Monday, July 28, 2014

Review: Mortal Danger

Immortal Game #1
Ann Aguirre
Paranormal Young Adult
372 pages
Feiwel & Friends
Available August 6th
Source: ARC from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

In Ann Aguirre's Mortal Danger, Edie Kramer has a score to settle with the beautiful people at Blackbriar Academy. Their cruelty drove her to the brink of despair, and four months ago, she couldn’t imagine being strong enough to face her senior year. But thanks to a Faustian compact with the enigmatic Kian, she has the power to make the bullies pay. She’s not supposed to think about Kian once the deal is done, but devastating pain burns behind his unearthly beauty, and he’s impossible to forget.

In one short summer, her entire life changes and she sweeps through Blackbriar, prepped to take the beautiful people down from the inside. A whisper here, a look there, and suddenly . . . bad things are happening. It’s a head rush, seeing her tormentors get what they deserve, but things that seem too good to be true usually are, and soon, the pranks and payback turns from delicious to deadly. Edie is alone in a world teeming with secrets and fiends lurking in the shadows. In this murky morass of devil’s bargains, she isn’t sure who—or what—she can trust. Not even her own mind.

Mortal Danger is a story that starts out on a literal edge, Edie ready to leave life behind in the hope that death will be less cruel, only to be stopped by an enigmatic young man who offers her a different type of escape. The first few chapters make us as readers incredibly uneasy, Edie’s thwarted suicide and the fact that her first request from Kian is to be made beautiful causing us to fear what this tale has in store for us in terms of the message carried by her actions. While the synopsis suggests the revenge aspect is a focal point though, where Ms. Aguirre takes us (thankfully) instead is far beneath the hell that is high school and into one much more befitting of the name.

As mentioned previously, Edie has us a touch worried in the beginning chapters, wondering if her story is going to be one where we spend the entire time fearful the next chapter is going to be the one where her need for vengeance will result in an action we simply cannot forgive. What we find in place of a single-minded drive for revenge on those who broke her (the means by which we don’t discover until much later in the story), however, is a fierce intelligence and a beautifully level-head, her dealings with the popular crew surprisingly free of the venom and vitriol initially expected. Edie instead approaches them in a much more reasonable way, her anger and hurt still present and palpable, but she never seeks to actively shame or humiliate them the way they did her.

Perhaps most surprising about Mortal Danger is just how small a role Edie’s revenge plays in the overall plot. Once she makes her deal with Kian, the teenage bullies who forced her to the bridge in the first place suddenly pale in comparison to the immortal ones who now hold all the cards in a game she never wanted to play. Edie is the type of heroine we crack the spine of every book hoping find, her initial insecurities replaced with a confidence, sharp wit, and extraordinary problem solving ability (all traits it’s made clear to us come from within and are not simply side effects of her newfound beauty). She tackles her numerous problems head on, self-reliant to an admirable degree but not so much so that she doesn’t know when to ask for help, and so very careful as to where she steps on the gameboard that has suddenly become her life.

Overall, Mortal Danger is a stunning start to a new series, giving us a heroine who makes mistakes and is riddled with flaws in the most beautiful way, and who despite a rough start, comes to fully appreciate all life has to offer even in its darkest moments. The ending lacks a touch of the excitement and action promised all along as Edie faces off with one of the game’s top players, but that’s a minor quibble in an otherwise gritty and darkly entertaining story. Ms. Aguirre never fails to impress with her characters and her creativity, and Mortal Danger is yet another reminder of how fascinating (and also terrifying) her mind is.

Rating: 4/5

Find Ann:

This book was sent to me by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.


  1. A stunning start? Yay! Wonderful review Jenny. I am so glad I read your review so I can be prepared for all the darkness in the beginning.

    1. This is a tricky read for sure Ali, I think it will be a very polarizing story, but I loved it after my initial worry about the message Edie wish sends to readers passed:)

  2. Haha! "Fascinating, yet terrifying mind" Oh absolutely yes! I loved Mortal Danger, it was so different from all the usual YA books, be it Contemporary or Paranormal . This book was definitely different!

    1. SO GOOD DANNY! And yes, terrifying too. I still can't look at mirrors in the dark. They freak me out:)

  3. "but she never seeks to actively shame or humiliate them the way they did her." It's weird since usually these kind of stories are almost always driven by revenge. So you liked Edie's character a lot? I'm glad that she has flaws, but isn't held back by them. I hope you love the following books just as much, Jenny!

    1. I did very much like her Siiri! She worried me in the beginning, I didn't like that her first wish was to be made beautiful, but I loved how Ann handled everything and how Edie recognized what was really important in her life:)

  4. Well, I'm glad you liked it. I dnf'd id at 40%. I was so bored and couldn't stand Edie. I definitely need to try something different by this author.

    1. It's definitely a love it or hate it type of book Christy!

  5. And who still have not finished her adult series, sighs

    1. I still need to finish Sirantha Jax too. I'm behind:(

  6. I can't wait to read this one, Jenny. I love it when a character keeps you on your toes, fearful that they'll cross some line, and desperately hopeful that they won't. I just hope I'm not disappointed that the early need for revenge takes a backseat to everything else (insofar as character consistency goes). Great review!

    1. I'll be interested to see what you think Jessica! I think this one is going to inspire a lot of conflicting opinions. I personally loved Edie and the way she handled everything, and I'm definitely curious to see where things go for her in the next book:)

  7. I really enjoyed the books I read by the author but I haven't this one yet. I think I'll read the others I have before this one but it sounds really good! thanks for the great review!

    1. You're welcome! Can't wait to read your thoughts on it Melliane!

  8. "the teenage bullies who forced her to the bridge in the first place suddenly pale in comparison to the immortal ones who now hold all the cards in a game she never wanted to play"
    YES!!! OMG, Jenny. I wasn't sure where Aguirre was going with all the bullying and thwarted suicide thing but I loved this story. Creepy-fabulous.

    1. ME EITHER! I was definitely nervous in the beginning, but I loved this one so much:)

  9. As much as I love Ann Aguirre's previous books, I don't think this is the book for me. I'm sorry, but just from the blurb, Edie comes across as someone very shallow and petty and I don't think I can take her seriously, even if your review shows that she does grow a bit throughout the book. There have been some very mixed reviews when it comes to this book. People either loved it or hated it with a passion. I'm glad that you were in the former group, Jenny. Maybe, if the summaries for the next books intrigues me enough, I will pick this series up someday. :)
    Lovely review as always!

    1. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's probably not for you Nick! I don't think you were a fan of her Enclave books right?

      I don't think Edie is shallow at all though, what happens to her is pretty awful, and I like that while the bullying was a low point for her, what actually broke her and drove her to the bridge was something else entirely. It's a twisted, dark, sometimes uncomfortable read, but I really enjoyed it:)

  10. This is coming up soon on my review queue, and I'm really glad to see you enjoyed it, Jenny! Edie's concerned me since I first read the synopsis because she seems to have QUITE the vendetta, but I love love love the sound of it. Wonderful review!

    1. Edie concerned me as well Melissa, but I loved how the revenge aspect becomes very much a background element, and the real threat and focus is something far darker. We'll have to have a chat about it when you get to it!

  11. Jenny, I'm glad you enjoyed Mortal Danger as well. I was surprised with all the twist, and how the need for revenge actually became only a small part of the story with the Game take center stage. I liked the fact that there's shades of grey in this story - complicated and making one think. Wonderful review! :)

    1. YES! I'm so fascinated by the game and it's players, I can't wait to find out more. I think Ann always does a great job of making readers think:)

  12. I have heard so much about this author but I have never read any of her books. I need to change that. You have no idea how happy I'm that revenge plays a small part here as I don't like books dealing with it. Also Edie sounds like someone I'll like. Great review, Jenny :)

    1. I don't at all either. The only reason I picked this one up Tanja is because Ann wrote it and I love her books. She definitely didn't disappoint!

  13. I only recently discovered that Ann Aguirre was writing a new YA series. How exciting! And, now I'm even more psyched after reading your review. :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm an Ann fangirl Carmel! Love her books:)

  14. I've been hearing such polarized opinions on this novel that, for now, I'm planning to wait and see how the series unfolds. I've always had significantly better luck with Aguirre's adult novels rather than her YA titles and this may be a case of that again, for me. I'm glad to see you enjoyed it, though, Jenny--gorgeous review!

    1. This is definitely a story that will inspire very different responses from everyone who reads it, but I will say, if you haven't liked her past YA books, than this one probably isn't for you either:)

  15. I have to admit, I didn't love the first half of the book. I don't like mean girl stories. However, that second half? OMG! LOVED it! I agree... love how her mind works. :)

    1. YAY! I'm glad you ended up loving it Melissa!

  16. Well, I enjoyed the free sampler with the 5 first chapters and reading your review I'm now very much sure I will love the rest of the book! I'm preordering my Kindle copy now!
    One question though... is there a cliffhanger?? I know you like them as little as I do!

    1. I wouldn't say there's a cliffhanger, no. There are definite threads left loose, but that's to be expected with a series. No jaw-dropping, tear-your-hair-out parting shot is waiting for you at the end Pili!

    2. *relieved sigh* Good to know!! Thanks Jenny!

  17. Humm, I'm not sure about the revenge part (thay make me unconfortable) but you said it was an original story and you clearly loved it so...maybe. ^^ I'm in a 2014 published books marathon so may be getting to this one when it comes out in August (same day as Gates of Thread and Stone---ah :D :D) Also, your review is very beautifully written. ^^ Glad you enjoyed the book!

    1. ME TOO! But fear not, the revenge aspect is very mild, and the trouble Edie finds herself in after the deal she makes is the real focus. I hope you give it a try at some point Lola!

  18. I got to about the 40% mark in this and set it aside. I was feeling it all was just a giant cliche and I was ridiculously annoyed with it. But... maybe I need to pick it back up. I like that the revenge doesn't become the major focus because I suppose I was slightly dreading that. Hmmm... you've given me something to think about anyway!

    1. It's definitely not a book for everyone Candace! Maybe it will be worth a second chance somewhere down the road:)

  19. YES! The whole beginning sort of gave me a nervous tic and had me going "what kind of message is this", but I should have had faith that Ann would handle everything with finesse. I just loved it:)

  20. This one sounds like an intense read, and I'm definitely intrigued. I love when the protagonist grows substantially throughout the novel, and it sounds like this is the case with Mortal Danger. I might just have to check this one out. Lovely review!

  21. Yaay! I'm so glad you liked this! I fully understand your concerns. I read this as it was being written and I was a bit concerned about those same things, but I loved that the revenge took a back seat and I loved the direction the story took. In the end, there was a right amount of everything, which I appreciated.
    Gorgeous review as usual, my friend!

  22. I have a copy of this and I'm so happy you mentioned that the revenge is not a huge part of Edie's story. Revenge plots are usually tricky for me because it's so negative. I'm hoping the story wraps up satisfactorily because I didn't know it was a series. Lovely review, Jenny! :)

  23. I am so happy you liked this one, Jenny. All the reviews I've ever come across disliked it so much that I became so apprehensive in picking this book up. I also appreciate Edie's growth all throughout the novel and at times I do like my read gritty and dark so I'll definitely try this one out. Fantastic review, Jenny! :)

  24. Hi Jenny! I just skimmed through your review being that I'm reading this right now and almost done with it. So far, I'm loving it.

  25. I have always been pretty curious about Ann Aguirre's writing. But I was never sure that her Razorland trilogy was for me. This one sounds more my style. I loved your review and I am super curious about this novel. I really love seeing character growth in a single novel, and I am pleased to see that it looks like the protagonist in this one grows some.

    Thanks for the review, Jenni!

  26. I'm happy to see a positive review of this one! For some reason I feel hesitant to read it and I'm not sure how I'll like the heroine. But I love the way you describe her growth throughout the book. And I think it's realistic to imagine this girl wishing for beauty when that's what she's felt will give her the power she wants. How did you like the romance in here? I just realized that the author is coming to Boston on the Fierce Reads tour so I'll be reading this for sure, and your review has made me feel more excited about that!
