Thursday, August 22, 2013

Interview and Giveaway: Jennifer Estep + Heart of Venom

Jennifer Estep is one of my auto-buy authors and I'm beyond excited to welcome her back to the blog today to talk about my very favorite elemental assassin, Gin Blanco. Gin is about as badass as they come, but she's also surprisingly insecure when it comes to friendships and relationships, making her an intriguing combination of soft and hard that I just can't get enough of. I'm reviewing Heart of Venom tomorrow, so be sure and check back as it was one of my favorites of the series thus far!

Looking back at all the books in the Elemental Assassin series, is there any particular one that gave you more trouble than the others above and beyond the challenges that come with writing any story?

In some ways, SPIDER’S REVENGE was the most challenging for me. I really wanted to deliver on the Gin-Mab arc in that one for readers, especially when it came to the final Gin-Mab battle in the book. So I really tried to think about how I could write those scenes and the overall book in a way that would be most satisfying for readers. Hopefully, folks enjoyed how that arc ended and the adventures that Gin has had since then.

If you were to join Gin, Bria and Roslyn’s book club and it was your month to choose a book and host, what book would you pick for the group to read and what snacks would you make when you all got together?

Good question! I sort of do this in every book when I’m deciding what Gin is reading at the time. I always try to pick something that ties in with the plot or what Gin is going through in some way.

At the end of DEADLY STING, Gin and Bria are talking about the book club, and Bria mentions that she wants to read THE MALTESE FALCON by Dashiell Hammett because of the events that happened in DEADLY STING. Since Ashland is such a corrupt city, and Gin spends so much time dealing with the underworld bosses, I think a book like that would be right up her alley.

But if I were choosing, I would probably pick something like REDWALL by Brian Jacques, which is about a mouse who becomes a hero and saves his friends. I think that sort of story would also appeal to Gin.

For the snacks, I like to bake, so I’d probably make lots of desserts, like some chocolate brownies, that would satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth. That’s sort of what Gin does in a scene in HEART OF VENOM for a day at the beauty salon with Bria, Roslyn, Sophia, and Jo-Jo.

Gin hasn’t had an easy time of it in the love department. If she wanted to take a break from her own sometimes-troubled romance and experience the sweetness or drama of another couple, what book or movie might she treat herself to?

Gin’s love life has definitely had its ups and downs, so I think that Gin would choose a movie that would be a fun escape for a few hours. So I could see her watching something with a lot of action and adventure, like THE PRINCESS BRIDE or PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL. I could also see her watching something a little darker and grittier and with a little more angst, like CASINO ROYALE or THE BOURNE IDENTITY.

Sophia has always been a personal favorite of mine from the very beginning. What new or surprising things did you learn about her character given her more prominent role in Heart of Venom?

As I’ve been writing the books, I always knew that Sophia had been through something really traumatic that shaped her into the character that readers meet in the series. I can’t give out spoilers, but I will say that as I was writing HEART OF VENOM and really exploring Sophia’s backstory, that it definitely got a lot darker than I anticipated, as did some of the scenes in the book.

If Fletcher could see the woman and fighter Gin has become since his death, as her mentor and teacher, what advice, criticism/compliment, or instruction would he have for her?

I think that Fletcher would be proud of how Gin always manages to survive, no matter how much danger she finds herself in. But I think he would be even prouder of how she’s slowly lowered her own emotional defenses and opened herself up to people like Bria and Owen.

Back in the beginning of the series, Fletcher told Gin that he wanted a normal life for her, part of which included letting herself care about other people. So I think that he would be really happy with the circle of friends and loved ones that she’s slowly built for herself as the series has gone along.

Happy reading, everyone!

• • • • • • • • • •


I’m a Southern gal through and through. Sassy, sarcastic, and just a tad crazy.

I spent my formative years doing the usual kid things – playing, hanging out with my friends, and making up wild stories in my head.

It’s the last one that’s gotten me into trouble.

I don’t remember the first book I read. Or the second. Or even the third. But somewhere along the way, I fell in love with books and reading. Fairy tales, fantasies, adventure stories, mysteries, romances, westerns. As a kid, I read every book that I could get my hands on.

My mom, bless her, encouraged this obsession by taking me to the library every week. It’s one of my favorite childhood memories. Most folks think penicillin, indoor plumbing, and the Internet are the world’s best inventions. Not me. The greatest thing ever created was a library. Indoor plumbing is a close second, though.

The more I read, the more I thought about writing my own stories. I penned a few poems and short stories over the years, mainly for class assignments. Somewhere along the way, I realized that I wanted to write books for a living.

In college, I majored in English because of my love of books. But what can you do with an English degree? I didn’t know. One semester, I got a job with the college newspaper and discovered you could write stories and make a respectable living. Since that light-bulb moment, I’ve earned a bachelor’s degree in English and journalism, and a master’s degree in professional communications. Currently, I’m an award-winning features page designer for a daily newspaper.

Now, after many, many years of toil and trouble, I’ve achieved my dream of being a bona fide, published, fiction author. I plan to keep on keeping on – writing, dreaming, making up wild stories in my head.

And getting myself into trouble.

• • • • • • • • • •


When I say you’re a dead man, take that literally.

To me, killing people is like a day at the salon: cut and dry. Well, more like rinse and repeat when you moonlight as the assassin the Spider. But my last spa day ended redder than my freshly painted nails after a twisted Fire elemental and his goons kidnapped my close friend Sophia Deveraux and nearly killed her sister Jo-Jo in the process.

Up Ashland’s most dangerous mountains, and deep into the heart of its blackest woods—I’ll track these thugs no matter where they take Sophia. It doesn’t matter what kinds of elemental magic they try to throw at me, my Ice and Stone powers can take the heat and then some. I will get Sophia back, over their dead bodies.

Because anybody that hurts Gin Blanco’s family becomes a body.

• • • • • • • • • • 


Thanks to Jennifer, I have one print copy of Heart of Venom to give away on the blog today. To enter, please just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Giveaway is open to US residents only. Good luck everyone! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I haven't read this series yet, but I love that she's a balanced character, that she's kick ass but has some insecurities. Hopefully I can start the series one of these days!

  2. I read the first two books and then lost track! But I know how excited you are about this series! And again, it was lovely meeting Jennifer here today and I loved this wonderuful interview!

  3. I have always wondered if I should go back and give book 2 a try

  4. Jennifer did a great job as Spider's Revenge is my favorite book so far. Though, I have a feeling that By a Thread will be my favorite since I'm listening to is now and it's so fun and different from the previous books.

    I think Gin would love Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow and who cuold resist the eye candy that is Orlando Bloom, too bad he isn't in movie #4, but there's always Sam Claflin ;) Hehe.

    Oh yes, Fletcher would most definitely be proud of Gin. I am, too:)

    Btw, you have no idea how bad I want to participate in this giveaway.. Sometimes I truly wish I was a US resident. Le sigh... I hope a big series fan will win this pretty:) It's one of my favorite covers so far and I can't wait to see your review hon!

  5. I haven't heard of this series before but you've got me curious right now. I really like the sound of the MC and the story itself. Watching Pirates of Caribbean can only help to the great story. Great interview Jenny :)

  6. You and Siiri both adore this series. I'm thinking I should get to it soon too.
    Yep, I would totally watch Pirates of the Caribbean to cheer up.
    And they have a book club in the book? That is awesome! :D
    Great interview, Jenny! :)

  7. I always say this, but I really need to read Jennifer's books. I still haven't read the one I won from you a few years ago.

  8. You always seem to have another Jennifer Estep title everywhere I turn, and I have to say that that makes it rather hard for me to build a case against reading these books. I love how the author reflected on the difficult process of writing a series and how each installment presented a unique challenge - some moreso than others. Fantastic interview, Jenny!

  9. Danny -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Blodeuedd -- Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

    Siiri -- Thanks! I appreciate all the nice words about the books. There are free short stories on my website too if you haven't read those yet.

    Tanja -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

    Nick -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

    Alison -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Melissa -- Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the interview.

  10. Candace -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

    1. Reading Midnight Frost right now, and waiting for Heart of Venom

  11. I am slowly collecting this series and nearly have them all so I can finally start it. I have heard such great things about them I don't want to start them till I have them all in hand!

  12. Jenny you always come up with the best questions, you are so talented and I am not even biased :} I have you to thank for getting me obsessed with all of Jennifer's books but especially this series. They always continue to keep up the intensity and anticipation. I think Jennifer would fit nicely in our book club, good books and dessert!!!! thanks

  13. Awesome interview!! I love her YA series and keep meaning to try this one. I have all the books, now I just need to find the time!

  14. I'm a little behind on the series, because I"m waiting for Owen to get his head out of his butt, lol! I have the books - I just need to know it all works out before I start reading this particular arc!

  15. Spider's Revenge? Venom?

    Are you trying to creep me out first thing in the morning?! So not cool!

    I love your interviews, Jenny. It's clear you not only are passionate about the books, but also about the authors. <3

  16. Texas Book Lover -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

    Cathy -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying my books.

    Kindlemom -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Rebe -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to get caught up on the series.

  17. I need to read this series soooo bad. But ugh! My tbr pile keeps me from getting to it. I really loved this interview.

  18. LOVE this series.. and your Mythos series :)Just finished Midnight Frost the other day! It was awesome, can't wait for the next one (for both of these series) :D

  19. I discovered the Spiders serious when there was a Borders Bookstore I was walking by the Science Fiction section and loved the cover. I loved the books ever since and can't wait for the next book

  20. I discovered the Spiders serious when there was a Borders Bookstore I was walking by the Science Fiction section and loved the cover. I loved the books ever since and can't wait for the next book

  21. Hannah -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Savannah -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Krysten -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying both of my series.

    Doris -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

  22. Such a fun interview! I totally love Redwall (and of course, I love brownies, who doesn't?), so I would totally crash that book club meeting. :-) I am working my way through this series slowly, but every time I see mention of Gin on your blog I kick myself for taking too long to get caught up. My e-reader is full of these books, I just need time! So excited to get to the beach in a week so I can attack them.

  23. Jenny, I remember you telling me that this author was for you what Juliet Marillier was to me - a definite go-to author who never lets you down and I love that! I'm definitely planning to try these books soon, so I hope I adore them just as much as you do! Fantastic interview, ladies!(:

  24. You always do the best interviews, Jenny! Someone just recommended this series to me so I guess I need to look into it a little more. I think The Bourne Identity would be a great distraction from rocky romance woes. Kick ass action with a hunk to stare at! Great interview and post, ladies! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  25. I'm still hoping Jennifer might share the apricot bars recipe with us poor ignorant people. I remember Gin making them and me thinking they must be the single most delicious thing in the world, combined with some vanilla ice cream, of course.

    I really liked Sophia from the very start and I hope to read this very soon.
    I agree with Rachel, you do the best interviews, Jenny!

  26. I LOVE your books!! And I cannot wait to have a chance to read this book :)

  27. LOVED this story. Sophia is one of my fave characters. Oh and love those movie choices. I'd love to her Gin's reaction.

  28. You and I like a lot of the same things, I have book one in my pile and am convinced that I need to take this series on in 2014. Wonderful review!

  29. Lauren -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to get caught up on the series.

    Keertana -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Rachel -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Maja -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Heidi -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview.

    Stay_Cee -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Melissa -- Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the book.

    Kimbacaffeinate -- Thanks! Glad you liked the review.

  30. I love Gin Blanco and I can't wait to read this one. evamillien at gmail dot com

  31. Oh, FANTASTIC interview! I want to be part of the book club, too. For some reason, I like to picture Gin curling up with some lovely trashy novels when she's at home. I love that she's a constant reader. Sophia's story was fantastic -- I have the urge to read the whole series again, now!

  32. Jennifer always manages to keep me on the edge of my seat with this series. I am extremely eager to get my hands on this installment. Go Gin!

  33. She's an auto-buy author? Woah!! I've seen these books around, but I haven't actually gotten around to reading any of them o.O.

    "a mouse who becomes a hero and saves his friends. I think that sort of story would also appeal to Gin." How adorable. This book club sounds wonderful, and if that's the kind of story that appeals to Gin, I think we'd get along right fabulously.

    PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL & THE BOURNE IDENTITY? I watched PotC like two days ago and the Bourne movies are among my favorites!! :D

    I'm not usually a huge fan of the synopsis coming from a first person perspective, but I love Gin's voice in that one! I love how unapologetic she is. Wonderful interview & wonderful sounding book!

  34. This is my favorite series, and I'm always thrilled when a new book comes out so I can catch up with Gin and friends. I can't wait to read Heart of Venom!

  35. I love all of the characters in this series, but Sophia is the one who I've always wanted to learn more about. I was so excited that this book was going to shed some light on her backstory. I can't wait to read it!

  36. Awesome interview! I love this series & have a copy of this stowed in a moving box somewhere :) I really need to finish unpacking so I can read this.

  37. I really want to read this series. It sounds very good. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me.

  38. I have really enjoyed this series and can't wait to read this one.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  39. I'm sooo in love with this series and I can't wait to get my hands on this newest edition :) Thanks for sharing!

  40. Thanks Jennifer, this book looks kick-ass. I'm looking forward to it.

  41. Thank you for sharing with us and for the awesome giveaway opportunity. I have had such fun following Gin's journey and can't wait to get this next installment :)

  42. Hi Jen, I'm a big fan of the series and have enjoyed them immensely so far. I hope the pre-sales and such mean that this series can go on for a long time.

  43. Eva -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    Mary -- Thanks! I appreciate all the nice words about the books.

    Vivien -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    Christina -- Thanks! Glad you liked the interview. And REDWALL is a really great book.

    Barbara -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    JenM -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy the book.

    Christie -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    Victoria -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

    Linda -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    Erin -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

    Carl -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    Denise -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the book.

    NoraA -- Thanks! Glad you are enjoying the series.

  44. I recently bought the series because a friend told me I would love it and I can't wait to start it.

  45. Bookrockgoddess -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy the series.

  46. I can't wait to start this series! It sounds awesome! I think I would choose Pirates of the Caribbean too, if I was having trouble with love too. :) The characters sound great though, and I can't wait to meet them! Thanks for the great interview, Jenny! :D

    ~ Maida xo
    Literary Love Affair 

  47. I have the first few of this series but I havent had a chance to read them yet. I will definitely move them up on my pile! :)

  48. MaiDa -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

    VampedChik -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out the series.

  49. I've read the first 2 books and then decided to wait a bit till more came out. I must pick this back up cuz I loved what I did read and now that there's more books, it will keep me occupied for a while!

  50. I love the series, I got my sister hooked on it last month and she's finished them all too.

  51. Love the series. Looking forward to reading the new one.

  52. Haven't read this series yet
