Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday Flourish: Song of Summer

Hey Everyone!

I hope you're all having a great summer thus far! It's unnaturally hot here so I'm basking in my air conditioning and generally refusing to step outside for any reason. My intense desire to stay in the great indoors is a good thing though as work has been busy lately, and I'm excited to share a few more recent cover designs with you in the coming weeks!

I thought today's cover would be a perfect fit for this time of year given it's titled Song of Summer, and I was lucky enough to once again team up with Meredith at Bloomsbury Spark as well as author Laura Lee Anderson to create a bright and vibrant type-driven design. I think you guys know by now that I'm mildly obsessed with illustrated covers and typography, so this was a dream project for me. We wanted it to be fun and musical with a touch of sweetness to hint at the romance between two young people, one hearing and one deaf, and I couldn't love those little fat birds more if I tried.

Since Carter can't hear, a lot of the communication between him and Robin takes place in the form of written notes, so we wanted the title to have a very hand-drawn feel, with the fluctuations in the letter shapes creating additional movement and reinforcing the musical element. I hope you guys love this cover as much as I do and are looking forward to meeting Carter and Robin on July 7th!

(releases July 7th from Bloomsbury Spark)

The thirteen qualities of Robin’s Perfect Man range from the mildly important “Handsome” to the all-important “Great taste in music.” After all, Westfield’s best high school folk musician can’t go out with some shmuck who only listens to top 40 crap. When hot Carter Paulson walks in the door of Robin’s diner, it looks like the list may have come to life. It’s not until the end of the meal that she realizes he’s profoundly deaf.

Carter isn’t looking for a girlfriend. Especially not a hearing one. Not that he has anything against hearing girls, they just don’t speak the same language. But when the cute waitress at Grape Country Dairy makes an effort to talk with him, he takes her out on his yellow Ducati motorcycle.

Told in first person alternating perspectives, language, music, and culture go along for the ride as Carter and Robin find their song.

You can find more of my cover design work at Seedlings Design Studio!   


  1. The cover and the little fat birds are so very lovely, Jenny! Yes, it has a summery feeling and that fits with the 100+ degree weather I've been having here. I've been basking *surviving* in my air conditioning as well.

    I love the sound of the story, too!!! Me wants. :)

    1. I want to hug my air conditioning Rachel ;-)

      Hope you give this a try!

  2. Nice pick! Doesn't sound like my kind of read but still hope you absolutely love it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I'm really looking forward to it Jessica!

  3. Awesome work, Jenny! It's beautiful and captures summertime perfectly. I think I saw this book on NetGalley and I thought to myself....Jenny designed that! I had a feeling! I'm loving your work and can't wait to see what you come up with next. Also, the book sounds adorable. Going to add it to my TBR list!

    1. WOO HOO! It makes me happy that you recognized my style ;-) I'm so excited to pick this one up:)

  4. Such a cute and summery cover! I love it. :)

  5. Yes, the cover is beautiful! I like to colours a lot.

    I wanted you know that I nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award. If you haven't heard of it, it's a tag that asks for you to share 7 random facts about yourself and then tag 7 others.

  6. Sounds adorable. Love the summery feel to the cover, Jenny.

    1. Doesn't it? I need it in my life immediately:)

  7. I love the colors, Jenny, and the little hearts are so adorable. For some reason, they reminded me of leaves first. It's such a happy, summery cover, I can't wait to read the book.

  8. It's a lovely cover, Jenny. Whimsical and summery... I'll look for the book :)

    1. Thank so much Ramona! I'm really pleased with how it turned out:)

  9. I love how the font in the title feels hand-drawn and so fun and vivid. And, those darling birds, so sweet. Gorgeous, Jenny! :)

    1. AREN'T THE BIRDS ADORABLE? As soon as I saw them I knew they were going to be a part of this design ;-)

  10. You truly amaze me Jenny! This cover manages to be both whimsical and gorgeous!

  11. I was just thinking that this was a great cover and now I know why! Brilliant work!

  12. Ahh Jenny you created this design?! It looks SO ADORABLE I absolutely love it! And my goodness, this sounds like such a cute read. I'm so excited to read this one, and I can't wait for more design opportunities for you in the future!

    1. I DID! I'm so glad you love it and that it has you excited to meet Robin and Carter. I need it to be July already ;-)

  13. It's just so cool to read about your thought process behind your designs. I wish I had a mind like yours! Adorable cover, Jenny!

    1. Thank you so much Aylee! I'm having the best time working on covers, each one lets me do something completely different which is a far cry from what I was doing with wedding invitations. I'm loving my job:)

  14. You are so versatile! Seriously love your designs. :)

  15. It's so CUTE! I love the birds and the headphones and the color scheme...perfect! :)

  16. It's so adorableee!! Really perfect for summer, love the colours and the feel of the cover!
    Over here the heat is getting back now, but we had a week of storms and lower temperatures that was quite welcome!

  17. OMGGG I absolutely LOVE this cover, just look at it! It looks so amazing and fitting for summer! Thanks for the cover reveal!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

  18. What a beautiful cover! I love the colors and the adorable birds! You've really outdone yourself :D

  19. I love the cover Jenny those birds are too cute. Would you believe my youngest is terrified of birds. I am not even sure why. Nothing happen crazy in her childhood, but she sees birds and ducks or runs.

  20. Very cute! The little bursting hearts are my favorite. :-)

  21. This cover shouts summer. I love the blue and I love the birds and I love the hearts on the cover, Jenny!!!

    It is such a cute cover and I think you did a fantastic job (as always!!)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  22. Cute! And this books sounds so good!

  23. As usual, you are AMAZING!! I've been totally obsessed with this cover since the first time I saw it. I want to frame it and hang it on my wall. lol <3
