Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cathy Reviews: Terminated + Possession

I'm excited today to welcome back yet again my fabulous mother in law Cathy to share with us her thoughts on a couple more of the books she so graciously agreed to read and review for the blog (even though these are both later books in series she's never read). As always, a huge thank you to her for sharing in this blogging experience with me!

Revivalist #3
Rachel Caine
Urban Fantasy
304 pages
Available now
Source: Finished copy from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
Already addicted to the pharmaceutical drug that keeps her body from decomposing, Bryn has to stop a secretive group of rich and powerful investors from eliminating the existing Returné addicts altogether. To ensure their plan to launch a new, military-grade strain of nanotech, the investors’ undead assassin—who just happens to be the ex-wife of Bryn’s lover Patrick—is on the hunt for anyone that stands in their way.

And while Bryn’s allies aren’t about to go down without a fight, the secret she’s been keeping threatens to put those closest to her in even more danger. Poised to become a monster that her own side—and her own lover—will have to trap and kill, Bryn needs to find the cure to have any hope of preserving the lives of her friends, and her own dwindling humanity…

Terminated is the third book in the Revivalist Series, but I have not read the previous two books. If you want a deeper understanding of how the characters came to be in their current circumstances, I'd recommend starting with the first novel, though I will say Ms. Caine does a good job catching us up on the plot even while dropping us into the middle of the continuing saga.

Bryn is ex-military, part of an experiment that turned her into "Dead Girl Walking"(her words). She is basically an engineered zombie. This is not usually a genre I read because of all the eating people and things, but Bryn has a lot of heart. She realizes that her humanity is slowly waning, so she and her friends try to find the cure that will stop this from happening to others. 

Ms. Caine has well-developed characters and you can feel their angst as they try to make some moral and ethical decisions. The way in which the characters are written is almost enough make you forget they are zombies and concentrate solely on the storyline.

This book has something for everyone: Villains, spies, lots of action and even some romance. While I was reading, I could picture this story as blockbuster action movie as it has all the elements needed for the big screen. I don't want to give anything away but in the end, there are tough decisions, sacrifices and a small twist. Everything you need to keep you turning the pages and leaving you a little sad when the story is over.

Rating: 3.5/5

Greywalker #8
Kat Richardson
Urban Fantasy
368 pages
Available now
Source: Finished copy from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
When a comatose woman suddenly wakes up and starts painting scenes she’s never witnessed, with a skill she’s never had, medical science has no explanation. As more bizarre phenomena manifest, even her doctors start to wonder if the woman may be possessed. Frustrated and frightened, the patient’s sister reluctantly turns to Greywalker Harper Blaine to discover who—or what—is occupying her sister’s body.

As Harper digs into the case of apparent possession, she discovers other patients struck with the same mystifying afflictions and a disturbing connection to one of the most gruesome stories in Washington’s history…

Possession is part of the well-established Greywalker series which follows Blaine Harper, a private investigator, as she travels between the normal and the paranormal worlds. This is a stand-alone case, but Ms. Richardson does make the (logical) assumption that we've read the other books in the series and are completely up to date on the characters and backstory. I have to admit this is the first book in the series that I've read, so I naturally felt there could have been a few more details earlier in the story to help me connect sooner.

Ms. Richardson does have great character development though, not with just the main characters but also with the many quirky acquaintances she introduces us to who are highly amusing. She also has clearly done in-depth research into the Seattle area, making me want to pack up and visit as soon as possible (except for the weather!). Ms. Richardson's plotline is well-developed and rooted in some true and haunting Seattle mysteries. She had me looking up these murders and murderers online.

This book has ghosts, mystery, spies and yes, romance. Because it's a continuing series though, there is a plot thread that is left hanging so as to carry on to the next book. I would recommend at least reading the first book, which I intend to do, to get a fuller picture of how Blaine started on this career path.

Rating: 3.5/5

* I found a common thread between these two books. Both had strong and compelling heroines who both just happen to have died and been brought back. Though "dead" they both maintained their humanity and were trying to help those around them, and I really enjoyed that about both books. Hopefully you will enjoy these women as well.

 These books were sent to me by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my (or in this case, Cathy's) honest opinion.


  1. Internet stole my comment, le sigh. Long story short, second series, I wanna try it

    1. Sorry about the stolen thoughts, sometimes I don't know what happens with the computer :} I am curious about other books in that series as well, especially if she basis them on some real mysteries. Enjoy

  2. She is basically an engineered zombie. --that sounds so cool!!! I think it's not hart to jump into an urban fantasy book even if it's book 8. Authors usually catch you up quickly. I'm listening to Elemental Assassin series, at book 4, and Jennifer Estep gives a brief overview of whats happened in the previous books throughout the first chapters and explains these little details along the way as well. I don't mind this re-telling when have to wait a while between books, but since I've read them all right after another, it's becoming a little annoying :D

    Ghosts are really not my thing though. I'm happy to hear that these books have a strong heroine and a touch of romance. It's what urban fantasy is all about in my opinion in addition to continuous action and fun, mysterious, action-filled plots. Glad you enjoyed these overall, Cathy and good to have you back for a day:)

    1. Thanks and thanks to Jenny for having me here to express my opinions. Both of these books had interesting premises.

  3. I love series that you can start from any book in series and you would still be able to follow the plot. I haven't heard of this series before but UF is something I really enjoy these days. I usually don't enjoy books with ghosts but who knows. Great reviews :)

    1. Hope the reviews helped and I liked that the ghost stories were based on some historical events and people.

  4. It's really nice that you can share your blog with someone in your personal life like your mother in law. And especially to have an occasional reviewer to step in :). Sometimes I marvel at how many you're able to read & review in a year!

    "This is not usually a genre I read because of all the eating people and things..." <-- Lol. I love that.

    "This book has something for everyone: Villains, spies, lots of action and even some romance." <-- Can I ask why it got 3.5 stars then? Were you not much attached to the characters, or is it due to the concept of zombies?

    I had no idea that Rachel Caine wrote adult UF. She must write really quickly to get out the Morganville Vampire series and this.

    Possession reminds me a lot of Chicagoland Vampires with having to investigate the mysteries on a book by book basis and getting a lot of character development though not the full character back stories. Same question on the stars - it sounded like this one had more character development. Did it get the same rating because the author didn't add in more of the character back stories?

    "Both had strong and compelling heroines who both just happen to have died and been brought back. Though "dead" they both maintained their humanity and were trying to help those around them, and I really enjoyed that about both books." <-- The struggle to maintain your humanity, if done right, which it sounds like both books did, is always really compelling to me.

    Sorry for all the questions! It's just that 3.5 is the lowest I personally have seen from you, Jenny, so I am wondering how that equates to your own scale. :)

    Thanks for the lovely reviews and introducing me to some more awesome adult UF!

    1. No problem. I rated the books not Jenny and 3.5 for me is a good read. Characters are hard to be attached to in an action based plot. Better as a movie. I am curious about the
      Greywalker books, if they are all based on true mysteries. enjoy

    2. I have no idea how Rachel Caine keeps the schedule she does, there are like 15 or something Morganville books, then she has this series and I believe another adult UF series. Weather Warden maybe?

      The lowest rating I usually put up is a 3, though there have been a few 2's and 2.5's in the past, just not many. Most of that is because I'm pickier about the books I read than I used to be, so every book I pick up is one I want to read and think I'll like. I only give below a 3 if a book is poorly written or the characters do something so morally objectionable I can't get past it. Or if there's way too much drama. A 3 for me is also still a decent read, it just has a few problems:)

  5. Ah Cathy!!! I LOVE how you can read middle books without having read the first book... I can never do this myself... I always need to start at the beginning! I always wanted to read this series by Rachel Caine so maybe I do give it a try!

    1. thank you Danny!!!! I just appreciate that Jenny has me guest post. Plus I do find some interesting books. enjoy

  6. Great reviews Cathy, and I'm totally agree with Danny's comment, I'm always one of those readers that need structure and so have to read books in order, but I'm glad that you were able to appreciate these books despite not having read the previous books. I definitely think Terminated would be my sort of book.

    1. Glad you liked the reviews! There are series I have to read in order but I do appreciate a series that you can just drop into for that story.

  7. I'd have definitely needed to read the previous books in these series before tackling these. I feel so lost otherwise, but I'm so impressed that these worked for you despite that. I definitely need to read Caine soon - I've heard a LOT about her - and I'm curious about the Greywalker Series as well. Lovely reviews, Cathy!(:

    1. I am curious about the other Greywalker books as well. She did a lot of research and I am wondering if it is the same for the others. thanks

  8. I've never heard of any of these books before, but I'm glad that you enjoyed them both, Cathy.
    I especially like the sound of the first one. The characters sound like they are wonderfully written. And they are zombies, so that's even more exciting!
    Lovely reviews, Cathy! :)

    1. I suggest reading the trilogy. I kept picturing the book as a movie, lots of big action scenes!!
      I hope you like them.

  9. Cathy, I just love your candor in the first review haha "the eating people and things." I love zombies in shows, but I've yet to find an absolutely spectacular zombie book...I digress. Both of these books sound pretty solid, and I love that they have a little bit of something for everyone! Lovely reviews, Cathy! Hope you're well, and thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us! :)

    1. I am glad you appreciate my humor :} It was a different take on zombies and you might enjoy that. Thanks for you support. I appreciate that Jenny has me on here to catch up with friends.

  10. How is Cathy ahead of me on the Rachel Caine series? I mean seriously :) I am half way through Two Weeks Notice (the only one I don't have on audio I think that is why it is taking so much time to get through--my reading time is limited) :(

    1. Actually I missed that first line where she said she hadn't read the first two. I think she would like the first one more than she did this one. The introduction into the series is really good! The romance is "bleh" but the world building is fantastic!

  11. I have been meaning to try both of this series and I am pretty sure I have both first books, I just need to get to them!
    Great reviews!

    1. You will have a head start and a good understanding of the characters in the first books. Have fun reading

  12. Hi Cathy! Great reviews. The Rachel Caine book especially seems like something I'd enjoy. I've been meaning to read her adult books for a long time.

    1. Allison glad you found them helpful. I think you will like the trilogy

  13. CATHY!!!!! *tackle hugs*

    Awesome reviews! These books look really good and sound even better! I'm fan of Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampires series, but I've yet to check out her adult books. I will add this to my list!

    1. Big hugs right back at you :} Everyone is mentioning the Morganville Vampires series, I need to check that out. Thanks Hannah!!!

  14. Love Rachel Caine. In fact, I'm waiting on the final Morganville vampires book. EEP! Lovely reviews.

    1. Hopefully you will enjoy this adult series as well

  15. I have Jenny to thank for that and it was an interesting plot idea so I was glad to give it a go!!! I hope you make it to the end.

  16. Yea, the Kat Richardson books need to be read in order. I've read the first 3 and so I need to catch up to this one.

    Oh and I so need to get the Revivalist series. It sounds like it is right up my alley.

    Brilly reviews Cathy! Also love that you chanced it and read out of order. Not that I do anything like that... *cough* :D

  17. Well, you know I enjoyed both of these and I'm happy you did, too! Yeah, with both of these series, it's better if you've read the prior books. And I like the theme with these two -- death makes 'em stronger.

  18. I read Greywalker, but that was YEARS ago and I haven't caught up with the series. I have heard that for the most part the stories are contained in each book, though I imagine her personal life stuff carries on to each and is a continuous thread. I keep thinking I'm going to read the other series.

    Good for you for reading them even though they aren't the first in a series! I always think I'll catch up so I start ordering the first books but I can never get to them. Too many books!

  19. It must have been hard for Cathy to jump into the Greywalker series like that, it's a pretty complicated one. But I'm glad Kat found a new fan, and I'm looking foward to Cathy's opinion on the first book. I love the understated, but always present romance in these books, and I definitely love the ghosts.

    I only read the first Revivalist book and I liked it a lot. I always meant to continue the series, and I will, very soon. It's good to know that it's still going strong in the third installment.
    Thanks for your opinion, Cathy! Our tastes are very similar. :)

  20. For some reason I never start UF series, its not intentional, I just haven't found something I liked. These series sound fascinating with their plot and their kick-ass heroines. But most of all, I love that they both have character development. I love it when an author features that and can still keep readers engaged. I am looking forward to getting lost in their worlds. I'm glad you enjoyed both of these reads, overall! :D Fab reviews!

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 
