Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine and is a fun way to see what books other bloggers just can't wait to get their hands on!

Between #1
April Genevieve Tucholke
Paranormal Young Adult
August 15th, 2013

From Goodreads:
You stop fearing the devil when you’re holding his hand…

Nothing much exciting rolls through Violet White’s sleepy, seaside town…until River West comes along. River rents the guesthouse behind Violet’s crumbling estate, and as eerie, grim things start to happen, Violet begins to wonder about the boy living in her backyard. Is River just a crooked-smiling liar with pretty eyes and a mysterious past? Or could he be something more? Violet’s grandmother always warned her about the Devil, but she never said he could be a dark-haired boy who takes naps in the sun, who likes coffee, who kisses you in a cemetery...who makes you want to kiss back. Violet’s already so knee-deep in love, she can’t see straight. And that’s just how River likes it.

Blending faded decadence and the thrilling dread of gothic horror, April Genevieve Tucholke weaves a dreamy, twisting contemporary romance, as gorgeously told as it is terrifying—a debut to watch.

Confession: I added this book to my TBR list based on the cover alone. I didn't even read the blurb before I hit the button on Goodreads that said "want to read" because any book that has a cover like this–all dark and beautiful and with a stunning type treatment (obsessed with fonts, party of one *points at self*)–is one I have to read. Luckily for me, the blurb makes this book sound as brilliant as its cover is gorgeous, and I've decided August is entirely too far away. This book needs to be released in early February at the absolute latest. I'm writing a letter to Penguin with my request ;-)


  1. I totally added this book to my to-read list because of the gorgeous cover! I agree August is just too far away! I hope Penguin takes your letter into consideration! ;)
    Great pick, Jenny! :)

    1. I hope so too, clearly I'm a voice of wisdom and reason ;-)

  2. Hey, Jenny. Happy New Year!

    I actually got this scheduled for my next WoW post so I'm actually giggly right now. Ha. =))

    Nice pick!

    1. GELLIE! Happy New Year to you! And great minds obviously think alike :)

  3. YES. This is my most anticipated read of 2013. It sounds SO great, cover and blurb! And good luck with your letter! I am seriously considering writing my first ever ARC request email for this one.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Doesn't it! I could just stare at the cover all day. And River sounds absolutely fascinating, I can't wait to meet him:)

  4. This cover is amazing! That alone is putting it on my TBR

    RobynLeanne @ Fairytales and Folklore

  5. That cover alone is great! As is the description. Heh, I need August already as well because TMI: CITY OF freaking BONES hits the big screen, holy smoke! I can't wait *fans self* huhhhhh.. I need to see that movie so bad already. Oh, and just a tiny, little, minor detail that my 21st birthday is on August 28th. YAY! I can't wait. We can practically do everything at the age of 18 as opposed to that drinking law in the States, e.g., but I'm always the youngest. Everyone turns 21 at the beginning of this year or has already had their birthday last year and I'm always the youngest. Heh. I like it, though. Anyway, enough about this rambling. Love this choice of yours :)

    1. So clearly you have lot to look forward to in August Siiri, lucky you!

  6. I've seen this one making the rounds, and I totally feel you on falling for pretty covers and beautiful typography. I do it too. Dangit! I am so shallow. Anyway, here's hoping you get to enjoy this one before August. Great pick!

    If you'd like, you can check out my WoW here.

    1. I've made it my goal this year to get this book before August. I have 7 months to achieve this goal, I need to get started ;-)

  7. OOh nice!! Have been seeing a LOT of this one lately! Hope you love it once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I love everything about this book, I so hope it lives up to its cover an blurb!

  8. Oh. Yes! I'm with you on the cover lust. That was why I marked it to-read at first also. But with that blurb...I think I'll join your letter-writing campaign.

  9. WOW! This does seem like a great book! I love the cover and the synopsis.

  10. This one is on my TBR list as well. I love the cover, the premise AND the font, too! :) Great pick, Jenny!

  11. hehehe..Jenny you are not alone, this cover whore does the same exact thing, its like the book cover calls out to me and i have to have it! This looks and sounds awesome!

  12. This sounds great, and you're right, the cover is awesome.

  13. The cover had me captivated already before reading the blurb too, Jenny! But the plot definitely made it even more interesting. Thanks for sharing this. :)

  14. I adore awesome fonts like this one too Jenny! The story sounds fancinating! Hope you enjoy it when you read it!

  15. Totally agree. Great cover and great sounding book. The synopsis has reeled me in.

  16. Agreed! This is on my TBR list, too! Here's hoping we both get review copies!

  17. Oh this cover will never stop to fascinate me! I love it and the story sounds so good :) I can't wait to read it. Great pick :)

  18. LOL!! Im guilty of that too, covers speak to me even when the words inside sometimes dont....:D

  19. August will never come! I totally fell in love with this cover too, and although I love the synopsis, I would probably read it anyway.
    Maybe instead of that letter, we can all sign a petition. you never know. :))

  20. I'm obsessed with fonts too, and the one on that cover is absolutely stunning. I also love the contrast of a dark background, the shades of gray contrasting with the "devil" crimson lettering. And the premise is so intriguing too! Incredible pick, Jenny. :) I hope it exceeds your expectations. :)

  21. I'm with you on this one---the cover is what drew me in. Good thing the story also sounds good! :D

  22. This one does sound (and look) a good "dreamy" gothic!!

  23. You can add my name to the letter. :)

    Oh this sounds perfect for me. I live no where close to the sea, but somehow it always makes me perk up to see it on a cover or in a title. Plus, make it dark and I really want to read it. :) We needs it!

  24. Really looking forward to this one! Sounds twisted yet romantic at the same time.

  25. I actually am not a huge fan of the cover, although I love the font, since I think I wanted more of a picture, but the synopsis is so gripping! I definitely want to get my hands on this now, so thanks for sharing, Jenny!(:

  26. *cries* we have to wait all the way until August for this! I'm so going to be writing to Penguin about this too! I agree the cover is gorgeous and I too would have added this to my to-read pile based on that alone. But it's matched by such a stunning premise too! I can't wait to get my hands on this! Thanks for putting this on my radar Jenny! :)

  27. saw this on another post this week and it does sound very promising.

    Check out my Waiting on Wednesday

  28. The cover is what got me interested in this too, which is weird because I'm a pretty dress cover fan. And yet this one dazzles me!

  29. Ha-ha, I did the same thing Jenny! Between that and the name, it's just gotta be good! It's on my order already!


  30. I'm dying to read this one too, Jenny, but because of the fantastic premise ... and okay, because of the awesome cover as well. I wish the title was a little smaller though. It makes it hard to focus on the background.
