Thursday, June 25, 2015

Review: Call On Me

Loving on the Edge #8
Roni Lauren
Adult Contemporary Romance
448 pages
Berkley Romance
Available July 7th
Source: ARC from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
Oakley Easton wants two things: to be a good mom to her daughter and to ditch her less than ideal night job. Hooking up with bad boy drummer Pike Ryland? Not on the agenda. She needs a promotion. Not sex, tattoos and rock ’n’ roll.

Pike isn’t about to let Ms. Prim and Proper shut him down so easily, especially when he stumbles upon Oakley’s sexy night job. She’s only playing a role on those late night calls with strangers, but when he gets her on the line, all bets are off. He won’t stop until that sultry voice is calling his name for real.

But as they move from anonymous fantasies in the dark to the flesh-on-hot-flesh reality of the bedroom, the risk of falling in love becomes all too high. And the safe, quiet world that Oakley’s worked so hard to create is about to be exposed to the one person who could ruin it all.

Call On Me is a sexy-as-sin opposites attract romance, the drummer for a rock band sweeping the mom of an autistic daughter off her feet as readers are left panting and swooning in equal measure. We can't help but smile and shake our heads as both Pike and Oakley attempt to set one-time only rules for themselves, knowing their good intentions are going to be obliterated by a tidal wave of lust and love. Sometimes a romance between two people who think their relationship can be nothing more than a fling can be frustrating, the couple denying everything they're feeling as they stubbornly cling to how they think things are supposed to be. Luckily for us Oakley and Pike are much more honest with themselves, and while they put up a token struggle here and there, they opt to be open in their communication every step of the way.

Oakley is a mom by day and a phone sex operator by night, numbing herself to all things sexual as she works a second job to help support her daughter. She's as upfront as they come, telling Pike where she stands from the beginning and continuing to do so as their relationship shifts and changes, never allowing a miscommunication or misunderstanding to derail what quickly becomes a very important part of her life. Pike has the ego expected of a rockstar, but all his self-congratulatory statements are laced with humor, meant to elicit and eye roll and snappy comeback from Oakley rather than be taken seriously. Their banter is playful and so very well done, beautifully deepening their relationship on an emotional level as things progress on the physical one, causing the chapters to fly by until we find ourselves on the last page before we're ready to let these two go.

One quibble is with regard to a secondary storyline involving the father of Oakley's child, his reappearance toward the end feeling more like something added for the sake of a small bit of drama rather than a necessary event to further the romance, but that's a very minor complaint in an otherwise fantastic installment. Ms. Loren writes gorgeously genuine characters whose bedroom activities are hot enough that we feel the heat waft from the pages as we read, leaving us utterly satisfied while at the same time craving more.

Rating: 4/5

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This book was sent to me by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.


  1. It sounds nice! I didn't know about this one but already book 8? That's a lot and I don't think I knew about the series. I'll check book 1 out.

    1. They can all be read as standalones, so don't worry too much that this is book 8:)

  2. A bit of drama thrown in, yes that can be weird sometimes

    1. It didn't feel necessary, but it wasn't enough to detract from the rest of the story:)

  3. This sounds like a fun read and I love the whole opposites attract thing! Wonderful review Jenny, I think I need to add this to the good old pile. :)

    1. I'm a big fan of opposites attract Ali! I so enjoy everything Roni writes:)

  4. Man. I hate when things are thrown in the plot just to further the drama, but glad that it didn't detract too much from the story!

    1. It definitely didn't need to happen, but I loved Oakley and Pike so much:)

  5. " a sexy-as-sin opposites attract romance"
    I've never read a Roni Loren book and I usually shy away from books with rockstars, but I can't resist this one. It sounds fantastic and I love the sound of the banter, especially Jenny.
    I'd be a bit frustrated with the dad showing up for the sake of adding drama too, so I'm happy that you warned us!
    Lovely review, Jenny! :)

    1. This book is HOT Nick. And Oakley and Pike are epic at banter. So good:)

  6. I totally agree - the dad coming in at the end was unnecessary drama, but overall I adored this book. And it gave me Devon and Hunter. I just can't ever complain about that. =D

    Love the review, Jenny!

    1. Me too Hannah! This whole series is a win for me:)

  7. Sounds like this one would be a great add to my very small list of romance books to read, even with the minor misshap of the unnecessary added drama near the end!
    Great review Jenny!

    1. I really love all Roni's characters Pili! I haven't read every book in the series but the ones I've read have been outstanding:)

  8. Unnecessary drama can be annoying. Still, overall, it sounds like a good story :)

  9. Me too. Luckily it didn't last long - he was there and gone in just a couple chapters:)

  10. This sounds really good! Although it might be a bit weird to read my dog's name as the love interest, LOL!

  11. Oh lordy, Roni Loren can write some HOT STUFF!! I'm starting this really soon and I can not wait. Wonderful review, Jenny! :)

  12. Book 8? I haven't heard this series before but Book 8? Omg, that's a lot! Haha! Blurb sounds nice. Great review, Jenny! - Kristelle @ Amiabooklover

  13. I love the sound of Oakley's character, bold, knows what she wants and just goes for it! Great review Jenny, it sounds like this one is a super hot romance.

  14. I'm so happy to see you loving this series. I have this one coming up and can't wait. I've been waiting for Pike's book!

  15. Wow, how have I not heard of this one before? It sounds like something I would absolutely love!!! A drummer? And I love when couples banter. I'm definitely adding this to my TBR! Great review :)
