Friday, December 14, 2012

Tempest Blog Tour: Character Interview with Jackson + Giveaway

I'm hugely excited today to be a part of the promotional tour for the paperback release of Tempest, a young adult time travel tale by Julie Cross. Protagonist Jackson has kindly agreed to sit down and answer a few questions for me about his relationship with Holly and his experiences traveling back in time. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to those who enjoy a good time-bending story with a strong romance added in!

If you could jump back in time and experience one significant historical event, which one would you choose to be a part of?

I ask myself this question all the time and my answer changes almost daily. On one of my trips to Europe I was forced into a tour of a concentration camp…man that was depressing. But after that, I think I wouldn’t mind watching them tear the Berlin wall down. And there’s a few World Series games I’d love to see, but then again, if I already know the outcome, I don’t think it’d be much different to see it in person than to watch video footage. I’ve heard the Beatles used to perform at this dive bars in Germany before they became big and every concert broke out in a chair throw, all out bar brawl. I’d want to be hiding in a corner somewhere out of the line of fire, but it’d be cool to see one of those concerts. 

What would you say is the biggest difference between the Holly of 2007 and the Holly of 2009?

Honestly, 007 Holly makes me a little nervous. Not just because she’s always climbing things and flipping off of them, but because 009 Holly knew exactly what she wanted and why and I just keep thinking that maybe older Holly was sure of herself because of all the events that happen between 2007 and 2009. And what if I’m messing that up? I guess it’s just a lot of pressure with 007 Holly, being the one who knows more. I’m not used to that responsibility.

In the same vein, if Holly could time travel and was able to meet the Jackson of 2007, what might she say is the biggest difference between him and the one she loves in 2009?

First off, the 17 year old version of me would NOT have asked 009 Holly out. Not in a million years. She would have scared the crap out of me. All her talk about the future and what she wanted to do with her life…I’ve made some progress in two years, but even the 19 year old me struggled with idea of Holly being more than a summer fling. Just because I was too afraid to call us anything at first, that doesn’t mean I ever wanted to give her up. It’s complicated. Very complicated. And that’s proof that younger me, would have run away at the first sign of his attachment to this girl.

What’s your favorite time travel-related movie or book?

Back To The Future, hands down. The second movie is my favorite.

If you could travel back to just before Julie started putting you on paper and plant in her head one characteristic or facet of yourself that you wish she’d included in your story, what would it be?

Before Courtney died, before my life got all screwed up, my dad and I were really close. He even coached my Little League teams all the way through 8th grade. In middle school, I wasn’t really into girls yet or parties or drinking. I was all baseball and comic books and music. Courtney, on the other hand, was an angsty, whiny, typical 13 year old girl and I think hanging out with me, was a nice break from her girl drama for my dad. So, I guess it’d be nice to have that part of me back that looked at my dad as someone who always had the answer and always did the right thing. He was strict and old fashioned when it came to manners and responsibility, but he let me screw up and didn’t judge me. He and I are totally cool now, but we had a rough few years and I’d love to have him there for me in those years after Courtney died. But I get why he pulled away.

What year do you think Adam would most like to visit if he was able to accompany you on one of your time jumps?

The depths of Adam Silverman’s mind are honestly too great and mysterious for me to be able to answer this question.

Let’s say you suddenly have a glitch in your ability and you can only travel back to one specific moment with Holly. Which moment would you be content to relive again and again?

Is this blog PG only? Oh well…you asked so, I’ll answer. I’d easily go back to the first night we slept together but only if it includes the hours that followed. I’ve replayed all of it so many times I might not even need to do a time jump to feel like I’m there. Maybe that seems shallow or overly-hormonal but you know what? It really was pretty awesome. And even though I couldn’t say it at the time, I think that’s when I stopped falling in love with her and let myself start being in love with her.

Give us a one-word teaser that describes what you go through emotionally in Vortex.


Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions Jackson! This is the second-to-last stop on the tour, so be sure and check out the conclusion tomorrow at Through the Looking Glass! You can also view the full schedule to go back through all the fun guest posts, interviews, and giveaways over the course of the tour. More information on Julie and her books can be found here:

Amazon Buy Link


Thanks to Sara at Through the Looking Glass and Julie Cross, I have one signed paperback copy of Tempest to give away on the blog today! YAY! To enter please just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. This giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents only and will run through midnight EST on Monday, December 17th after which time a winner will be chosen and emailed. Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


The year is 2009. Nineteen-year-old Jackson Meyer is a normal guy… he’s in college, has a girlfriend… and he can travel back through time. But it’s not like the movies – nothing changes in the present after his jumps, there’s no space-time continuum issues or broken flux capacitors – it’s just harmless fun.

That is… until the day strangers burst in on Jackson and his girlfriend, Holly, and during a struggle with Jackson, Holly is fatally shot. In his panic, Jackson jumps back two years to 2007, but this is not like his previous time jumps. Now he’s stuck in 2007 and can’t get back to the future.

Desperate to somehow return to 2009 to save Holly but unable to return to his rightful year, Jackson settles into 2007 and learns what he can about his abilities.

But it’s not long before the people who shot Holly in 2009 come looking for Jackson in the past, and these “Enemies of Time” will stop at nothing to recruit this powerful young time-traveler. Recruit… or kill him.

Piecing together the clues about his father, the Enemies of Time, and himself, Jackson must decide how far he’s willing to go to save Holly… and possibly the entire world.


  1. how I LOVE this Interview and Jackson! I can't wait for Vorttex to come out! I loved your questions Jenny and .. Jackson talking about his favorite moment was swoon worthy!

  2. not entering the giveaway I just want to comment about the interview. Nice to read more of Jackson again & great questions by the way. Can't wait to read Vortex!

    1. Thank you! I'm really excited for Vortex too. *stares at calendar waiting for January*

  3. aaaaahhhhhh!!! VORTEX is going to be AWESOME!!! ^.^

  4. You know...I probably wouldn't mind being forced to take a tour of a concentration camp :) I think I'm starting to like Jackson after reading this interview :) Can't wait to read Tempest- I'm sure I'll love it!

    1. I really liked Jackson! I always enjoy male POVs and I also enjoyed the fact that Jackson was a touch older at 19:)

  5. SHELL?!? What in the world kind of teaser is that? *huffs* I'm well and truly teased.

    Oh, and Back to the Future Rocks. McFLY!!

    1. I know right! I read that and was all "WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!" Guess that was the point:)

  6. Isn't funny how in just two years, we can be completely different people. Really liked this interview and getting to know Jackson. By the way, Back to the Future is an awesome movie. Wish I had that car!

    1. That's one of the things I loved about this book - it just made me wonder if I had met Kevin 1 year later, would things still have worked out for us? Would I have been a slightly different person then?

  7. Shell? SHELL?! That's the only word we get?


    Guess I'll just have to wait and figure that out when I read it. I love how she explians the differences between the characters at 2007 and 2009. Great questions, Jenny!

    1. I know. I just kind of blinked at that word and went I NEED VORTEX NOW!!!

  8. Jenny, I had so much fun with these questions. The whole blog tour has been amazing! Thanks for participating!

    1. It was so fantastic to have you on Julie! I just adored TEMPEST and am having a good deal of trouble being patient for VORTEX. Can't wait:)

  9. Shell? Interesting! I'm curious to see what that means. :)

    Brilliant interview, Jenny! I quite like the sound of Jackson here and look forward to meeting him properly in the book. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Cryptic right? It's going to haunt me until Vortex comes out:)

  10. I love this boy!

    Your questions were great! I can't wait to read thesecond book....
    That one word is killing me...

    Thanks for tehe giveaway!

  11. Oh this is a fab interview Jenny, my favourite questions hands down has to be which specific moment would Jackson travel back to with Holly, his answer seriously just made me melt *sigh* I honestly have to meet Jackson soon! :)

  12. That was great getting to know Jackson a bit better! It would be great to see the Beetles in dive bars! I would be hiding out of the line of fire too. ;)
    Loved the interview and can't wait for Vortex!

  13. Loved the interview although I almost spit my drink when I read that the blog is PG... ;D

    I'd also love to see the Beatles before they got big. Curious as to how they grew musically.

  14. There are so many historical events I would love to travel back in time to see, and so many I'd love to stop, butterfly effect be damned..thanks for sharing this, and for the delightful giveaway

  15. I've always enjoyed time travel stories, and Tempest sounds like a great one. :D

  16. That second to the last question...OMG *swoons*

  17. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read this book.

  18. This book sounds fantastic! It's already on my wishlist :) Thanks for sharing and for a great giveaway!

  19. I really really REALLY want to read this book!

  20. Erm, Jenny, I think my heart broke into a thousand little pieces JUST READING THIS INTERVIEW. Gosh I love Jackson so much. He was so real to me and it felt like I was sitting down having tea with him, asking him all these wonderful questions. Ok, Im just dying for "Vortex" like nothing I can even tell you. It's making my heart pound so hard!

    Anyways, after my dramatic breakdown - THANKS FOR THIS AWESOMENESS!!! :))) fanTAStic! :) <3

    Sierra @ Yearning to Read

  21. I have been holding off reading Tempest until Vortex came out so I could read them together.

  22. I loved the interview! Tempest is one of my fave books. Cant wait to read Vortex!

  23. I loved Jackson and his character growth in Tempest. He really started to appreciate Holly when he realized he could lose her. Excellent interview, Jenny. It makes me so excited to read Vortex! I have a copy of Tempest so I won't enter, but it's so sweet of you to run a giveaway. :)

  24. Thank you for this giveaway!!!

    P.S. I love your background color :)

  25. I love the concept of time travel. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
