Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What's Your Winner's Curse? Blog Tour + Giveaway

Today I'm hugely excited (and a little intimidated, Macmillan is really making me work! ;-) to be a part of the promotional tour for The Winner's Crime, the second book in Marie Rutkoski's amazing Winner's Trilogy. I couldn't have loved last year's The Winner's Curse more if I tried, so I may have begged and pleaded with the fantastic team at Macmillan to let me be a part of the pre-release festivities.

This tour is a little different from your standard interview and guest post-type tour in that the participating blogs have been asked to answer a not-so simple question:

The ‘Winner’s Curse’ is an economics term that means you’ve gotten what you wanted – but at too high a price.  What would you pay too much for?

Whew. See what I said about work? This is not an easy question to answer, and I feel like I should probably take the more deep and profound route by choosing something like world peace or the health and happiness of all my loved ones, but as those of you who know me have probably realized, I'm rarely deep and profound. While the tone of this series is decidedly darker in nature and likely warrants a suitably serious answer from me, because I've been struggling in the aftermath of losing one of my dogs, I could really use a few more posts that make me smile and therefore want to keep things a little lighter here on the blog. Let's put off tears and seriousness for another day, who's with me?

I've decided to create for you a fantasy list full of whimsy and romance wherein I detail for you the top three things for which I would absolutely pay far too much (monetarily that is, I'm not talking any kind of Faustian bargain). In no particular order:

1. A day (or a week? or several weeks?) on the set of Outlander.

You guys. OUTLANDER! I would pay ridiculous amounts of money (if I had it that is) to fly to Scotland and hang out with the oh-so good looking kilted cast of this show. I feel as though I would make a mean tavern wench given staring longingly at Jamie would take very little acting on my part. Also? I can ride a horse, so I'd fit right in. No training necessary. IT WAS MEANT TO BE! *waits patiently for the HBO folks to call*

2. A date with Chris Hemsworth. Or Liam. I'm not picky.

What? This is a FANTASY list everyone, and Chris Hemsworth is fantasy-worthy to be sure. I think my husband would even be fine with it because he recognizes that I have good taste ;-)

3. All my very favorite books made into movies. And to have a say in the casting ;-)

This seems like it could actually happen given how many outstanding books are finding their way to the big screen of late, but I'm talking about the books I love that will likely never make it there. Books like J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood, Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series or Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter books. Historical romances and urban fantasies; stories that will likely have a much harder time finding a market in film form than they do in book form. I long to see some of my most beloved characters (and book boyfriends) come to life, and I dream of a day where Netflix will be overrun with movies for every book in the Kate Daniels, Mercy Thompson or Elemental Assassin series. I would definitely drain a good chunk of my bank account for that ;-)

I'd love to know how you guys would answer this question, seriously or more light-hearted as I did, so please share your thoughts in the comments!

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Winning what you want may cost you everything you love.

As a general’s daughter in a vast empire that revels in war and enslaves those it conquers, seventeen-year-old Kestrel has two choices: she can join the military or get married. But Kestrel has other intentions. One day, she is startled to find a kindred spirit in a young slave up for auction.

Arin’s eyes seem to defy everything and everyone. Following her instinct, Kestrel buys him—with unexpected consequences. It’s not long before she has to hide her growing love for Arin. But he, too, has a secret, and Kestrel quickly learns that the price she paid for a fellow human is much higher than she ever could have imagined.

Set in a richly imagined new world, The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski is a story of deadly games where everything is at stake, and the gamble is whether you will keep your head or lose your heart.

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Book two of the dazzling Winner's Trilogy is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love.

The engagement of Lady Kestrel to Valoria’s crown prince means one celebration after another. But to Kestrel it means living in a cage of her own making. As the wedding approaches, she aches to tell Arin the truth about her engagement…if she could only trust him. Yet can she even trust herself? For—unknown to Arin—Kestrel is becoming a skilled practitioner of deceit: an anonymous spy passing information to Herran, and close to uncovering a shocking secret.

As Arin enlists dangerous allies in the struggle to keep his country’s freedom, he can’t fight the suspicion that Kestrel knows more than she shows. In the end, it might not be a dagger in the dark that cuts him open, but the truth. And when that happens, Kestrel and Arin learn just how much their crimes will cost them.

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Marie Rutkoski is the author of several novels for children and young adults, including The Winner’s Curse (March 2014). She grew up in Bolingbrook, Illinois as the oldest of four children and decided early on that she was Someone Who Loved Books.

After attending the University of Iowa and living in Moscow and Prague, she studied Shakespeare at Harvard University, where she honed her skill in referring to herself in the third person.

Marie is now a professor of English literature at Brooklyn College, where she teaches Renaissance drama, children’s literature, and fiction writing. New York City is her home, and she thinks there must be birds of prey living in Washington Square Park; she can see large, wheeling wings from the window where she sits and writes. Marie has two small sons who try very hard to make friends with the family cat, only to be snubbed for the dark quiet of a closet. Marie can tie a double figure-eight knot with her eyes closed. She’s learning how to play the violin. She’s a sucker for fancy tea, and her favorite dessert is crème brulée. Or maybe sticky toffee pudding. Tough call.

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Thanks to the enormously generous team at Macmillan, I have a copy of either The Winner's Curse or The Winner's Crime (winner's choice) to give away on the blog today. Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Giveaway is open to US addresses only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to check out all the stops on this tour to see what everyone would pay too much for! You can find the full list of participating blogs here.


  1. Thanks for the nice post. I so love the book and the winner's crime totally broke my heart.

  2. Oh can't enter :/
    But I did see book 2 on NG, but, yeah gotta read book 1 first

  3. Deep and serious isn't exactly what I need these days either, so I love your answer!! OUTLANDEEEER!! I'd love to go to Scotland and be able to be around the set too!!

  4. Love this post! Outlander! Yes! You know my love for the books and show. I agree. What would I pay too much for? Every winter, I'd love to spend it on a tropical island in a beach front house (can you tell I am over winter?!) or see Jenny Han's Summer series on the big screen. Thanks for the great giveaway! I enjoyed Winner's Curse and can't wait to check out book two.

  5. Loved your answer to this incredibly difficult question! I've never actually watched Outlanders...:( But I just looked it up and it looks amazing!.. And Jamie looks amazing too;) Come on HBO, give Jenny a call!
    I think a date with Chris Hemsworth should be on everyones list!
    And I love number 3 because watching beloved books come to life on screen would be a dream come true- if we have say in the cast, setting and everything really;) Because some book to movie adaptations don't end well but some are great (I loved The Great Gatsby movie) ! I'm definitely going to try some of the books you put on that list because if you love them so much they must be good:)
    Also I just wanted to give you a *hug* for your painful times.
    This post was filled with fantasy and made me dream about everything I would spend way too much on:)

  6. I love you Jenny! I would so pick any and all of these things too LOL! How shallow am I? :P

    Lovely post, I loved it and it was a lot of fun to read. I would love to be on the set of Outlander or even on a date with the guy who plays Jamie (just don't tell my husband!). :P

  7. Something one of my children desperately wanted.

  8. I would pay too much to have my health back.

  9. Hahahaha! I really do adore you, Jenny! I love your love for the Hemsworth brothers! I would totally accompany you on this fantasy date of yours (even if you would want to be alone!).

  10. Love this fun post and I could see myself on the set of Outlander with you drooling *sigh* and trying not to embarrass myself, lol!
    Thanks Jenny :)

  11. My winner's curse would probably involve a gigantic library full of books (90% of them would be YA, of course), or a cottage with a nice garden and a library in the living room. Basically, I need a little from each Snow White's, Belle's, and Rapunzel's (everyone needs a Flynn Rider) lives to equate the ultimate winner's curse!

    P.S. I heartily approve of your choice in Chris Hemsworth!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear you lost one of your dogs, Jenny! Losing a beloved pet is not easy.

    I so want to start Outlander! Even more so now that I hear you love it! I'm happy to hear you're not picky (an admirable quality!) and would take either Helmsworth brother. I'm sure your husband would totally understand! ;)

  13. Oh Jenny! I laughed reading all your answers. You have a thing for the Hemsworth brothers, eh? I can't judge! I completely understand!!!
    I haven't seen Outlander but everyone seems to really love that show so i'm going to have to find it online and give it a chance. Lovely post!

  14. Thanks for the giveaway! I would pay anything for someone I love. <3 I can't wait to read The Winner's Crime.

  15. I would pay anything to save the life of any of my family members.

  16. Um, can I second all of your pay-way-too-much-for fantasies?!?! Yes, please. Loved the first book in this series and can't wait to read the second.

  17. I wouldn't mind paying too high a price if I could suddenly inherit lots of money that would then enable me to buy ALL THE BOOKS. That's pretty much all I want.

    Also I am sure there are other things I want but I cannot think of them at the moment so that's all for right now :P

    Thanks for sharing this with us and thanks for the giveaway, Jenny!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I just read The Winner's Curse for the first time a couple weeks ago, and I was so upset with myself for not holding out just a little while longer so I could read The Winner's Crime straightaway. The Winner's Curse was just so great, and I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series.

    I think I would pay too much to relocate to a warmer state... all this snow in New England is so disheartening.

  20. I always feel like I pay to much for everything. LOL I'm not sure what my answer would be though. Hm... must think on it.

    Love the choice of men and set. Although if Jamie were to be made real... hm... might be my answer... LOL

  21. I am so excited to read this series, I have heard so many great things about it! I would pay a lot to hang out on the sets of some of my fave shows, but Outlander??? I would do it in a heartbeat! I love the books & the shows and to be able to hang and meet the actors who do a great job of bringing the characters to life? Sam? Cait? *faints* Also, it's Scotland!

  22. Yes to being on the set of Outlander or heck I would travel back in time for a week :)

  23. Oh, Jenny! I'm so sad to hear you've been struggling with coping but I (and everyone) is here for you, sweets! <3 This post is just TOO GOOD. I loved your answers so much, and EEEP I cannot wait to read The Winner's Crime. :') As for something I pay too much for... must I only choose one thing? D: I guess it would have to be food. I can't live without it in my life, so yeah I guess that would be my answer! Thanks for sharing, Jenny! :) x

  24. I'd pay too much to eat as much as I wanted and never gain weight.

  25. thanks for the fun post! I'd have to say... I'd pay too much for a genie who would grant unlimited wishes and wasn't mean :)

  26. I would pay too much for happiness and peace of mind * cliche I know but the truth*

  27. Books, clothes and music! ~ Danielle D.

  28. At this point in my life, I already pay too much for my health. I like to try herbal things. Other than that, books and jewelry.

  29. Your favorite books made into movies is a really good one. I would pay too much for high quality headphones and a reading nook with shelves and a window seat. Maybe a ring that lasts longer than my $15 rings

  30. You answered really well! I'm not sure what I would choose... travel would be one though.

  31. It may be a bit different from the usual tour, but think that's awesome. Both that you're the one answering the question, AND your answers. Although, I'd take Tom Hiddleston over Chris (or Liam) Hemsworth. ANY DAY. *snickers* Which, you know, is good, b/c no fighting over silly boys.

  32. So cool. I've had this one on my radar for a while now. Let me see, what would I be willing to pay too much for? I'm going to be a bit selfish. I would consider myself a successful person. I'm in middle management, owned my own home at 24 but now I feel like I got success that I wanted and now I can't even take a nice vacation with my family. My own winner's curse I guess. However, that's the price I am willing to pay to make sure my family doesn't want for anything.

  33. Books :) and one day have the Beauty and the beast library <3
    And clothes/shoes too, and fun makeup

  34. sporting events/concert tickets......

  35. I would pay too much for backpacking across Europe and Australia/ New Zealand! It's always been a dream of mine and I wish to do that one day. Thank you for this amazing chance! :)

  36. If I bought one, I'd definitely be paying too much for a blender, but I'd love a Vitamix.

  37. That is a tricky question to answer! I know I wouldn't mind a date with Liam Hemsworth either. But I think I would pay the price for an endless stream of books of my choice ^^
