Friday, August 19, 2016

The 5 Series Topping My Must-Read List

Happy Friday Everyone!

I've found that quite a bit recently I seem to be leaving comments along the lines of "I need to read this series!" on my favorite blogs, so I thought it would be fun to list for you the top 5 series that have had me leaving such a comment of late.

With the exception of Jessica Shirvington's Embrace series, YA angel novels have been largely misses for me. I can't pinpoint why exactly, they just don't seem to draw me in the same way other epic paranormal or fantasy titles do. I've heard nothing but outstanding things about this series though, particularly about one intriguingly sexy guy named Rafa. I must meet him.

This is probably the one series on this list that I've said I need to read most often, and dammit, this year I'm going to do it! I said it last year about The Others series by Anne Bishop, and with the help of Nick, I devoured it earlier in the year and loved every minute. I feel like this doesn't have quite as much romance as I might want, but I think Darrow and his journey will more than make up for it!

I've actually read this first book, and while I thoroughly enjoyed it, I didn't LOVE it the way I expected to given the hype, so I've delayed reading the rest of the series out of fear I'll be disappointed. And thus the black sheep of the Charley Davidson fandom. Boo. This might be a series that just gets better as it goes though (I'm looking at you Kate Daniels), so I'm thinking I need to give it another shot!

Ilona Andrews. The creators of Kate and Curran. WHAT AM I WAITING FOR? *runs off to Amazon*

Okay, so this isn't quite a series yet as there's only one book out, but the second is well in the works and due to release early next year, so it counts. I've been seeing this around a lot lately with all sorts of delicious talk about the chemistry between Cat and Griffin, and I know it's going to be a read that's right up my sexual tension alley.

Have a great weekend you guys!


  1. YES!! YES YES YES!! You need to read The Rephaim, Red Rising & Charley Davidson STAT Jenny!! I simply adoooore all those series!!

  2. Oooh nice! LOVE the Charley Davidson series! I have Weston's first book in my TBR pile and Bouchet's is on my wishlist! All sound awesome!!!

  3. Great list! Surprisingly, I haven't read any of these series. I like the sound of the first one - Rephaim series. I'll have to check that one out. Have a great weekend, Jenny!

  4. I am so desperate to read shadows!! I think the only YA angels booked I liked was Susan Ees story.

    I also wasn't blown away by First Grave to the Right. Let me know if it pocks up!

  5. I am so desperate to read shadows!! I think the only YA angels booked I liked was Susan Ees story.

    I also wasn't blown away by First Grave to the Right. Let me know if it pocks up!

  6. 2, 3, 4 are must reads!! 1 I am not sure of, but 5..I bought the audiobook!!

  7. I haven't read the first series but for all the rest? Heck yeah, read them Jenny!

  8. Jenny, you will LOVE The Rephaim series because Rafa and I can't imagine you not adoring both Clean Sweep and Bouchet's new series. I loved Red Rising but haven't picked up the third book and am not sure I will, either, only because it's been so long but the first two books were amazing!! I have to agree with you on the Charley Davidson books. I didn't even get through the first one since I found the romance to be really odd but I do want to understand the hype so maybe we should do a read-along of the books together and finally jump on that bandwagon! ;) Great post, dear, and I hope you get to these soon--so excited to know what you think!!

  9. Yea, all of those I need to read and I feel like I'm saying the same thing. People who have problems with the Charley Davidson series seem to like it better on audio. I can't say for sure since I've done all of them on audio and I love it! Might try one to see if it makes a difference.

  10. Happy Friday, Jenny! I hope you try Charley Davidson series again as I can picture you really enjoying it. And, I do think the books just keep getting better. You must read A Promise of Fire, lol - so good...

    Hope you have a great weekend - and sorry I've been missing in action :)

  11. Yessss to all!

    But omg, you have to continue with Charley Davidson. I liked the first two but wasn't wowed, but then the third book happened and it's now an all time favorite series. I highly suggest the audio books, since the narrator is fantastic.
    I know you love Bones, Barrons and Curran (who doesn't?!), so you should really like where Reyes goes in the story. ;)

  12. 1 & 4 are on my list too. The rest .... YES, you need to start and/or continue.

  13. I have read Red rising before you? Whaaat?`I am always last ;)

    I tried that last book, Bouchet's, I am on page 5 but SO annoyed. For me the whole Greek mythology ruined it and seemed so lazy, I will give it another go, but right now it's a dnf

  14. I haven't read them all but I really loved the ones I did so great choice!

  15. I can't wait for you to read The Rephaim series! I know you're going to love it and Rafa! And omg yes to A Promise of Fire. It's hard for me to think of it as a debut because the writing is just so strong. And the banter and chemistry between that couple is HOT. I hope you'll enjoy all of these!

  16. Such a fail that I haven't read any on your list. I am dying to read the Paula Weston series but the books are pricey. I just bought A Promise of Fire on audio yesterday so I'll be listening to that one soon!

    Nereyda│ Nick & Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist

  17. Red Rising is definitely on my ''I NEED to read this list'' And given what I know about your taste, I think you'd LOVE Charley Davidson - that series is the best ♥

  18. The Rephaim Series by Paula Weston is on top of my must read series list, with close second The Others. And I’ve only read the first book in The Charley Davidson Series. I hope you’ll get a chance to read all listed series, Jenny.
