Friday, July 22, 2016

Reliquary Blog Tour: Interview + Giveaway

Happy Friday Everyone! Today I'm thrilled to welcome author Sarah Fine back to the blog to answer a few questions about her newest release, Reliquary. As you guys already know, I'm obsessed with everything Sarah writes so I couldn't be more excited for this new book! I hope you guys enjoy the interview and be sure to check the bottom of the post for all the details on a fun giveaway as well as the full list of blogs participating in Sarah's tour. 

The magic in this world has a darker edge, working like a drug and addicting those who use it. If you were able to take a group of readers and cross from our reality into this world, what are three things you would make sure they knew about magic before going in?

1. Ekstazo (pleasure) magic can be as dangerous as Knedas (manipulation) magic. Don't make the mistake of thinking it's harmless.

2. Pain can be your friend. Especially if you encounter a Knedas in a dark alley.

3. If you are carrying the slightest whiff of magic on you, Asa will know.

If Mattie could describe brothers Ben and Asa using only one word, what word would she pick for each of them, and would they agree with what she's chosen?

For Ben: Perfect
Ben's response: Of course I'm not perfect! I'm perfectly imperfect.

Asa's response: *smirk* Shut the fuck up. 

If Mattie's world hadn't suddenly changed with Ben's disappearance, what part of planning her wedding would have been her favorite?

Wedding favors! Mattie loves the idea of planning a gift for her guests that both makes them happy AND represents how intensely ideal her life with Ben is and will be. 

I have a sneaking suspicion that Asa might make his way onto more than a few book boyfriend lists. Who would top Mattie's list of book boyfriends?

What she will tell you: Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. Edward from Twilight.
Who she's intrigued, frightened, and turned on by all at once (but will never admit it out loud): Jericho Barrons.

*Jenny excited flails at the mention of Barrons. MINE MATTIE*
Looking forward to book two, as a fun little teaser, what color would you say most accurately represents the events that take place?

Probably red. There is so much turmoil, upheaval, and pain for Mattie in Splinter, and so much ferocity and intensity from Asa, but also something very fundamental and necessary happening for both of them ... I think red might capture it. All that said, Splinter is one of the more humorous books I've ever written!

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions Sarah!

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Mattie Carver’s engagement party should have marked the start of her own personal fairy tale. But when her fiancé, Ben, is violently abducted the next morning, her desperate quest to find him rips her away from small-town life and reveals a shattering truth: magic is real—and Ben is hooked. It’s not the stuff of storybooks. It’s wildly addictive, capable of producing everything from hellish anguish to sensual ecstasy almost beyond human endurance.

Determined to find out who took Ben and why, Mattie immerses herself in a shadowy underworld and comes face-to-face with the darkly alluring Asa Ward, a rogue magic dealer, infamous hustler…and her missing fiancé’s estranged brother. Asa has the power to sense magic, and he realizes Mattie is a reliquary, someone with the rare ability to carry magic within her own body, undetected. Asa agrees to help find Ben on one condition: Mattie must use her uncommon talent to assist his smuggling operations. Now, from magic-laced Vegas casinos to the netherworld clubs of Bangkok, Mattie is on a rescue mission. With Asa by her side, she’ll face not only the supernatural forces arrayed against her but the all-too-human temptation that she fears she can’t resist.

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Sarah Fine is a clinical psychologist and the author of the Servants of Fate and Guards of the Shadowlands series. She was born on the West Coast, raised in the Midwest, and is now firmly entrenched on the East Coast.

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Three lucky winners will each receive a finished copy of Reliquary! To enter, please fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Giveaway is open to US/Canada only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Thanks for the interview and getting to know more about this book.

  2. I'm curious and wary at the same time. Is there a love triangle? *chews nails*

  3. I'm so damned excited for this series! I'm hoping to get reading Reliquary and the Splintered next week!

    Fantastic interview Jenny & Sarah!

  4. You always ask such interesting questions Jenny. Makes me want to know more about the book

  5. Great interview Jenny, I do love Sarah's writing, she is just fabulous. I just wish I would have liked this one a bit more. I've heard the second book is even better though so that's awesome.

  6. Oh this sounds so interesting. I can see some snark working there and so that makes me want to read it more. BTW, Jenny... Barrons is mine! ;) Just sayin'...

  7. It sounds like Mattie and I have the same taste in men!

  8. This book looks really interesting. Thanks for the post!

  9. I don't know how Fine does it, but she keeps churning out unique and consistently fantastic novels at a breakneck pace! I hadn't heard of this new series by her but I know I'm going to love it (and Asa!). Thanks for sharing this fantastic interview, Jenny--we may need to fight over Jericho Barrons too! ;)

  10. Great interview and post. Thanks for sharing.

  11. A nice cover there! thanks for the nice interview

  12. Thank you, Jenny for such a great interview with Sarah Fine! I'm excited about this series - I've finally read one of her books, THE IMPOSTER QUEEN, and loved it - so, of course, I'll be needing more Fine soon :)

  13. Sounds so good! I need to read more Sara Fine. I already love Asa from his response to her one word description. :D
