Monday, February 3, 2014

Review: Evertrue

Everneath #3
Brodi Ashton
Paranormal Young Adult
368 pages
Balzer + Bray
Available Now
Source: ARC from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
Now that Nikki has rescued Jack, all she wants is to be with him and graduate high school. But Cole tricked Nikki into feeding off him, and she’s begun the process of turning into an Everliving herself... which means she must feed on a Forfeit soon — or die.

Terrified for her survival, Nikki and Jack begin a desperate attempt to reverse the process using any means possible. Even Cole, who they expected to fight them at every turn, has become an unlikely ally — but how long can it last? Nikki needs to feed on Cole to survive, Cole needs Nikki to gain the throne in the Everneath, Jack needs Nikki because she is everything to him — and together, they must travel back to the Underworld to undo Nikki’s fate and make her mortal once more. But Cole isn’t the only one with plans for Nikki: the Queen has not forgotten Nikki’s treachery, and she wants her destroyed for good.
Will Nikki be forced to spend eternity in the Underworld, or does she have what it takes to bring down the Everneath once and for all?

Evertrue is a thoroughly satisfying conclusion to the Everneath trilogy, returning us to Nikki and Jack as they struggle to come to terms with the shocking revelation at the end of book two. Ms. Ashton is oh-so kind to her readers, giving us a brief recap of the major points we need to remember from the last book as we head into this final one, and providing us with everything we need to hit the ground running with our striking couple and the young man who is the bane of their existence. While perhaps the least emotionally gripping of the three, this concluding story never lacks in action or adventure, taking us on one last epic journey before saying goodbye to a beloved cast of characters.

Part of the reason our hearts aren’t in quite as much danger of being shredded in Evertrue is due to the fact that Nikki and Jack are finally together physically as well as emotionally – an unbreakable team ready to take on everyone and everything standing in the way of their lifelong happiness – so the romantic tension is ratcheted way down from previous books. While the lack of tension is a mild criticism, it’s simultaneously a huge relief, the solidity of Nikki and Jack as a couple allowing us to focus on the more pressing matter of Nikki’s new connection to the Everneath (one I’m being deliberately vague about as to avoid spoilers for those who haven’t read book two).

As he has always been, Cole is yet again a highlight of this third installment, Ms. Ashton writing him so beautifully that even with all the things he’s done – the lies he’s told and extravagant manipulations he’s orchestrated – our first instinct is still to trust him. To give him the benefit of the doubt and search desperately for the good in him we’re hoping is actually there rather than simply being a figment of our romantic idealism and overactive imaginations. Cole is vulnerable in a way he's never been previously, any anger we may have harbored over past deeds unable to stand strong in the face of his newfound innocence, and somehow we fall even more in love with him than we were before. His love for Nikki is something we’ve questioned throughout, wondering if his feelings are genuine or if they’re simply tied to the future he so desperately wants for himself, and if his desire for her stems from the heart or simply from ambition. By the end we have our answer in truth, his place in our memories forever solidified as he, Nikki and Jack engage in the final battle.

Evertrue flows perfectly (if wrapping up a touch quickly with regard to the queen), moving forward quickly and smoothly to ensure we have trouble finding a point at which we can set the book aside and get back to our real lives. This series is a favorite, and I will be waiting with breath held to see what Ms. Ashton brings to life next.

Rating: 4/5

Find Brodi:

This book was sent to me by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.


  1. I agree with you about everything 100%. My review is scheduled for later this month, but we definitely made some of the same points. Cole was infuriating in the best way! lol. And I was surprised at how quick the conflict with the queen was resolved. I kept thinking something else was going to happen. But it really was wrapped up nicely! <3

    1. I adored Cole. I've never wanted to simultaneously kiss and punch someone as much as I did him. I thought he was brilliant:) I definitely thought the queen issue would be a bigger foil for Nikki, but the speed with which that was taken care of didn't bother me all that much. Glad you enjoyed it as well Christy!

  2. I never noticed about the cover that is sort of sort of looks like tentacles around her ;)

  3. "Ms. Ashton is oh-so kind to her readers, giving us a brief recap of the major points we need to remember from the last book as we head into this final one" -- I like when this isn't overdone. All the recaps in Jennifer Estep's books for instance are driving me insane (especially when there isn't even a week before I jump into the next one >.<) While I'm glad that Jack and Nik are together at last, I think that you're right--it isn't that emotionally gripping anymmore, but whatever! I know that I won't get enough of the action that Brodi brings to the table because she's just that good with tension and twists. I still don't know what to think of Cole. I want to think that he is in love with Nikki, but I just don't know *sobs* I'm glad that we finally get some answers though! Yay for 4 stars:) I can't wait to read this pretty!!!

    1. Yes, Jennifer does tend to repeat things a great deal in her books, particularly if you're reading them in rapid succession (though I love both her series so much), but this book just had a quick recap to remind me of what happened in the last book since it'd been a year. Very helpful with boring me with details I already know.

  4. I've only read the first book and my favorite character was Cole -- loved to hate him. Guess he hasn't changed all that much (yay). And the last cover? Gorgeous.

    1. Cole just keeps getting better Mary! He was spectacular in book two, I was so impressed with that installment, and it was fun to see him more vulnerable in this one:)

  5. I need to catch up on this series asap, Jenny. I've put off this series because of the love triangle, but it sounds like everything wraps up nicely.
    It's nice when you finally understand the reasons behind a character's actions. I'm glad you finally got to know Cole.
    Lovely review, Jenny.

    1. Fear not Nick! There's no real triangle in this series. Three players, yes, but Nikki is sure from page one who she wants to be with and she never wavers. It's Jack all the way no matter how hard Cole tries, but yet somehow Cole is still a vital part of the emotional makeup of the story. So well done:)

  6. I am so glad to hear (see) you say that this was a good conclusion to the trilogy. It seems lately so many last books aren't and it is so disappointing. I have only read the first book and the novella so I am a little behind but I do plan on finishing it by the end of the year.

    I have so many great series and trilogies I am trying to make time for instead of ARCs this year. Hopefully I can get to a few of them at the very least.

    1. I was thoroughly satisfied with this book Ali! Book 2 is still my favorite, but I loved how she wrapped everything up and I just can't wait to see what she writes next:)

  7. Ahh! I can't wait to read this one, Jenny! I hope to pick up my copy of the book at the library today. I'm very curious as how Nikki battles the Everneath and I'm thrilled we get more of Jack in this book. Go Team Jack!

    1. SO GOOD RUMMANAH! It was nice to see Jack and Nikki finally together in this one, and I of course loved Cole, so I was really pleased with it as a whole.

  8. I only read your first line..and am so thrilled that this was a satisfying conclusion. I bought it on release day and cannot wait to crack it open!

  9. Chayse said the ending made him tear up and so now I'm a bit scared to see how it will end. Still plan on reading it. Lovely review!

    1. The end is definitely bittersweet on one epic level, but I thought it was perfectly fitting. I hope you get a chance to read it soon Savy!

  10. Fantastic review! I am so glad and relieved that this final book isn't a huge disappointment. I will have to get my hands on a copy…I LOVE this series!

    1. I would have loved a bit more of a showdown with the queen, but other than that, I loved this book. It's a series that's destined for my favorites shelf:)

  11. I really enjoyed the ending of this one but a few components of this one didn't work for me. Still, I'm so glad this trilogy has been such a strong one, especially for you Jenny. Fantastic review, dear!

  12. I LOVE this series Aman! Book 2 was my favorite (surprisingly, that's almost never the case), but all three books are solid:)

  13. Aren't the covers for this series gorgeous? LOVE them:) The story is equally beautiful, I can't recommend it enough.

  14. Interesting that you thought there was too little tension in the relationship. One of the elements I like most about this book is that Nikki has already made her choice and we FINALLY get to see her with Jack in the present day. I agree that the emotions in general are much less high, but I enjoyed the added humor, and I agree that Cole really shined. Glad this conclusion worked for you.

  15. I have that first book and have yet to pick it up. Your review makes me want to dig it out of my tbr pile and throw myself into the next two books as well. Oh I'm so curious about this series. Darn it Jenny, I'm blaming you for me wanting this more! :)

    Btw, the cover totally has me thinking of Ursula of The Little Mermaid. I keep seeing tentacles. However, I'm weird so... :D

  16. Okay, I didn't read it. Because, I have the WHOLE series and haven't even read the first page! Haven't even opened the books. I read Keertena's review which she promised was spoiler free for the entire series. It sounds like a great one so I will definitely get to it!

    I am sure your review is beautiful. I will come back and read it, whenever I finish the series, LOL!

  17. Sometimes the pain and uncertainty you get with the early points in a romance make me so happy for the quite, solid times together. The first book had such a sad, haunting quality to their romance I think this would be a relief for me.

    I still need to read book two but I'm happy I waited because now I can read one right after the other. Wonderful review, Jenny! :)

  18. I've come across several VERY unsatisfactory endings lately and I'm so very glad this ended on a high note for you. You make me want to give that audio another chance. I didn't try very hard the first time.
    Also, I just love it when couples really get together and fight together. Romantic angst is nice, but that is way nicer.
    Fantastic review, Jenny. My bestie loves these books so I'll definitely be trying again.

  19. I didn't love the first book so I never read the second book, but I'm kind of curious to see how things end up so I'm thinking I might continue the series at some point. I'm glad that it has a good ending for the most part.

  20. I'm glad to hear this series wraps up in a satisfying, if all too quick, way! I have always loved Cole's strange blend of being up to no good but also oddly trustworthy and alluring, and I'm glad to hear that continues. Lovely review!

  21. It's definitely a wonderful story when you even love the bad boy. The evil character of the series. When he turns out to be a good one after all. The whole series was wonderful. I hated to see it end. I loved it.

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