Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Gorgeous

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine and is a fun way to see what books other bloggers just can't wait to get their hands on!

Paul Rudnick
Young Adult
Releases May 1st from Scholastic

From Goodreads:

When eighteen-year-old Becky Randle's mother dies, she's summoned from Missouri to meet Tom Kelly, the top designer in the world. He makes her an impossible offer: He'll create three dresses to transform Becky from an ordinary girl into the world's most beautiful woman.

Becky thinks Tom is a lunatic, but she accepts and is remade as Rebecca. When Becky looks in the mirror, she sees herself--a mess of split ends and cankles. But when anyone else looks at Becky, they see five-alarm hotness.

Soon Rebecca is the darling of the fashion world, but when she meets meets Prince Gregory, heir to the British throne, everything starts to crumble. Because Rebecca aside, Becky loves him. And the idea of a prince looking past Rebecca to fall in love with the ordinary girl inside? There's not enough magic in the world.

This just sounds like a really fun read, and I've always been a fan of the normal-girl-falls-in-love-with-a-prince plotline. Even though she's technically "five-alarm" hot to him and not so much normal, I have a feeling the normal is going to come into play and I can't wait. Also, bonus points for the word "cankles" in the synopsis. Gorgeous cover + handsome prince + story about inner beauty = WHY ISN'T IT MAY YET!? *shakes fist at calendar*


  1. This sounds really good. Thanks for introducing me to it Jenny. Nice pick.

  2. How have I not heard of this book before? And ., of course romantics like you and me LOVE the princess stories... Totally added to my list!

  3. Very interested to find out WHY this designer is making these dresses for Becky but I love the sound of this as I adore the girl falls for prince plotline as well.

  4. Ooh! Thanks for sharing this... sounds like an interesting premise! :)

  5. Loving the premise. Still why name the prince Gregory? At least take a good old princely name

  6. Heh, awesome - this is the first I'm hearing of this one, but I'll definitely be adding it to my tbr now. I also very much appreciated the use of the word "cankles" in the synopsis. I don't feel like we have enough stories about normal girls and inner beauty!

  7. Awesome! Haven't heard of this one but it looks incredible!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Wow...where did you find this?? :O It's beautiful! I have to add it to my list! :) Greta pick Jenny. Thanks for sharing :)

  9. Cover is gorgeous! Looks like a great love story.

    Here's my WoW -

    RobynLeanne @ Fairytales and Folklore

  10. I'm a Disney girl at heart and this synopsis makes me want to clapp my hands. Plus dat cover!!!!!! Love this choice, Jenny!

  11. OH WOW. THE COVER IS GORGEOUS<3 YESSSS! I have a soft spot for the whole ordinary-girl-falls-in-love-with-prince storyline :) This is like a modern fairytale! Can't wait for this!!!

  12. Oh, hellz yes. This book sounds AWESOME! I love a good fairy tale-esque story, especially one that contains a prince and an "average" girl. *adds yet another to the TBR* *ducks and covers as it tips her way*

  13. Ahhh Jenny seriously where do you keep sneaking this great finds from? I love the sound of this book and the cover of this is so subtle but yet so good! I know May really needs to hurry up already!

  14. Look at that gorgeous cover! And it's written by a guy! How epic is that? Plus, it seems to be a fairy tale! I'm in! :D

  15. Oh, wow. This does sound very good. Just added it to my TBR list. What a cool premise!

  16. Yeah, I'm with you on the normal girl/prince premise. I guess I still haven't given up hope for myself. *Sigh*

    Side note: The cover model most DEFINITELY does NOT have cankles.

  17. This does sound like a cute read...and I am definitely not too old for the "normal" girl meets prince fairy tale!

  18. This sounds too cute, Jenny. And bonus, I love that cover. Great choice. :)

  19. Fantastic premise for a it! I will definitely be adding it to my TBR list. You made me laugh about the use of cankles...ha. Great pick!

  20. Love the sound of this book! I've also always been a fan of the normal-girl-falls-in-love-with-a-prince plotline. May....ugh. That feels so far away!

  21. There are handsom princes, and then there are handsom BRITISH princes, and let's be honest Jenny, the latter are worth 10 times more. Lol. I have a soft spot for Harry.
    This does sound cool, I think I'll go ahead and add it to my tbr.

  22. "I've always been a fan of the normal-girl-falls-in-love-with-a-prince plotline"
    " Me too! ;) The cover is so pretty and I'm intrigued by the synopsis. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Jenny. Will definitely be adding this to my tbr! ^^

  23. This does sound interesting. Plus, who doesn't have some sort of dismorphic vision of themselves? Total points for cankles. :D

  24. "Gorgeous cover + handsome prince + story about inner beauty = WHY ISN'T IT MAY YET!?" <-- Yes!! I had never heard of this one before, but the idea and the dresses and all of it! All sounds like a wonderful opportunity for character growth and fairy tale cuteness.

  25. I hadn't heard of this one before but it sounds SO CUTE! Almost reminds me of a fairytale re-telling of sorts, so now I'm definitely excited to read this one. Thanks for putting it on my radar, Jenny!(:

  26. Ooh this is NEW to me! Thanks for putting it on my radar. While I am a lot pickier when it comes to contemporary, I think this sounds like a really fun read. And it's cool to see that Meg Cabot is quoted on the cover!

    Brilliant pick, Jenny. :)

  27. I am still waiting on my Prince but I never tire of normal girl finds her prince stories :)

  28. Oh, this is the first I've heard of this one!! It sounds so fun and I love the whole inner beauty concept. Thanks for sharing this one!

  29. Uh, why have I not heard of this one yet? I love the sound of the premise and hope there's a great message about inner beauty in this one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Jenny!

  30. Since I'm going to ALA in a few days I've been adding to my list of books to watch for. This sounds like one I should keep my eye out for! It sounds great and I hadn't even heard of it yet!

  31. This sounds like so much fun! I hadn't heard of this one yet. Definitely going in my TBR. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! :-)

  32. This done sound like fun, and I love the cover. I am so booked for reviews, I am taking the next few weeks off from WoW to make room for them..LOL I broke my own rules about how many ARC's I will accept in a month..but truth be told they are all sooo good!

  33. YAY! This book sounds good. Love the cover :)

  34. Oh yeah, this book sounds good! Adding it to my TBR list now! The cover is beautiful
