Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Darkness Strange and Lovely Blog Tour: Character Interview with Daniel + A Giveaway

I'm thrilled today to welcome to the blog Daniel; Spirit Hunter, inventor extraordinaire, and love interest for Eleanor in Susan Dennard's newest release, A Darkness Strange and Lovely. I absolutely adored the first book in the series, Something Strange and Deadly, despite my fierce aversion to all things zombie, and I may have fallen a little in love with Eleanor and Daniel both individually and as a couple. Daniel was nice enough to take time out of his busy schedule fighting the Dead to answer a few questions for me, and be sure and check the bottom of the post for all the details on a fantastic giveaway!

Take us back to the first time you ran afoul of a zombie. What was your reaction and what object or person do you most wish you had with you when you came face to face with one?

The first time I ran afoul of the Dead, I was just a kid. My ma worked for a rich family outside of Chicago, and their estate was deep in the forest. There was this terrifying spirit that haunted those those woods—you could hear it hiss at night. *shudder* I wish I’d had Joseph with me then. He’d have known what to do—even if he would’ve only been a boy like myself, I bet he could’ve handled it. *grin*

If, in a separate interview, Eleanor was asked to describe you, how different do you think her answer would be from the way you would describe yourself?

Aw, she’d probably say I’m ornery. And rude. And I’ve heard her call me a scalawag more times than I can count now, so I reckon that’d be on her list too. But I’ll be honest, I’m not as grouchy as she might think—I just don’t like people touchin’ my inventions. What’s so hard to understand about that? And while I’ll admit I haven’t got my manners all tidied up like Joseph or Eleanor,  I wouldn’t call myself rude. I can be nice…when I want to be.

The scalawag thing, though…She’s probably right about that. *wink*

If zombies and spirits were suddenly a non-issue and your days no longer revolved around them, what would you most enjoy focusing on instead?

I reckon I’d go to school. Why hell, I might even start a school. I could teach kids like me—orphans and guttersnipes. I’ve been real blessed since my time in pris…well, you know where. Ever since I escaped that hell, though, I’ve been real blessed, and it only seems right to pass that luck on.

Let’s say you’re teaching a multi-week class specifically geared toward fighting the dangerous Dead. What would the class be called and what would the first item on the syllabus be?

Honestly, I’d leave that kind of class to Joseph or Jie. They’re the real Dead-fighers in the group. But I can already tell you what item Jie would want on the syllabus first…

Aim for the Knees: how to incapacitate a corpse when you’ve got no weapons or magic

If you had ample time to show Eleanor around your lab, which of your many inventions do you think she would be most fascinated by?

Now that’s a secret. One I don’t want her findin’ out. I reckon you’ll just have to read A Darkness Strange and Lovely to see for yourself. *sly smile*

While Eleanor doesn’t have your same experience with zombies, she is a quick learner and determined to be of assistance to you and the other Spirit Hunters. What quality of hers do you admire most?

I respect a woman—or any person, really—who doesn’t back down just ‘cause things get hard. As long as my fingers can curl into fists and breath still burns in my chest, I won’t stop—and neither will Eleanor.

It doesn’t hurt that she’s mighty fine to look at either.

• • • • • • • • • • 


Following an all-out battle with the walking Dead, the Spirit Hunters have fled Philadelphia, leaving Eleanor alone to cope with the devastating aftermath. But there’s more trouble ahead—the evil necromancer Marcus has returned, and his diabolical advances have Eleanor escaping to Paris to seek the help of Joseph, Jie, and the infuriatingly handsome Daniel once again. When she arrives, however, she finds a whole new darkness lurking in this City of Light. As harrowing events unfold, Eleanor is forced to make a deadly decision that will mean life or death for everyone.

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Susan Dennard is a writer, reader, lover of animals, and eater of cookies. She used to be a marine biologist, but now she writes novels. And not novels about fish either, but novels about kick-butt heroines and swoon-worthy rogues (she really likes swoon-worthy rogues).

She lives in the Midwest with her French husband and Irish setter, and her debut, SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY, is now available from HarperTeen.

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There will be 10 winners total and the prizes are…..

•      5 Winners will receive a hardcover copy of A DARKNESS STRANGE AND LOVELY and a paperback of SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY, along with signed swag - US ONLY.

•      5 winners will receive an e-novella of A DAWN MOST WICKED and signed swag - INTERNATIONAL.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to check out the rest of the stops on this tour, put together by the amazing team at Rockstar Book Tours!

7/15/2013 - Bookcase to Heaven - Interview
7/16/2013 - Magical Urban Fantasy Reads - Guest Post
7/17/2013 - Tynga's Reviews - Review
7/18/2013 - Supernatural Snark - Interview
7/19/2013 - The Book Cellar - Guest Post

7/22/2013 - Read-A-holicZ - Review
7/23/2013 - IceyBooks - Interview
7/24/2013 - Working for the Mandroid - Review
7/25/2013 - The Reader's Antidote - Review
7/26/2013 - Two Chicks on Books - Guest Post


  1. Scalawag. Lol! I remember that phrase. Such a fun interview! I've yet to read Something Strange and Deadly despite hearing how amazing it is.

    1. I hope you get a chance to read it Steph, I thought it was fabulous, and this sequel was equally good:)

  2. Sooo I'm not the biggest Zombie fan which is why I have not read it yet.. but maybe I should meet Daniel, hu?

    1. Oh Danny, you know I'm not a zombie person either, AT ALL, but I love this series. You definitely need to read it:)

  3. I adored the first book and Daniel's novella, I can not wait for this one to be out!!

    Great interview, it was fun getting to know Daniel a little more.

    Thanks for the great giveaway as well!!

    1. Daniel has a novella? WHERE HAVE I BEEN ALI?! I need to read that immediately:)

  4. I somewhat recently got the first book and I'm really excited to read it! This interview just reminded me that I really must read it soon cause I think this is a series I'd love!

    1. I hope you love it Candace! I just adored Eleanor, she's strong and feisty, and I loved how the romance between her and Daniel unfolded. No insta love in sight.

  5. Zombies terrify me but I really want to read this series now! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    1. SAME WITH ME! But they weren't so awful for me in this one:)

  6. Heehee, scalawag. I love that word. I still need to read the first book! I have a feeling I would really love it though. Because zombies + steampunk? Awesome. I'm definitely curious about Daniel's inventions...

    1. I so love this series Aylee! Really quick, action-packed reads:) And Daniel is quite enjoyable!

  7. I still haven't read the first book in this series but I have heard only great things about it. As always you asked the right questions! Great interview Jenny! I can't wait to start with this series! :)

    1. Thanks Tanja! I hope you have time to fit these in your busy reading schedule, they're really good:)

  8. I haven't gotten started on this series but I know I'll love it even if I don't like zombies either. Something about steampunk and zombies just seems a bit more civilized! Can't wait to read the series!! I thought Susan Dennard lived in Germany. Maybe she moved.

    I loved the character interview!!

    1. I encourage non-zombie lovers to read this series. I'm one and I adored it, there's so much else going on besides just the zombies that it was easy for me to focus on those things instead:)

  9. Ohh, Daniel is such a rascal, my favorite boy in the entire zombie-infested universe! He is something else, isn't he?
    I'm still reading the book. I was so excited when I received the arc, but it was months ago and it was far too early to read it so now that my time has finally come, I want to kiss someone. Preferably Daniel. :)

    Also, I'm not quite sure that's how Eleanor would describe him. Out loud, maybe... :)

    1. I love him too Maja! I just loved how their whole romance worked out in both books. So much tension without all the I love yous and game playing. WIN! Can't wait to see what you think!

  10. I am glad I came back, I remembered being on your side, suddenly I was on GR. Lol yes I clicked something without looking ;)

  11. I watched the video Nick posted/linked on her blog yesterday. The one where Susan opens her first copy of Something Strange and Deadly and it was so cute, humble and emotional that it made ME emotional. It was a nice moment. Daniel cracked me up. He's a fine man, I must admit! I can't wait to meet him. That last answer *swoons* ;) Thanks for the lovely interview you two (or should I say three ;))!!

    1. I need to go watch that video! I want to be all emotional:) I think you'll like Daniel Siiri, he's a bit moody at times, but he's under a lot of pressure fighting the Dead:) Love him.

  12. Somehow this is a series that escaped my attention. I don't know how but I definitely need to correct that. Congrats on this release!

    1. Yes! It's fabulous, I hope you get a chance to read it:)

  13. Ahh, I love Daniel! I can't wait for this one, Jenny, so I'm glad the release is just around the corner, otherwise you'd have made the wait all the more unbearable. ;) Fantastic interview, dear! :)

    1. Isn't he adorable Keertana? I just adore him. And Eleanor. I thought they were both fabulous characters.

  14. I haven't heard much about this book because I've clearly been living under a rock lately. Oops. However, Daniel sounds like a riot and, well, colour me swooning. Great interview and feature, Jenny! You always introduce me to great new reads :)

    1. Yes to swooning for sure! I love that this wasn't a case of insta-love or even insta-lust with them though, it was a slow build with lots of tension. So good.

  15. I really enjoyed Daniel and his ornery cheekiness in the first book in this series and can't wait to see him again. He adds so much to the story and has a ton of experience with all the craziness going on around them.

    1. YES! That's a great way to describe him Mary:) I'm looking forward to your thoughts on book 2!

  16. That made me giggle. He knows he is a scallywag but doesn't think he is grouchy LOL :) Boys!

    1. Yes. He's slightly delusional ;-) Love him so much.

  17. So excited for this book! You gotta love Daniel, great interview!

    1. You certainly do, it's nearly impossible not to!

  18. Fear not Aman, I'm terrified of zombies as well and refuse to read anything with them in it. Except for this book and Gena Showalter's series. The zombies in this book are dark and scary, but they're not the sole focus of the story either. It's a lot of mystery and a little romance, so I encourage you to give it a try!

  19. OMG! Daniel! <3 *Dies of swoon*
    I see that he certainly hasn't lost any of that charm of his! Definitely love his last answer! ;)
    Now, I'm seriously curious what invention he would actually show Eleanor!
    I'm so excited for this book, Jenny! You can't even imagine my level of excitement!!
    Thanks for the fabulous interview! :)

  20. I cannot wait for this book, and love Daniel. Great post you have me bouncing this morning:)

  21. I am not a big fan of zombie books b/c I am such a baby when it comes to that stuff, but I am sooo intrigued by the relationship and the fact that the blurb mentions Philly. I love that--we need more books that take place there. :) Thanks for this fun interview and giveaway.

  22. I am not a big Zombie book fan but I am so intrigued by your books I have to read them! Great interview! Thank you for the giveaway!

  23. AHHHH! Loved this interview! I need to read this book ASAP. Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. I cannot wait to read A Darkness Strange and Lovely!!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. Loved the first book and can't wait for this one. And oh, that last answer.

  26. Oh the giveaway is perfect for me. I still need to read the first book and then I can get both off my wishlist! :D

    I also love a guy who respects a woman for not backing down. That made me smile!

  27. I loved Something Strange and Deadly and can not wait to read A Darkness Strange and Lovely.

  28. Love the character interview! I just got the first book from the library and am so excited to start it-this one sounds so good.

    Alise @ Readers in Wonderland

  29. I have had the first book sitting on my shelf for a while now because I was waiting for this to come out. There are just some books that I have to savor!

  30. AH! I LOVE Daniel, he's one of my favorite YA characters. I'm reading book two right now and really enjoying it, though Daniel hasn't made an appearance yet. *reads faster* Awesome interview, Jenny!

  31. I love the overall concept of this series. Thank you!

  32. Loved the interview!! I can't wait for this one to come out! Definitely have to go back and reread the first one!

  33. liked the interview sounds great! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  34. Just the cover makes me want to start reading. I can't wait to read these books, I love zombie stories.

  35. Having met Susan, I can so see her (I mean, *Daniel*) answering these questions. Also? I really need to read book one. It was one that eluded me last year - but I DID get a signed copy at BEA this year! WOOT!

  36. New author for me. The cover - love it!

  37. I really enjoyed the first book - great setting and can't go wrong with zombies! :)


  38. What I really loved about Book One was that it wasn't a typical zombie book, that a necromancer was behind it all (there is a short supply of necromancers in modern literature). So I enjoyed it immensely and I can't wait for book two.

  39. Im so excited about this giveaway! And can I just say I love love love the cover! The colors and photo are great. They instantly drew me into the book before I even read what it was about :)

  40. This is a great giveaway! Fingers crossed!

  41. Awesome Giveaway! Hope I win!

  42. The books sound so great (love the idea of interviewing the character!) - congrats to Susan! I've heard super fun things about them and can't wait to give them a go.

  43. I completely forgot how much I loved Daniel's character. I can't wait to finally get my hands on the next book! I'm sure it will be a treat to read. Thanks for the brilliant interview! :)

  44. Yes! This series looks so interesting! Necromancers + Historical = AWESOME!

  45. I love zombies. Can't wait for this book. Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  46. I loved the first book and can't wait for this one!!!

  47. I love Dennard's book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. Cannot wait to start this series!

  49. I haven't read this series yet, but I've heard great things about it--can't wait to get started on it! :)

  50. Love this interview so much! I wouldn't mind some private lessons with Daniel in fighting the Dead, but I guess I'll settle for the Aim for the Knees advice for now. :-) Super excited to read this book, thanks for the fun interview!

  51. I had the pleasure of meeting Susan at BEA and picking up a copy Something Strange and Deadly. And I won an Aim For the Knees t-shirt that is totally adorable.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  52. I have not been fortunate enough to read any of your books but would like to. Thank you for the giveaway.
