Thursday, June 4, 2015

Review: Moonlight on Nightingale Way

On Dublin Street #6
Samantha Young
Contemporary Romance
352 pages
Available Now
Source: ARC from publisher for review

THE STORY (from Goodreads)
Logan spent two years paying for the mistakes he made. Now, he’s ready to start over. He has a great apartment, a good job, and plenty of women to distract him from his past. And one woman who is driving him to distraction…

Grace escaped her manipulative family by moving to a new city. Her new life, made to suit her own needs, is almost perfect. All she needs to do is find her Mr. Right—or at least figure out a way to ignore her irresistible yet annoying womanizer of a neighbor.

Grace is determined to have nothing to do with Logan until a life-changing surprise slowly begins turning the wild heartbreaker into exactly the kind of strong, stable man she’s been searching for. Only just when she begins to give into his charms, her own messy past threatens to derail everything they’ve worked to build…

Upon finishing Moonlight on Nightingale Way we find ourselves with a sudden desire to start apartment hunting in Scotland, desperately searching for one that might result in us living across the hall from a man like Logan MacLeod (minus the loud sexual escapades, of course). He and Grace are at odds from the very beginning, their animosity bringing a Cheshire Cat-style grin to our faces because we know where all that antagonism is going to lead eventually, the sparks between them continuing to burn bright even as the source of the flame shifts from ire to so much more.

It’s easy to see why Grace and Logan butt heads so spectacularly in the beginning, her reserved nature and impeccable manners clashing with Logan’s more in-your-face personality until not even a word has to be spoken between them for either to find themselves enormously irritated. Grace easily wins our hearts as we endure the enthusiasm of Logan’s very vocal bed partners right along with her, our hands clenching into fists as though they wish to pound on the wall on her behalf and tell him to give it a rest. It’s not long before Logan has a massive wrench thrown into his life’s plan though, and as soon as this new responsibility shows up on his doorstep we get to see a very different side to him. A very swoon-worthy side.

While all of Ms. Young's On Dublin Street novels are outstanding, there is a certain amount of anxiety that comes with them, knowing there’s going to come a point where everything our couple has worked toward is going to implode before being ironed out in last several chapters. We can’t help but dread that moment even though we know a happily ever after is a given (thankfully!), but with this latest installment we find the dramatic relationship moment for our couple takes place much earlier, giving us more time in the aftermath as the two of them try and pick up the pieces. As a result, Grace and Logan’s relationship is less stressful in the best possible way, and we really get to settle into the two of them as a couple without our minds leaping forward to their inevitable temporary downfall.

Overall, Moonlight on Nightingale Way is an antagonistic romance at its finest, Grace and Logan imperfectly perfect for one another and all the more lovable for it.

Rating: 4.5/5

Find Samantha:

This book was sent to me by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of a review
I received no other compensation and the above is my honest opinion.


  1. I've only read On Dublin Street and loved it. I want to read them in order, but this book sounds so good. It's tempting me to skip.

  2. Oh yes I heard great things about this one so I'm glad to see you had a wonderful time with it. I haven't tried a book of the author yet but I really should!

  3. I've recently read Hero by her and I loved it. I swore that I would read On Dublin Street series which I have bought too. So I can't wait to get into yet another one of her steamy romances. I could use of those right now. Great review, glad the series is still going strong. :)

  4. Yup...I need to move to Scotland

  5. Not that I'd need many prods to want to move to either Scotland or Ireland, the only qualm is the weather! ;)

    And I read the first book in this series and loved it, so I guess since they're all companion novels, I could read this one too, because it sounds like something I'd love to read!

    Great review Jenny!

  6. I have read on dublin street, and I have a coupld of the other books in the series as well. I have this one waiting on my TBR for me. Now that I know you enjoyed it, I'm even more excited to read it :) Maybe that will encourage me to get to it faster. haha

    Great Review!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  7. I think out of the series this was perhaps my favorite. I am sad it is over, but cannot wait to see what adult series she beings next. Lovely review Jenny!

  8. Wonderful review, Jenny! I’ve read Samantha Young’s Hero a while ago and absolutely loved it. She writes such intense and beautiful romance. Recently I’ve read On Dublin Street and now looking forward to binge read the whole series. So glad you enjoyed this last installment. Many series died and it’s great that Samantha Young manage to keep readers glued to pages until the end.

  9. I've yet to read Samantha Young, but I'm very tempted just for the fact we get some time in Scotland and Ireland. This sounds like another winner. I'm so glad you enjoyed the romance - looks like I'll be adding this one to my tbr list too :)

  10. Oh I've had the first book for ages! I have to admit I mainly want to read these for their setting (or settings, as they are all in different places, right?). I'm really glad you loved this!

  11. I kind of like those love hate relationships. They add a touch of steam to the romance and tension that wouldn't normally be there. Beautiful review like always Jenny, I really want to read this now. I think it would be perfect for this time of year and a Scotland setting is always a plus for me.

  12. We're up to book six in this series and I still haven't read a single one?! Oh wow, I'm not doing myself any favors, it seems. As for the Big Separation anxiety, I always feel that, whenever I read a romance. I've been known to peek, just so I could be prepared in time. Otherwise, I can't concentrate on the story.

  13. I love a good antagonistic romance :) This series has appeared on my radar one too many times - action is required on my part, it seems :)) Lovely review, Jenny!

  14. You are so right - the On Dublin Street books are wonderful but they always cause me anxiety until we get the HEA! So glad to hear that Grace and Logan's relationship drama comes earlier so they have more time to make up and enjoy being together. Really looking forward to reading this one - lovely review! :)

  15. Crap! I absolutely adored On Dublin Street...but I just never continued on with this series! Double crap! Samantha Young is already onto book six of this series? And you still love the series? Yup, Jenny, i'm binge reading this series soon. I need to catch up! Lovely review :)

  16. I've only read On Dublin Street (and wasn't a terribly huge fan), and this sounds better! I'll check it out.

  17. I really need to catch up on this series. I adored the first book, but haven't gotten a chance to get back to this series.

  18. I adored this one, too, Jenny. Logan was much better when the revolving door to his bedroom closed. I was sad to end this series, but I loved all the mini-epilogues for each of the couples at the end. Wonderful review! :)

  19. Alas, I've only read the first book in this series. Must get on it! I love the name Logan for the hero.
