Thursday, November 14, 2013

Pam Reviews: Arclight

Today I'm thrilled to welcome my mom, Pam, back to the blog to guest review for me. She, along with my mother in law Cathy, is nice enough to help me out on occasion when my review pile gets the better of me and I can't thank either of them enough. Take it away Mom!

Arclight #1
Josin L. McQuein
Young Adult/Dystopian
400 pages
Greenwillow Books
Available Now
Source: Finished copy from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
No one crosses the wall of light . . . except for one girl who doesn’t remember who she is, where she came from, or how she survived. A harrowing, powerful debut thriller about finding yourself and protecting your future—no matter how short and uncertain it may be.

The Arclight is the last defense. The Fade can’t get in. Outside the Arclight’s border of high-powered beams is the Dark. And between the Light and the Dark is the Grey, a narrow, barren no-man’s-land. That’s where the rescue team finds Marina, a lone teenage girl with no memory of the horrors she faced or the family she lost. Marina is the only person who has ever survived an encounter with the Fade. She’s the first hope humanity has had in generations, but she could also be the catalyst for their final destruction. Because the Fade will stop at nothing to get her back. Marina knows it. Tobin, who’s determined to take his revenge on the Fade, knows it. Anne-Marie, who just wishes it were all over, knows it.

When one of the Fade infiltrates the Arclight and Marina recognizes it, she will begin to unlock secrets she didn’t even know she had. Who will Marina become? Who can she never be again?

Readers who enjoy complex mysteries and sci-fi thrillers are in for a treat with this debut YA novel by Josin McQuein. Although this genre would not be my first choice for a read, I found this book to be exceptionally well-written, action-packed and intense. For me, it was the white knuckle kind of intense, complete with several pacing breaks for relief and deep breaths so I could process what I just read.

The words “action packed” are more than apt, as the author catapults the reader into complete confusion for the first few chapters thanks to the very limited information about the situation, characters and setting. Unable to understand or visualize the “who, what, and where’s” left me feeling so very lost. However as the story unravels, this imbalance recedes as the reader slowly begins to comprehend how the character and events connect in their world. This constant state of flux between comprehension and confusion may be deliberate by the author as she builds the rising action and suspense to her story, or it just may be me being slow on the uptake. Either way, it didn’t discourage me in the least from finishing the book, in fact it had the opposite effect, forcing me to consume it at record-breaking speed as it moved from crisis to crisis.

I am a huge fan of character development in any genre, easily becoming totally invested in their emotional, mental and physical well being, and Ms. McQuein did not leave me wanting in her characters, especially Marina, the protagonist and narrator of the novel. As she suffered from amnesia, I sympathized with her continuous struggles in trying to understand who she is through the myriad of voids in her past life. I then marveled at her intelligence, courage and fierce determination to overcome them. The author very s-l-o-w-l-y, but very beautifully, develops Marina’s emotional growth and feelings, as well as honestly and realistically portrays her relationships with fellow teenagers and adults alike.

The secondary characters of Anne-Marie, Tobin, and Rue are not as well defined as Marina, but they are nicely developed and easy to like. The talkative Anne-Marie, who from the onset is Marina’s only friend, not only shields her from the cruelty and disdain of her peers, but also gives her complete allegiance. Tobin is guarded, angry, and resentful–justifiably so as his father gave his life rescuing Marina–but as the relationship between them moves forward he becomes thoughtful, fiercely protective and very loyal. And the sweet, loveable Rue can only be described as simply endearing and the development of his character is brilliant. 

However, my absolute favorite in the author’s cast of characters is the Fade, parasitic “monsters” whose bones shift at will enabling them to camouflage into any background. At first, I visualized them as sinister, grotesque, body snatcher-like creatures, but as the Fades evolved, I began to see the unexpected human-like attributes in their features, emotions and ability to communicate. Suffice to say there is more–much more–to these unique characters that captures the imagination and I encourage you to discover them yourselves.

Obviously, I’m truly taken with this original and highly creative novel and would recommend it in a heartbeat. What’s not to like in a novel packed with complicated plot twists, powerful world building, intrigue, a villain, smatterings of an unethical practice and prejudice, all descriptively written? I’d say that’s just about a perfect read.

Rating: 5/5

Personal note:  My warmest thank you to Jenny for not only giving me the opportunity to write this review, but also for challenging me and exposing me to read genres beyond my norm, and in this case, comfort zone. Throughout the not-so-easy process of writing (and rewriting) this, I was continuously reminded of her exceptional gift with the written word, amazed that she does so with such confidence and ease, and awed by the sheer number of reviews she produces. You are incredible my Jen! 

Find Josin:

This book was sent to me by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.

Because my adorable mom got a little mushy there at the end, I thought I'd share a picture of me and her from this past summer. It was windy, so just ignore our ridiculous hair ;-)


  1. I wonder what the big thing after dystopia will be...

    1. Hmmm, interesting thought as the possibilities are endless. Personally, I can't wait to see what's next! Thanks for your comment. Pam

  2. Well, Pam is absolutely right, Jenny, you are exceptionally talented, but I can see who you get it from!
    Action packed and often confusing is true - I found Marina's communication with the Fade more confusing than anything and I often had no idea what was going on. I also agree that the Fade were portrayed perfectly, which is a definite plus in this type of book.
    For me, the highlight of this book was Tobin, though. I felt that his character was the most complex.
    I hope we'll see more of Pam's reviews!

    1. You're so sweet - thank you! So glad to read that you enjoyed the portrayal of the Fade as much as me - so love 'em. And yes, Tobin was complex and enigmatic. Could have written tons more on him. Thanks again! Pam

  3. Aww, I love the picture of you two, Jenny!(: And I'm glad Pam enjoyed this one. I wasn't a huge fan, but only because I've become so jaded against dystopians lately. Great review, Pam!

    1. As I scrolled up the comments to make sure I responded to all, I noticed I forgot to reply to you - my sincerest apology!!!

      Sorry to read that you were not as taken with Arclight as me, but I love that books can do that - create such different reactions and perspectives for each reader. Thank you for your comment! Pam

  4. Hi, Mom! Great review! I really enjoyed this book, too. I liked how the "bad guys" turned out not to be bad, just persecuted and misunderstood. Strange but totally intriguing world and story.

    1. Hi Mary! Thank you! Thrilled you liked this read and especially the whole concept of the Fade. Such unique characters and totally fascinating to me, but sadly, their treatment was deplorable. Pam

  5. Aww, I wish my mom would read the same genre I read.
    I've never heard of this before but I love how you described the characters. And oh, I think "original" is enough to make me want to read this. Thanks for the review, Pam!

    1. Hi Chel! Such a cute comment. Honesty here? Without my Jen's encouragement, I wouldn't have read this. She soooo broadens my horizons and that's really a good thing. You're welcome for the review and if you get the chance, please read this. Pam

  6. HI PAM!!!! Can't wait to see you at BEA this summer! I'm so glad to see you really enjoyed this book. I struggled with Marina a little bit because she was such a complex and emotional character, but overall, this story was really, really well done. Wonderful come back (please)!

    1. Hi Melissa! Love your choice of the verb "struggled" for Marina. Ditto for the other characters AND events until the dots began to connect. Such an unusual (albeit confusing) read and for that, I loved it.
      Missed your smiling face and wicked wit at BEA last June. Hope we're all on for next year as I love the event, but most importantly, I adore attending it with the awesome Zemanek fam. Pam

  7. Jenny your family is awesome! You can adopt me anytime you want ;) Anyhow nice to meet you Pam. I have seen this book around but haven't read any reviews for it. Now I guess I should read the book. It sounds like a great read and I love complex characters. Great review and nice pic ladies :)

    1. Hi Tanja! THANK YOU so much for your sweet comments and a pleasure to meet you too! PLEASE read this. Enough said.

      Huh. Sounds like a directive and I'm not even your Mom :) Thanks again Tanja! Pam

  8. This isn't my first choice for a genre either but I love that it captured her attention! I love that your mom and mother in law help you out Jenny, that is just awesome!!

    1. Cathy and I really love helping Jenny! I think I can respond on behalf of Cathy as well, to say that it's really an honor to be asked to write a review. It's also been a wonderful experience for me and totally FUN! Pam

  9. Aw love the photo at the end there! I have wanted to get my hands on this one since it came out but haven't picked it up yet. I love that you start off completely blind for the first while and then things start to slowly come together, those are my favorite kind of reads. Great review, Pam!

    1. Jenni, thank you for your thoughtful reply! And I can't encourage you enough to read this, especially since you shared that going in "blind" is your favorite type of read - this book is perfect for you!!!!! Have at it and enjoy, my friend! Pam

  10. What a fabulous review! You are a true wordsmith! Can't wait to read more :}
    - Cathy

    1. My Cathy Z., what a fabulous best bud you are! A heartfelt thank you for all the help, support, and encouragement you gave me 2 months ago, that yes, I could indeed write this review for our Jen. And now, for your exceptionally kind words above. You are incredible and loved. Hugs, Pam

  11. Haha. Jenny and Pam, I can already tell where Jenny got her (review) writing skills. This review is good, Pam! I'm really intrigued my amnesia and these kind of plots and since I have yet to fully enjoy a book where the MC has amnesia, I sure must give this one a go. Marina seems like a great character what with her growth and all. Love a good character development. Also, one of my favorite things is secondary characters' development and I'm so glad that Arclight has it. Yay for it being a great-great read. I actually own a kindle copy and I can't wait to dive into it. Thanks for sharing, girl! PS. That picture is totally adorable :)

    1. Sliri, your comments are sweet and I'm very appreciative of your thoughtfulness. But, it's confession time here with all the wonderful comments about my writing skills. . .um. . .well, Jen REALLY got her her talent for writing from her Dad! It would be sooooo embarrassing to admit how long it took me to write this review. Let's just say, a l-o-n-g time :) I will, however, take a little credit for her graphic designer skills. So love me. So love her.

      Dive now into your Kindle copy of this book-you'll be so happy you did!!! Pam

  12. Awe your Mom rocks Jen.
    Pam wonderful review, like you I become invested in my characters and their development is important, despite leaving you wanting it sounds like the world and Fades (which by the way have me so curious) more than made up for it. Adding to my list!

    1. Hi Kim! Wow, another character development addict like me - awesome!!! I thought the author did an outstanding job creating identities for all in her book, so please add this to your reading stack. I promise, you won't regret it and thanks for sharing. Pam

  13. Aww, your mom is the best! I adore her thoughts on ARLIGHT. I too really enjoyed this series :)

    1. Hi Savannah! Your comments bring a warm smile to my face - thank you so much and glad you enjoyed the book too! Pam

  14. I am a big fan of "complex mysteries and sci-fi thrillers" as well as character development and original stories. If done well, its fun to come into a book knowing nothing and watch it all unravel around you. So glad that this was a big hit for you. It hasn't really been on my radar, but that is all going to change now! And most of all YAY for a mother and daughter sharing your love of books. It makes my heart all warm <3

    1. Hi Lauren! You and I seem to share a common love of books with complex plots and twists. And I must admit, the unraveling of all came around the middle of this book, but worth the wait. Thank you, too, for making me feel "warm" and fuzzy with your comments. Very sweet. Pam

  15. PAM!!!!! *tackle hugs* How I've missed you!!!

    Awesome review. :) I loved Josin's PREMEDITATED, and I need to read Arclight. It sounds so good!!!

    1. HI HANNAH!!!!! It was my delight to meet you at BEA this past summer, and honestly, I can't wait to enjoy your vibrant personality again this June. You're FUN and love to laugh.

      And yes, you need to read this :) Enjoy! Pam

  16. The plot and the characters sound fantabulous ( you see I don't have a way with words like Jenny so I have to make them up! LOL). You really know how to make me want this book. I do love a complicated twisty book. Onto my wishlist.

    Now, both of you are just adorbs!! You are so sweet too! You both make me smile. :)

    1. "Fantabulous" and "adorbs," hmmm, never heard these words before, but LOVE 'em. Keep making words up - they're oh-so cute!!! And thrilled I could add this book to your wishlist - I don't think you'll be disappointed. Thank you Melissa! Pam

  17. That is an awesome review! I have had an arc of this for ages but I just never felt a strong urge to read it. It sounds like I really need to remedy that and read it already!

    1. Hi Candace! PLEASE read it already!!!! It's that good. Thanks Candace, for your comment. Pam

  18. Whew, I must be losing it, as I almost blew by replying to your comments - so sorry Felicia! And I would have regretted that, because they're very endearing. Thank you! Appreciatively, Pam

  19. Hi Heidi! I'm so pleased you're giving this a try, because you're right, there seemed to be a lot of readers who ran either very hot or very cold on whether they liked this book. Thanks for the comments! Pam

  20. What a great review and so wonderful that you ventured into a new genre! Yep, have to agree, it would be intimidating to follow up one of Jenny's reviews but you did an awesome job! And that is a precious picture of the two of you!

    Jenny you are so lucky to have a mom that is willing to try new things and review for you AND appreciate what you do! Win!


  21. It speaks volumes that you loved this when it wasn't your normal type of read Pam. Sounds like a thrilling adrenaline rush without compromising the characterization. Lovely review!

    I don't know about the ridiculous hair but you two are adorable! There's no one like a mom! :)

  22. What a lovely mother-daughter picture! Jenny, it's so wonderful that your family enjoys books as much as you, and that Pam took the time to write such a lovely review! I suppose the review writing talent runs in the family. :-) I agree with you Pam, this is such an original, creative world, and I was truly in awe of the Fade. In the beginning they were terrifying, but as the novel progressed, I related to them almost more than I did to the humans in the Arclight. Beautiful review, thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  23. The Fade sound uber cool! And what a great photo of you two.

  24. Finally found a bit of time to leave comments! School is killing me.

    Aw, it's so cute how your mom got mushy at the end, Jenny. I haven't heard much about this one so it's good to know that your mom loved it even though it was out of her comfort zone. That makes me more likely to read this one.

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