Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday Flourish (+ Giveaway!): Rachel's Deception

Happy Only-Two-More-Days-Until-Friday Everyone!

Happy Wednesday didn't really sound like a great greeting, so I went with the above. Possible fail. Anyway, today I'm really excited to reveal the cover of Rachel's Deception, the fourth book in the Temptation series by Karen Ann Hopkins. This latest installment is a spinoff featuring Noah's little sister, so it can be read as a standalone for any of you who haven't read Noah and Rose's story in its entirety.

Designing this cover with Karen was a bit of a different process than the previous covers we've done together because we wanted to make sure Rachel's Deception fit with the first three books published by Harlequin Teen. At the same time though, we needed to differentiate it from the others since Rachel is stepping into the spotlight, so we kept with an outdoor rural setting to highlight the Amish lifestyle but chose to make Rachel a focal point on her own. Before we get to the cover, here's a quick look at the previous titles:

To celebrate the reveal Karen is offering up a fantastic giveaway, so be sure and check the bottom of the post for all the details, and don't forget to enter yesterday's giveaway to win a full Karen Ann Hopkins prize pack!

And now, Rachel's Deception:

Growing up Amish is difficult…but leaving it behind is even harder.

Noah was Amish...Rose wasn't. Being together should have been impossible. But somehow they found a way to make it work. They are finally a family, but their happily-ever-after is still a long off. Will Rose and her friends be able to force real change?

Karen Ann Hopkins returns with a gripping new book in the YA Temptation series. The powerful family saga continues with Rachel's Deception, as events spiral out of control in the sleepy farming community of Meadowview. And Rachel Miller has her own secrets to hide. Noah’s younger sister has been living a double life. That is, until Justin Cameron, Rose's little brother, catches her in the act. Rachel is not the obedient Amish girl that her sister was, and her rebelliousness takes her to a very dangerous world. A world that only her true friends can help her escape from.

As Rachel questions all she has been taught about love, family, and commitment, Rose discovers what it really means to be shunned. And an evil shadow looms on the horizon, threatening not only Rose, but everyone she holds dear.

The blog tour for Rachel’s Deception runs from May 18th - June 5th, if you are interested in reviewing the book and want to join the blog tour then please visit Karen’s tour page and sign up!


Temptation (Book 1)

Belonging (Book 2)
Forever (Book 3)
Audiobook lovers, be sure and pre-order Temptation (you can check out a sample here) which will be available on Audible April 21st!

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A native of New York State, Karen Ann Hopkins now lives with her family on a farm in northern Kentucky, where her neighbors in all directions are members of a strict Amish community. Her unique perspective became the inspiration for the story of star-crossed lovers Rose and Noah. When she’s not homeschooling her kids, giving riding lessons or tending to a menagerie of horses, goats, peacocks, chickens, ducks, rabbits, dogs and cats, she is dreaming up her next romantic novel.

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Karen is generously offering up a $25 gift card (Amazon or B&N) as well as a copy of TEMPTATION (book 1) to one lucky winner! To enter, please fill out the Rafflecopter form.


  1. You know, I read the first book in this series forever ago, but I slipped off the band wagon and haven't continued with it yet. I'm curious how the couple in the first book worked out now. Hmmm.

    1. I hope you pick the rest of the books up Melanie:)

    2. Hi Melanie! Now that the 4th book is about to be released, it's a great time to dive back into the series. Hope you'll continue with it :) thanks!

  2. Those covers are fantastic and you did a BRILLIANT job at working on something that fits but also stands out on its own, Jenny!!

    1. Thank you so much Pili! I'm really pleased with how it turned out:)

  3. Great job, Jenny! I love the fits in with the others, but it still memorable. Can't wait to see what you come up with next! :)

  4. Ooh! Lovely! You always do such a fabulous job, Jenny! I need to read something by this author soon! :)

    1. Thank you Nick! She has a wide variety of genres, so you have a lot to choose from:)

    2. Hi Nick! Every cover Jenny has created for me is amazing, but I really love this one! I think you'll enjoy the series if you give it a try :)

  5. Once again you astound me Jenny, so darn talented! I love it! The colors and softness are just gorgeous and I think it goes perfectly with the other covers!

    1. *blushes* Thanks so much Ali! I'm having so much fun working on these covers with Karen:)

  6. Another gorgeous cover! I love how the golden fields meld with the violet sky/clouds in the backdrop. Thanks for sharing Jenny :)

    1. Thank you Kim! I definitely wanted something colorful to stand out on B&N/Amazon:)

  7. I love it! You did a wonderful job! I really love the blue. :) I haven't read any of her books yet but they are on my list for books I need to read! There's something about the Amish that is fascinating!

  8. Love the covers. You do such amazing work, Jenny. If I was needing a book cover designed, I would come to you. In fact, next time I redo the blog, I am emailing you.

    1. YES HEIDI! Let's design things together:)

  9. I didn't know Karen Ann Hopkins was surprising us with a new companion novel! I'm quit excited about it and Rachel's story. But Jenny you're work is always fabulous and I love the cover for this one. It does sort of work with the Harlequin covers but also completely stands out on it's own!
    Lily @ Lilysbookblog

    1. Yay! So glad I could put this on your radar Lily:) I hope you give it a try!

    2. Hi Lily! This book has been a while in the making and I'm so excited to bring it fans of the Temptation series and new readers alike :) Jenny did a perfect job of staying with the design theme of the previous books, while making this one stand out on its own. Love it!

  10. This cover blends and elevates this series. Well done Jenny!

  11. You did an absolute great job! I hate it when the covers suddenly change and you fit it in with the series and made it stand out. You are so good! Thanks for letting me be a part of the reveal!

    1. I always hate that too, I like to have my covers all match! I'm glad everyone thinks this one complements the previous covers:)

  12. HAPPY TWO DAYS UNTIL FRIDAY. I know I am definitely counting down those days since I could really use the rest.

    You have done such an amazing job with the covers, Jenny! They are absolutely gorgeous and I REALLY love the color scheme for Rachel's Deception! :)

    Thanks for sharing! :D

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

    1. Heh. I thought that sounded better than "Wednesday". Wednesday still sounded like there was a lot of week left ;-)

      And thank you!!!! Karen and I were really pleased with how this turned out:)

  13. You did a brilliant job...That's my fav cover of the series!

  14. Beautiful, Jenny! It really fits in with the others so well!

    1. Thanks so much Aylee! That was my number one goal:)

  15. Lovely covers, Jenny! You're amazing. :D

  16. Wow! I'm continuously impressed with your gorgeous work. And I love this feature because getting to see them all is so incredible! <3

    1. Thank you Lisa! I love sharing them:) I don't want to overwhelm the blog with these posts, so I'm trying to share sparingly!

  17. Love the cover and thanks so much for the giveaway!

  18. Love the covers. Haven't read any of these but they sound intriguing.

  19. The cover is beautiful! I have enjoyed Amish fiction in the past, so I would be interested in trying out this series.

  20. never read the series; okay cover

  21. I have been meaning to try Temptation ever since it was recommended to me by three different friends who have all said they loved it. There really must be something to these books :)
