Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Review: Hook & Jill

Hook and Jill Saga #1
Andrea Jones
Fantasy/fairy tale retelling
293 pages
Reginetta Press
Available Now
Source: From author for review

THE STORY (from Amazon)
Wendy Darling learns. What appears to be good may prove otherwise, and what seems to be evil…is irresistible.

In this startling new vision of a cultural classic, Wendy intends to live happily ever after with Peter Pan. But Time, like this tale, behaves in a most unsettling way.

As Wendy mothers the Lost Boys in Neverland, they thrive on adventure. She struggles to keep her boys safe from the Island’s many hazards, but she finds a more subtle threat encroaching from an unexpected quarter.…The children are growing up, and only Peter knows the punishment.

Yet in the inky edges of the Island, the tales Wendy tells to the Lost Boys come true. Captain Hook is real, and even the Wonderful Boy can’t defend his Wendy against this menace. Hook is a master manipulator, devising vengeance for his maiming. Insidious and seductive, Hook has his reasons for tempting Wendy to grow up.

Revenge is only the first.

Deepening the characters so artfully sketched by J.M. Barrie, Hook & Jill reveals the dark side of innocence at which Barrie hinted in the figure of Peter Pan. It brings alive a daring Wendy who asks questions and seeks truth; it delves into the man, Hook, the iconic villain. Striding from fairy-tale and thrusting into reality, Captain Hook becomes a frightening force indeed.

Hook & Jill is one of those stories that will likely inspire widely varying opinions, not so much as a result of the subject matter but rather the writing style, Ms. Jones favoring prose that can be a bit dense at times even though it's undeniably beautiful. Hook & Jill has a very classic feel to it, the writing often taking a more circuitous route to get to a point rather than a direct one, sometimes weighing us down with more words than seem necessary to move the plot forward. That being said however, many a reader will appreciate this tale just as it is, but those like myself who sometimes struggle with long descriptive passages and don’t always care to try and glean meaning through a sea of words that work hard to obscure it will find this a more challenging read.

The characters themselves are a compelling group, the heroes and villains of the famous original turned on their heads much to our delight, but even as we glory in the new roles assigned to Peter, Wendy and Hook, we never find ourselves fully connected to them. They are wisps of smoke; dancing beautifully before our eyes but ultimately remaining intangible, slipping right through our fingers as we try and grab them for closer inspection. Hook is a highlight though, gloriously straddling the line between cruel captain and powerful protector, both charming and fascinating us every time he appears on page.

It does take a while before Hook graces us with his presence however, and once he’s finally introduced it’s hard not to feel the slightest bit of irritation whenever we’re taken from him and forced to follow someone of lesser interest. There are times when we’re bounced to characters whom, while not wholly unnecessary, aren’t vital to the plot either, and we can’t help but find ourselves flipping ahead to see how many more pages stand between us and our beloved Hook. All in all, Hook & Jill is a dark and deeply intriguing look at Neverland, but it’s a read that has a bit of a bite to it as well, making certain readers work to make it all the way through.

Rating: 3.5/5

Find Andrea:

This book was sent to me by the author free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.


  1. I just want it cos it sounds so cool ;)

    1. That seems like a perfectly valid reason to me!

  2. I haven't heard of this one before, but it sound rather unique. I'm not sure if it's entirely for me, but thanks for putting it on my radar, Jenny!(:

    1. You're welcome! It was definitely something different from what I had been reading, so I appreciated that about it:)

  3. Dense writing...I really need to gear myself up when there's dense writing because I like being able to immerse myself in the story and read fast because there's never enough time for reading as it is. Still...intriguing!

    1. It just seemed to take a while to get where it was going and I get all antsy when that happens. I wanted more time with Hook and we kept following other people instead, so that only added to my twitchiness:)

  4. You definitely have me curious about this one now, Jenny, even if it wasn't perfect for you. Dense descriptions can go either way for me, but I do like the sound of the premise here, so I'm still hoping I can give this a shot sometime in the future. Thanks for drawing it to my attention! I hadn't come across it before. Stunning review as always. :)

    1. It was a very interesting premise and I liked seeing Hook and Wendy and Peter in a different light. It was just slow going for me at times.

  5. I like the overall sound of this one, but it does sound as thought the transitions from character to character might be a bit too much for me to deal with. It's definitely a compelling premise though! Great review, Jenny! :)

    1. When I fall in love with a character, I always want to stay with them you know? Then I get all resentful when other characters step in and steal some of the limelight:)

  6. I am so curious about this one but afraid to try it because I have heard so many varying reviews on it.

    I am glad that overall you liked this one Jenny.

    1. The style of the writing was difficult for me Ali, I tend to like faster paced, more to the point type stories, and this one meandered a bit. It was beautifully written though.

  7. Hmm, I may have to check this book out. I love re-do of classic fairy tales and this book...well I'm going to have to read it. Nice review as always Jenny :)

    1. Hook was my favorite part of the book Savy, it was fun to see him as something other than a straight up villain!

  8. This sounds so cool! Not sure if the writing is for me but I'm willing to give it a shot. Especially when I mentally substitute Captain Jack Sparrow in for Hook. ;)

    1. You are a woman after my own heart Rummanah. I was absolutely picturing Jack Sparrow throughout as well:)

  9. Hmm. I also struggle with long, descriptive passages. Just give it it to me straight! Or... something. I like the title, though...

    1. I don't deal well with all the description Amanda. I of course like some to set me up and give me a feel for what's going on, but there was just a lot in this book and that made me want to skim until I got back to Hook:)

  10. Ok, I am not sure where I will fall with this. I am going to hope I can find the first chapter or an excerpt first. I love the cover and concept and while you struggled it does sounds interesting.

    1. I'd be interested to see what you thought Kim!

  11. I am a huge fan of distinctive, even peculiar writing styles, but this sounds a bit too descriptive even for me. Plus, I can't force myself to read a retelling these days, I was never a fan, but lately I'm just tired of seeing them everywhere.
    Still, I am extremely curious about how Hook is portrayed, though, so that part is very tempting, even though he's not around as much as one would expect.

    1. Hook was quite enjoyable Maja, that was actually part of the problem for me. He was so far above all the other characters in terms of interest for me, that I just wanted to read the parts that had to do with him:)

  12. I agree, that cover is stunning. Love the shine on the hook:)

    And yes, sexy bad boys should always be present from page one!

  13. I have never heard of this one but I'm not sure should I read it. I read so many classics which typically have long descriptive paragraphs and while it's all majestic I need something a bit lighter in my YA reads. Great review, Jenny :)

    1. I think you definitely have to be in the right mood for this kind of writing style, and sadly, I'm rarely in that mood. I think Andrea is a fantastic storyteller though, and I loved Hook something fierce:)

  14. Sorry you didn't love it as much as I did. I didn't even notice the extensive descriptions because I got lost in the characters. I think I was busy trying to compare the original characters with hers. I just loved the twist in all of them.

    At least we do agree that Hook is very swoony. :D

  15. I can do overly descriptive, dense writing as long as it's beautiful, but this sounds like it meanders a bit too much for my liking. I'm still going to read this though, because Hook sounds amazing! Wonderful review Jenny!

  16. I'm smiling as I read these comments on my story! Thank you for your honest review, Jenny. I agree, Hook is The Man, and I love him, too. Because he appears in chapters 1, 3, 4, and 6, I can't agree that he isn't present in the book early on, though. I hope your readers will give "Hook & Jill" a look, and post their comments on our Facebook page. "Other Oceans: Book Two of the Hook & Jill Saga" is available, and I plan at least 5 books in this award-winning series.

  17. Ohh, how I adore Neverland! I would absolutely read a novel set in that world with those characters! Who is Jill though? She is not in the blurb or your review. A mystery woman! I really couldn't say whether the long descriptive passages would bother me or not because it depends on the circumstance, but I'm sure I would want more Hook, too! Nicely reviewed, Jenny.

  18. I think everyone is belaboring the writing style here. It's an engaging story gorgeously told. The style absolutely compliments the classic and while it is not mainstream fiction it is unique and engaging. Not a 'popcorn' read.

    1. I don't think I disputed that the story was beautifully told in the least Mary, I just said the writing style wasn't necessarily for me personally. We're each entitled to our own opinions on a book, and I'm glad this one worked so well for you!

  19. The premise sounds great. Peter Pan is one of my favorites stories, but it sounds like I may get frustrated with this one. I don't mind pretty writing, but I also appreciate good editing.

  20. Heidi's reviews of these got my attention but I might have the same issues as you. Too many words can annoy me since I always feel like I'm in a rush. I have too many books to read to waste time on extra words! LOL. I do think they can make some stories better though. But I'm thinking about reading this. Maybe.
