Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Falling Kingdoms Interview & Giveaway

I'm super excited today to be a part of a fun promotion for Gathering Darkness, the third installment of the Falling Kingdoms series by Morgan Rhodes. Since fantasy has recently become one of my favorite genres, this series is definitely on my list to read and I can't wait to dive in and binge read all three over the holidays. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to ask Morgan a few questions about this series as a whole, so I hope this interview gives those of you new to the series (and of course those of you who are avid fans) a little something to get excited about!

For those who have yet to dive into these books, how, using a single word, might each of the four main characters describe what unfolds for them throughout the series?

Oh, you’re going to make me really work, huh? ;) Okay… here it goes:

CLEO: Evolution
JONAS: Vengeance
LUCIA: Power
MAGNUS: Divergent

If you were sitting on the throne of one of the kingdoms in this world, what would be your single greatest fear?

Same as it would be in any other world: Spiders! (shudders)

*Jenny shudders too*

Let’s say that tomorrow our world suddenly becomes infused with magic and things we never thought possible before now are. Would you want to know everything there is to know, or would you leave the magic alone and stay far, far away?

I’m only a Muggle because I have to be. If I had a choice: Magic all the wayyy! Woo hoo!!!

I’m not sure what this says about me, but I love truly despicable villains, cruel characters like Gaius who make my hands curl into fists in anger while reading. Who is your all-time favorite love-to-hate-him (or her) bad guy?

I enjoy villains, too, and King Gaius is surprisingly fun to write consider that he’s such a sadistic beast. (I’m not sure what that says about me!) My all-time favorite love-to-hate villain (right now, anyway!!) is Crowley from Supernatural. I do enjoy a sarcastic demon. My all-time just-hate-her character is Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. How could a cat-lover be so evil??

If you could fall through the pages and step foot into this world you’ve created, what aspect of it would you be most curious to see outside your own imagination?

I would love to take a tour through the City of Gold, the walled city that contains the Auranian palace. I describe it as such a golden, glittering jewel that it would be absolutely breathtaking to see in person.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions Morgan!

And just to pique everyone's curiosity further, how about a teaser quote from Gathering Darkness?

I feel like Magnus is talking directly to me here. Except for the princess part, obviously. He calls me Goddess instead. Wait. No. *attempts to return to reality* In all seriousness though, I'm a reader who ALWAYS falls for the broken, tortured, bordering-on-irredeemable anti-hero, naively hoping with each chapter that he'll do something to prove that my faith in him is not misplaced. I feel like Magnus and I might really have something special ;-)

If you want to meet Magnus as much as I do, I hope you'll pick up the Falling Kingdoms series! Be sure and check out the bottom of the post for your chance to win all sorts of Falling Kingdoms goodies:)

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The seeds of revolution have been sown…but in Mytica the lust for power reigns supreme.

THE REBELS forge ahead. Princess Cleo slays with sweetness—and a secret that might control Lucia’s magic—as she and vengeful Jonas lead the hunt for the all-powerful Kindred.

THE KRAESHIANS join the fray. Ashur and Amara, the royal siblings from the vast kingdom across the Silver Sea, prove to be just as ruthless as they are charming as they manipulate their way to victory.

THE WATCHERS follow Melenia out of the Sanctuary. They ally, in the flesh, with King Gaius, who vows to use Lucia’s powers to unveil the Kindred.

And which side will Prince Magnus choose, now that he’s been betrayed by everyone he’s ever loved?

*If you're a fan of this series already but haven't yet had a chance to get your hands on Gathering Darkness, then be sure and download this lengthy excerpt!*

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Photo: Shanon Fujioka

Morgan Rhodes is the New York Times bestselling author of the FALLING KINGDOMS series. As a child, she always wanted to be a princess—the kind that knows how to wield a sharp sword to help save both kingdoms and princes from fire-breathing dragons and dark wizards. Instead, she became a writer, which is just as good and much less dangerous. Along with writing, Morgan enjoys photography, travel, and reality TV, and is an extremely picky yet voracious reader of all kinds of books.

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Thanks to the fabulous people at Penguin Young Readers, I have an epic prize pack to give away on the blog today! Up for grabs to one lucky winner:
  • A Falling Kingdoms T-Shirt
  • A Falling Kingdoms Postcard Set
  • Copies of Falling Kingdoms, Rebel Spring, and Gathering Darkness
Giveaway is open to US addresses only, please enter via the Rafflecopter form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've got to be totally honest and say that I've never been one to particularly love villains BUT if I had to think of one, it'd definitely have to be Queen Levana from the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. I never loved her as a character and when I heard about Fairest (which is about Queen Levana before she became Queen Levana) I wasn't particularly interested, but since it was by Marissa Meyer, featured some cameos, and was technically part of the series, I added it. BUT NOW, NOW I am totally excited for Queen Levana's story and can't wait to read it, even though I haven't read Cress yet -bows head in shame-

  2. Thanks for the nice post. I didn't know about the series until a few weeks ago but I saw it a lot around blogs French and others. Maybe I need to try that.

  3. This isn't an entry thing, but I just had to express how I feel about this series, I love love love this series. I just finished reading Gathering Darkness. I squealed on page 397. And I wish I had the next book in my hands right now, If I had the Tardis that is what I'd use it for.

  4. I have been tempted to start this series for quite some time, and I think I'm making it one of my bookish resolutions for next year!

    Great interview Jenny!

  5. I remember wanting to read this series ages back, and I have completely forgotten about it! I love the sound of this series, so I'll have to push this higher up the TBR list.

  6. I haven't started this series yet but it sounds good, Jenny. I enjoy high fantasy and the author is a Canadian too :)

    I'm terrified of spiders too! Actually, if I see any sort of bug, I'm out of there!

  7. If King Gauis is anything like Crowley I am sold on this series! :P

    Seriously though, this sounds like a fun series and one I really need to get off my tush and read!

  8. I haven't gotten the chance to read this series yet but I do have several of my teens excited to read this book. Hope to get to it soon.

  9. This is such a fantastic interview Jenny! I don't know why I haven't started this series yet, but when villains I end up loving are involved I know I need to jump aboard ;)

  10. I still haven't started this series but I've only ever heard really good things about it so i'm planning to soon! Lovely interview Jenny!

  11. I would have to say the Darkling from the Grisha series. He's a villain that I both love and hate.

  12. The villain in this sounds fabulous, Jenny. I have this series on my TBR list because you know how much I enjoy reading YA fantasy. I'll have to read it soon.
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  13. I'd totally want that shirt, le sigh, but alas no

  14. I would love to have magic. Lovely interview I really need to read these!

  15. interesting question! Maybe Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter.

  16. I don't know if this is my all-time favorite, but I know the first one that comes to mind is Garrett from Talon.

  17. My favorite all time villain is Mab Monroe from Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin series.

  18. Many of the others in Anne Bishop book-- they aren't so awesome at all. They will eat us :(

  19. I can imagine that writing King Gaius would be an absolute blast, especially since he is such a sadistic bastard. Writing the villains is sometimes the best part!!

  20. Hmm I love Vaas Montenegro from FarCry3! He is straight jacket crazy; yet is just so funny and hot! XD He is just so likeable even though he is scary.
    Mary G Loki

  21. I heard so good thing about this series and I'm planning on reading it as soon as I get my copy of the third book, I should get it first week on January, Great Interview :D

  22. I think, if pressed, my ALL-TIME favorite villain is actually Gellis Duncan from Outlander. She saw what she wanted, and by God, she made it happen. And while she isn't in the entire series, I have faith that she will continue to factor in, unlike Jack Randall.

  23. Thanks for such a fun post and giveaway! I'm dying to read this series :) I'd have to say that one of my favorite villains is Severus Snape from Harry Potter. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Thank you for the wonderful interview and chance to win! I've had my eye on this series, and anyone who writes and loves the dark, tortured anti-hero is a sure way to grab my attention. Binge reading this series sounds pretty good right now, Jenny!

  25. It's a tie between oldemort from the Harry Potter series and Darth Vader from Star Wars! They're both dastardly... Thanks for the chance!

  26. Man, why does everyone hate on spiders? I love them. I just have to say, these covers are really pretty.

  27. Picking a fave villain is hard! I have to go with either Joffrey Lannister or Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones - love to hate 'em both!

  28. Awesome interview! I am also only a muggle because I have to be. :-) If it were up to me I'd use magic all the time (and probably find myself in trouble because of it). Gotta love Gaius! He is so utterly creepy!! Lovely interview, thanks for sharing!

  29. Don't have a particular single one but I have a type. It's the villain that you don't know is a villain and even when you do find out they are you still aren't sure. But...if I had to pick one (which shows exactly what I am talking about) Loki definitely fits that.

  30. All time? Lex Luthor for sure. The guy wanted to kill Superman.

  31. Hugh D'Ambray from Ilona Andrew's Kate Daniels series.

  32. My all time favorite villain would have to be Caine from the Gone series by Michael Grant. He's actually my favorite character in that whole series! Thanks so much for the giveaway, I've been hearing such great things about this series. :)

  33. I think my all-time favorite villain would have to be the White Witch from the Chronicles of Narnia (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe). I've read that book at least 40 times and cried every time she harmed Aslan.

  34. I think my favorite villain would have to be Loki or Mother Gothal!

  35. My all-time favorite villain has to be Voldemort from Harry Potter. He's just too good at being bad.

  36. My favorite villain is The Darkling from Leigh Bardugo... or maybe Warner from the Shatter Me series... but I don't know if he really counts so

  37. I love the Joker and Harley Quinn!

  38. The King of Ardalan from the Throne of Glass series is up there.

  39. Id have to go with he who shall not be named. heheheh (Lord voldemort for those who dont get it)
    ~Brittany T

  40. It's Lord Voldemort. It used to be Professor Moriarty.
