Monday, March 14, 2016

Blog, Interrupted

Hey Everyone!

I just wanted to write a quick post today to share an update on this blog. As most of you know, work has been really busy for me the past few months, so I haven't been able to focus on the blog as much as I have over the past 5 years (I can hardly believe this is my 6th year!). The fact that my (relatively) new business venture has generated enough interest to necessitate working overtime nights and weekends is a fantastic problem to have, but it's also meant that this blog isn't the escape that it used to be when I worked in an unrelated field.

Since a lot of my clients have found me through the blog, it's become an extension of my work, and therefore something that has come to feel as such rather than something fun and different from what I did everyday. The drive to read has been steadily decreasing for me as a result, so over the past year I've dropped down from 3 reviews a week to 2 just to keep up, but even with that change I'm still having some trouble getting posts together each and every day.

Long story short (sort of?), I'm going to start posting just 4 days a week instead of 5 temporarily, giving myself Mondays off from blog responsibilities to focus more on work. Once I get caught up a bit more I'll bump it back up because I love this blog and this community, but for now I'm granting myself this small break. I'll have reviews on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a WoW meme on Wednesdays, and a Flourish post, tour stop, or interview on Fridays.

So many of you have left amazingly supportive comments when I've had to admit to not having posts prepared here and there recently, and I can't tell you how much they mean to me! I can't help but put pressure on myself to deliver content each day, but I need to cut back just a touch so I don't burn myself out entirely:)

Talk to you all tomorrow!


  1. good luck with everything girl!

  2. Do what you have to do, Jenny. No one will fault you for posting less. Besides, I love seeing all of your new work that you've been putting all that time into.

    1. Thanks Christy! It's been hard trying to juggle everything lately, so I'm hoping this extra day will will help:)

  3. Taking a step back to make sure you don't burn yourself out and to allow some free time or to focus more on work is the right thing!! *hugs*

    1. Thanks Pili! I just need a little extra time to get caught up with everything!

  4. Yes! Definitely take a break and a step one will mind! I know I do all the time when things get hectic. That is so awesome your business is taking happy for you! I can't wait to see more of your designs.

    1. Thanks Christina! I couldn't be happier to be this busy, but it does make finding reading and blogging time more challenging:)

  5. Jenny, you definitely shouldn't stress about not having posts every day. I love reading your posts, but I need you happy and not stressed out. Besides, I'm too happy that your business is flourishing so well!
    Take care, Jenny! <3

    1. THANK YOU NICK! I'm so grateful the business is doing well, it's the best kind of problem to have:)

  6. We all need a break Jenny and don't feel guilty or bad about it at all, you need to do what is best and it is fantastic that your wok has taken off like it has. You are so incredibly talented! Just keeping sharing those gorgeous covers with us and we will all be happy. ;P

    1. Thank you Ali! I love sharing my covers on the blog, and I have lots more on the way:)

  7. I'm so excited that your business is picking up, Jenny! Don't worry at all about posting less!

    1. Thank you, thank you Z! I so appreciate all the support:)

  8. Jenny, I'm so glad you're making this decision because you definitely deserve the time off and posting shouldn't feel like a chore. I'm so happy for you that your business is picking up and I admire you so much for posting so regularly while pursuing your dreams--that's truly incredible! I hope the Mondays off will help, dear! :)

    1. Thank you Keertana! I've been trying to make everything work but I'm exhausted and need something to give. I'm hoping this extra day will make juggling work and the blog easier!

  9. Good for you on giving yourself time to do your work tasks before getting too too overwhelmed! I post 4 times a week most weeks and I find it really works for me and my life/work schedule so I hope it'll be the same for you :) Congrats on your work going so amazingly too ♥

    1. Yes! I think 4 days will be perfect Micheline:) It will make life easier for sure.

  10. I'm so happy that your design business is flourishing, Jenny! Do what needs to be done and I'm still amazed how often you post and how organized you are. I love reading your post - so I hope this works well for you because I know how much you love book blogging :)

    1. Thank you Kim! I do adore book blogging and it was causing me stress not being able to keep up as much lately, so I think this is a good thing:)

  11. Been there (well not the job bleeding into the blog) but I cut back on my blog too. You will feel much lighter :) Plus, it means the posts that go up will have more of your spunk in it :)

    1. I already feel lighter just making the decision! It's only one day, but I think it's going to make a big difference moving forward:)

  12. We've all been there, Jenny. The school definitely kicks my butt and I had to cut back time. Do what you have to do for your self and your sanity. We'll still be here whenever you do post.

    1. I honestly don't know how all of you who are currently going to school also manage to blog with any frequency. There's no way I could do both! My hat is off to you:)

  13. I'm so glad your business is going so well, Jenny! You gotta do what you gotta do. :)

    1. ME TOO! I couldn't love designing covers more, it's so much more creatively challenging than stationery and I've learned so much in a short amount of time. It's exciting:)

  14. I would miss you too Heidi! No worries, I'm not going anywhere:)

  15. Yay for the cover business :D
    So I get the rest

  16. Do what you need to do! That is why I started just going 3 days a week. I needed to make space to do other things and I had to force it. I would still be posting 5 days if not. :)

  17. I won't lie, I've definitely missed your presence in the community these past few months, but I totally understand why and I just feel extremely proud and excited for you that business is booming! I hope you aren't overtaxing yourself working nights and weekends though and if you need a day off then you should absolutely take it and not feel guilty in the slightest! Your blog followers/friends certainly aren't going anywhere :D

  18. "Do what you love. Love what you do."

    :) We'll all be here when you're ready.

  19. Oh I definitely get it! I had to dig around to find something for tomorrow. Though I have some reviews prepped the books don't release for a long time. Sometimes I go 4 days with only getting a portion of a book read. It can be hard when our job is also in the book community. It changes things. I go up and down in my reading. A month ago I was able to read almost a book a day. Now I'm down to reading much less. Not blogging on Monday makes sense. Monday's are always craziest for me. You definitely need to do what works for you!

  20. A great field to be busy in, Jenny! I'm happy for you and I totally understand scaling back. You can't do it all and if you try you're going to burn out. For blogging to feel like fun and not a job Jasprit and I have cut back. I can breathe easier the way we blog now and it's something fun. :)

  21. I’m so glad to hear that your business is flourishing, Jenny! Good luck! I hope you Mondays-off would help.
