Today I'm hugely excited to welcome Amy Plum to the blog, her young adult novel Die For Me (releasing on May 10th from HarperTeen) is one I'm absolutely dying to get my hands on. As part of her blog tour through Teen Book Scene, Amy is going to share with us several of the oh-so fabulous, magnificently glamorous, and certainly unforgettable jobs she's had in the past;-) Take it away Amy!
1. Receptionist at a place where I had to answer the phone saying, “Continental Hiney” (spelled Heine). I always felt I was announcing to the caller that I had a huge butt.
2. Orange Julius at the mall, where I wore a brown, orange and yellow polyester outfit and visor, and when I took the garbage out, the thin bags would break and I’d get chili all over my arms.
3. An art gallery for a control-freak diva dealer who made me wait after-hours for FedEx and miss my 22nd birthday party. (Yes, he was fully aware that would make me miss my party.)
4. Daycare worker, summer job when I was 17, thirty 4-year olds and...me. (I had no voice at the end of the summer.)
5. Job in a French office, where the other assistants would make fun of my bad French by urging me to repeat sentences after them, and then cracking up laughing when I did. When I finally learned dirty words in French—a couple years later—I remembered and CRINGED when I realized what I had said.
6. Same job: my boss offered me a raise and a company car if I would “be nice to him.” I quit a week later, after he started a habit of walking up behind me as I worked and massaging my shoulders. (Okay...gagging just from typing that.)
7. Managing a business where no one wanted to work on the top floor because everyone (including me) swore it was haunted.
8. Giving historical tours of a French castle—in English since my French wasn’t very good. And the day before I started, they told me I had to give the tours in French as well. My bloopers are now legendary throughout the region.
9. Cocktail waitress. For 2 days. Gross, drunk men telling sexist gross-out jokes. Say. No. More.
10. Working as bookkeeper for a monomaniacal nun.
Thanks so much for sharing Amy! Number 6 on your list made me cringe as well *shudders at the thought of creepy masseuse boss who probably has a definition of the word "nice" we really don't want to know about* If you don't have Die For Me on your lists everyone, be sure and add it immediately! For more information on Amy and her books, you can find her here:
DIE FOR ME (from Goodreads)
My life had always been blissfully, wonderfully normal. But it only took one moment to change everything.
Suddenly, my sister, Georgia, and I were orphans. We put our lives into storage and moved to Paris to live with my grandparents. And I knew my shattered heart, my shattered life, would never feel normal again. Then I met Vincent.
Mysterious, sexy, and unnervingly charming, Vincent Delacroix appeared out of nowhere and swept me off my feet. Just like that, I was in danger of losing my heart all over again. But I was ready to let it happen.
Of course, nothing is ever that easy. Because Vincent is no normal human. He has a terrifying destiny, one that puts his life at risk every day. He also has enemies . . . immortal, murderous enemies who are determined to destroy him and all of his kind.
While I'm fighting to piece together the remnants of my life, can I risk putting my heart—as well as my life and my family's—in jeopardy for a chance at love?
Ha! I must admit, I laughed at a few of these! (But seriously, some of those sound awful! At least you have fun stories to tell? :P)
ReplyDeleteLMAO at number one, but I agree with Lauren, some of those are seriously cringe worthy!!!
ReplyDeleteI kinda want an orange Julius now...
Haha Loved the guest post! My favorite is number 5 lol
ReplyDeletehaha, this was such an awesome post! Amy Plum has sure had some interesting jobs in the past and even if they're weren't so great, I'm glad she kept her sense of humour! :)
ReplyDeleteOMG, what a creepy job but what a fun CV all these jobs make :)
ReplyDelete*creepy boss
ReplyDeleteThey are definitely some horrible jobs. And how mean is that art gallery boss who made you miss your 22nd Birthday :(
ReplyDeleteWow, those really are some terrible jobs! LOL at #1 :D
ReplyDeleteOh shame on me! I didn't see you changed your layout! I LOVE those colors!
ReplyDeleteAnd I also looooved Die For Me.
@Amy: Gosh the jobs you listed... some made me giggle and some made me cringe.., especially Nr.6...
“Continental Hiney” :)haaaa! I would prank call that number numerous times just to hear the receptionist say that! Yeah, i know... I'm evil!
ReplyDeleteWow that is some list of bad jobs. I thought I had some awful ones, but Amy has me beat hands down.
ReplyDeleteLMAO!! Amy's #1 cracked me up! There is no way I would have been able to get through work having to say that all day!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove historical tours of a French castle! That sounds like fun, well if you could speak French ofcourse. ;)
ReplyDeleteLOL- those were funny. I think we all have a cringe worthy job. Whats up with sexest men...I had a boss who asked me if he could rub lotion on my shoulders....(eww) and he was gross!!!
ReplyDeleteEwww to #6. I would have quit too. Just wanted to stop by and let Ms. Plum know I LOVED her book and cannot wait for the second in the series.
ReplyDeleteEww to #6. That would definitely give me the creeps even if there was no raise or car involved. *Shudders*
ReplyDeleteLol! OMG - those are some bad jobs!
ReplyDelete30 kids and you, yikes! And I thought it was tough when we were 4 adults and 20 kids
ReplyDeleteOh my dear God... Shoot me twice and give me some Poison for good measure! How many kids???? No way! I wouldn't have survived!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read this!!!
OMG one day's notice to give tours in French? Yikes!
ReplyDeleteOMG at the boss!! *shudders* poor you!
ReplyDeleteHey everyone! Glad you enjoyed my resume.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, boss in #6 was CREEPY. His name was Serge. I wish I could remember his last name because now that I'm older and wiser (I was only 23 and totally intimidated) I would look him up in the phone book and totally tell him off! Ah well...
Thanks for checking in and for your enthusiasm about DIE FOR ME!!!
(And a huge THANK YOU to Jenny for hosting me!!!)
ReplyDeleteAmy - You're so very welcome! It was fun to read through all the jobs you've had, and I think we all involuntarily shuddered when we read about your "be nice to me" boss. Blech. Thanks so much for commenting!
ReplyDeleteThis list is amazing, l love it!
Oh some of those are REALLY bad!! *hugs* Oh, but #1 was funny! I have a huge hiney (thanks to genetics) and since they are in now (thx JLo and Beyonce) it wouldn't be so bad. ;D
ReplyDeleteThose are definitely terrible jobs! LOL Love the first and last one!! Too bad about the cocktail waitress job not working out because doesn't George Clooney always end up with cocktail waitresses as gf's? I think that's the job Matt Damon's wife had before they married!
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought I had bad jobs. Anything in French when you don't speak it just plain stinks! And the thought of watching 30 4 yr olds, by yourself? Just the responsibility of it gives me nightmares. I'd rather have a "Continental Hiney" all day!
LOL! Some of these jobs I had. Men can be so disgusting!
ReplyDeleteNo. 10 intrigues me. I'm a bookkeeper, but only for my maniacal self. For a nun would be so...not cool.
In the Closet With a Bibliophile
Wow. Those are some pretty awful jobs. I think we've all had a few...
ReplyDeleteDef. look forward to this book!
Whoa, some of these jobs are cringeworthy. Especially the *nice*. Dread to think what he meant...
ReplyDeleteOoh, can't wait to get Die For Me!
Thanks for the awesome post!
Meg @ The Book Addicted Girl
I had to laugh at some of those awful jobs. I'm reading Die For Me right now and I love it so far.
ReplyDeleteGetting a massage from your boss doesn't sound so bad. LOL
ReplyDeleteI think I have one that tops some of yours as the worst. I used to collect plasma then I had to freeze it for storage. I'd also have to sweep out the freezer, which was super super cold! Not fun at all.
Number 6: Just three words: S. O. B.