Friday, February 19, 2016

Giveaway: The Immortals

Happy Friday Everyone!

In celebration of the fact that this week is over (who's ready for a couple days off? *raises both hands*), I have a fantastic giveaway to share with you all today! One of my very favorite things to read about is Greek mythology, so I of course pounce on on any and every book I come across that features it. As soon as I saw The Immortals I knew instantly that it was a "me" kind of book.

Tell me you aren't intrigued after reading this synopsis:
Manhattan has many secrets. Some are older than the city itself.

The city sleeps. Selene DiSilva walks her dog along the banks of the Hudson. She is alone—just the way she likes it. She doesn't believe in friends, and she doesn't speak to her family. Most of them are simply too dangerous.

In the predawn calm, Selene finds the body of a young woman washed ashore, gruesomely mutilated and wreathed in laurel. Her ancient rage returns. And so does the memory of a promise she made long ago—when her name was Artemis.

ARTEMIS! I can't wait to read Ms. Brodsky's version of this particular goddess and find out how Artemis deals with whomever killed and mutilated the young woman. Ancient vengeance unleashed in Manhattan? Yes please!

If you want to read more, you can check out an excerpt from chapter one here!

Find The Immortals:

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photo courtesy of Ben Arons

Jordanna Max Brodsky hails from Virginia, where she spent four years at a science and technology high school pretending it was a theater conservatory. She holds a degree in History and Literature from Harvard University.  When she's not wandering the forests of Maine, she lives in Manhattan with her husband. She often sees goddesses in Central Park and wishes she were one.

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In partnership with Orbit Books who has so generously provided goodies, I have a fantastic goddess-themed prize pack (includes a copy of The Immortals and a "Goddess" sweatshirt!) to give away today. To enter, please fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Giveaway is open to US addresses only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This book sounds fantastic Jenny, even though its not the normal style I go for, the summary right there has me intrigued for more. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Ooooh, a new take on Greek mythology!! I love the sound of it! Not many books have Artemis in a major role, let alone being the main character!

    Thank you for putting this one on my radar, Jenny!

  3. I definitely loved the excerpt. I love Artemis, a protector, the excerpt has me intrigued to read more! I can't wait to read such an exciting book!

  4. This one sounds really interesting, Jenny! I eat up anything that has Greek mythology so I'm up for this.
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. This book is on my to-read list for the month! So excited. :D

  6. I'm a fan of Greek mythology so I'm really curious about this - I need to know more about this Artemis!
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Jenny :)

  7. Wonderful feature and great giveaway. Zeus would be my favorite. Thanks. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  8. I SO want that shirt! As for the giveaway question, I'm not sure who is my favorite. It kind of depends on the story and how it's being told. I tend to change my mind a lot on who I like and dislike.

  9. sounds interesting looking for it now, thank you

  10. Oh Artemis! She is one of my faves and so little has been written about her. Of course you know you had me at mythology! :D I also think I need to rock that shirt. LOL

    Happy Weekend!

  11. This one sounds so interesting! I'm excited to read about Artemis!

  12. Definitely Artemis!

  13. In my younger days probably Dionysus, lately it's been tempered to the more mild-mannered Apollo.

  14. I like Apollo--mostly because he is the god of music and I play the flute.

  15. I like the sound of this. I like,posidion and athena

  16. Def Eros and Psyche!! I don't think their story counts as canon to the Greek god myths though.
    Mary G Loki

  17. I love mythology! I can't wait to read this book. Athens is definitely my favorite.

  18. Toss up between Hestia and Artemis for the women. Poseidon for the guys.

  19. I've always been a fan of Hecate :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.
