Monday, January 21, 2013

Review: Asunder

Newsoul #2
Jodi Meadows
Young Adult/Fantasy-ish
416 pages
Katherine Tegen Books
Available January 29th
Received from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
Ana has always been the only one. Asunder. Apart. But after Templedark, when many residents of Heart were lost forever, some hold Ana responsible for the darksouls–and the newsouls who may be born in their place.

Many are afraid of Ana’s presence, a constant reminder of unstoppable changes and the unknown. When sylph begin behaving differently toward her and people turn violent, Ana must learn to stand up not only for herself but for those who cannot stand up for themselves.

Ana was told that nosouls can’t love. But newsouls? More than anything, she wants to live and love as an equal among the citizens of Heart, but even when Sam professes his deepest feelings, it seems impossible to overcome a lifetime of rejection.

In this second book in the Incarnate trilogy, Ana discovers the truth about reincarnation and will have to find a way to embrace love and make her young life meaningful. Once again, Jodi Meadows explores the extraordinary beauty and shadowed depths of the soul in a story equal parts epic romance and captivating fantasy.

Asunder reintroduces us to a world that left us a tiny bit confused after the concluding chapters of Incarnate, questions abounding as to the relationship between the temple, the creation of newsouls, and the true death of the darksouls to make us a touch wary when reaching for this second installment. We can't help but wonder if this sequel will follow the formula of so many sequels, simply setting us up for the next book without answering any of our many and varied questions, but luckily for us Ms. Meadows satisfies our curiosity in thrilling fashion. Though the opening chapters with Ana and Sam are a touch slow as we struggle to remember the finer details Heart and the reincarnated souls who make it their home, the story quickly picks up once they return to the city, our protectiveness of Ana and our undisguised disgust for those who treat her so cruelly flaring to life and reestablishing the beautiful connection we formed in book one.

Ana is a character whom, at first glance, appears extraordinarily vulnerable and rather meek, her sheltered upbringing and the emotional abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother making us wonder if she'll ever overcome her inherent desire to belong and instead choose to embrace all that makes her gloriously different. While it takes her a good portion of Asunder to weld a bit of steel to her vertebrae–her natural passivity and desire to refrain from making waves keeping her backbone distressingly pliable for the first half of the book–she does finally find her voice both with regard to the discrimination she faces on a daily basis as well as her relationship with Sam, instilling in us a deep sense of pride when she finally refuses to be disregarded simply for being new.

Sam is a key figure in this story in terms of our connection to Ana's journey overall, not because he's incredibly sweet and supportive throughout, but rather because he's often the opposite (though not in a malicious way), pushing us away from him and toward Ana until her pain and loneliness are our burdens to bear as well as hers. For as much as Sam tells Ana “I love you” and expresses a willingness to wait for her to figure out what those three little words truly mean before she's able to say them back (something we applaud her for), we can't help but wonder if it's not Ana, but in fact Sam himself, who needs to spend some time pondering the definition of love. Sam's love at times seems conditional–he speaks out in her defense when she's verbally and physically attacked and offers safety and comfort when she needs it, however, when those who have known him longest whisper in his ear, he's quick to reevaluate his entire relationship and often hurts Ana by discounting her feelings as those of someone who's too young to know better.

The tension between them keeps us deliciously on edge, providing just enough angst to ensure we're emotionally involved without taking it so far that we start to develop a nervous tick wondering if they're going to be hot or cold when they're together next. The romantic tension is nicely supported by the anticipatory tension stemming from our unanswered questions about Ana and newsouls in general, and we're finally given much of the information we've been craving since learning of Ana's uniqueness. While there is certainly more to learn by the time we reach the last page, we're inordinately grateful for what we do know, and eagerly look forward to what Ana's fresh perspective will bring to a world gone static thanks to five millenia of monotony.

Rating: 4/5


  1. Jenny!!!! I'm back and how I missed you! *hugggles*

    So, it was a great sequel I see? I really liked the first one and now you make me want to pick up the next too! I loved that there is so much tension between them, I'm all for big emotions and it seems like we get quite a bit here?

    1. DANNY!!! *tackle hugs you* I'm so glad you're back:) And yes, I thought it was a great sequel. A little slow for the first couple chapters, but part of that was me not remembering things from Incarnate. But it soon picked up and I loved it:)

  2. I can't remember - how much did you like Incarnate? I've heard mixed reviews about it. I'm trying to decide if I should get back to reading it.

    1. I quite enjoyed Incarnate. I gave it a 4. I really like the world and the concept and the romance, though I know some people didn't care for it since Sam is thousands of years old. That didn't bother me at all though, and it's something that's addressed in this book.

  3. Glad to hear you thought this was a good sequel! I am a bit on the fence as to whether I should get into this series... I really love the premise. On the other hand, Sam seems frustrating. Maybe I'll wait to hear how the third book is reviewed - if Sam gets better, for example - before making my final decision. This was a really helpful review, thanks Jenny!

    1. I didn't find Sam frustrating in book 1, and while his tendency to hurt Ana in this book made me want to go all mama bear on him, I still think he's a great character. I could understand, given he's spent thousands of years with the same people, how he might give them his ear and allow them to sway him. I didn't have to like it though:)

  4. Okay, first of all, THAT COVER IS SOOOOOOOOOO PRETTYYYYYYY!<3 I've read mixed reviews for the first book, so I don't know if I should start it...but I'm glad the sequel is great! Hmm...might start this when I have time :) Awesome review, Jenny!<3

    1. Isn't it? Both covers for this series have been stunning:) I'm a fan of this series, I hope you give it a try!

  5. Could you please tell my whi I haven't read Incarnate yet? I have no idea. It was one of my most anticipated reads for 2012 and I didn't read it.. Ugh. Though, there were some mixed reviews for the first book. Glad you enjoyed this one and it didn't suffer from the secoond book syndrome. I'm a huge fan of emotional books and when it's spiced up with a touch of fantasy, I'm all up for it even if lately I've been more toward contemporary. Sam sounds like the cutest character, but a douche at the same time. Ana seems interesting, though. Hmhh.. Okay, I'll see if I can manage myself to read the first one in the near future.

    1. I really liked Incarnate! I hope you give it a chance:) The whole premise was really fascinating, and while there were some things that made your brain hurt if you thought about them too long (like the fact that Sam has also been a woman in past lives), I still thought Jodi Meadows told a great story. And Ana is fabulous, I adore her:)

    2. WHAT? :O hahaha @ Sam being a woman. I can totally see why that can mess with one's head.

    3. Haha yeah:) They all have a gender they reincarnate pretty much time and again, but at some point they've all lived lives as the opposite sex:)

  6. Even in the first book, Ana had a bit of steel in her but it wobbled under all the pressure and whispers. Good to hear that she's building up her steel again -- she needs it, especially if Sam is doing the "I love you but I've known these people forever -- literally -- and they say bad things about you" thing. Which it sounds like he is. Makes me want to smack him upside the head. Boys. Sheesh.

    1. Yes, Ana reverts back to a people pleaser for a little while in this book, but honestly, with what she goes through, I couldn't blame her one bit. I likely would have curled up in a fetal ball and just rocked my way through life:) It doesn't last forever though and she finally stands her ground - it was awesome:)

  7. This is the first review I have read for this book, and I'm glad to see it's a positive one! I have to admit, although I really liked Incarnate at the time, there isn't a great deal about the first book that I can remember. I hope that doesn't make it too difficult to follow Asunder... I may have a quick flick through book one if necessary. Great review, Jenny!

    1. You'll probably be a touch confused in the beginning like I was Sam, but once Ana and Sam make it back to Heart, things start to come back to you:)

  8. thanks for the review. I struggled with this book and I was on the meh side. Sam was enjoyable and glad to hear he is just as good in this book. Still on fence with this series

    1. I liked that we were actually given some answers in this book, it wasn't strictly angst and filler in preparation for book 3. I hope you give it a try Julie!

  9. tnx for the review. thinking it over if i want to start this trilogy . gr8 review

  10. Ooo the development of Ana has me excited and while it doesn't appear that we learn enough it does sound like you were satisfied with what you did learn. I am looking forward to this one.

    1. I really, really like Ana. She just has to deal with so much, and she handles it all far better than I would:)

  11. Jenny? Why are there so many wonderful series out there? And why must you highlight them all so that I have such a monstrous wishlist/TBR?? LOL

    I skimmed this review as I've not read the first in the series yet...but you certainly make it hard to resist!

    1. I KNOW MELISSA! I feel the same way. There are so many series I still haven't read. We all need to just be able to read as our full time jobs. Paid by the page ;-)

  12. I've heard mixed reviews for this series but I really really really love the covers so much that I wonder why I don't buy it when I see it =)))

    It's great that this book didn't get infected with the second book syndrome. Why is it though, that in most books I've read, it's the guy who is the first to declare their love? I mean, it's great that Ana is taking her time and all. But then your point with Sam reevaluating his feelings has me thinking of so many guys who don't. I think it's important, no? In short, I need more emo guys!

    Anyway, fab review as always, Jenny :D

    1. The "I love you" luckily didn't feel too out of place from Sam because their relationship was slow to build, but I felt like for all that Ana struggles with whether or not what she feels is actually love, he could have benefited from a refresher course on love being unconditional:)

  13. Oh my gosh I want butterfly Honestly I know Im not going read these, the YA paranormal thing burned out for me (except vampires, Im still sneaking in a few of those books...haha) but I love reading your reviews of them...:D

    1. I know! These covers are so gorgeous. I could just stare at them all day:)

  14. Incarnate was a bit ... meh for me. I'm curious to see about Asunder, though, because second books can really bring a series to life if the first is lacking a bit. Maybe I'm just defective. LOL Everyone else seemed to LOVE Incarnate.

    1. I thought this was a great sequel, but if the first one wasn't for you, this one probably won't be either. We do get some answers though, and I loved that about it:)

    2. I think I'll still try it. If for nothing else than I adore those covers. ;)

  15. This looks right up Melissa's alley :) I do love the cover though---it is super pretty :)

  16. I wasn't a huge fan of Incarnate and actually don't even remember finishing it, but I'm so glad you enjoyed it and the sequel so much as well. Perhaps I ought to give it another try. Lovely review, Jenny! :)

    1. Hahaha it probably won't be for you Keertana! We are book polar opposites:) I think it makes us fun.

  17. Jenny, once it got more towards the end, it just got more complicated! I was ready to throw the book! I really liked it anyway. It took me on emotional roller coaster!

    1. Oh yeah, this is a complicated world. But I felt like I understood it better than I did in the first one, so I was happy with that:)

  18. Yay!! I'm glad Ana grows stronger in this one. I really enjoyed the dynamic between her and Sam, and while I don't cherish the idea of him not always listening to Ana and instead setting store by what others whisper in his ear, I'm glad their relationship goes past those struggles. I'm also eager to learn more about newsouls and the world of Heart. :) You've got me excited. The pre-order needs to come now!

    1. Sam was definitely frustrating at times in this one, I didn't like that he'd brush her thoughts and worries aside as though they meant nothing because she was only 17 instead of 5,000. Ana does eventually stand her ground though, and I just wanted to hug her for it:)

  19. I'm glad this answered some of your questions, Jenny! Middle book syndrome can be so frustrating, I remember a few second installments that almost made my hair fall out and I have a LOT of hair. :)
    I've been a bit tired of dystopias lately, but people keep praising this one so I should definitely give it a try, especially now that I won't be tortured by the confusing ending of book 1.
    Fantastic review as always, my friend.

    1. I think reading books 1 and 2 close together will be beneficial, I'd forgotten so many of the little things that were revealed at the end of book one that it took me a while to acclimate myself to the world again:)

  20. I LOVE a book with growth. Love that she gets that backbone! Right there you have sold me on this book. I was curious about the book and now I know I must have it. Well, this one AND the first as well. YES!

    1. I was proud of Ana in this book. She keeps her silence for a little while, but she finally decides enough is enough and lets Sam and the people of Heart know what it's like to be her. GO ANA!

  21. I haven't read the first one, and I really never felt a strong urge to do so. But your review of this second one has me thinking I really need to give them a try!

    1. I quite enjoy this series Candace, I think you might like it too:)

  22. Maybe I can get the library to get it ;)

  23. I wouldn't call it a cliffhanger. Things are left unresolved, but it feels like a logical place for it to stop. And the relationship with Sam is nicely threaded in with the mystery of Heart and the newsouls, so Sam and Ana's questions about how they feel are not the main focus but are rather nicely balanced with everything else. There's still lots of action:)

  24. There is so much awesome in Asunder. OMG Jenny! AHH! Your review is perfection! We learn so much about Ana, the world, and her and Sam's relationship and I have ALL THE FEELS about it! OMG I wanted to smack Sam at some points. ANA LOVES YOU! IT'S OBVIOUS. Urgh. Don't doubt her! Okay, enough dramatics. ;) I can't wait for Incarnate 3! Let's read it together, yes? :)

  25. I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed Asunder! I really liked Incarnate when I read it last year, but I'm afraid I have a slight case of book 1 amnesia. Reading your review has helped refresh me. I'm definitely ready to jump back into Sam and Ana's story now. Fantastic review! :-)

  26. So there is no love triangles! *breaths again* I was so scared that the author would include some new character and create a love triangle. I mean sometimes I really want a break from these. Anyway this sequel sounds really amazing. I can't wait to get my hands on it :)) Great review Jenny :)

  27. I honestly hated the first book, but im glad you enjoyed this one!! A book with no love triangles seems great as well! Great review!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

  28. I honestly was very frustrated with the first book. I loved the cool concept of reincarnation at the first half and then it was dropped like a wet towel. It left me disappointed and I thought the romance was too sappy for my taste.

  29. I keep hearing really good things about this series, but I think it'll be one I'll pick up once all the books are released. For now I'll just drool over the covers. =b
