Friday, March 21, 2014

Interview: Amie Kaufman + Meagan Spooner

I'm so pleased today to welcome authors Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner to the blog to answer a few questions about their outstanding YA science fiction novel, These Broken Stars. I read These Broken Stars a while back and fell madly in love with it, but due to crazy schedules on both sides, I'm just now getting this interview up and I'm so excited to share it with all of you! If you haven't had the chance to read These Broken Stars yet, I can't recommend it enough.

We don’t get to spend too much time on the Icarus before tragedy strikes, so our glimpse of the grandeur of her is fleeting. If you both were on-board as first-class guests, how would your days likely be spent?

Gosh, what wouldn’t we do? We’d hang out in the salon a little (like Tarver, we’d want to check out the books) and we’d want to explore the huge gardens, and the viewing decks where you can see the colours of hyperspace—imagine the Northern Lights—whirling past the glass dome. And then someone would work out we’re writers, and march us down to third-class where we belong!

Lilac and Tarver get off to a bit of a rocky start, each finding themselves stranded with someone who doesn’t particularly care for them. If in those early days they could have handpicked a companion from a different young adult novel to replace the one they were with, who would each of them have chosen?

Wow, that’s a tough question! Tarver probably would have picked someone tough and capable, maybe June from Marie Lu’s Legend series. When they first crashed, Lilac had no idea what she was in for, so she would’ve likely picked someone who would be better company, rather than someone competent. She would’ve enjoyed palling around with Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games, or Persis Blake from Across a Star-Swept Sea. (Though of course, Persis actually IS competent, she just hides it well!)

You both end up on the escape pod with Lilac and Tarver, crash landing with them on an unknown planet. What’s one quality or skill each of you possesses that would come in handy given your circumstances?

Amie: I don’t think we’d be anyone’s companion of choice, but I do know how to start a fire, so that’s something. If we were truly shipwrecked I’d be much more useful—I’ve been sailing since before I took my first steps.

Meg: I don’t run very fast, so if anything came after us it’d probably eat me before it’d eat any of the others. I imagine they’d find that pretty handy.

After enduring weeks in a survival situation like Lilac and Tarver’s, what is the first comfort food you would seek out upon being rescued?

Amie: Giant hamburger. I’ve done a lot of hiking, and that’s always one of two things I daydream about while I’m away from it all. The other is fresh, crunchy apples.

Meg: Korean-style fried chicken, and lots of chocolate afterward.

What is a favorite line from the book each of you has that was written by the other person?

Amie: There are so, so many things Meg wrote that are just beautiful and lyrical. It’s so hard to choose one! There’s one, though, that conjures up an image I adore:
Tarver lowers himself down again, arm circling my waist. His voice is soft and warm by my hear. “What is this place?”

I have no answer for him, and we watch the false moon in silence. For a dizzying moment I see us as if from above, a tiny lump in the blue-black sea of grass, nearly swallowed by the vastness of the plains.
Meg: Amie’s pretty much hilarious, and that comes through in Tarver’s personality and not-so-hidden sense of snark. I still laugh at some of the things he says, despite having read them over dozens of times by now. One of my favorites happens very early on, when Tarver’s struggling with how difficult it is to drag Lilac through the woods. He asks if she wants to take a break, and here’s her reply:
She considers the question, then nods, reaching up to tuck her hair back where it belongs. “Where will I sit?”

Sit? Why, on this comfortable chaise lounge I’ve carried here for you in my pocket, Your Highness, so glad you asked.

I clamp my mouth shut, struggling not to say it aloud.
Thank you so much Amie and Meg!

• • • • • • • • • • •


It's a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone.

Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they’re worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help.

Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other’s arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder—would they be better off staying here forever?

Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won’t be the same people who landed on it.

Find Amie:
Find Meagan:


  1. What a fun interview! I love Meg's answer about being slow runner being an asset. Too funny. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the next one.

    1. Thanks Christy! I would likely be right there with Meg in the back of the pack, so she'd have company at least:)

  2. I LOVE this book! It was fantastic, full of wonderful romance and yes, the snark! Absolutely great Interview. I can't wait for the next book to come out. I honestly don't know who I'd pick who could ensure my survival. Maybe Allie from The Blood of Eden or Penryn from Angelfall - both could kick ass :)

    1. Oooo Penryn! Good choice. Can Raffe come too? That would work for me.

  3. I'm a fried chicken and chocolate kind of girl, so that would probably be my first choice, but I wouldn't say no to a hamburger either. I simply adored this book - the world, the romance, the characters, their journey... everything was simply spectacular. I'm glad you posted this now because it reminded me of the details, and now I feel like rereading at least parts, if not the whole thing.

    1. Now I really want both of those things:) I'm so glad you loved this one too Maja, I'm so excited for the next book.

  4. Jenny I love this interview, especially that last question as both the funny bits and the beautiful prose bits spoke to me. I'd have to agree with Meg, though, that I'd seek out chocolate though a hamburger (with LOTS of fries!) would be very welcome indeed! Wonderful interview and thanks for sharing this one, Jenny!(:

    1. Yes to fries and chocolate. Heck, I'd probably dip my fries in chocolate after surviving what they did!

  5. What a great interview!! So much fun to read!
    I totally adored These Broken Stars, and after this interview I kinda feel like re-reading the book once again!
    Hmmmm, comfort food? Depending on where I've been... if I'm in Spain I'm usually craving spanish omelette or some other home cooked meal, and if I'm in India I'd be wanting some butter chicken or some homemade aloo (potatoes).

    1. Yay! Glad you enjoyed it Pili! And I have a feeling I'll be rereading this one again soon as well:)

  6. I love this interview! These Broken Stars was one of my favorite books of 2013. I can't wait to read the sequel!!!

  7. You are the interview queen! I'm now laughing imagining Lilac and Effie trying to survive that planet. It would be a very different and amusing book for sure. But Persis would set her straight immediately! Those lines are two of my favorites as well and showcase how much I adore Tarver. I've never been on a cruise, but I could get behind riding on the Icarus. Though the thought of a titanic like crash is frightening for sure!

    1. *blushes* Thank you:) I would pay good money to see Lilac and Effie traipsing around that planet together!

  8. I heart your interviews :) Now I just have to find the time to actually read this book. I moved it to my nightstand a couple of weeks ago, but that was . . . a couple of weeks ago. Sigh.

    1. THANK YOU! I have fun coming up wit the questions:) I hope you get a chance to read it soon Jessica, I was a big fan!

  9. Tarver definitely wouldn't have picked Lilac as a girlfriend unless absolutely forced. But then he would have missed out, wouldn't he?

    Before she crashed, the Icarus sounded like a beautiful ship. I think I'd spend most of my time on the viewing decks, staring at the stars.

    1. I'd be up there with you Mary. Unless there were hot werewolves aboard. Then I might have to track them down....

  10. Haha love this "She considers the question, then nods, reaching up to tuck her hair back where it belongs. “Where will I sit?”

    Sit? Why, on this comfortable chaise lounge I’ve carried here for you in my pocket, Your Highness, so glad you asked.

    I clamp my mouth shut, struggling not to say it aloud."

    I thought this one would be way too sci fi for me but I really don't think it will be now.

    I am going to have to read this one now I think.

    Great interview questions Jenny! I hope you have a really nice weekend. :)

    1. I hope you pick it up Ali! I thought it was fabulous:)

  11. This was fun to read. Thank you for sharing.

  12. I love your questions, Jenny. I especially liked the authors' answers to the second question. I can definitely see Tarver choosing someone like June because she is as tough as him, but I don't think they would make the best couple. Lilac is perfect for him. ;)
    Ha! I can definitely see Lilac hanging out with Effie and Persis. They have similar personalities after all.
    Great interview!

    1. Thanks Nick! Lilac and Tarver are perfect together aren't they? Loved them:)

  13. The last part was funny. I remember reading that and smiling.

    Oh, I can totally picture Lilac hanging out with Effie. I still need to read Across a Star-Swept Sea so I still need to meet Persis.

    1. Oooo I loved Across a Star-Swept Sea! Can't wait to see what you think Z!

  14. I have heard such mixed reviews on this book. Since I am not the biggest scifi fan, it probably isn't my kind of book, but I love this interview. Those two are adorable.

    1. I'm really not either, but I loved this one. I think if you liked Avalon, you'll enjoy this one as well. It's not crazy heavy on the scifi:)

  15. Can't wait to read this one! I've been saving it for my Spring Break so I can enjoy it with minimal interruptions. Fun interview!

  16. I love this dual review! The authors sound like a perfect writing match, humor and lyrical writing. I'm still smiling from picturing Lilac asking Tarver where to sit and his response. Thanks for sharing such a delightful interview for such an exciting book as These Broken Stars :)

  17. It does sound really cool, I should read more

  18. What a great post! Although after I read about the giant hamburger and chocolate... that is all I can think about. I must have not eaten enough for lunch. LOL

    Love that cover and I've been wanting to read this book ever since I spied it!

  19. aannnd I still need to read this! I so enjoy your interviews. Coffee is my all time favorite thing, but I do love a little chocolate, and rice pudding with raisins always makes me think of my grandma.

  20. Great interview ladies! I'm jealous of your mad coming-up-with-questions skills. What's your secret? I enjoyed learning more about the book and author. Thanks!

  21. I'm so dying to read this one! This is a fantastic interview, like always!

  22. What an amazing interview, girl. I have read this one awhile ago and still love it. I'd first check the library and gardens on the ship for sure. Also I second Meg for the chocolate! I'd eat like tons of it. Great post, Jenny :)

  23. Loved this interview and book! I can not wait to see what instore next.
