Wednesday, May 27, 2015

BEA 2015!

Hey Everyone!

Today I'm headed to NYC for my 5th BookExpo America. WOO HOO!!! I can't believe it's been 5 years since I've started this blog, time has definitely flown by. I'm not going to put up any posts this week since I won't be around to return comments and generally be social, but I'll be back on Sunday and will have all sorts of fun things to share next week!

Talk to all of you soon:)

- Jenny


  1. Have fun!!! I bet its going to be a blast!!

  2. Hope you have fun, Jenny! :)

  3. I'm so excited for you, have a wonderful time!!!

  4. HAVE FUN AT BEA, JENNY! <3 I really hope I can go and meet up with you someday. :)

  5. Have a fantastic trip Jenny and take lots of funny pictures for us.

  6. Oh wow. Your 5th?! Have fun, Jenny!

  7. Have fun, Jenny! Take lotsa pictures.

  8. Oh yay, have fun! I can't wait to see your recap and pictures. :)

  9. Jenny! I hope you had the most wonderful time ever! I can't wait to read about it when you get back! :)

  10. YAY FOR BEA!! SO HAPPY that I got to meet you and your mum, and sad that I didn't meet your mum-in-law!

  11. OMG Jenny I can't believe I missed you at BEA?! Someone I was talking to (I forget who) mentioned you in passing but I didn't clue in that it meant that YOU WERE ACTUALLY there!! Oh I wish we could have bumped into one another but all the same: I hope that you had a BLAST :D xx

  12. Was so glad to see you! It's been 5 years for me as well. Where did the time go?

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