Thursday, February 11, 2016

Review: Murder of Crows

The Others #2
Anne Bishop
Urban Fantasy
369 pages
Available Now
Source: Bought

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
After winning the trust of the terra indigene residing in the Lakeside Courtyard, Meg Corbyn has had trouble figuring out what it means to live among them. As a human, Meg should be barely tolerated prey, but her abilities as a cassandra sangue make her something more.

The appearance of two addictive drugs has sparked violence between the humans and the Others, resulting in the murders of both species in nearby cities. So when Meg has a dream about blood and black feathers in the snow, Simon Wolfgard—Lakeside's shape-shifting leader—wonders whether their blood prophet dreamed of a past attack or of a future threat.

As the urge to speak prophecies strikes Meg more frequently, trouble finds its way inside the Courtyard. Now the Others and the handful of humans residing there must work together to stop the man bent on reclaiming their blood prophet—and stop the danger that threatens to destroy them all.

I'm going to keep in the more casual vein for the reviews of this series because I'm having so much fun reading them that it's hard for me to write in the more structured way I usually do. I'm taking a short break after this book though, so I'll return to my more formal reviews next week before I gush over book three.

I dove straight into this book the minute I finished Written in Red, and it was everything I'd hoped it would be aside from one small drawback. A quick confession: I tend to obsess over certain characters when I read, especially characters between whom there is the potential for romance. Once my fixation is jump-started, it becomes all-consuming and I can hardly deal with any kind of interruption–in the real world or the fictional one–that tries to rob me of the my quality obsession time. This second book was the tiniest bit guilty of denying me a little extra Meg and Simon time, expanding the boundaries of the world outside the Courtyard's walls and into other towns where tensions between humans and the Others are rapidly rising. While logically I know this entire series couldn't be written within the confines of the Lakeside Courtyard, getting bounced around to a few new characters instead of staying tucked in a little closer to home with Simon and Meg did make me ever-so slightly twitchy.

That is an extremely specific and very minor complaint though, I just can't help but want all the Meg and Simon time possible. Their friendship progresses delightfully in this second book, though I know we're still a long way from developing any kind of physical relationship. The slow, slow, slow burn between them is a highlight for me, and all the small, casual touches and the confusion on both sides about certain aspects of their friendship brings a smile to my face every time they're together.

Some of my favorite Others – Tess, Sam, and the Elementals and their ponies – were sadly absent for most of this book as the focus shifted to the blood prophets still in captivity, but fantastic new characters were introduced (Skippy! Jean!) which kept me from missing them too much. Overall, this second installment further cemented my love for this series, and I will be continuing on my binge read with nothing short of the kind of fangirl joy that comes from discovering a series destined for a top spot on the shelf of favorites.

Rating: 4.5/5

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  1. I want all the Simon & Meg scenes too, Jenny! NEED I tell you! This series is just so amazing and I'm glad that both of us waited until close to the end. Can you imagine having to wait a year for more Simon & Meg scenes over 4 years?? That would have driven me crazy. Just thinking about the wait for the last book is making me stress even though I still have to read 3 and 4!
    Anyways, I'm so glad we're both enjoying these books, Jenny! Can't wait to continue this binge-read with you. :)

    1. MEG AND SIMON ALWAYS NICK!!!! I'm really glad we're binge reading these too, the wait would have been hard. And will be hard once we get caught up!

  2. You want more Simon & Meg? Book 3 will be a treat for you!! Anne Bishop does a great job of balancing amazing world building with developing their relationship!!

    1. I'm a quarter of the way through book 3 and am LOVING all the Simon and Meg time. Yesssssss:)

  3. OOh nice! I still need to read this one myself! Hoping to dive back into this series soon! Nice review!

    1. I hope you do Jessica! I couldn't love it more:)

  4. Jenny I am exactly the same as you, I get so attached with characters who have a potential romance between them, that I can't focus on anything else. I'm glad that you were still able to enjoy this minor complaints aside. I was recently gifted book one in this series, so can't wait to meet Simon and Meg!

    1. I can't help it Jasprit! I live for the promise of romance, so I just want to spend all my time with Simon and Meg even though all the characters are awesome:) You must read this series!

  5. Woot woot! Yay you are on a roll! I told you you would plow through these, they are so addicting and easy to read! So excited you loved this Jenny!

  6. Glad this book avoided the middle book syndrome is going on strongly. I guess I made a smart decision in waiting for all the books to be released before starting it. Heh.

    1. Hehe. Me too:) I should just have a short wait for book 4!

  7. I see so much love for this series among my friends, Jenny! Glad to hear you enjoying it too. I plan to binge read it when all books would be released. I tend to obsess over characters in books too. Actually I have a book which I’m sure I would love, but I don’t start it, because I have a lot of stuff I need to do. I know that I wouldn’t be able to stop reading. Lol.

  8. I'm so glad you're continuing to enjoy this series! I haven't binge-read these so it's interesting to see your perspective on it since you remember the first novel so well. I didn't notice that some of the characters had less screen time in comparison, only because it had been a year, so now I almost want to re-read the whole series too! Wonderful review, Jenny! :)

    1. I missed Tess, Sam and the ponies in this one Keertana, but they're all back in book 3 so I'm happy:)

  9. Very happy to hear you loving this series! Patience is a virtue :)

    1. THEY'RE SO GOOD! I'm glad I waited to read them though, I'm having fun with my binge:)

  10. I'm starting the third book on audio today and I'm excited to get back to this world and characters. I'm glad you loved this!

    1. YAY! We can compare notes, I'm reading 3 now:)

  11. yay for another great book for you! I just love sooooooooo much this series and it's great to see you don't have to wait to read the sequel for now

    1. It's so good Melliane! I just adore all the characters in this world:)

  12. I get obsessive about couples and potential couples, too! I really want to try this series. Glad you're enjoying it, Jenny!

    1. I just want the two of them to be together, but the wait is so much fun. Meg and Simon are super cute:)

  13. I can't wait Felicia! I'm so glad I timed my binge read so that I won't have too long a wait on the next one:)

  14. I know, I love it. They're so adorable when they get confused about something the other has done. I couldn't adore them more:)

  15. Simon and Meg's relationship is very slow going but I savor every slow step! The journey is wonderful. I always want more Simon and Meg time so I totally understand your disappointment. I'm so pleased you're enjoying the story, Jenny! Can't wait to hear what you think of the next installments.

  16. I've read and listened to the three books currently available (actually preordered Marked in Flesh in audio, come on March 8!) many times. The narrator is great.

    I like how the author has Meg and Simon's relationship progress slowly. Given their backgrounds it makes sense.

  17. Arrrrgh. I hear you on the Meg and Simon situation. Just kiss already, dammit! Really hoping for more in the coming book!

  18. I love when you enjoy the sequel basically just as much as the first book! I haven't read any of these but I have the first one on my TBR and I can't wait to dive in and see what all the fuss is about. Sounds like it is gonna be worth it ;)
