Today I have author S.R. Johannes joining me on the blog to answer a few questions about her young adult novel Untraceable. Untraceable released yesterday and is now available for purchase, so be sure and check the bottom of the post for the links!
What are the 5 things Grace would say are must-haves for surviving in the wilderness? Is there anything you personally would add to that list?
Grace would take only the essentials. A flint and steel to start a fire, a tarp to keep dry, a purifier water, food (moon pies), and a really sharp knife.
I would take books and my computer :-) And Grace would be so annoyed with me!
Mo, our resident hottie in Untraceable, has a delicious accent. What accent do you find the most alluring?
My husband is from the UK so everytime I write for Mo – I hear my husband’s voice in my head. Pretty much everything Mo says, my husband has said at one point or another. Sometimes, my friends make me put him on speakerphone so they can all swoon when he speaks (that is so high school right?). So his accent is my favorite. :-)
My fav phrases he says:
Hello blossom
On your bike (go away)
Bloody hell (Geez!)
Oh my giddy aunt (holy crap)
Taking the mickey (just kidding)
That’s Poppycock (that's a lie)
Grace is clearly an outdoorsy girl; would you consider yourself to be one as well? I have to say I most thoroughly am not as I may or may not run screaming like a little girl from any and all insects.
Not to the extent she is, but I do love nature and animals. Being outside grounds me, it recenters me. When I get frustrated, I go in my back yard and sit in the swing and just listen to the world around me. Now that is not wilderness like Grace.
I used to camp all the time when I was growing up but got away from it as soon as I started working. My husband loves the wilderness and when we had kids we naturally started doing things like hiking and fishing so nature has grown on me again. Though I’m not stoked about spiders or snakes, nor do I like to be isolated in the deep dark woods.
Is there one single trait Graces possesses that you wish you did?
Survival. She rarely panics if lost or scared. She keeps her wits about her. I freak out if something goes wrong. I am not great in a crisis. If the world was destroyed, Grace would be able to take care of herself. She could get her own food, know what plants to eat, and easily survive. I would perish within one day.
If I can pick another I would say that I love how Grace appreciates the simple things. Unlike teens today, she doesn’t need computers or TV or cell phones. She is happy in nature enjoying life. Enjoying the moments that kids forget to enjoy. So in a sense, even though Grace can be very impulsive and even annoyingly reckless, she is much more grounded than I am at times.
What has been the most exciting moment for you to date with the writing of and promotional work for Untraceable?
When I found out Untraceable was accepted by Kirkus and getting a review. That made me feel more credible as an author.
You come from a marketing background; how has that affected the way you’ve been promoting your own book?
I’m not going to lie - it helps me in many ways.
1) I love marketing. Not as much as writing but I think its fun so I have fun doing it
2) I know what needs to be done and can do it myself.
3) I am not afraid of it nor am I afraid of contacting people and pitching them.
I will say it has been slightly awkward because I am usually marketing FOR other people. I am not used to promoting myself and it feels odd. But I’m trying to do it in a genuine way so hopefully that comes across.
What’s the one piece of marketing advice you find yourself giving to fellow authors most often?
Yes, you need an online presence/platform. Yes you need a web site.
I’m surprised when I still get that question in this day and age.
Name one 2012 release you’re most looking forward to getting your hands on.
You mean besides my Grace book 2 Uncontrollable – coming in summer :-)??
I would say: Body Finder 3 (The Last Echo) by Kimberly Derting and Fracture by Megan Miranda
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions Shelli! More information on her and her books can be found here:
When her dad goes missing on a routine patrol, Grace refuses to believe he’s dead and fights the town authorities, tribal officials, and nature to find him.
One day, while out tracking clues, Grace is rescued from danger by Mo, a hot guy with an intoxicating accent and a secret. As her feelings between him and her ex-boyfriend get muddled, Grace travels deep into the wilderness to escape and find her father.
Along the way, Grace learns terrible secrets that sever relationships and lives. Soon she’s enmeshed in a web of conspiracy, deception, and murder. And it’s going to take a lot more than a compass and a motorcycle (named Lucifer) for this kick-butting heroine to save everything she loves.