Monday, February 15, 2016

Blogger Fail

Hi Everyone!

I hope you guys had a fantastic Valentine's Day/President's Day weekend!

Given the title of this post I'm sure you can guess what I'm about to say. I fail at blogging. Work absolutely exploded for me last week (a great problem to have, don't get me wrong) and a new–very exciting!!!!– project with a tight deadline came up so I've been working furiously what feels like every hour of every day for the past week and a half. As a result, I've fallen into bed at night and only been able to swing a chapter or two before my eyes have fallen shut without my permission. WHAT ARE YOU DOING EYES, I HAVE BOOKS TO READ! Long story short, I have no review to post today, but I promise this isn't the beginning of the end for me with blogging, just a little hiccup!

*hangs head* 

My missing review will be up tomorrow:)


  1. Aww *pets Jenny* ... rest your eyes.

    Was that creepy? Kind of felt like it. Oh well ... *pets Jenny*

  2. Jenny, you are not a blogger fail!! You need to give yourself more credit because you're awesome!
    Good luck with the exciting new project! I'm looking forward to hearing more about it.

  3. Working and blogging and reading and managing to get some sleep many times conflict with each other!
    I share the very same problem today, no review!

  4. Jenny, I have no idea how you manage to post everyday so if you don't so so one day, I don't think you've failed. Good luck with the new project; I can't wait to hear about it!

  5. That's great news that your work is picking up! I can't wait to see what you have designed. Everybody needs to take a break now and then....and my breaks are MUCH longer than one day! :) Good luck with your new project!

  6. Jenny, there is nothing wrong with missing a day or two. Don’t feel the blogging pressure, get your sleep and come back when you have time and feel like it. Good luck with your new project!

  7. Awww Jenny, that happens to all of us^^ Don't even worry about it, take it easy, rest and we'll all be here when you get back :D Meanwhile, enjoy the busy work explosion ;)

  8. I'm thrilled about the new and exciting project and hope to find out more details about it (gorgeous images possibly?) and you should know that you're one amazing blogger, Jenny!! :)

  9. Sometimes you gotta take a break! I feel you. I have plenty of work I should be doing right now. And if I don't get busy I'll be up late working on it. :) Good luck with the project!

  10. Hahahah! No worries, Jenny. You've always been so patient with us. :)

  11. Jenny, you are such an amazing blogger, seriously! I've been failing at blogging ever since I came to college and have gone from having a post out every other day to having one out every other week. Just take it easy on yourself and don't stress about not having content out constantly. We love you and thanks for caring so much, dear! <3

  12. Eh... we all go through this. I have done this often but I just don't admit to it. ;) LOL Hope you are less stressed right now!

  13. That is a great problem to have and we all know things come up. Just remember to take some "me" time for yourself as well!

  14. So you ARE human! LOL. Congrats on the new project!

  15. Not a fail at all! It's a struggle to post three times a week for me, let alone every day! If you need a little break, then you deserve it ;)
