Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fire and Ice Blog Hop: Character Interview with Kaidan Rowe + Giveaway

Today I'm going to attempt to not hyperventilate over the fact that I have Kaidan Rowe, the oh-so sexy and charming love interest from The Sweet Trilogy by Wendy Higgins (Sweet Evil sits atop my list of favorites from last year, you can read my review here) joining me on the blog. Did I also mention he's the son of the Duke of Lust? Yeah. Anyone who has been following this blog for a while knows my interest in Kaidan borders on unhealthily obsessive, but I like to think of it more as adorably fixated. I enjoy deluding myself you see. But, enough about me! Today is all about Kaidan, so for those of you who have yet to meet him, I hope this interview makes you want to do so, and for those of you who have, well, I hope this tides you over a bit until the release of Sweet Peril in April!

This interview is part of the Fire and Ice Blog Hop hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings, Love of Books, Cambria Hebert, The Caffeinated Reviewer, and Mostly Reviews, so be sure and check out all the participants here so you don't miss out on all the reviews, interviews, guest posts and giveaways!

Since this is our first time “meeting”, I figured we should just start things off with a nice icebreaker; something to help us get comfortable with one another. So, here goes. Hypothetically speaking (of course), should I brazenly make a pass at you and put all my feminine wiles (which are obviously legion ;-) to use, what kind of reaction could I expect?

Well, luv, if you were to do that we’d have to pause this interview for a bit, yeah?  ;)   

If you could ask Wendy to write any scene from Sweet Evil from your point of view knowing that Anna would be the only one to read it and be privy to what you were thinking, which scene would you choose?

My first reaction is to say “none” because I’d rather not have the vulnerability of anyone knowing my thoughts. But at the same time it would be interesting for Anna to see herself the way I see her. So I’ll say the night of our first kiss. She has no idea how bleedin sexy she is when she’s not even trying.

What genre of fiction best describes your life (horror, mystery/thriller, etc.)?

Ha. Is there such thing as Horrotica?

You have the ability to look at a woman and know exactly what she needs to see/hear/feel in order to fall into bed with you, thus making the job you do for your father a bit easier. If Anna had a variation of this ability wherein she knew not what it would take to get you into bed, but rather what it would take for you to fall in love, what might this gift show her about you?

I believe you’re stealthily trying to get in my head, but I forgive you because you’re beautiful. However, I still can’t answer this question. The whole idea of “falling in love” is...beyond my scope of understanding. I was raised to see love as a weakness, and frankly it’s difficult to get past that mindset.

Aside from Anna, has any other woman ever resisted the temptation that is you?

No. I’ve had some tough cases that required me to pull out all the stops, but resistance is futile.

If things were a bit simpler for you and Anna and you were able to take her on a date, what would your ideal evening with her consist of?

She’s quite easily impressed and it’s entertaining to watch her be dazzled. I’m thinking dinner overlooking water—something beautiful where I can sit back and just watch her reactions.

For those of us dying a little each day as we wait for the release of Sweet Peril, please take pity on us and describe what we can expect in the sequel using only the title of a song (or songs).

How about “I Hate Myself For Loving You” by Joan Jett. There’s an uplifting little teaser for you, eh?   

Last question, and it’s very serious in nature, so please prepare yourself. When you hear the name “Jenny”, what’s the first thing that pops into your mind?

Sex. Definitely sex.

*Jenny falls down dead*

I'm sorry everyone, I'm not sure I can run this blog any longer because my entire body just liquified and I've taken up permanent residence on the floor. It's been lovely knowing you all ;-)

A huge thank you to Kaidan for stopping by the blog and answering my, ahem, probing questions! More information on Kaidan, The Sweet Trilogy and Wendy Higgins can be found here:

Sweet Evil Buy Link
Sweet Peril Buy Link

SWEET PERIL (releases April 30th from HarperTeen)

Anna Whitt, daughter of a guardian angel and a demon, promised herself she'd never do the work of her father--polluting souls. She'd been naive to make such a claim. She'd been naive about a lot of things.

Haunted by demon whisperers, Anna does whatever she can to survive, even if it means embracing her dark side and earning an unwanted reputation as her school's party girl. Her life has never looked more bleak. And all the while there's Kaidan Rowe, son of the Duke of Lust, plaguing her heart and mind.

When an unexpected lost message from the angels surfaces, Anna finds herself traveling the globe with Kopano, son of Wrath, in an attempt to gain support of fellow Nephilim and give them hope for the first time. It soon becomes clear that whatever freedoms Anna and the rest of the Neph are hoping to win will not be gained without a fight. Until then, Anna and Kaidan must put aside the issues between them, overcome the steamiest of temptations yet, and face the ultimate question: is loving someone worth risking their life?

In celebration of Kaidan and his ability to warm up these cold winter nights, I'm giving away either a copy of Sweet Evil for newcomers to the series or a copy of Sweet Peril for those of you who are already in love. Sweet Peril will be a pre-order, I do not have an advanced copy to give away. To enter, please fill out the rafflecopter form below. This giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents only, good luck everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. OMG.. just dies a little here!!!!!!!! Gosh... how I love this boy!!! And Jenny? You still alive and here my friend? I mean, after this Interview maybe you passed out? Just want to make sure you are ok...

  2. Ummmmmmm no. I'm having heart palpitations. Too much hotness in one boy:)

  3. I almost choked on my breakfast, LOL. THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO START A DAY - READING AN INTERVIEW WITH KAIDAN *sigh*. Thanks, Jenny!!!!!!! <3 Oh. My. God. I completely understand why you dropped dead, but now I need you to wake up, because I can't imagine my daily life without your post, lol. Gosh, I want that Sweet Peril book now, April 30th is so far away *cries*..

    1. RIGHT?! I told Wendy I would be hitting on him so she was prepared:) I NEED SWEET PERIL!

  4. Lol, I had to laugh at: "Horrotica" :) I've got to pick up this series. I'm sure I'd be a puddle of goo on the floor thinking about Kaiden, as well Jenny. Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. You definitely need to read these books Rachel, Kaidan is such an intriguing character. So much more than a bad boy:)

  5. Lol horrotica, now that is a good one

  6. First impression: sex on legs. Gosh, I really need to pick up this series. You are ne lucky girl, Jenny!

    1. Ummmm yes. That is the impression you will likely have throughout Gellie! SO GOOD!

  7. Oh another series I still haven't started! Huh I have got quite a number I think. Still I hope I'll get them. Btw I loled a lot while reading this!! I think that will only make me read this book sooner. Great post Jenny :)

    1. Thanks Tanja, glad you enjoyed the interview!

  8. lol lol I can see why your body liquified. This was my first intro into Kaidan. OMG.... he had me in his first answer with the "yeah". I'm definitiely going to read these books. Need me some Kaidan. :)
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    1. He's got such a delicious accent Carol, LOVE HIM!

    Hmm...Jenny, I know you've liquified and probably won't be solidifying anytime soon, but assuming you DO one day, could you please, please, PLEASE ask Kai what his first thought is when he hears the name SHIRLEY? Thanks Jenny<3 LOL

    1. Why yes, yes I will. That will be my first question next interview:)

  10. Jen that what friggin smexy! Kaiden *swoons* I cannot wait to read Sweet Peril and thanks for making my morning!

    1. I NEED MORE KAIDAN KIMBA! *tries to wait patiently for Sweet Peril*

  11. "Horrotica" LOL! Tell me again why I haven't read the first book in the series? You know, the one you and every other blogger I know swooned over? Sheesh. Gettin' on that right away!

    1. I DON'T KNOW MARY BUT GET ON THAT! Kaidan's waiting:)

  12. Thanks for the giveaway! I haven't read Sweet Evil yet, but it's been creeping steadily higher on my TBR list. It's juts such an intriguing concept!

    1. I LOVED this book so much, I hope you get a chance to read it:)

  13. Would love to read the first book. Thanks.

  14. hehe! I love it! You know all the fictional boys want Jenny's number :)

    1. Hahahah YES! I'm very popular amongst the fictional crowd ;-)

  15. Haha, horrotica made me laugh so hard I almost died. DIED! I haven't read Sweet Evil yet, but goodness, I have to meet Kaidan Right. This. Second.

    Fantastic interview, Jenny! I'm glad you survived despite all the swooning. :)

  16. Haha. This interview just made my day. You are hilarious! :) I am SO excited for Sweet Peril...Sweet Evil was one of my favorite paranormals that I read last year. Thanks for sharing this with us and for the great giveaway!

  17. Laughed so hard at the last question.
    I bet Kaidan's first thought at any girl's name would be sex.

    Love the interview!

  18. BAHAHA!!!! This interview perked me right up. And now all I can think about is sex!!!

  19. Ahhh! I just loved it! "Horrotica" LOL And that song choice? Gah, I need this book! Thanks for sharing. :)

  20. Best interview ever! :) So glad I stopped by! Seriously...horrotica? But it makes sense. :P I can't wait for Sweet Evil!!!

  21. "Horrotica" LOL! I had to do a double take and make sure this was YA and not Adult with a capital "A". This Kaidan is sure a charmer, eh? Thanks for the reminder to give this one a shot. :)

  22. Thanks for the giveaway! That book cover looks steammmmyyyy....

  23. Oh my god this interview made me crack up! And I haven't read Sweet Evil yet, but I'm pretty sure I developed a crush on this guy just from this interview (ok, I also just hopped over to your review, I admit it :D, that might have more to do with it). Awesome interview, Jenny!

  24. Oh so much fun, great interview. I been looking forward to reading Sweet Evil myself <3

  25. FAN*FREAKING*TASTIC interview! hope you've been able to revive yourself. haha.

    Sweet Peril is my Waiting on Wednesday post today! DYING....

  26. Thanks for the fun post :) This sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  27. Lol. Kaidan is such a heartthrob. Love his choice of genre. Great interview. It got me even more interested in this series.

  28. Haahaa, Jenny this made me laugh!:3 i can't wait for Sweet Peril ahhh! Excited^^

  29. Ahh Kaidan. You're so bleedin' sexy!

    **entered as Rachelle**

  30. I love Kaidan. He never ceases to impress me. I absolutely cannot wait until Sweet Peril is released. Even though it will be bitter sweet since we will then have just one more long wait on our hands for the finale.

    Nice interview. Very entertaining. :)

  31. I read Sweet Evil less than a month ago & I am SO anxious for Sweet Peril to come out! I loved it!

  32. Stay on that floor so I can take Kaidan away... STAY! ;)

    OMG! You had me at luv and then I dropped from " Horrotica" LOL

    Hm... *Kaidan and Jenny* Nope, doesn't sound right...
    *Kaidan and Melissa* Oh has such a ring... ;)

  33. Sounds like another great story!

  34. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  35. Loved that interview!! So freaking excited for Sweet Peril :)

  36. Oh dear God!!!! I've been hearing about this guy forever!!!!! I super suck for not having read Sweet Evil!!!

  37. I never read Sweet Evil... I'm so behind in good books D; Ahaha horrotica! That's smart~ Thanks for the giveaway (:

  38. LOL! OMG I'm dying at my desk here! Kaiden, I missed you. What do you think of when you hear my name, Savannah??? Huh? TELL ME!!!!

    Jenny, you are so lucky! Lovely interview and thanks so much for the great giveaway! Seriously, this post has pasted a big smile on my face.

  39. I think this series sounds so fantastic, I really need to read both books.

  40. What a fantastically hilarious interview to read! I haven't started in on this series yet, but after that I totally have to!

  41. *Le Sigh* I've been killed dead.

    Sheesh. I leave for a bit and come back to this being one of my first ten blog posts read... and already I've been reduced to jello knees.


  42. "Horrotica" lol! Sounds like my love life. Love the interview. :)

  43. OMG! Definitely dyin' here! Can't wait for Sweet Peril. Thanks so much for the Kaidan fix!! I do hope you can re-congeal yourself! ;)

  44. I haven't read Sweet Evil, but I am dying to. That way I will be ready for Sweet Peril.

  45. Okay, Kaiden wins hands down for best answer on what genre would exemplify his life - HORROTICA!!! I absolutely love it. Jenny, it sounds like you had almost as much fun coming up with the questions here as you did in the actual interview!! Great post, now I can go to bed with a smile on my face :)

  46. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me. I would love to read this series.

  47. Love the interview. Sexy British guys are the best. :)

  48. I don't know how you do it, you always ask the best questions EVER. Lots of hilarity...
    I haven't read the first book but I gotta say that I'm tempted to drop everything and read it NOW. I have it on my shelf calling my name.

  49. Awesome interview!! I can't wait to read Sweet Peril! Thanks for the giveaway!

  50. My favorite answer to your questions was the answer fo what genre best described her life and her answer was "Horrotica"!!! I laughed hard, literally had people looking at me like I was crazy! Can't wait to read this! Thank you for the giveaway!

  51. LOVE Kaidan! That's an awesome (and hot)interview!!

    He's my favorite character in the book:)

    Thank you:)

  52. Kaidan has a good and bad side. I hope his good wins out!

  53. Oh my I just love Kai!!!! April is to far away. Thanks for the great interview it makes me even more excited for Sweet Peril.

  54. Great interview! I loved Sweet Evil and can't wait to read Sweet Peril!


  55. Thanks so much for the giveaway! This one sounds great!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

  56. This is great, Jenny! I still haven't read Sweet Evil, but now I must do so! Kaidan seems like my kind of male character (ahem, sexy). Plus, that last answer was golden. I love it!

  57. Thanks for the giveaway! Sweet Evil is so on my tbr list!

  58. oh Kaidan! horrotica! seriously? Don't underestimate yourself, coz for me you belong in my fairy tale :D you're still a prince in-spite of your dark background.

    Great list of questions Jenny, they're fun. It's nice knowing more of Kaidan. I hope Wendy will write a short story from Kaidan's point of view. Even just a teaser.

  59. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

    I love Wendy, she's so sweet :D

  60. I haven't yet read Sweet Evil, but I've been wanting to.

  61. Honestly, and I'm probably in the minority here, I'm on the fence about Sweet Evil. The writing was good, but there were times when I really liked it, times I felt like I was being preached to and times I wanted to strangle one or more of the main characters. I found it kind of like a roller coaster ride. I'm still interested enough to pick up Sweet Evil, it's just not at the top of my TBR list.

  62. LMAO, I loved the last question and answer! Ugh, I still need to read Sweet Evil ...

  63. I can't wait for the next book it sounds amazing. Thanks for the chance to win.

  64. So jealous of that interview - so, so jealous!

  65. Haha I loved reading this post!
