Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Review: Endless

The Violet Eden Chapters #4
Jessica Shirvington
Paranormal Young Adult
480 pages
Sourcebooks Fire
Available now
Source: eARC from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)

Violet Eden thought she was getting things under control. Then all hell breaks loose-literally. In the war between angels and exiles, she's about to face the biggest baddie of all time. Except she's not nearly ready.

The dark exile Phoenix is still messing with her head-not to mention her heart. And her undeniable attraction to Lincoln has gotten downright dangerous. When Hell unleashes its worst, Violet must embrace every facet of her angel self to save the people she cares about and the world as she knows it. But death is not the worst thing she will face...

Endless is a story we enter into with heavy hearts, knowing this second-to-last installment will likely be a case of “it’s always darkest before the dawn” and thus bracing ourselves for the emotional onslaught. Ms. Shirvington does not disappoint on this front, delving deeper into the connections between Violet and those closest to her and poking at our hearts hard enough that we flinch in response, instinctively recoiling to protect ourselves from the bigger blows we know are likely to come. Though this story is certainly the darkest and most painful yet, Ms. Shirvington doesn’t leave us totally adrift in the turbulent swells of our feelings, often granting us extraordinarily beautiful moments right when we need them most to ensure we stay afloat with Violet as she takes on Lilith.

In the past, this series has been one of those where we would strongly benefit from a reread of the prior book before wading back into the world of the Grigori, but unlike in previous installments, Ms. Shirvington provides a brief but detailed recap of what’s happened thus far as Violet explains her world to her very human father. She not only reminds us of details we’d forgotten, but she also explains things in a way that brings new clarity to Violet and her story as a whole, leaving us with a greater understanding and appreciation for a series with which we’re already desperately in love.

Violet continues to prove herself a force to be reckoned with, growing in both power and fighting prowess and maturing in her decision-making, her communications with Lincoln and Griffin more open than they have been previously. Her relationship with Lincoln–one stunningly excruciating–reaches a more level playing field for majority of the book, the push-pull nature of their romance (it should be noted that the push/pull in this case is for extremely valid reasons and not simply a result of teenage whims and angst) finally finding a bit of a happy medium with the two of them accepting that though they can’t be together, they also won’t be with anyone else.

The happy medium of their relationship is one of those aforementioned fleeting moments of haunting beauty though, and in the final chapters of Endless Ms. Shirvington tests just how much a heart can take before shattering beyond repair, bringing tears to our eyes even as we smile with pride at what Violet has become. The most romantic, heartbreaking, and deeply moving installment yet, Endless should be moved to the top of everyone’s must read list.

Rating: 4.5/5

Find Jessica:

Don't forget to check out my interview with Jessica for more info on Endless!

This book was sent to me by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.


  1. I haven't tried this series yet but now I really want to! Gorgeous review as always Jenny!

    1. I didn't care all that much for book one Ali, there were some things with Violet that didn't sit well with me, but there's a reason for it and I fell madly in love with her starting with book 2. She's just gotten better and better with each book:)

  2. uhm.. "The most romantic, heartbreaking, and deeply moving installment yet,"
    and then you also cried? Seriously, why am I not reading this series?

  3. This was in your list of "must-reads" if I remember correctly. Must pick this series up soon. Little scared seeing that this is the most heartbreaking installment to date, eeek! I didn't fully read this review, because I still need to pick up the first book! So many books, and too little time, Jenny!

    1. Yes, this one hurt Rachel. A lot. BUT, Violet is a standout character and while the romance punches you in the gut at every turn, it's also truly beautiful as well:)

  4. I like when it's dark...just not too dark and not with a cliffie that leaves me dying inside

    1. This one is definitely dark, but she gives us just enough light that we don't feel smothered or weighed down too heavily.

  5. I have this series on my must read list and I cannot wait to read it. I mean it's my little angels and I love them :) Oh I'm all in for heartbreaking, that's the way I love them. I just hope that the last book in this series will be awesome. Great review :)

    1. I think you'll be a fan of this series Tanja! If you don't like Violet in book one, stick with the series, you'll fall in love with her in book two:)

  6. I haven't read this series at all, but I love when books can keep your interest even as far past the third and fourth novels. I'll have to look into this one and start it soon for sure, I think. Great review, Jenny!(:

    1. Same Keertana. This is definitely a series that gets better with each installment and I love everything about it:)

  7. This has been a really good series and I'm happy to hear it's building towards that crescendo and that epic final battle. Violet's relationship with Lincoln is one of the reasons I've stuck with this series!

    1. Violet and Lincoln are just painful aren't the Mary? But I love them so much, and I need the last book so they can finally be happy together. Hopefully.

  8. "in the final chapters of Endless Ms. Shirvington tests just how much a heart can take before shattering beyond repair" AAH this has me a bit scared, but I'm SO excited to read it! Beautiful review Jenny :-)

    1. I'm still picking up the pieces Lauren, but this book was amazing, I highly recommend!

  9. it's beyond ridiculous how heartbreaking this instalment was! *sobs violently* I have no words for it, Jessica is guilty of reader cruelty! But seriously, this book broke my heart and yet I absolutely loved it. That is such a rare thing to experience in YA these days, I can't think of any other series that did that to me, maybe except for Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness and Lord of the Rings, both of which always leave me in pieces.

    And did you know the next book starts two years later? TWO YEARS LATER?! *pulls hair* I can't.. I just.. can't *hyperventilates*

    Beautiful review sweetie!

    1. WHAT? There's a 2 year break? NOOOOOOOOO! I need to know what happens every minute of every day! *starts hyperventilating along with you*

  10. I seriously need to read this series! GAH! I am so behind. You and another friend of mine are big fans of it, so odds are I will be, too. I definitely need to read this asap!

    1. You do Hannah. YOU DO! *glares menacingly* Okay, so I don't have a menacing glare really, you know I'd just bust out laughing if I tried one, but you should for serious read this series. I love it so much.

  11. Fantastic review, Jenny! I loved Endless too and gave it 4.5 stars as well. I actually liked it a bit more than some of the other books in the series. However, this book left me heartbroken. Ahh! I can't wait to read the next installment, but I am sad to see the series end.

    1. IT HURTS CHRISTINA! *curls into fetal ball* So good though. I'm going to go straight to the end of the next book and check to see what's in store for Violet and Lincoln though, I know I'm not going to make it through that whole book without knowing how things work out for the two of them:)

  12. Jenny, I'm jealous you read this! GAH! I need it now. Good thing my birthday is on Monday! Loved your review :)

  13. Aw. I'm so glad you enjoyed it knowing how much this series has managed to entertain you in every way possible. I know you've talked about Violet's growth before so I'm realy in awe of how she manages to show even more character growth in this installment. I'm glad to hear that the romance is pulling on your heart strings since I'm sure it'll be rewarded in a big way when the series ends:) I hope you get your HEA :)

  14. I had to skim read your review, Jenny as I haven't started this series yet. I must though, since you love it and I know Christina does too -which probably means I will enjoy it! :)

  15. Romantic, heartbreaking and deeply moving... You always know exactly how to lure me in!
    And I so love it when authors are thoughtful enough to write these recaps, expecially when their books are fairly complex and a lot of time passes between installments. Stiefvater wrote one for The Raven Boys and I honestly don't know how I would have done without it.
    Gorgeous review as usual, Jenny!

  16. I'm so behind on this series. In a way I'm glad to know this is almost the last one since then it won't be like those 20+ series books and I'm so far behind I may never catch up.

    Love the sound of Violet and who she has become and I really just love that last paragraph of your review. So beautiful!

  17. I'm so glad to see that you loved this one! I see this series on your blog for each release and it always gets me a little more interested in starting it. I might have to give it a shot soon!

  18. So this is a 5 book series? That kind of makes me nervous! Lots of drawn out angst. BUT the fact that you're loving this so much, means a lot. I'm pretty sure I've avoided this one because I thought it had a huge love triangle in it. But maybe not? Can you confirm/deny based on 4 books? But your last line really makes me want to give these a shot! (sorry I always ask the same questions!)
