Thursday, March 21, 2013

Interview and Giveaway: Jennifer Estep + Deadly Sting

Today I'm thrilled to welcome author Jennifer Estep back to the blog to answer a few questions about the latest release in her Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series, Deadly Sting. It's no secret I'm a massive Jennifer Estep fan, and I just cannot get enough of both this series and her young adult Mythos Academy series. I thinks she writes absolutely brilliant characters and tells a fabulous story, so I hope if you've yet to read anything by her that you remedy that immediately!

One of the things I love most about the Elemental Assassin series is each book always features a new and brilliantly despicable villain. Aside from Mab, which villain has been the most fun to pit Gin against?

Thanks! I appreciate that. I always have a lot of fun coming up with the villains, trying to make them evil and charismatic at the same time, and really trying to give them that someone-you-love-to-hate vibe.

I’ve enjoyed writing all of my villains, but if I had to pick one, I would go with Elektra LaFleur, the assassin with electrical elemental magic in Tangled Threads. She’s like Gin in a lot of ways, and it was fun for me to write an evil version of Gin and have them go toe-to-toe with each other.

Let’s say instead of taking a class at the local college, Gin pops over to Mythos Academy to further her education. What class offered at Mythos would Gin most be interested in?

Good question! I think Gin would definitely be interested in Professor Metis’s myth-history class. Gin loves to read, so she’d enjoy learning more about the various myths, gods, goddesses, creatures, warriors, and artifacts that make up the Mythos Academy world.

The secondary characters in this series are hugely entertaining and almost as big of a draw for readers as Gin herself. What book features your favorite cast of secondary characters?

I would say that one of my favorite cast of characters is in the Dortmunder series by Donald E. Westlake. The books are about a group of thieves who get into some really funny and strange situations. So all of the characters are a bit odd and quirky, but still funny and lovable at the same time.

The Elemental Assassin books are always ones I devour in a single sitting because I can’t bear to put them down no matter how late at night (or early in the morning) it’s getting to be. What’s the last book that kept you up reading?

I enjoyed Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. I’m looking forward to Siege and Storm, the next book in the series.

Gin’s the type of woman who keeps her emotions under wraps, never truly allowing the people in her life to see how much their words and actions sometimes hurt her. If she were to open up to just one person about her current relationship troubles with Owen, who would it be and what’s one thing she’d like them to know about how she feels?

Hmm. Good question. I would say that if Fletcher were still alive, that Gin might confide in him. Fletcher really molded her into the person that she is, so in some ways, I think that she feels closest to him and that he understands her the best (even though he’s dead).

I think Gin would tell Fletcher that she’s grateful for how strong he made her. However, I also think that she would tell him that while she wouldn’t trade that strength, her being an assassin has still cost her more than she thought it would.

Is there a possibility we’ll get a novella or spinoff book featuring Phillip and Eva, or will their relationship unfold more within Gin’s story?

It’s an interesting idea, but I don’t have any plans to do a spinoff story with Phillip and Eva right now, although they will continue to appear with the other characters in my Elemental Assassin books.

But I’ll never say never. I’d love to write more stories from the various characters’ points of view and show their adventures, along with Gin’s. I’ve had several people ask about a Finn and Bria-centered story or book, which I think would be a lot of fun to write. But it just depends on my writing schedule, which is already pretty full for this year. We’ll see what happens.

There’s a piece or two from the Elemental Assassin series, like the name of Gin’s restaurant the Pork Pit, that have been worked into the Mythos Academy series. Is there anything from the Mythos world that’s crossed over into Gin’s?

Definitely. In Widow’s Web, the seventh book in the series, Gin talks about someone growling and sounding like a Fenrir wolf, which is one of the mythological creatures in my Mythos Academy series.

I also have references in my Elemental Assassin and Mythos Academy books to characters from my Bigtime superhero paranormal romance series. For example, in the Elemental Assassin books, Finn often wears suits made by Fiona Fine, who is a fashion designer character in my Bigtime series. In my Mythos Academy series, Gwen has a poster of Karma Girl, a character from my Bigtime series, on the wall of her dorm room.

I think that the references to my other books are fun little Easter eggs for readers. I’ve gotten a few e-mails and comments from folks saying that they like the references, and it’s a lot of fun for me to figure which characters, places, etc. to use and where to work them into the various books and stories.

In the opening chapter of Deadly Sting, Gin is tortured by Finn with dress shopping for a museum gala, and thanks to some things that happen, she determines that red is a color that suits her. What color would you say is going to suit Gin best in Heart of Venom?

Oh, I think that red will continue to be Gin’s color for the foreseeable future. LOL. That’s really all I can say without giving out spoilers for Deadly Sting or future books in the series, though. Happy reading, everyone!

• • • • • • • • • •


I’m a Southern gal through and through. Sassy, sarcastic, and just a tad crazy.

I spent my formative years doing the usual kid things – playing, hanging out with my friends, and making up wild stories in my head.

It’s the last one that’s gotten me into trouble.

I don’t remember the first book I read. Or the second. Or even the third. But somewhere along the way, I fell in love with books and reading. Fairy tales, fantasies, adventure stories, mysteries, romances, westerns. As a kid, I read every book that I could get my hands on.

My mom, bless her, encouraged this obsession by taking me to the library every week. It’s one of my favorite childhood memories. Most folks think penicillin, indoor plumbing, and the Internet are the world’s best inventions. Not me. The greatest thing ever created was a library. Indoor plumbing is a close second, though.

The more I read, the more I thought about writing my own stories. I penned a few poems and short stories over the years, mainly for class assignments. Somewhere along the way, I realized that I wanted to write books for a living.

In college, I majored in English because of my love of books. But what can you do with an English degree? I didn’t know. One semester, I got a job with the college newspaper and discovered you could write stories and make a respectable living. Since that light-bulb moment, I’ve earned a bachelor’s degree in English and journalism, and a master’s degree in professional communications. Currently, I’m an award-winning features page designer for a daily newspaper.

Now, after many, many years of toil and trouble, I’ve achieved my dream of being a bona fide, published, fiction author. I plan to keep on keeping on – writing, dreaming, making up wild stories in my head.

And getting myself into trouble.

• • • • • • • • • •


Red is definitely my color. Good thing, because in my line of work, I end up wearing it a lot.

Most people shy away from blood, but for an assassin like me — Gin Blanco, aka the Spider — it’s just part of the job. Still, it would be nice to get a night off, especially when I’m attending the biggest gala event of the summer at Briartop, Ashland’s fanciest art museum. But it’s just not meant to be. For this exhibition of my late nemesis’ priceless possessions is not only the place to be seen, but the place to be robbed and taken hostage at gunpoint as well. No sooner did I get my champagne than a bunch of the unluckiest thieves ever burst into the museum and started looting the place.

Unlucky why? Because I brought along a couple of knives in addition to my killer dress. Add these to my Ice and Stone magic, and nothing makes me happier than showing the bad guys why red really is my color.

• • • • • • • • • •


Thanks to Jennifer, I have one print copy of Deadly Sting to give away on the blog today. To enter, please just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Giveaway is open to US residents only. Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. You are the Queen of creative questions, Jenny! I don't know how you do it. I only just clued in after reading the interview that this is the same author as the Mythos Academy series! Interesting.

    1. Awww thank you Aylee! And yes, she writes the Mythos books too, I love both series! I haven't read her Bigtime series, but I keep meaning to:)

  2. Great interview! I loved Shadow and Bone too. This interview reminded me that I still need to read the Mythos series.

  3. Awesome interview Jenny and Jennifer! Love all the questions and thoughtful answers! Red is a good color!
    Love the way you worded your favorite villain question!

    1. Thanks Rachel! And red is definitely an appropriate color for Gin:)

  4. Now I'm not a big fan of UF books but brilliantly despicable villain sounds like something I'd love to see. I might give this series try once I start reading UF :) Great interview Jenny :)

    1. She writes AWESOME villains. Each book has its own pretty much, and then there is a major villain that's in each of the first 5 books. Gin always has her work cut out for her:)

  5. Oh that poor gal, tortured by dress shopping ;) But well it's Gin

    1. Haha yes, Gin is anti-shopping:) Finn was in heaven though.

  6. Oh, I so love this series -- and this book! GIN FANGIRLS, FTW!! Love that Gin is so put off by shopping (gal after my own heart) and takes great pleasure in getting that red dress even redder.

    Loved Elektra! She really was the bad(der) version of Gin...

  7. Oh what a wonderful Interview!!!!! I think I told you many times that I desperately need to get started with this series. The more I read about it and the more I hear from you I think I must read them!!

    1. I think you would like them Danny, they can be really violent and dark at times, but the characters are amazing and there's a lot of humor running through the books as well:)

  8. I love, love, love your interviews, Jenny! They're always so entertaining and give me a better sense of the author's personality. I think you need to interview celebs, too.

    Not that authors aren't celebrities!

    Er ... You know what I mean!

  9. Great interview, Jenny! You ask some of the best questions one could possibly ask! :)
    I love that there is a different villain in each book. Villains are actually my favorite characters. I like to see what evilness authors come up with. It's good to know that Jennifer likes to write her villains!

  10. Great interview and you have the best questions. You showed great restraint in not asking about Owen and things to come. Love this series and I have only you to thank for that. :}

  11. I love that there are Bigtime references in Gin's books! They crack me up!

  12. Aylee -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Alison -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the Mythos Academy series.

    Rachel -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Tanja -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

    Blodeuedd -- Thanks! Yes, Gin's not much for shopping.

    Mary -- Thanks! I appreciate all the nice words about the series.

    Danny -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

    Hannah -- Thanks! And I agree. Jenny does great interviews.

    Nick -- Thanks! And I love a good villain too.

    Cathy -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

  13. Rebe -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the references.

  14. Great interview!!!! Love your books.

  15. I know Jennifer is one of your favorite authors so of course that makes me so intrigued by her and her books. I want to read Mythos Academy soon, I just haven't had time yet which sucks >.< Oh, and she likes Shadow and Bone? Well why, I just ordered myself a paperback of it and I cannot wait to discover it;) And villains? I adore a great villain - someone I just love to hate, you know. I LOVE your questions. Ugh, why are you so perfect, Ms. Jenny? That's so unfair, heh. Anyway, as for our little interview, my PC is being a bad friend and very uncooperative and I can't even do my school work for labs and essays so.. yeah. Whenever I get the problem fixed, I'll work on emailing the questions to you:)

  16. I love your questions, Jenny! Always so creative. I totally need to start this series, and now I'm even more excited to meet Gin (and to be honest, Elektra too). The fact that Shadow and Bone kept Jennifer up reading is a very good sign that her narrative tastes align with mine. :-)

    UGH, I really want to read the Mythos Academy books too! Oh dilemma, which should I start first??

    Fabulous interview!

  17. Heather -- Thanks! I appreciate that.

    Sirtsu -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out my books.

    Lauren -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out my books.

    Heidi -- Thanks! I appreciate all the nice words, and I hope you enjoy the Elemental Assassin series too.

  18. A myth-history class sounds awesome. And despicable villains are very hard to create, but I love reading about them. Thanks for the reminder to pick this series up soon.

  19. I love the perspective you take when asking your questions. It's so refreshing and it totally digs down to what we want to hear (even if it's "i cant say because i'd spoil it" from the author lol). Thanks for hosting the giveaway :)

  20. Rummanah -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out my books.

    MrsMommyB -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

  21. That was a great interview, and I thought for sure that Jennifer would say that Gin would want to go over and spar with the warriors at Mythos, but I loved her answer instead. I tend to just think of Gin as an assassin and I forget that she loves to take college classes on various subjects.

  22. Great interview, this looks lovely!

  23. JenM -- Thanks! That's a good idea. Gin would probably want to do a sparring match or two before she left the academy.

    Jaime -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

  24. I really love this series so much. It has just the amount of brutality I'm looking for in an assassin. Plus, they make great audiobooks!!

  25. Loved the book! Love this series. I also love those easter eggs. Those are so much fun and I smile every time I find one.

    Jenny is the queen of interviews! Love it!

  26. I think a myth history class would be my worst nightmare. I had enough of that in Uni, thank you very much. And I completely agree with Jennifer about Elektra, she was my far my favorite, even more interesting than Mab because she was so much like Gin in some ways.

  27. Vivien -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series and the audio books.

    Melissa -- Thanks! I appreciate all the nice words about the books.

    Maja -- Thanks! Glad you liked Elektra as a villain.

  28. I loved the interview and I'm so happy that Deadly Sting is coming out. The Elemental Assassin series is my favorite series and I'm always glad to have more to read.

  29. Barbara -- Thanks! That's so nice of you to say.

  30. Loves this interview! Elektra has been my favorite villain thus far, as well. They have all been utterly despicable though! I'm on Widow's Web now and I'm really excited for Deadly Sting. Yahhooo!

  31. Sweet interview and giveaway Jenny! You know how much I love this author!! WOOHOO

  32. Thanks for the awesome interview! I love, love, love, love, love this series!!! I've still got to read Widow's Web, which I plan to do... I just had to give it some time... when it it first came out, a blog that I really enjoyed totally spoiled it for me and I was really bummed... now that it's been some time, I think I'm finally ready to dive in :) Can't wait for this next book! It sounds delicious!

  33. The interview was awesome. I'm so glad you posted it - I read the first 6 books in the series a few months ago and I've been wondering when this one was going to be released. Now, I'm excited.
    steph0828 @ hotmail . com

  34. Great interview. Love the series cant wait to read it.

  35. I really enjoy this series. One of the pluses for me is the big secondary cast of such interesting and different characters.

  36. I love the Easter Eggs in your books! Do you know how many Easter Eggs there are in all your different series? (I think I might go back and read all your books just to see if I can find them all!)

  37. Smash Attack! -- Thanks! Glad you have enjoyed the villains in the books.

    Savannah -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Erin -- Thanks! I appreciate all the nice words about the series.

    Stephanie -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Donnas -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Anne -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    Whitewolfreads -- Thanks! Glad you like the Easter eggs. I haven't really kept count, but I've tried to put references to my Bigtime and Mythos Academy books into most of the Elemental Assassin books, and vice versa for the references in the Mythos Academy books.

  38. Great interview! I've already preordered Deadly Sting and Heart of Venom - love the series that much! Gin is one of my all-time favorite kick-ass heroines!

    I'm also crushing on the Gwen Frost series - need to reread them to see the cross-over elements - what a fun feature!


  39. Leanne -- Thanks! I appreciate all the nice words about my books.

  40. Great interview, about 2 books behind on the series...definitely need to catch up! This series has one of the best covers ever. :)

  41. Great interview. I loved the question about Phillip and Eva. I would love to see where that goes. Such a great series.

  42. Thanks for the giveaway. i would love to read this series.

  43. Van -- Thanks! I like the covers a lot too.

    Gidget -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Victoria -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the books.

  44. You always think up the most interesting questions, Jenny. I like the fact that Jennifer has Easter eggs hidden in her stories from both series. Kind of fun to hunt them out. Thanks for the interview and giveaway. This sounds like a series I could sink my teeth into. :)

  45. gerat interview and great series.

  46. Rachel -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview

    Pamk -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.
