Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Blog Tour: Mothership

Welcome to the 6th stop on the Mothership blog tour! Today I have the pleasure of sharing with you some movies authors Martin Leicht and Isla Neal think would be fun to put in a time capsule to share with people in the future. Love it. Also, be sure and check out the next stop on the tour Thursday, July 26th at Novel Novice!

Life will undoubtedly be very different for Elvie Nara in the year 2074. It’s fun to imagine all of the crazy technology and food and entertainment people will be exposed to sixty years from now. But sometimes it’s just as hilarious to look to the past and mock their conventions. So, in that vein, we were asked to think of some contemporary objects that we would put in a time capsule for Elvie to discover. She’d probably make fun of a lot of it—after all, these are things that would have been “cool” for her grandparents! Still, we think she’ll get a kick out of seeing what we were watching, wearing, eating, and more.

Movies. By the year 2074, with the domination of 3D virtual cinemas, the majority of the films we love today will be known as “flat pics.” But, quaint as they may seem to her contemporaries, Elvie loves her some 2D drama, so we wanted to give her some interesting choices. This was hard, because for every movie we desperately wanted to include (Serenity) there were three others that had just as valid a reason for appearing on an objective list of noteworthy contemporary films. So our undying love for personal favorites (like, um, Serenity) aside, we settled on a slate of major motion pictures that have come out recently and have something interesting to say about our culture at the beginning of the 21st century.



The Dark Knight is not a perfect movie. Personally we wouldn’t even say it’s the best Christopher Nolan Batman movie (that would be Batman Begins, in Martin’s humble opinion, though he knows many will disagree. Isla says forget the movies altogether and go for some Adam West—SMASH! BANG!—TV silliness.). Still, The Dark Knight is the most ambitious “comic book” movie ever made, both in its tone and execution, and as such it managed to eclipse many more “grown-up” movies at the time of its release and even after. Heath Ledger’s performance and Chris Nolan’s steady direction are equally hypnotic. Also that chase through the streets of Gotham (hello, Batpug!) is just awesome. All in all, The Dark Knight captured the zeitgeist of its time, both in and out of the cinema, in a manner that few other films even dared attempt.



Based on a series of very funny graphic novels by Bryan Lee O’Malley, this irreverent film follows slacker Scott as he attempts to defeat the seven evil ex-es of the (possible) love of his life in order to win her heart. It’s silly, off-beat, and a video-game nerd’s dream—but it also tells the story of how a self-centered, media-crazed kid slowly realizes that the choices he makes for himself affect those around him. It also does a whiz-bang job of poking fun at the attention-deficit-addled 20-somethings at the turn of the millennium, and their (often conflicting) views about identity, self-respect, and love. The film was criminally under seen in theaters, but hopefully everyone will take the opportunity to watch it in some form at home, so that they’ll experience what we’ve known for a few years now: Scott Pilgrim kicks serious . . . behind.



Facebook is still remarkably new, and while it has made a major impact on both youth culture and society at large, it could just as easily disappear or be replaced within the next few years by something entirely different. If this happens, The Social Network could end up being as relevant as a movie about the creation of the 8-track (ask your parents).

We think this movie will still stand on its own for other reasons, though. The movie is about something more timeless than the dawn of online social networking—it’s about ruthlessness, ingenuity, and the loneliness that comes from being so intrinsically linked to millions of other people across the globe—and few movies have yet to capture the early 21st century so well.

Upon pulling these BluRay/DVD discs out of the time capsule, Elvie would most likely declare, “I thought you said there were movies in here.” And then, assuming that the discs were drink coasters or perhaps primitive Magno-Frisbees, she would chuck them at the wall.

Other movies Elvie would get a kick out of:

Serenity (2005); Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004); Serenity (2005); all of the Lord of the Rings movies (2001 – 2003); and Serenity (2005).

I'm going to go out on a limb and say they both may be fans of Serenity ;-) More information on Martin, Isla, and Mothership can be found here:

Amazon Buy Link

MOTHERSHIP (from Simon & Schuster)

Pregnant. In space. Yeah, things are really looking up.

It’s 2074 and Elvie’s unplanned pregnancy (with Cole Archer, who bolted out of town half a millisecond after hearing the news, not that Elvie’s bitter about it or anything) forces her to leave her best bud back on Earth and spend her junior year aboard a corny old space cruiser with forty-five other hormonal teen girls (one of whom just happens to be her arch-nemesis).  Getting shipped off to the Hanover School for Expecting Teen Mothers was not how Elvie imagined spending her junior year, but she can go with the flow. That is, until a team of hot commandos hijacks the ship—and one of them turns out to be Cole.

Mothership is the first installment in a new trilogy from Martin Leicht and Isla Neal that has been described as Juno meets Pretty In Pink…but in space.

Don't forget to check out stop #7 Thursday, the 26th at NOVEL NOVICE!


  1. hm you think they love Serenity? Don't know how you got that idea :)
    YES for the Lord of the Ring Movies, they are a must add in my opinion, they are brilliant!

    1. I think *maybe* they do ;-) I adored the LoTR movies, they were awesome.

  2. I have this book on its way to me and cant wait to read it!
    I'm definitely on board for Lord of the Rings but I haven't watched Serenity. I love the list though! And yes, Dvds work well as coasters.

    1. I have not watched Serenity either, apparently we're missing out HUGELY. Must change that:)

  3. This sounds like a great book. I'm intrigued even though I don't usually like things set in the far future.

    I do think that The Social Network will be completely irrelevant in 60 years, perhaps even in ten years. But I love it now.

    1. I loved The Social Network too - it was crazy how he came up with Facebook and how ridiculously huge it got.

  4. Sounds a bit primitive if they get sent away for being preggers, but I can sense a LOT of drama ;=)

  5. A school for expecting teen mothers in space? This book sounds kind of hilarious. I'm looking forward to reading it! :D Can you believe I have never seen Serenity? I think I should get to it one day. ;)

    1. Doesn't it? And I haven't seen Serenity either. I feel like instead of a read-along we need to organize a Serenity viewing party:)

  6. I love the idea behind this book. I really need to get a copy for myself. Sounds like really fun. Thanks for sharing, Jenny ! :)
    Like Sam, I haven't watched Serenity either, but I'm not really into movies that much!
    I do love the Lord Of The Rings movies though ;)

    1. I think a lot of us have missed Serenity! I think maybe I need to watch it this weekend...:)

  7. Pregnant in space? Wow! What a unique idea. I don't think I would want that though. ha. I like the idea of Juno meets Pretty in Pink. I'll keep my eye out for this one!

    1. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to be pregnant in space either. Except for the weightlessness thing, that might be nice:)

  8. OMG what a cute cover and adorable trailer.
    I'm seriously in love with the cover.
    So clever. So cute.
    I can't wait to read some reviews of this one.

  9. I think we're all Googling Serenity today! It's obviously something we can no longer go without knowing about:)

  10. I'm pretty alien stories are the new in books. All of sudden its about hotties coming from another planet. Thanks for the post. I will check this book out.

  11. I love the Lord of the Rings movies. I watch them at least every other year or something - usually around Christmas for some reason. I've never heard of Serenity so I'll have to see what it's all about.

    This one sounds different from other novels. I don't normally read books involving teen pregnancies but I think this one may be funny rather than serious. Have you read it, Jenny?

  12. This sounds really cute and hopefully funny! Pregnant teens in space...woot? LOL.

  13. Oh I'm a fan of Serenity as well. I think there was an outcry in the world when that was cancelled. At least we got a movie... :)

  14. You are dead to me! Seriously how can you have not watched Serenity? Tell me you have seen Firefly? If not you better get yourself on the browncoat loving train pronto young lady :)

  15. Nice! this book sounds so fun! I love the dark knight!!!!! its my favorite of the batman series so far (i haven't scene the last one, so that feeling could change, but i doubt it, Harvy Dent and the joker are two of the most amazing characters ever) my fav nolan movie though is the prestige, you need to see it Jenny if you haven't already- its terrific, completely heartbreaking and heartwarming!
    thanks for the intro to this book i will definitely check out soon! And mentioning how some movies could be viewed by a future person. I haven't' watched or heard of Serenity till now, so i must see that movie too! Fantastic, unique tour post!!!

  16. Great post! I haven't heard too much about this book but it sounds unique. Thanks for sharing! I have not watched Serenity...as a matter of fact I am not even sure if I have heard of it! I guess I will have to search it up!


  17. I've seen this book, probably on another tour stop, but assumed it was an adult book. Guess not! I'm going to own up to this, I have no idea what Serenity is. Never heard of it. But we don't go to the movies much. I will be looking it up!


  18. "The Social Network could end up being as relevant as a movie about the creation of the 8-track"

    OMG! Hilarious. This whole post made me snort all over myself. When I first saw the cover for this book, I thought, cute, but not for me.

    Now, that I've seen the trailer though, I don't think I can pass it up! It sounds too fun!

  19. Love these movie choices so much. Also, this book looks hilarious. I've seen it around other blogs but this is the first time I've seen the summary and I laughed out loud. I kinda want to read it!

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