Friday, January 25, 2013

Scarlet Blog Tour: Interview with Marissa Meyer + A Giveaway

I'm positively giddy today at the fact that I have young adult author Marissa Meyer joining me on the blog as part of the promotional tour for the second book in her Lunar Chronicles series, Scarlet. I absolutely adored the first book in the series, Cinder, and after finishing it Scarlet immediately went to the top of my "I may die if I don't read this" list for 2013. I'm thrilled to say it didn't disappoint! I thought it was a brilliant sequel, and I hope everyone runs to the bookstore on February 5th and loves it as much as I did!

If you could write yourself into any fairytale, which would it be and what role would you play?

This will probably sound crazy, but I have a weird envy toward Rapunzel. All that free time. So much peace and quiet. Just think how many books you could read! But I could probably do without all the crazy-overprotective-witch and blinded-prince stuff.

In Scarlet, we get not only the continuation of Cinder’s story but also the introduction of Scarlet’s journey as well, and both progress side by side until Cinder and Scarlet finally cross paths toward the end. What challenges did writing two separate-but-linked stories present over simply continuing Cinder’s story on its own?

Probably the most difficult part of writing this book (and Book 3, which I’ve just turned into my editor) was keeping a good balance between the storylines. Scarlet is the hero of this book, but Cinder is the hero of the entire series, so I didn’t want readers to get bored with or forget about either protagonist. I did a lot of shuffling around of their different chapters, trying to figure out the best points to break from a storyline and ensure that there was a good mix of suspense and information-gathering. It was kind of like putting together a really big puzzle.

Kai and Wolf are both strong, butterfly-inducing romantic leads, but let’s say they’re not in the picture for Cinder and Scarlet at the moment. Which other fairytale hero (or villain) might each young woman ask on a first date if her life wasn’t so crazy?

Hahaha, what a fun question! Of course, the problem with real fairy tale princes is that so many of them are so booooooring in their original tales, and neither Scarlet nor Cinder would be interested in a relationship with a pretty figurehead. So, hmm. If he was older, Cinder might look twice at Pinocchio—their history of prostheses would at least give them something to talk about. And Scarlet would want someone who fits in on the family farm—perhaps the youngest son in Puss in Boots (they were farmers, right?). In the end, he wouldn’t be ambitious enough for her, but she might want to keep his clever cat around.

If you were facing the same impending battle that Cinder is with the Lunar queen and had an expert fighter like Wolf in your camp, what’s the first thing you’d ask him to teach you?

Any of Levana’s secrets, that he knows. I don’t think any amount of training could turn me into a fighter, so I’d have to rely on wits and strategy.

Thorne is accompanying you on a promotional tour for Scarlet. How long do you think it will take for him to get himself in trouble?

My first tour stop is in Nashville this year, so I suspect it would take him all of an hour before he stole an authentic Elvis jumpsuit, and had convinced himself how goooood he looks in it. Rawr.

If Cinder were to ask you one question about the writing of her character, what do you think she would most want to know?

She might question her fashion decisions. Normally when we think of Cinderella we envision shimmering ball gowns and glass slippers… or at least a neatly pressed apron. But Cinder spends almost the entire series in some form of the boots + cargo pants + plain tank top or T-shirt uniform. Poor girl. I hope someone writes a fanfic that allows her to get dolled up for something!

There are quite a few technological advancements in Cinder and Scarlet’s futuristic world. What one piece of technology do you wish we had here?

Who doesn’t want hovercars? (Bonus: They drive themselves!)

If Emperor Kai were to address fans of the series and give us a briefing as to what to expect from book three, what might his concluding words to us be?

“Please rest assured that the other characters and I are working very hard to ensure the future safety of our planet, but I’m afraid things are going to get a lot worse before they start getting better.” Then as an aside to me, he’d probably ask, “Things are going to get better… right?”

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions Marissa! More information on Marissa and the fantastic Lunar Chronicles series can be found here:

Amazon Buy Link

And don't forget to check out the remainder of this tour and the other participating blogs for more interviews, guest posts, reviews and giveaways, all the details can be found HERE. Tomorrow's stop is at Anna Reads.



•     Meet Marissa on tour!
•     Download 2 Lunar Chronicles short stories for only $.99 each
      - Glitches
      - The Queen's Army
•    Read the first 5 chapters of Scarlet
•    Watch the Cinder trailer


Thanks to the fabulous team at Macmillan and Marissa Meyer, I have a paperback copy of Cinder and a hardcover copy of Scarlet to give away on the blog today. *happy dance* To enter, please just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Giveaway is open US/Canada only. Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Ahaha!!!!!!! Love this series so much and Marissa Meyer is made of awesome! Ans sual, I absolutely adore your questions Jenny.
    Oh and I never thought it about it, but being Rapunzel would mean tons of time to read AND get the Prince!

    1. AGREED! I'm such a huge fan of these books:) I'm definitely seeing Rapunzel in a whole knew light after her answer - I wouldn't mind all that reading time. I would definitely need a computer and internet connection too though:)

  2. I do hear Cinder was awesome and this one, so I am curious :)

    1. I loved Cinder, I hope you get a chance to read it!

  3. Nice! Scarlet seems like it may even be better than Cinder!

    1. LOVED it! She did such an amazing job combining the two stories:)

  4. Awwwww...I absolutely love this interview! Jenny, you sure ask the best questions ever!<3 I find it pretty amusing how Marissa Meyer says the fairytale princes are so boring :P I've always admired ALL fairytale princes but now? I agree with her :) Ooohh I want to meet Wolf so badly! And I'd be happy to be Rapunzel (I LOVE HER LONG HAIR. I WANT MY HAIR TO BE THAT LONG.LOL) but I think I'd find being locked up in a tower extremely boring...I'd have nothing to do. I'd probably die of boredom :/ Anyway, fab interview ladies<3 I loved it!

    1. Thanks so much Shirley! And I think you are going to LOVE Wolf. He's delicious ;-)

  5. As I saw this one popping up on other people's blogs, the green monster made its appearance in my life because I want to meet Wolf!! At least it's almost out.

    Love that fairy tale question! I'd like to meet the last pig, the one who outsmarted the wolf. I do love me some nerds!

    1. WOLF MARY! I'm in love with him. Scarlet is a lucky girl:)

  6. I loved the first book so much I cannot wait for Scarlett

  7. I love this series and can't wait to read it :)

    1. YAY! The only bad thing about this series is the year long wait in between books. *sobs*

    2. Truly! It is hard to wait!
      Btw, I think cinder's usual outfits may not be "dolled up", but make total sense for her usual work. I still rock my cargo pants for my tech work, too!

  8. I honestly can't wait for Scarlet! I am going to be getting it on audio because the first one was done so well.

    I love that K would ask her if things were going to get better LOL :)

    1. Can't wait to see what you think Felicia! And Kai's statement has me a little nervous:)

  9. I loved Cinder so much, and I already figured I would love Scarlet after reading those free first 5 chapters, but after reading this interview, I love Marissa Meyer too. You ask really awesome, non-generic interview questions as well--I find some author interviews more boring than I think they will be, but not this one. I am so excited for Scarlet!

    1. Thank you so much! I try to ask questions I haven't seen them answer before, so I'm really pleased you enjoyed the interview:)

  10. I want to read these so bad!!!! Ive heard nothing but good things.

  11. I LOVE YOU, JENNY!!!! Such an awesome interview! I love how you incorporated characters into it. I just finished Cinder last week, and I'm dying for Scarlet. I refuse to download the first 5 chapters because it just won't be enough. I need this all in one sitting.

    Marissa Meyer is doing an event near me in a few weeks so I plan to go so I can have my copies of Cinder and Scarlet signed. Those covers are so purty.

    Awesome giveaway! Love it all! You're the bestest!

  12. I'm so glad you posted the SCARLET book trailer. I hadn't seen it yet! <3

    I loved Kai's parting words in the interview...I can't wait to see what happens with him in book two!!


  13. Lol!!! I never even thought of envying Rapunzel's free time... Now I am!!!!! I always had an affinity for Sleeping Beauty!!!!

  14. I really liked the Trailer ! I can't wait to read Scarlet! Rapunzel does have a ton of book time haha!

  15. Oh words cannot express how much I love this series and Marissa. I completely agree about writing myself into Rapunzel, I have long fantasized about reading in a tower with no interruptions (preferably one with a coffee bar). :-) And I love the idea of Pinocchio and Cinder getting together (provided Kai isn't around of course). This is such a fun interview—love these questions!

  16. Oh, man. How I adore Thorne! (And I'd love to see more Thorne. MOAR!) Now I kind of want to see Thorne steal an Elvis jumpsuit and attempt to woo the ladies.

  17. Eeeep I haven't even read Cinder yet, but these interview has me giddy to pick both books up right away! Also I think being Rapunzel would be a fab idea, I don't think that I get enough time me time with my books! Thanks for sharing this great interview with us Jenny! :)

  18. I don't read a lot of YA, but this series has really piqued my interest from the first. And I love the idea of Rapunzel and having all that time, lol!

  19. I'm excited about reading Scarlet, even though Cinder didn't blow me away. It's had a great positive response so far! :) I'm looking forward to meeting this Wolf character, especially. ;)

    Wonderful interview and thanks for sharing! Great questions as usual, Jenny. :)

  20. I'm really excited about Scarlet. I'm interested in where the story will go.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  21. Oh my gosh, that interview was so funny! I love The Lunar Chronicles!

  22. Ooo. Cinder was already in my TBR list. Now I have added Scarlet as well!

  23. I love how wonderfully creative your questions are, Jenny! The one about fairytale heroes made me laugh so hard! *facepalm* I never would have thought of that!
    I'm so ashamed for not reading Cinder yet! I even own a copy, but something always gets in the way. Somehow I've even managed to resist peer pressure, but not on purpose! Hopefully I'll find the time for it soon.
    Amaing interview!

  24. I have Cinder on my TRP - I am looking forward to reading it now that the 2nd book is going to be a hit as well!

  25. I have CINDER on its way to me in the post right now, and I'm practically sobbing every time the postman doesn't have it for me in the morning. Fingers crossed that tomorrow will be my lucky day!

    Thanks so much for sharing this post, Jenny. The interview was such fun to read - the questions were incredibly unique, and Marissa's answers were brilliant.

    I'm glad you are enjoying The Lunar Chronicles so far! Hopefully I will too :)

  26. This has been my favorite blog stop of the tour so far. Awesome!

  27. Great Interview and now I am even more excited to read Scarlet!!!

  28. This is an AWESOME interview!! I agree with her about wanting to be repunzel! ALL THAT FREE TIME! hahaha! Lovely interview, so much fun!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

  29. One of my favorite fairy tales was always Rapunzel...but the harsher one...with the witch being really mean at the beginning and the prince going blind. I have Cinder on my TBR pile. I've heard great things about it.

  30. I enjoyed the first one so I NEEDS the second one. :) Needs I tells ya! ;)

    I also need Jenny's interview skills. Loved this interview!

    ..AND okay, I'm convinced... where is my hovercar???? I'm waiting...

  31. What a fun interview, Jenny! Rapunzel does have a LOT of peace and quiet and free time (and her tower always looks so pretty!) and I do think Cinder and Pinnochio would be adorable together! :) Fantastic interview, Jenny!

  32. I fell in love with this series (and Prince Kai) right away XD I cannot wait for the next book XD

  33. More! More! I want more of Cinder! Can't wait for Scarlet!

  34. Thank you so much Marissa, I was having a stressful day but on reading more than one of your replies I could not help but laugh! I can't wait for Scarlet to come out, it sounds so good!

  35. You always have the best interview questions, Jenny. =) Loved reading these, and I can't wait to re-read Scarlet (because I couldn't help but read it already months ago and I already want to read it again -- SO GOOD!)

  36. I loved this! I just got Scarlet in the mail and can't wait until I can start reading it!
    You always ask the best questions! And I have met Marissa, she's pretty awesome in real life too!

  37. So excited to read Scarlet! I just finished Cinder and it was awesome. From what i have read, I think that Scarlet will be even better!

  38. I agree!! I do think Cinder would question the fashion

  39. I envy Rapunzel too. Cannot wait to get my hands on Scarlet!

  40. Oh, I too envy Rapunzel's free time - but I would go stir crazy trapped in a tower for two long. Not to mention - all of that hair?? What a hassle. hahaha.. I cannot wait to read Scarlet! Jenny I am so glad you enjoyed it!

  41. What a wonderful interview and now I'm really looking forward to reading Scarlet even more than before.

  42. Just made me more excited to read Scarlet! Cinder was lovely.

  43. I can't tell you how much I LOVED your interview questions! Especially the first one, Rapunzel was a good answer too, you would get lots of reading done that's for sure! I look forward to reading Scarlet =)

  44. So does this mean a Rapunzel retelling might be in the works? Wonder if she's thought about that one...

  45. Thanks for the great post! I'm soooo excited cuz I just got Cinder and I can't wait to get caught up. This series sounds fantastic and I'm loving the twist on the old fairy tales :)

  46. I enjoyed the interview, especially since I haven't read Cinder yet. It was good to get some information from the author.

  47. I am dying to read these books, I have heard such great things about them. I love fairy tales and these sound like such a great twist. Thanks for the Marissa Meyer interview.

  48. I loved Cinder so much. It makes me sick to think I almost decided not to read it. This interview is great! I can not wait to read Scarlet.

  49. Haven't read Cinder, yet but it's definitely been moved up on my list, Scarlet sounds awesome. Thanks for the chance to win :D

  50. Great interview, thanks. BTW, I'm totally in for a hovercar.

  51. Ha. I've never really considered being Rapunzel before but you made excellent points. Nice interview! I can't wait to start this series it's been on my tbr shelf since Cinder's release.
    DeAnna Schultz

  52. I need to read Cinder!! I've heard so much about it :)

  53. Ha Ha I love your point on Rapunzel! That would be peaceful but with the evilness bugging you, maybe not so much!

  54. Rapunzel! That is a good choice that I must agree with. And yes to hovercars! Why don't we have those yet? Thanks for the interview and giveaway! :)

  55. Loved this interview! Can't to see how Cinder and Scarlet balance in the book and I'm so excited for the new characters and journey that they'll take.

  56. Loved this interview! Can't to see how Cinder and Scarlet balance in the book and I'm so excited for the new characters and journey that they'll take.

  57. Dude! I can not wait for the next book@ I need it now. Love the interview btw.

  58. Lol Throne sounds like a great character.

  59. Fantastic interview, Jenny and Marissa! I read Cinder and liked it, so I'm excited for Scarlet. Wolf sounds like such a fascinating character. I can't wait to meet him!

  60. I loved this interview! The questions were very original and fun! I've been wanting to read these books for quite a while. Thank you for the amazing giveaway and the chance to win!

  61. Wow, what a fantastic interview! I loved it!! I have Cinder and I can't wait to read it!

    Thanks for the chance!

  62. great interview!! can't wait to read scarlet

  63. OH EM GEE. What an aaaamaaaazing post, Jenny! CINDER was so great and I can't wait to read Scarlet. This interview is awesome. WHO DOESN'T LOVE HOVERCARS???? If I had one I'd use it to go everywhere. :') Thanks so much for the great post and giveaway, guys! <3 (JENNY. How do you manage to get in on the most amazing tours?!)

  64. Awesome interview!! I would love to read a re-telling of Rapunzel by her! Thanks for the giveaway - I can't wait to read Scarlet!!!

  65. Great interview. I'm very excited for Scarlet!

  66. Can't wait for Scarlet to come out! :) Thanks for the giveaway and great interview.

  67. The cover is amazing. I loved the first book and I can't wait for the this one.

  68. I can not wait to read this one...Cinder was such a great re-telling! And I can so understand the fascination with Rapunzel..sometimes that kind of alone time sounds like just the ticket!

  69. I just finished reading Scarlet a couple days ago and need the third book. I loved all the new characters (e.g. Scarlet, Wolf, Thorne) and can't wait to find out what will happen next in the series!

  70. I found this to be a fun interview. Can't wait to get my copy of Scarlet and get a chance to meet the new characters. :-) I'm so excited!

  71. haha! maybe cinder likes her fashion choices more than dresses!

  72. Great interview. Little Red Ridinghood is one of my favorite stories, and I can't wait to dive into Scarlet.

    And, thanks for the giveaway!

  73. Great interview! I love Little Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel is one of my favorites as well! I still haven't read this series, but can't wait!

  74. Jenny-

    Your interview skills continue to amaze. I loved the questions you asked! Especially the last one and the answer! But I also liked the one about who Scarlet and Cinder would date other than who they are. I didn't even know Puss in Boots lived on a farm or had a family! Such a great interview!


  75. Great interview, I've had this series on my radar for a long time...thank you for the opportunity to win this.

  76. Interesting to think of Cinder as the heroine of the entire series. I don't know why, but that didn't occur to me. I always figured that Cinder and previous plot lines were figure into the later books but not that.

    I really liked this interview. The question with Kai, Puss in Boots, Rapunzel, the dress... Actually, I wonder if there is a fan fiction out there already where Cinder dons her infamous ball gown instead of cargo pants. :)

  77. Have you been thinking about the power sources and the tiles whom use blocks
    I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoyed every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out the new stuff you post.

  78. the idea of fairy tales being being retold in this fashion is awesome. :)

  79. Fun interview. I loved Cinder and can't wait to read Scarlett. It's one of my most anticipated reads this year.

  80. I loved Cinder and I cannot WAIT for Scarlet. <3

  81. I loved Cinder and I can't wait for Scarlet!! Awesome interview!!

  82. I was really glad that Cinder wasn't the "normal" Cinderella. If she had spent the book in fancy dresses or even cleaning clothes I wouldn't have thought it was nearly as creative. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  83. Great interview! So awesome that Thorne is going on tour with her!

  84. I could get behind the Rapunzel thing, as long as it was present day, with TV and huge library. That would be awesome.

  85. Ah, Jenny, you know I'm a huge fan, and I agree 100% with what so many others said - this was an excellent interview! Sounds like MM had fun with it too! Your questions are so original and also so relevant to the actual author with whom you are speaking and the book you are discussing. Love your creativity! I read CINDER a few months after it came out and, just as I had expected, I LOVED IT! I am on pins and needles for SCARLET now....sooo. ..close... I have been most happy to hear from you and others I trust that Cinder IS actually in the book, because when I first heard it introduced new characters I was worried we wouldn't see those I came to love in book 1. (MARISSA, I will never doubt you again...I promise!!!)

  86. I would write myself into Beauty and the Beast. I. Want. That. Library.

  87. Great interview. Rapunzel is a pretty cool character to want to me. It is interesting to hear about the challenges you face when writing a series, with keeping Scarlet the hero of the Book and Cinder the hero of the series. I haven't started this series yet, but I am really looking forward to it.

  88. Wonderful Interview! I bet Marissa Meyer could do an amazing story with Rapunzel (she could write a story with herself in mind, Kind of how she would want it all to happen if she was Rapunzel). I haven't read Cinder yet, but it's on my TBR list and I'm hoping to start it soon since there have been so many beautiful reviews on this series! Thank you for sharing the interview (and the Scarlet book trailer was cool).

  89. Hehe! Cinder loves her fashion choices...she's not a frilly Cinderella!

  90. Great interview! I've been waiting for Scarlet foreeeeeeever (or so it feels) and the blog tour/interviews are making me even more eager.

  91. I love fairy tales retelling! These books sounds so good and I would love to read them. :)

  92. This is my favorite tour stop thus far (I'm just now going through them.) So hilarious :D
