Friday, April 18, 2014

Interview: Cassandra Rose Clarke + The Wizard's Promise

Today I'm thrilled to have author Cassandra Rose Clarke stopping by the blog as part of the promotional tour for her upcoming young adult novel, The Wizard's Promise, which releases May 6th from Strange Chemistry. Cassandra was nice enough to answer a few questions for me, so I hope you all enjoy the interview. Welcome to Supernatural Snark Cassandra!

Hanna wants nothing more than to learn how to be a witch. What’s one particular spell or aspect of witchcraft she’s most excited to get a handle on?

Hanna just wants to be able to do magic, rather than spend her days out on a fishing boat. Although she doesn’t think of it this way, it’s almost like she wants witchcraft to be her job, the way people hope to turn their art or writing into jobs. So probably the aspect of witchcraft she’s most excited to learn is one of the more difficult, complicated spells that would prove to people she’s capable of spending her life as a witch rather than a fisherwoman.

To help those of us who have yet to meet Hanna get to know her a little bit better, how might her apprentice master describe her or her dedication to her craft?

If he was speaking where Hanna couldn’t overhear, he’d say she was hardworking and skilled—not just at magic, but at fishing too, since fishing is what she’s currently apprenticed for. Of course, he’d also complain that she doesn’t take her fishing duties seriously, and that she needs to be more practical.

Now, if Hanna could overhear, he’d probably leave off the parts about her being hardworking and skillful. He doesn’t want to be too generous with the compliments.

If Hanna could live in another fictional world (book, movie or TV show) dominated by witches, which one would top her list?

I think Hanna would appreciate living in the world of Once Upon a Time, in particular the parts set in the Enchanted Forest. There would be adventure galore for her, and she’d have plenty of opportunities to test out her powers.

There’s mention of a beautiful non-human boy in the synopsis, and lover of romance that I am, his presence has me absurdly excited to dive into this story. What are three characteristics you think make a love interest swoon-worthy?

Pretty big doses of mystery and broodiness, both tempered by a generous splash of kindness. I love tortured, angsty love interests, but not when their angstiness goes too far and they become jerks!

Let’s say you wake up tomorrow in an unfamiliar world. Which character from any of your books would you call on for help in facing whatever this world might throw at you?

Definitely Ananna, from The Assassin’s Curse. She’s got the street smarts that I sorely lack, plus she knows how to fight and use a sword. I’m pretty sure the two of us could take on anything.

What’s one question you wish you would be asked in an interview and how would you answer?

Okay, technically I have been asked about this, but not since I moved to a new house! The question is about where you write and what your writing set-up looks like. Since my laptop broke, I’ve been chained to a desktop, so no more writing in a Starbucks or in the park for me. However, I have set up an entire writing room in my new house, and I just love it. I re-acquired my childhood desk and set my computer up on that, and I even put in a daybed—which I used to beg my parents for when I was kid. Finally got one! I’ve installed shelves to keep all my papers and things organized. Oh, and the walls are mint green! I just need to add some artwork and the room will be sweet writing perfection.

If you could promote The Wizard’s Promise using only a single quote from the book to entice readers, which one would you choose to share?

“I don’t make a habit of trusting boys who can swim in ice water,” I said.

Isolfr gave me one perfect, dazzling smiling. “I’m not a normal boy.”

• • • • • • • • • • • 


All Hanna Euli wants is to become a proper witch – but unfortunately, she’s stuck as an apprentice to a grumpy fisherman. When their boat gets caught up in a mysterious storm and blown wildly off course, Hanna finds herself further away from home than she’s ever been before.

As she tries to get back, she learns there may be more to her apprentice master than she realized, especially when a mysterious, beautiful, and very non-human boy begins following her through the ocean, claiming that he needs Hanna’s help.

• • • • • • • • • • • 


 Photo: Brittany at Flashbox Shop

Cassandra Rose Clarke grew up in south Texas and currently lives in a suburb of Houston, where she writes and teaches composition at a local college. She graduated in 2006 from The University of St. Thomas with a B.A. in English, and two years later she completed her master’s degree in creative writing at The University of Texas at Austin. In 2010 she attended the Clarion West Writer’s Workshop in Seattle, where she was a recipient of the Susan C. Petrey Clarion Scholarship Fund.

Cassandra’s first adult novel, The Mad Scientist’s Daughter, was a finalist for the 2013 Philip K. Dick Award, and her YA novel, The Assassin’s Curse, was nominated for YALSA’s 2014 Best Fiction for Young Adults. Her short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons and Daily Science Fiction.


  1. I have two other Clarke books that I need to read, and I will for sure keep an eye on this series too--it sounds fantastic! Great interview ;)

    1. I've really been wanting to read her other series as well, but I'm equally excited for this one, so I just need to decide which to try first!

  2. The cover is really unique!
    Great interview, Jenny! I really love the sound of the book, will be adding it to the TBR list!

  3. I was already very excited to read this book, Jenny, but this interview just got me even more excited, especially the mention of a mysterious, broody and kind non-human boy! And that quote that the author shared? I can tell this is going to be a ride!
    The world in OUaT is one I think a lot of characters could have fun in.
    Thanks for sharing, Jenny!

    1. Yes to brooding and kind non-human boy Nick! Just yes:)

  4. Not only do I think I would like Hanna but I think I would like her master as well. :P

    Great interview!

    1. I'm looking forward to meeting this master:)

  5. I love asking authors where they write! A coffee shop is a typical answer but I always get a little thrill when someone sends in a picture of the office or sofa or corner of their world they've carved out for writing. Yes, I'm a nerd.

    1. I'm a nerd too Mary, it's okay. *Nerd high five*

  6. That closing quote is awesome; you've totally piqued my curiosity now. And, I love the cover! Great interview ladies. :)

  7. This sounds like an interesting story...and I love anything Witchy! I'll have to keep my eye on this one!

    1. I don't read enough witch stories, so I'm excited for this one Melissa!

  8. I love that quote! And I also agree with this: "I love tortured, angsty love interests, but not when their angstiness goes too far and they become jerks!" - so much yes! I'm looking forward to reading this book, especially after enjoying the Assassin's Curse duology. Thanks for the great interview. :)

    1. EXACTLY! I love a tortured hero as well, but I need them to stay firmly on this side of the douche line:)

  9. I saw this one on another blog and I confess I'm intrigued. It sounds different and well a magic book is always something I really love. Thanks for the little interview!

  10. Love that quote! It made me smile and I definitely agree with her idea of swoony love interests. I've meaning to check this author out so thanks for the reminder to look out for her books. :)

    1. Me too Rummanah! I'm a sucker for the tortured and damaged ones for sure, but there has to be something redeemable about them - I can only excuse a-hole behavior for so long:)

  11. I've just finished the review for this book and girl I totally love that quote at the end. But I cannot stop thinking about Hannah in Once Upon a Time! That would be interesting. Amazing interview as always :)

    1. YAY! I'll be looking forward to your thoughts Tanja!

  12. " I love tortured, angsty love interests, but not when their angstiness goes too far and they become jerks!" YES- that!
    I'm so excited for this book, it sounds fantastic!

    1. I second your yes Candace! Tortured, brooding angst is such a fine line, it's so easy for the character to tip the scales the wrong way:)

  13. I completely agree that a splash of kindness goes a long way in creating a swoon-worthy hero. Love this interview, just like I adore all of yours, Jenny!(:

    1. YES! I love the alpha-holes for sure, but I can't help but wish for more nice guys:)

  14. Wonderful interview ladies! Mystery, broodiness, and kindness sounds like the perfect love interest to me! :)

    1. Right. Hello Barrons and Ryodan. Though they're both a little light on the kindness and a little heavier on the mystery and the broodiness ;-)

  15. I need to read The Assassin's Curse. I've heard such good things:)

  16. Ooh I love that quote, consider me enticed. :-) I also like tortured love interests, but not when they're too jerky. I'll have to check this out, it sounds wonderful!

  17. The cover looks pretty cool! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Oh, this sounds like sweet story and I enjoyed reading author's answers. I love Once Upon a Time, so I think I might like this book to.

  19. LOVE that cover. I read the Assassin's Curse series and liked the first better than the second. Not sure whether I will invest in this or not. But I perked up at the love interest question. I'm a sucker for those!
