Thursday, October 11, 2012

Review: The Boy Recession

Flynn Meaney
Contemporary Young Adult
256 Pages
Available Now
Received from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
It's all about supply and demand when a high school deals with the sudden exodus of male students.

The boy recession has hit Julius P. Heil High, and the remaining boys find that their stock is on the rise: With little competition, even the most unlikely guys have a good chance at making the team and getting the girl. Guitar-strumming, class-skipping Hunter Fahrenbach never wanted to be a hot commodity, but the popular girls can't help but notice his unconventional good looks. With a little work, he might even by boyfriend material.

But for down-to-earth Kelly Robbins, the boy recession is causing all sorts of problems. She has secretly liked her good friend Hunter for a while now, but how can she stand out in a crowd of overzealous Spandexers?

As if dating wasn't hard enough without a four-to-one ratio!

Light and cute, The Boy Recession is the type of story we crave when we want a quick escape into someone else’s life that won’t add weight to our shoulders or emotional scars to our psyche, instead offering a brief and humorous respite from the real world that ends as we know it will all along yet still manages to bring a smile to our faces nonetheless. Ms. Meaney has an easy fluidity to her style of writing, giving us witty dialogue and likable characters who, while not necessarily exhibiting profound depth and complexity, keep us rooting for them throughout. Easily devoured in one sitting, The Boy Recession is full of humor and teenage antics; a refreshing, palate-cleansing taste of fun before we pick up a heavier, meatier read.

This tale is presented to us through the dual perspectives of Kelly and Hunter, and it’s nothing short of entertaining to spend a few moments with each of them as they deal with the drastic change in the social structure of their tiny high school. We don’t ever come to know either Kelly or Hunter all that well – this not being a story meant to inspire an unbreakable emotional connection with its hero and heroine – but what we do know if them we can’t help but like, laughing at their interactions with their separate groups of friends and feeling the beginning rustle of butterfly wings in our bellies as their friendship starts to grow into something more.

With many a laugh out loud moment, particularly toward the end as Hunter’s friend Eugene attempts to provide “good date” instructions to a group of young men headed out to prom, The Boy Recession is the perfect pick-me-up book when our minds don't want to work too hard while reading. Conflict and drama are notably absent from this story, allowing us to just cruise along with Hunter and Kelly, content to sit back and simply wait for them to finally find their way to one another after taking a wrong turn or two. Ms. Meaney has a wonderful sense of humor, and will certainly be an author I seek out when I need a quick reminder of why reading is so much fun.

Rating: 3.5/5


  1. Perfect review Jenny! I'm currently reading it and I have pretty much the same thoughts. It's obviously not a book where I have to fall madly in love with either character but they are funny and the story itself is light. Some times though, you need a fun, light story to read!

    1. Exactly. It was a nice break from some of the darker, heavier dystopians I'd been reading!

  2. Aw, sometimes light fun and quick is all I need to be happy!! I always wanted to read this one so I'm happy to get a copy!

    1. It's a cute little book, I think you'll like it:) Short too, so you'll breeze right through it.

  3. I think I entered on goodreads for this one ;) Cos it sounded cute

    1. Oooo good luck to you then! Hope you win a copy:)

  4. Aaaw this seems so cute and really nice! I love books that are light and quick and I think this is the perfect book for me right now-because of all the school work and I could really use a book to get my mind of serious stuff! ;P Lovely review as always, Jenny! <3

    1. It would definitely be a nice break from all your school work Riya! It's a really quick read, you'll get through it in no time:)

  5. This one sounds like such a fun and cute read, Jenny! I really need one of those soon, so I think I'll check this one out for sure! :) Thanks for the recommendation, dear, and fantastic review! :D

    1. You're welcome! I just had fun reading this one:)

  6. Sounds like a cute read! Perfect for when you want a quick, light read. Sometimes we all need those! :)

    1. Absolutely:) I was laughing my way through it.

  7. This one looked cute, so happy to see it was good!

  8. This looks super good! Great review. Looks like I can pick this up for a nice, easy read :)

  9. I'm always going through moods like the one you described. Sounds up my alley. Great review doll cakes!

  10. Sounds adorable! It reminds me of a book called "24 girls in 7 days" by Alex Bradley, which I know can be misconstrued in a dirty way but the book is about a senior high school kid who can't get a date for prom so his friends set up a wanted ad in the school paper. It's hysterical, light, and sweet. Give it a shot if you haven't read it yet. :)

  11. A light, fun read sounds good to me!

  12. "...type of story we crave when we want a quick escape into someone else’s life that won’t add weight to our shoulders." I love how you phrased this. It sounds wonderful and fun. I think I'd like to try it.

  13. I know I'm turning into a fan of contemporary when a book like this makes me want to pick it up. Or you're just THAT AWESOME at writing reviews. I'd believe either explanation, to be honest. ;)

  14. Sounds like a fun cute read. Personally I don't really read YA contemp. I guess I just don't enjoy teen characters that much unless there's something else that is thrown in the mix to make it more compelling. Ie dystopian or paranormal elements.

  15. In one way I'm glad this one is light and not serious at all and on another I'm a bit disappointed that it is so light. However, who am I to pass at something that is just fun and a delight to read? I must be in need of a deeper read. LOL

    I do love the title. Would make me consider it if I saw it on the shelf. :)

  16. I read Bloodthirsty by Meaney last year it was adorable. She has nice, lighter kind of writing style that is perfect for palette cleansing reading.

    This book sounds adorable and I love the cover!

  17. This is the sort of book I actively seek out every now and again. While it isn't something I would read on a regular basis, I do sometimes feel the need to let my brain take a break and just enjoy a quick, fun story. This sounds perfect for that. Brilliant review, Jenny! :)

  18. I do appreciate a sort of lighter kind of writing style every now and then, even if the characters aren't particularly complex. "Palate-cleansing" is a most excellent and accurate way to put it!

  19. I've really mixed things about this one, but I guess I'll add it to my tbr! It doesn't sound too bad, it sounds great for when I'm looking for a light read. Lovely review, Jenny! Thanks for your thoughts. :)

  20. This does look very cute. But I need a boy surplus, not recession!

  21. Cute and funny sounds good to me! I like to read books occasionally that are easy on the brain but give me some giggles. I will keep my eye open for this one at the library!

  22. Hahaaaa this books sounds so hilarious<3 It's just the type of book I need right now :) Maybe this whole "recession"/"supply" and "demand" can help me with my economics exam! Awesome review Jenny!:)

  23. Nice review! That's too bad that you don't come to know either MC that well, but it does seem like a fun story.

  24. LOL--I love the premise of this! I was just laughing with my girls because at our new high school, there are more guys than girls. Told them they hand plenty to choose from.

  25. I only read a few reviews on this book. Sounds like this book could be the pick me up I need. I like it when books with humor. Lovely Review :)

  26. I LOVE books that are fun!! I'll definitely be checking this out!

  27. I don't really think I have read scarring books this month to need a light fluffy break but damn, i'm still curious!
    Fabulous review Jenny! :)

  28. Ooo, I have this one and will now be saving it for when I need something light and fun or when I need a break from reading review books :)

  29. This book was absolutely great! No regrets about buying it and totally worth reading! I defiantly recommend this book for teenagers only! Including teenage comedy and situations!
