Friday, October 28, 2016

The Very Fondest Of Farewells

Hey Everyone!

This post may seem like it's coming out of the blue, but it's one I've been struggling with for the better part of this year. I kept telling myself (and you) that the small changes like taking Mondays off and the few week-long breaks to focus on work weren't the beginning of the end for this blog, but they were.

For much of this year, the blog, as much as I love it, has felt like a second job. A second set of deadlines to meet. A second set of emails in need of responses. A second set of demands on my time. Even though the deadlines are entirely of my own making, it's gotten to the point now that I simply can't keep up, and my desire to do so has waned. I promised myself as soon as this amazing endeavor stopped being fun, I would let it go, and as much as it brings tears to my eyes to say it, that time is now.

I can honestly say, with absolutely no exaggeration, that this blog has changed my life. What started as a fun way to share my newfound obsession with reading has launched an entirely new career, and I never would have gotten to this place without the blogging community. You guys inspired me to take a chance on something that was incredibly daunting and oh-so scary, but has proved to be the best job I've ever had. You supported me at every turn when I took my first tentative steps into the cover design world, voting when I entered design contests, commenting when I shared my work on the blog, and endlessly encouraging me on social media. Words simply cannot express my gratitude.

While Supernatural Snark has had a profound impact on my professional life, it's also been enormously influential in my personal one as well. I've always been close with my mom (except for a select few teen years, right Mom? ;-)) and my mother-in-law, but this blog has allowed my relationships with them to flourish further. They both jumped onto this crazy ride from the very beginning, and haven't stepped off since. They've given me book recommendations, written reviews, and tackled 6 years of the epic monster that is BookExpo America with a smile on their faces even as we've all wanted to break down and cry at how much our feet hurt. Though I know we'll continue to swap books and share recommendations, I will thoroughly miss sharing this blog with them.

To all of you who've read this blog but haven't commented, thank you. I don't know who you are, but you've made everything I've put into this blog worthwhile.

To my fellow bloggers and friends, a simple thank you will never be enough, but I have to say it anyway. Thank you for being a constant source of support. Thank you for sharing your lives and your loves with me. Thank you for making someone who lives a somewhat hermit-like life feel less alone during the long, quiet hours of the day. Thank you for being you. All your gorgeous diversity has made me a better person.

To all the authors and publishers who gave me the opportunity to celebrate books on a daily basis, I will be forever grateful. You opened my eyes to new characters and new worlds, and pushed me to step outside my comfort zone so that I could discover all the joys I would have been missing without you.

And finally to the Moms, I love you both. Thank you for taking this journey with me.

Though this is a goodbye for Supernatural Snark, it's the very beginning for Seedlings Design Studio. I've just launched my new website and have finally, FINALLY, jumped on the social media train and created a Facebook page. *pats self on back* While it will primarily be a place for me to promote my work, I plan on posting the occasional book recommendation as well because it's going to be impossible for me to keep all my thoughts to myself after nearly seven years of sharing them with all of you. I hope you stop by for a visit now and then!



From the very bottom of my heart, thank you for the past seven years:)


  1. This is sad indeed. I love your blog and wish you nothing but the very best in years to come.

    Good Luck and Thank You!!

  2. Omg no :/ I am so sad now. But I understand you, I have seen many go over the years. Still saddens me every time

    But good luck with the designing, you are awesome at that

  3. Oh no! I am so sad, but I completely understand. I hope you will keep in touch! I will follow you on Facebook! I can't wait to see where your next adventure takes you. Thanks for being a great blogging friend all these years, Jenny! :) I wish you all the best.

  4. My Jen, a beautifully written and incredibly heartfelt farewell. Although you've agonized over this decision, I applaud you for moving forward on your passion to create amazing book cover designs.

    THANK YOU for sharing this "journey" with me as it's broadened horizons in my life in so many ways. I have LOVED every minute and I LOVE you immeasurably.

  5. JENNY! While I'm sad to see your blog go, I totally understand. (I mean, after all, I did the same with On a Book Bender a few months ago, and haven't regretted it. Seriously. Zero regrets.) You have been such a big part of my book world, and I'm soooooo glad we were able to connect. I hope someday we'll be able to meet for real. ❤️❤️❤️

  6. Jenny, I can't thank you enough for how you have enriched my life. From book recommendations, to author visits, to all our wonderful BEA adventures. Thank you for allowing me to share my book thoughts on your blog. We are so proud of you. I hope everyone will continue to follow you on Facebook to continue to see all the beautiful cover design that you create. Love you.

  7. Jenny, your blog has been such a wonderful resource for booklovers everywhere! I so enjoyed reading your posts. You put so much heart into this space. <3 All best to you!

  8. Oh Jenny!! I will miss the blog and reading your recommendations and discovering books thanks to your posts so much!!

    I will miss our back and forth commenting even more and I will be more than excited to see what new covers you're working on all the time!!

    I feel so lucky to have met you online and then have met you and shared such fun times at BEA too!!

    We'll always have Twitter to chat, I hope! BIG hugs and loads of love for you and the mums!!

  9. I'm sad to see another blogger whom I've been following since the early days when I first jumped on the reviewing bandwagon close-up shop. But, you're moving on to bigger & better things, and you'll still have an online presence, so I am happy for the opportunity to stalk you another way. Wishing you all the best!

  10. Jenny, I adore you and am so excited for you. It's such an incredibly hard decision (I'm in my October off mode...and it feels good so I might almost be there, too) but it's the right one for your business and piece of mind. Can't wait to see what you create next, doll! *hugs*

  11. While this is a bittersweet end, what's around the corner for you will be just as awesome (if not more!!!). I haven't been the best commenter for a while now but I always read your posts as soon as I saw them pop up on my dash. Thank you for all the amazing content you've provided through Supernatural Snark and I wish you all the best in your new journey! <3

  12. I was a lurker ;) Just wanted to say thank you for all you've done! And I'll happily follow you on FB for your future cover designs (It's one of the primary reasons I followed you here in the first place, I LOVE your work!)

  13. Oh Jenny! I wish you every success with expanding your design business! Kudos to you for having the guts to do what is right for you. Blogging should be fun and not a second job! I will miss you...,I've been reading your blog since before I started my own...but I will follow you on facebook!!

  14. NO! And yet I do understand. :( I'm so happy you are pursuing such a wonderful career and you rock at it. I'm only sad since it feels like losing you as a friend. I love/hate fb but I do hope to see your presence there. :) ((HUGS)) and congrats on a hard decision.

  15. Best of luck in all your new endeavors!

  16. I can't tell you how incredibly sad this makes me, but at the same time I completely understand and am excited for your journey and your business. I will miss you dearly but wish you the absolute best!!

  17. Jenny, my heart sank when Nereyda told me you had written this post this morning. I refused to believe it. You don't know how sad I am right now about this. You were one of the first bloggers that I followed and I have loved you and your enthusiasm for books and romance from the very beginning. Your support and friendship has meant so much to me over the years and you are of course one of my most trusted bloggers when it comes to recommendations, so yes, I'm very upset by this. BUT, I know I'm being selfish. The other part of me is just so thrilled that your business is flourishing so well and I hope and wish that you will continue to expand. You deserve all the happiness! <3 I will miss you dearly, friend, but you should also know that you will receive a string of emails from me every month! I'm not letting you go that easily! <3
    Take care and best wishes with everything, Jenny! Love you! <3

  18. This is so sad! I completely understand, but it's still so sad. You've always been so sweet and encouraging, especially when I first started blogging. I'll miss you!

  19. I don't know how you blogged for so long! Listening to what's right for you and your successful cover design business makes me happy. Best to you, Jenny.

  20. You, lovely lady, will be thoroughly and surely missed! Thanks for writing this amazing blog (and thanks MOMS)! Good luck with your covers! Can't wait to see them everywhere I turn!

  21. I know i haven't commented much on your posts, but I read every one of them and goodbyes are always sad. I wish you the best in your next chapter of your life. I know you'll do well if you were able to maintain this beautiful blog for 7 years!

  22. You will be missed, Jenny, but I completely understand. If blogging feels like a second job it's best to step back because this is supposed to be a fun hobby. I'm thrilled your design business has taken off! I'll go visit your Facebook page! :)

  23. Total bummer that you're leaving. Having said that, no way I could work and do a blog, too. Best of luck!

  24. I feel like I just met you recently, Jen, even though I've been following your blog for at least two years. You've certainly had quite a blogging career and you've influenced a lot of people with your reviews, posts, and your kind and gracious attitude towards your followers and readers. I've enjoyed every single thing I've read and seen from your blog and I'm saddened by this development. I do understand, though. Some days, I find myself asking if there's still a point to what I'm doing but then I'll read a book that I just can't stop thinking about and I start writing again.

    I've known quite a few people in the book blogging community so I know how hard this decision might've been for you. We are, however, an understanding bunch and I know that at one point in our blogging life, we've all been where you've been.

    I'm sorry to see you go, Jenny. Keep fighting the fight, design the best book covers, and keep being you. It's been a great few years. <3 <3


  25. It's really sad but I can understand too. I really loved to discover your blog and o read you each time. It was a pleasure to exchange with you too. Good luck for everything

  26. Awwww Jenny I'm so sad to hear that you'll be closing up your blog but it definitely sounds like you got a lot out of blogging. I wish you all the best with everything and thank you for sharing your time with us.

  27. This is definitely a bittersweet moment. While I'm absolutely thrilled that you're dream job has taken off, I will really miss your blog and beautiful reviews. I'll be sure to follow you on FB. Good luck on your future endeavors!

  28. Awww! This makes me sad. But happy for you too, because you're moving forward with something else you love. I'm going to miss you & your blog, Jenny! Hopefully I'll see you around on the world wide interwebs. <3

  29. Jenny, I simply adore you and I'm going to miss you terribly!! You were one of my first commentors when I started blogging about books and have always been the nicest person. I wish you all the best and know you are going to keep doing fabulous in your design business Seedlings!! I will continue to keep an eye out as your work is so inspiring. Good luck!!

  30. As happy as I am for you at your success, Jenny, I'm going to be sad to see you step aside and no longer post on an almost daily basis. Thanks for connecting with me way back when we were newbie bloggers and sharing the adventure of blogging since. Good luck with everything!

  31. Oh my goodness, Jenny. The book blogging community has lost one of its very best. I will miss your honest, but gentle way of expressing your words, your endlessly interesting interviews and, above all, your kindness and spirit. I wish you so much luck with your work. I'll make sure to stop by, just to miss you a bit less.

  32. Aw Jenny, I read this post last week and sent it to Nick although I havent had to comment just now. That really sucks that you're leaving. You were one of the good ones that had been blogging for so long and werent concerned with popularity or being BFF with authors or being fake.

    I wish you the best with your new business, I've seen your covers and you're gonna kick ass! Hope you have the best 2017!

  33. Oh Jenny this is so sad! I totally understand though and I wish you nothing but the best of luck with everything! Life, work, books, family, friends, dogs...ALL OF IT. I'll miss chatting with you but I'm really happy that we were able to meet at BEA and stay in touch since then ♥

  34. Jenny I still can't believe I'm reading this post, I'm so sad to see you go, but so happy that you'll carry on with so many wonderful things. I can't wait to see all your great new book designs! Thank you for being a wonderful friend over these last few years, I will still be coming to for book recommendations on twitter! Best of luck with everything! :)

  35. Jenny, I’ll miss you greatly. I’m so sad you are leaving Supernatural Snark, but I’m thrilled that your professional life has taken off. I wish you luck with everything.

  36. Jenny, this feels a bit like the end of an era, book blogging-wise. I guess because you were one of the very first book blogs I found and read religiously and eventually inspired me to start my own blog. I still remember how many laughs I got out of your cover commentary posts from back in the day. I will miss reading your beautiful reviews very much, but I am excited that this is just the start for your cover design business. You are way talented and I can't wait to see all the covers that you come up with in future and I hope to own and display the prettieson my shelf someday too! Lots of love, Aylee.

    PS. I watched The Champions based on your recommendation and cried so many happy tears! So happy that so many of those pit bulls found such loving, perfect homes!!

  37. Hope whatever happens next you'll feel happier now, Jenny! huge hugs and best of luck xxx

  38. Jenny, you will be missed!! I read this post when you published it, but I was in Rome at the time and couldn't respond. It's so hard for me to say goodbye to your reviews and your blog--you have always been such a huge blogging inspiration for me and I've loved the new ways that you have brought creativity and freshness to your blog over the years. The blogosphere isn't going to be the same without you and your warm presence, that I can say for sure. I am so glad, though, that blogging was able to launch an incredible career for you and I cannot wait to see your beautiful covers on the shelves of my bookshelves and bookstores worldwide. You are such an immensely talented person and I wish you nothing but all the happiness and success in the world. Take care, dear Jenny, and happy reading! <3

  39. I haven't been able to comment in a while but I've always kept up and loved your blog. Good luck with this new chapter in your life. You will be missed!

  40. So sorry to see you go Jenny, but I completely understand. Hugs :)

  41. Good post, love this sharing so much, thank you!

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  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Bardzo dobry wpis :) czekam z niecierpliwością na więcej :)

  53. is that the end of this blog? there will be no more postings

  54. As happy as I am for you at your success, Jenny :))

  55. I have read everything on this blog. It's sad that this is the end...

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    وقتی شما کلمه یا عبارتی را در گوگل سرچ می کنید ممکن است صدها و یا حتی هزاران وب سایت وجود داشته باشد کلمه مورد نظر شما در آنها وجود داشته باشد اما اینکه کدام سایت ها جزو اولین سایت ها داخل لیست نمایش داده شود توسط جدیدترین الگوریتم های گوگل مشخص می شود. قطعا تمامی سایت ها سعی می کنند که اسم سایت آنها جزو لینک های اول لیست گوگل باشد، توسط الگوریتم هایی که گوگل برای اینکار مشخص کرده مشخص می شود.

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    در پاسخ به این سوال که «مشاور سئو چیست؟ » می توان به صورت ساده این گونه توضیح داد. سئو سایت یک فرایند مستمر ومدون است که بر روی سایت توسط کارشناس سئو انجام می گیرد تا ترافیک صحیح در زمان صحیح و با کاربر صحیح وارد سایت بشوند تا اکشنی از قبیل خرید، دانلود و … در سایت مورد نظر اتفاق بیافتد. کسی که می تواند در تسریع این فرآیند به سایت مورد نظر کمک کند مشاورسئو است.

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    در حقیقت مشاور سئو به کسی گفته می شود که متخصص سئو بوده و دارای نمونه کار، سابقه پربار و تجربه گرانی است که می تواند با آنالیز کسب و کار شما، برای رسیدن به ترافیک اورگانیک بالا و در نهایت فروش بیشتر شما را راهنمایی صحیح کند.  توضیحات ذکر شده در بالا یک تعریف کامل از مشاور سئو حرفه ای است.

    خدمات seo یک فرایند مدون و ادامه دار است که باید همیشه ادامه داشته  باشد تا رقبای شما جایگاه فعلی تان را تصاحب نکنند.

  88. از خدمات شرکت آسرون ارائه قیمت میلگرد ذوب آهن با قیمت بروز است. برای استعلام قیمت میلگرد ذوب آهن اصفهان نیز می توانید به آسرون مراجعه کنید.
    برای خرید محصولات کارخانه نیشابور از جمله میلگرد نیشابور و استعلام قیمت میلگرد نیشابور می توانید با آسرون تماس بگیرید.
    برای خرید و یا سفارش اینترنتی محصولات آناهیتا از جمله میلگرد آناهیتا گیلان و استعلام قیمت میلگرد آناهیتا گیلان با آسرون تماس بگیرید.
    قیمت ورق پلی کربنات یزد : برای خرید یا سفارش آنلاین محصولات پلیمر طلایی یزد و اطلاع از لیست قیمت ورق پلی کربنات با آسرون تماس بگیرید.
    قیمت میلگرد راد: برای خرید یا سفارش آنلاین محصولات فولاد راد همدان و یا جهت اطلاع از لیست  میلگرد راد همدان می توانید با آسرون تماس بگیرید
    قیمت میلگرد ظفر بناب : برای خرید اینترنتی یا سفارش آنلاین محصولات ظفر بناب و اطلاع از لیست قیمت میلگرد ظفر بناب امروز در بازار با آسرون تماس بگیرید.
    قیمت ورق رابیتس مسعود : برای خرید اینترنتی یا سفارش آنلاین محصولات رابیتس مسعود و اطلاع از لیست قیمت رابیتس مسعود امروز در بازار با آسرون تماس بگیرید.
    قیمت ورق پلی کربنات اصفهان : برای خرید اینترنتی و یا اطلاع از قیمت ورق پلی کربنات اصفهان نوآوران آیدا پلاستیک به سایت آسرون مراجعه کنید.
    قیمت ایران رابیتس صادق : برای اطلاع آنلاین از قیمت محصولات رابیتس و خرید رابیتس می توانید فارغ از زمان و مکان با آسرون تماس بگیرید.

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