Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Character Profile: Phoenix from Entice

Today I'm absurdly excited to be a part of the street team for Entice, the second book in the Embrace Series by Jessica Shirvington. As a team member, I have the pleasure of bringing you the profile for one very special character in this series: Phoenix. Who's Phoenix you ask? He's the bad boy. And I think anyone who knows me is well aware of how much I love a good bad boy, so Phoenix and I are clearly the perfect match ;-) Except he's kind of a fan of Violet. Minor detail.

All this week, street team members along with the fabulous team over at Sourcebooks will be bringing you character profiles, tweeting quotes from the books, and hosting giveaways on Twitter to celebrate the release of Entice. All these fun promotions will culminate in the epic Entice Me Day, taking place this Saturday, September 15th, the details of which can be found using the link above. It should be an absolute blast! There will be giveaways. There will be a live chat with author Jessica Shirvington. There will be much Embrace Series awesomeness, so mark your calendars!

Now, on to the good stuff. The hot stuff. The Phoenix-related stuff :)

Here are just a few things about Phoenix you should know:

“Not everything is black and white, Violet. Don’t believe everything you’ve been told.”—Phoenix

He’s intense, sexy and otherworldly. Full of secrets, Phoenix is all gray in a world of dark and light. As an exile, he is not to be trusted, but Phoenix always seems to be there to protect Violet when she needs it most. Together, they shared one intense moment of passion. Now, when the electricity between Violet and Phoenix ignites, she discovers his hold over her has become more dangerous than ever.

Sitting in Sydney’s glamorous Water Bar, Jessica reveals some enticing secrets about everyone’s favorite bad boy!

Still want more Phoenix? You can check out his full character bio over on the Embrace Series page, and don't forget to take the "favorite quote" quiz while you're there! You can also find the full schedule leading up to Entice Me Day here, as you don't want to miss out on getting to know all the other characters!


  1. Woah, check out that bar! Snazzy. I'm always so impressed with the marketing strategy for this series. It's very effective. And definitely makes me want to check out the series - if only to find out more about this Phoenix character...

    1. Isn't it pretty? And I could listen to Jessica talk all day long:)

  2. I might have to read this series. I love bad boy angels who live in the gray area (Patch). That was a cool setting for an interview. I'll have to come back tomorrow for her next interview.


    1. I'm really enjoying this series Heather! Phoenix is definitely bad, I'm still waiting for his redeeming qualities to kick in, but I know they're there:)

  3. I AM DEFINITELY TEAM PHOENIX! Although sadly, he's a fan of Violet :P I do love Lincoln but somehow, I just love Phoenix! And hehe, I love how you said a good bad boy, Jenny! That is a perfect sentence to describe Phoenix ;)

    Thank you for sharing this awesome post with us, Jenny! ♥

    1. Yes. Violet is definitely getting in the way of our laying claim to Phoenix isn't she? *shakes fist at Violet* :)

  4. I am going to start this series this month. I am excited since I've heard such good things. Phoenix definitely sounds like a character I'll like too!

    1. Phoenix is a very challenging character, but I think the challenging ones are the most fun because they make us work for everything. He's not in this second book much, but you feel the effects of his actions in book one throughout book two:)

  5. Aaah, every time I see this book pop up it makes me want to read it but I can't since I haven't even gotten to book 1. I need to read this soon! Phoenix sounds so cool! Haha.

    Great post, Jenny :D

    1. You'll definitely want to read book 1 first, this is a super complicated world and you'd be lost if you jumped in in the middle. Though I sometimes do that anyway:)

  6. I'm a sucker for the baddies (at least in fiction). I can't help it. They're all dark and frustrating and I just want to pounce on them.

  7. Thanks for sharing this video with us Jenny, how do I not know Phoenix yet? He sounds swoon worthy! I must meet him asap! ;)

    1. You're welcome! And there is definitely swooning involved when it comes to Phoenix:)

  8. Thanks for sharing this awesome post! I can't wait to read this book!

  9. Oh I want to read this one. I enjoyed the first book. Me want! *ahem*

    I also love her accent. I have such a boring accent... or not have one... whatever... LOL

    1. Same. I want a cool, attractive accent. I'm just going to adopt an Irish one and see what happens:)

  10. I do have a feeling that I'd like him ;)

  11. Bad boy, did you say? Those are the magic words! :D I read another character profile for this series today and all of this promotion is definitely persuading me to pick up the first book soon... even if just to meet Phoenix. ;)

  12. Phoenix is a really, really awesome name. And his character sounds terrific! I hope to meet him some day. ;) Thanks for sharing, Jenny! I'm pleased you enjoyd Phoenix... I mean... *cough* this book so much. :)

  13. Ooh! I have these two! I've been hesitating to start them because they're not really review books, and I'm not a angel fan, particularly. But Phoenix sounds...lovely. Plus, does this mean he's Australian? Because--swooooooon!

  14. They've done such a great job in marketing these books! I was asked to help with Entice Me Day but I haven't read them yet...

  15. I love bad boys too Jenny so I guess I HAVE to read this series and meet this Phoenix guy =) !! Embrace will be the next book I'll buy for sure !! Thank you !!

  16. Ahh, Phoenix. I'm hoping we'll get see more of him in the next book.

    I love seeing Jessica in all of these different places in Sydney!

  17. Oooh Jenny, you and I share love of "the bad-boy" yum! I really need to read the first book because Phoenix sounds scrumptious! :)
