Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Unbreakable: Kennedy's Playlist + A Giveaway

Today I have the pleasure of giving you a little insider information on Kami Garcia's newest paranormal young adult release, Unbreakable, in the form of main character Kennedy's playlist. Those of you who read this blog consistently know that I am a wimp of epic proportions and curl into a fetal ball at even the mildest of scary stories, so I went into Unbreakable fully prepared to run from it screaming like a little girl. Luckily for me though, I found this story to be extraordinarily creepy and extremely tense, but not filled with the horror and gore that would have scarred me for life. I did make a point to read it when it was bright and sunny out though (and I may or may not have also been sitting in the middle of a circle of salt), so that may have helped a little ;-)

I'll be posting my full review next week, but for now I'm going to leave you with a peek at Kennedy's playlist and a fabulous giveaway!

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Kami Garcia is the #1 New York Times & international bestselling coauthor of the Beautiful Creatures Series and the author of UNBREAKABLE, the first book in the Legion Series, releasing on October 1, 2013. Kami is fascinated by the paranormal, and she’s very superstitious. When she isn’t writing, she can usually be found watching disaster movies, listening to Soundgarden, or drinking Diet Coke. She lives in Maryland with her family, and their dogs Spike and Oz (named after characters from the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

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When Kennedy Waters finds her mother dead, she doesn’t realize paranormal forces are responsible—not until mysterious identical twins Jared and Lukas Lockhart break into her room and destroy a deadly spirit sent to kill her.

Kennedy learns that her mother’s death was no accident, and now Kennedy has to take her place in the Legion of the Black Dove—a secret society of ghost hunters formed to protect the world from a vengeful demon. A society whose five members were all murdered on the same night, leaving the Legion in the hands of the next generation: a misfit group with unique skills.

As the new members race to find the only weapon capable of destroying the demon, each uses their individual skills to battle paranormal entities and earn their rightful place in the Legion—except for Kennedy.

If she is truly the missing piece of the puzzle, can she stay alive long enough to find out—without losing her heart in the process?

The Legion Series:

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I can#t wait to read your thoughts! Just like you I am a wimp usually, but I loved this one - and it most definitely had a Supernatural feeling - loved it!

  2. Oh now The Cure, Muse and Florence! Nice, very nice. I have heard some really great things about this book and I'm really interested in reading it so thank for the giveaway Jenny :)

    1. You're welcome Tanja! I hope you enjoy this book as I did!

  3. I'm glad it managed to frighten you a little, but not scare you away running. I can deal with that ;) I don't read horror nor do I watch any kind of horror movies. I.. just can't deal lol. Lana del Rey is just pure awesomeness! I love Never Let Me Go by Florence and the Machine. I love every single one of their songs I've listened to over the years, to be honest. Florence Welch is just amazing and her voice is.. magical:) Thanks so much for sharing, Jenny!

    1. I can't deal with them either, and while this one kept me tense the whole way through, I was never absolutely terrified. Which is a good thing:)

  4. Thanks for sharing the playlist! I just read Unbreakable too and wasn't the biggest fan, but keen to hear what other people thought.

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

    1. It's not for everyone! I thought it was really entertaining and I just had a good time reading it, and that was enough for me:)

  5. Seriously, this list just kicked my butt. It's almost like I put the darn thing together myself. Nine Inch Nails, The Cure, Florence + The Machine, Paramore, Muse.... I'm definitely reading Unbreakable. Thanks so much for sharing, Jenny. I'll be listening to this all day today.

  6. Yeah, creepy & tense but not horror -- that's how I felt, too. Plus, that playlist. *adds playlist to workout mix* (actually, I had most of these on my workout mix already -- I need to feel like bad guys are chasing me to actually run. It makes my feet move faster than an amble!)

    1. I like the way your mind works. Maybe if I thought creepy things from this book were chasing me, I'd be inspired to run too. Or not. It's debatable, my the laziness in me is strong:)

  7. Having read this one, I can say that that playlist is completely fitting! It's so funny to hear the music that inspires a character (or, in this case, is the character's playlist). Love the feature, and thanks for the giveaway, Jenny! :)

    1. Agreed:) Can't wait to see what you thought of it!

  8. I'm excited to see what you think of the book, Jenny! It looks like a great read.
    And that playlist is awesome! There are some great artists on this.
    Thanks for sharing, Jenny!

    1. I enjoyed this one quite a bit Nick, it was a really fast, action packed read and just something I was in the mood for:)

  9. I just love the cover on this book! Kind of creepy and pretty all at the same time!

    1. Right? I love it as well. Definitely sets the tone for the story!

  10. Sweet playlist! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  11. Now THAT is a playlist. I feel like it was put together just for me! Lana Del Rey, Florence, The Cure and Muse... Brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing. I wasn't sure if I wanted to read this book, but I think I might give it a go now. :) And don't worry, Jenny, reading in a ring of salt is perfectly normal. All the cool kids are doing it these days.

  12. This sounds so good, and I am enjoying listening to the sweet playlist, thanks for sharing it!

  13. I love playlists, so thanks for sharing this one, Jenny! Sadly, I haven't heard too many good things about this novel, so I'll probably be skipping it, but I'm curious to see your take on it. If anyone can sway me, it's you!(:

  14. I was afraid this one might be a bit too scary for me, so I'm glad to hear that you read it and lived through it (no heart attacks or anything, right?). I know we are both chickens so that gives me more confidence. But I will read it only during the daylight hours!

  15. I really loved this book, and this playlist perfectly matches my mental image of Kennedy. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Ooh I love this playlist! I just finished this book last week and it was deliciously creepy!!
