Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Excerpt + Giveaway: By A Thread

Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin series is one of my absolute favorites, and today I'm super excited to share a short excerpt with you from the latest release, By a Thread, so you can see a little bit of Gin in action for yourself (you can read my review HERE). She is made of win. Seriously. For those who may have young eyes reading over their shoulders, please note there is some language in the following passage.

I eased out of my bedroom and tiptoed across the dark suite, using the mental map that I’d made earlier to skirt around the couches, tables, and other furniture. I stepped up to the door, careful to keep away from the glass peephole so that whoever was lurking around outside wouldn’t realize I was awake and already waiting for them.

I looked across the suite at the closed door that led to Bria’s bedroom. As an elemental, she’d be able to hear the stone’s cries too, although they wouldn’t resonate as loudly with her, since she had Ice magic and not Stone like I did. I waited a moment, wondering whether she’d heard my alarm and would come out and investigate, but her door remained closed. Looked like I’d have to deal with our visitors myself. Not a problem.

I blocked out the stone’s wails, put my ear close to the door, and listened. Right next to me, the brass doorknob softly turned and rattled.

“Sorry,” someone muttered on the other side of the door. “Wrong key. It’s this one, I think. The third time’s the charm, right?”

So he’d tried two wrong keys already, and that’s what had triggered the protection runes in the stone. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. If he’d used the right key the first time, he might have avoided tripping my silent alarm.

“You’d better do more than think,” a familiar voice growled. “That bitch skewered my hand like it was a fucking kebab, and I plan on doing the same to her—and worse.”

So Pete Procter, the guy I’d stabbed earlier at the Sea Breeze, was outside, along with his friend with the keys. But neither one of them were elementals, otherwise they would have heard my alarm and realized they were walking into a trap. Too bad for them.

“And Ron, one of the night clerks, told me that sweet little blond piece of ass is in there with her too,” Pete continued. “We’ll have fun taking turns with her. Maybe both of them, all of us, at the same time. There’ll be enough for everyone.”

Pete laughed at his ugly promise, and I heard a few more sly chuckles chime in with his. Make that more than one friend outside. I smiled in the darkness like an animal baring its fangs. Good. I’d hate to get out of bed just for Pete.

“There,” the second guy said. “I told you I had the right key. Get ready.”

A soft snick sounded as the door unlocked. I eased away from it and stepped behind a fake palm tree in a brass pot in the front corner of the suite.

The door opened a crack, and a pair of bolt cutters slid through the narrow space and caught on the security chain. From my hiding spot, I saw a hand squeeze down on the cutters, which easily sliced through the flimsy metal. Trent, the giant, I thought. He’d have the strength to use the cutters with one hand, and he was probably as pissed at me as Pete was for busting him up earlier. That made at least three guys outside. I wondered how many more Dekes had sent, or if they’d decided to do this on their lonesome. Didn’t much matter. They were all getting dead.

More information on Jennifer and her books, including her amazing young adult Mythos Academy series, can be found here:



Jennifer is nicely offering up a copy of By a Thread to one lucky winner on the blog today. Yay! To enter, please just leave a comment on this post with a valid email address so I can contact you if you win. Giveaway is open to US residents only and will run through midnight EST on Friday, March 2nd after which time a winner will be chosen and announced on the blog. Good luck everyone and thank you again Jennifer!


  1. I really need to read Jennifer's book. Thanks for the giveaway!
    alisoncanread at gmail dot com

  2. Ah ah ah, can't be so sloppy around an elemental! Love Gin, I can't wait to read this! Thanks for the excerpt =)

    eyesofblueice (at) gmail

  3. I can't wait can't wait can't wait to get my hands on a Jennifer Estep books!! :) I have a copy of the first book in the Mythos Academy series on its way to my house, and after that I'm going to start this one because of how much your review cheered, "Read me!" x) And that excerpt -- WOW! The Elemental Assassins seem so intense! I already know I'm going to love Gin from how badass she is here. ;)

    Thanks so much for sharing, Jenny & Jennifer! I'm even more pumped up to read her books now!! :)

  4. I LOVED Spider's Bite, and haven't had the $$ to purchase any of the rest of the series yet. Thanks for the chance! :)

  5. Such a great series. Thanks to Jennifer for offering a copy of this book. Such a fun read.

  6. This is a great series, and I can't wait to read this book :) Thanks for the giveaway!


  7. Love the series and can't wait to see where it goes after the big "finale" in the previous book.

    bob [AT] thehandbasket (dot) com

  8. This series does rock. Darn you for introducing me to it! I just got the one prior to this book so I'm not quite there yet but can't wait to see what happens!

  9. I am FINALLY caught up on this series! I can't wait to read this book, but I've heard some nasty rumors that a certain uptight detective makes an appearance and I am firmly in the Owen camp! Hope Gin kicks that bum to the curb and sticks with Owen!


  10. Alison -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Lexi -- Thanks! Glad you liked the excerpt.

    Mimi -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy TOUCH OF FROST and the Elemental Assassin series too.

    Cate -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Cathy -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    Jamie -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Bob --Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the books.

    Mary -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series so far.

    Rebe -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy the book. It seems like most folks are Team Owen.

  11. I've never heard of this series!! But it looks great. Thanks! :) allicat0818[at]yahoo[dot]com

  12. YAY! Dude, I always feel like I'm waiting forever for books. On the plus side, I do like excerpts. And there is nothing like a giant with bolt cutters. :D ENTER ME!


    PS...I missed you!

  13. Alex -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Jen -- Thanks! Glad you liked the excerpt.

  14. I have been enjoying this series and I cannot wait to read this upcoming release!

  15. Great excerpt! I love the writing - I will definitely have to get started on this series when I can. :)

  16. Gin is such a great and strong willed heroine. The Elemental Assassins series just keeps getting better!

    kasuranna at yahoo dot com

  17. These books are great. One of my favorite UF series!

    Stephanie G

  18. Heidi -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Teril -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy the book.

    Sam -- Thanks! Glad you liked the excerpt.

    Kaya -- Thanks! I appreciate all the nice words about the series.

    Paranormal Haven -- Thanks! I appreciate that.

  19. I'd love to own this book!
    It's a great day to be a reader!

    ronandstacee at

  20. I am not entering simply because I haven't read the first one and.. I assume this being US only. However!! I wil l get the first one very soon, I can't wait!

  21. Oh I really must read this series soon! Awesome excerpt!
    candace_redinger at yahoo dot com

  22. Omg I would LOVE to win!! I adore this series!!!

    My email is: stacey (dot) marin (at) laverne (dot) edu

  23. Love this excerpt! Makes me want to read the book asap!!

    bwithbtie at gmail dot com

  24. Wow! That was incredibly chilling! If it wasn't for the fact that this girl could clearly kick ass, I'd have been far more worried. *lol*

    This looks great ;)

  25. I love this book--i have my ebook copy I need a printed book -please
    i am such a fangirl

  26. This is such an exciting series! I love Gin and her killer skills with the knives. I also like learning about how her elemental powers grow.


  27. I love Jennifer Estep's books!! I haven't read this one yet - on the TBR list of course - so I really hope I win. Thanks for the excerpt and giveaway.


  28. Rpratt -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Danny -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

    Candace -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Piercedfreak -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    Savannah -- Thanks! Glad you liked the excerpt.

    A. Knight -- Thanks! Glad you liked the excerpt.

    Audra -- Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the book.

    Amy -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the books.

    Amanda -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

  29. I so love this series!!! I'm so impatient for my library to get it in!! Thanks for the chance to win.


  30. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read this series. Please enter me in contest.

  31. there's great suspense in that excerpt!

  32. Love Gin and Company! I just started Spider's Revenge today. Just in time for By a Thread release! I can't wait to read it!

    Rubylin53 at gmail dot com

  33. I'm working so hard to get to this series. It's been in my wish-list to-read list. I have the first kindle edition book. Working to get the others. I love the covers of the series. *thumbs up* Awesome excerpt! Thank you for the chance to win!
    DeAnna Schultz

  34. I've only read the first book in this series, but I remember enjoying it. And I'm fairly certain that I own the rest of the books (except this one) as well, so I should really get on my catching up. Thanks for the giveaway!


  35. Great giveaway! I've read all the books in the series so far and can't wait to read this one! :)


  36. I know I've got to start this series. I'm hooked on her YA series. One at a time. I'll get here eventually.


  37. Thanks for the chance to win!

  38. Thank you for the giveaway
    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  39. I ordered the first book in the series last week and I should receive it today :) ! I can't wait to read Jennifer Estep's books because they sound AWESOME !!

  40. (Bought on audible so not entering)

    I had to come read the excerpt because it is next on my to listen list! I love these books in audio format!

  41. Dannielle -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy the book.

    Tore -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Jennifer -- Thanks! Glad you liked the excerpt.

    Michelle -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Toni -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy SPIDER'S REVENGE.

    DeAnna -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy the books.

    Natalie -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy the books.

    Leanne -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the books.

    Heather -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying my Mythos Academy series.

    Natasha -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Hedgerhousehold -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Elodie -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy the book.

    Felicia -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the audiobooks.

  42. I just read the first book in this series and LOVED it, which isn't surprising because I love everything Jennifer Estep writes! Now that I've started the series I'm trying to get my hands on a copy of all of the other books so I don't have to wait for any of them! Thanks so much for the giveaway:)

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  43. Congrats on the new release Jennifer! With a few books under your belt, does releasing a new book out into the world get easier?

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    whitewolfreads AT gmail DOT com

  44. I have really enjoyed this series. Can't wait to continue reading it! Thanks.

  45. Thank you for the great giveaway! I love this series!!

    jbronderblogs at aol dot com

  46. It'll be fun to see how Gin and Bria kick these guy's asses. Sounds like Bria's getting more involved with Gin (which I'd like to see for Gin's sake), but hard to say for sure with just a snippet.

  47. I like the cover! Fab teaser too. I must read Spider's Bite. It's been on my tbr shelf forever.

  48. Julie -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy the other books too.

    Whitewolf -- Thanks! I appreciate that. I don't think it gets easier. Maybe more hectic. LOL.

    PuttPutt -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    Jessica -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    Anne -- Thanks! Glad you liked the excerpt.

    Julie -- Thanks! I like the cover a lot too.

  49. Thank you for the chance to win this! Please count me in.
    ldsmomof03 at yahoo dot com

  50. Jinky -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

  51. I enjoyed the excerpt. The book sounds very good.


  52. Bn100 -- Thanks! Glad you liked the excerpt.

  53. love this series and am looking forward to reading this one
