. :-)

  23. Hey Jenny! Great post. I have my eye on Bright On Sunrise and love Kasie. her books are awesome.

  24. I love kasie 's writing . I need more lol

  25. I've only read the first book, and I love that letter from Caymen. But what I LOVE even more is this series of posts. It is the BEST ever. I can't wait for more more more.

  26. I have yet to read anything by this author, but she is on my Must- Read- Author list .just because of reviews that I have read. And now these awesome letters... Definitely a muster!

  27. Interesting :D
    I'm so looking forward to read these books! :)
    Thanks :)

  28. I am ashamed to admit I have not read anything from both these great authors but the time will come for sure. And I loved the letters in conjunction with Vday!

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  30. I've only read the first book, and I love that letter from Caymen. But what I LOVE even more is this series of posts. It is the event study methodology.
