Monday, July 23, 2012

All Male Review Challenge: Interview with Veronica Rossi + Giveaway


Today, as part of the All Male Review Challenge, I'm absolutely thrilled to welcome young adult author Veronica Rossi to the blog to answer a few questions about Under the Never Sky. Because this entire challenge is obviously and deliciously boy-centric, I've focused all my questions on Perry specifically, and have even directed a few to Perry himself. I have to say, I'm enjoying this all male theme, I think we should do it more often ;-) If you haven't read Under the Never Sky yet, I can't recommend it enough, it's one of my very favorite reads of the year so far. Everyone needs to meet Perry!

Perry is an undeniably attractive young man, earning every dreamy sigh that escapes our lips when we’re reading. Which other young adult character do you think would have a chance (however small) to rival Aria for Perry's affections?

Oh, wow. I’m going to answer this question with the huge caveat that Aria would obviously be totally out of the picture. So, in an Aria-less world, maybe Karou from Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone? Or maybe that’s just my personal love for her shining through. She’s an extraordinary character and totally relatable at the same time.

Perry has always lived outside Reverie, never experiencing the digital world of the Realms as Aria did. What aspect of the Realms do you think he would find most fascinating/disturbing/exciting?

He’d testing the limits of what’s possible physically. Flying. Swimming underwater without having to breathe. Zero gravity games.

As much as the Realms are dimensional and real, they’re a very “in your head” kind of place, full of imagination and whimsy. I think Perry would ultimately get bored very quickly. He’s a very physical and grounded character. At the end of the day, he’d choose the quiet of the woods over any simulated reality.

In Under the Never Sky, chapters alternate between Aria and Perry. Did you actually write them in alternating order, or did you focus entirely on one character first before switching?

Usually, I write alternating but sometimes I’ll stay with a character for a few chapters, or even draft a chapter from both POVs to see which one I prefer for that point in the story.

Though getting a male point of view in young adult literature is slowly becoming more common, the ratio between male and female is still drastically skewed in favor of female POVs. Name one male character whose POV you’d love a chance to read if it were possible.

I love reading male POV when it’s done well. Finnick’s perspective of The Hunger Games would be interesting to read. He had a lot of depth and charisma, and it would be fun to see the world through his eyes.

If Perry could ask you one question about how you wrote him as a character, or how you depicted his world, what do you think he would most like to know?

This is a great question. I think he’d probably want to know why I gave him the hair he has, which I call the post-apocalyptic surf shag. The answer is that my son has hair like that—streaky blond and always a mess of waves that twist in all directions--and I adore it. I’m probably the only mom who doesn’t make her kid brush his hair. It looks better wild. And it suits him.

What do you think Aria would say is the main difference between her view of Perry in the beginning of Under the Never Sky, and her understanding of him at the end?

In the beginning, she sees him as vicious, uncivilized and cold-hearted. In the end, she realizes that he is vicious, but only mildly uncivilized and actually very warm-hearted.

Let’s say you’re sitting across from Perry in a speed-dating situation. What’s the first thing you would say to him to ensure you stood out in his memory?

I can field dress a deer in twenty minutes flat.


Give us one word you hope Aria would use when describing you.

(Note from Veronica: SS, I’m not sure if he means that he’s good by nature or good at something. If it’s the latter of the two, I wonder what, specifically, he’s referring to. That he’s good at hunting? Maybe something else?)

Fondest memory?

It’s hard to pick just one. The day my nephew Talon was born. The first time I kissed Aria. Any day I ever beat at Roar at something. (grins) I’m especially fond of those memories.

First thing you learned about hunting/tracking?

Patience is your ally. It’s something I’m still trying to learn.

Biggest weakness?

Easy one. Aria.

Favorite moment with Aria?

(smiles) All of them.

Thank you so much for being a part of the All Male Review Challenge Veronica and Perry! More information on Veronica and her books can be found here:

Amazon Buy Link


Today I'm offering up a copy of Under the Never Sky to one lucky winner! Also, because the blog was out of commission during the giveaway hop earlier in the month and I couldn't participate, I'm adding an additional book of your choice to the prize as well. This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as the Book Depository delivers to your country. To enter, please just follow the blog via GFC (on the right sidebar) and leave a comment with a valid email address so I can contact you if you win. Giveaway will run through midnight on Friday the 27th after which time a winner will be chosen and emailed. Good luck everyone!


  1. That was a phenomenal Interview! It totally brought me back to reading Under The Never Sky and Looooving it so much. I loved Perry - he was a phenomenal and so interesting character.. And I love that Veronica mentioned Karou :-))

  2. Wow - field dressing a deer in 20 minutes. She must be going the easy route and putting a dress on the deer. Now if she could wrangle a pair of deer trousers and a deer t-shirt (I'd recommend one with a bull's eye on it) onto the deer in 20 minutes, then I'd be impressed. If it's a doe, I'd add a deer tiara. Or string some Christmas lights around a boy deer's antlers. A deer's gotta have style.


    1. I forgot about the giveaway part. I'd love to win.
      alisoncanread at gmail dot com

  3. Oh Perry, how adorable you are. ;)

    I love Perry's hair. I've always thought it fit him nicely because of his atmosphere and personality. If he was clean cut all around, it would have been odd.

    This interview just reminds me how much I loved this book. I cannot wait for the sequel. Perry is such an amazing male to be a part of the AMR challenge. And be warned Jenny, I'll fight for him, too!! :)

  4. Oh what a great interview! I really enjoyed Perry and really loved the growth of both him and Aria through the book. It was great getting to know a bit more about him!

    Thanks for giveaway!
    candace_redinger at Yahoo dot com

  5. I enjoyed the interview and the chance to learn more about Perry. I'm looking forward to reading Under the Never Sky and Through the Ever Night.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  6. I've been hearing so much about these books! I'm really keen on reading them. And btw, the covers look pretty. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. This is an awesome character interview! Now Perry is one swoon-worthy character;) Love how he loves Aria so much:)

    GFC Follower Christina Kit.

    ccfioriole at gmail dot com

  8. Perry sounds absolutely swoon worthy. I can't wait to read this.

  9. Oh my, count me in! Loved the interview. Can't wait to start on this series. :)

    GFC: Maidenveil

    -Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

  10. Ahhh Jenny Perry sounds to die for! I honestly can't believe I haven't read this book yet :( It sounds absolutely amazing and the fact that it's one of your favourites just means I need to get to it much sooner! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)

  11. OMG this giveaway is awesome!! I'm dying for book #2 of this one!! PERRY <3


  12. Oh I love this giveaway! This is on my wishlist! Thanks so much! Thanks SO MUCH!

    GFC as Abby!

    reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

  13. I can't believe I haven't read this book yet! It sounds like such a fabulous novel...and Veronica Rossi (and Perry!) sound totally awesome :) Great interview and thanks for the amazing giveaway!

    GFC: iLuvReadingTooMuch

    iliveforreading AT hotmail DOT com

  14. Wonderful interview, Jenny. I absolutely loved this book and I can't wait for the second book!
    Perry is one of my all-time favorite YA love interest !

  15. What a fun giveaway......I love the covers of those books....and mostly the second one...:) Loved the interview ladies.

  16. Great interview! I especially loved the questions for Perry section. These books are very high on my TBR stack.

    Melissa (GFC)

  17. I adored Perry! I really liked how Perry and Aria's relationship evolved throughout the book and I'm very curious to see what happens next. I also think he and Karou would make an interesting couple.

  18. Oh, I like her answer for the male POV question. Finnick’s perspective would definitely be interesting :)

    Lovely interview!

  19. Fantastic interviews! I love that Perry is only mildly uncivilised now, and not completely. ;) Plus crazy hair is always a plus. I can't wait to reunite with him in book 2. :)

  20. What a great interview! I am all the more curious about this series now!

    melissaseclecticbookshelf at gmail dot com

  21. Awww best moment, all of them, awwww

  22. i loved book 1
    great interview

  23. Aw, I can't wait to get back to Perry and Aria with Through the Ever Night. Hurry up, 2013!

  24. I just love, Perry. And Aria. And Roar. But mostly, Perry! <3

    I can't wait to get my hand on more of them and VR's gorgeous words.


  25. Ah! This would be great to win! I need more books to read & every time I'm in the bookstore I feel so sad for not being able to buy these two! Well, here's to hoping!:D

    Alexandra Trebek

  26. I just love, Perry. And Aria. And Roar. But mostly, Perry! <3

    I can't wait to get my hand on more of them and VR's gorgeous words.


  27. This is a fabulous interview. I love the speed dating answer and I do like books in male point of view. I really liked Under the Never Sky.


  28. I loved this interview. I really want to read this even more now. Out of all the questions I have to say that the biggest weakness one made me swoon... aw...

    books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

  29. "He’s a very physical character."

    My heart is all a flutter over here! I wish I could hire Perry as my personal trainer... then again, he might just kill me with his ideas. And, I'm so curious what he meant by "good". Silly, Perry!

    Fun interview! I agree that we need to do the all male theme more often. LOL

  30. Oh, I absolutely love that interview! It's so interesting reading these for a book you've loved. *sigh* And I can totally not see Perry staying in the reverie for too long. I love that the hair is inspired by her son too!

    Jenny, you always have the most interesting interviews!

  31. Awesome interview! I especially loved the quick questions for Perry! He sounds like he loves Aria so much. XD

    toprocrastinate at hotmail dot com

  32. This is such a great interview, Jenny! I love Perry, and I can't wait to read Through the Ever Night!! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway too!!

    thereaderbee at gmail dot com

  33. I swear, you always ask the right questions for the interview. Awesome as always.

    bwithbite at gmail dot com

  34. First, I love Perry! Under the Never Sky is one of my favorite books this year! And that Veronica Rossi picked Karou as his second makes it even better, Daughter of Smoke and Bone is another favorite.

    I want to win this contest! I WANT to WIN! I know I can buy the book and I will, but it's become a challenge at this point!

    So, you know I follow you BIB.


  35. Oh my good golly gosh Jenny you ROCK!! First of all, that interview was all kinds of awesome!!!! Perry... I have no real words expect that I love you and will you marry me??? :D And Veronica is SO funny and cool!!! 'I can field dress a deer in twenty minutes flat.' HAHA I literally laughed out loud at that. LOL. <333 Awesome review. Did I say that already??? :P And Perry was sooo sweet!! His answers were short but full of character and meaning. :') As much as I hate to admit, Perry and Aria are meant to be.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway, Jenny!! ILY!!

  36. Thank you! Perry has to be one of the best YA boys I've read about. Sweet, but deadly. What a boy. :D


  37. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  38. I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.

  39. I loved reading the quick questions for Perry. Thank you for the giveaway.

    GFC: kassandralopez32

  40. I feel so silly, my friend keeps telling me to read Under The Never Sky but I keep backing out. I'll definitely have to read it now.

    Thanks for the opportunity! Have a great week. (:

    GFC: nat_isabel


  41. I read Under the Never Sky (ARC) and loved it! This is a fantastic giveaway!

    Thanks so much!
    GFC: Leanne Goon
    leannessf at gmail dot com

  42. thanks for a fun post and giveaway! This series sounds awesome! It's on the top of my wishlist!

    gfc: erin

  43. Awww Perry is my ultimate book boyfriend! I freakin love that guy. Not to mentio that Veronica Rossi is a genious and I cannot wait to read Through The Ever Night. I recieved an ARC of Under The Never Sky but I had to go out and buy a hardback the other day because I loved it so much and my mom spilled beet juice on my previous cover.

  44. A fabulous post thank you!!

    I'm looking forward to reading UNDER THE NEVER SKY. It looks amazing.

    GFC: Mary Preston


  45. Now I definitely need to read Under the Never Sky like yesterday lol. I have been wanting to read this since I don't know when but I'm actually glad I didn't because now I don't have to wait for Through the Ever Night. Oh I so love that Perry graces the cover and I can't wait to meet him in the book.

  46. Nice interview :)
    I haven't read these books yet but they already on my TBR list.
    Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

    GFC : Aline Tobing


  47. Great interview! Now I really want to see at least a picture of Veronica's son (and his hair)! Because I honestly think the male model in Through the Ever Night cover doesn't have Perry's hair... but still he's *ahem* *gorgeous* *ahem*
    Thank you for the giveaway! Can't wait to read Through the Ever Night :D

    GFC - Ellisa

    daesungie at gmail dot com

  48. Very nice interview! I'm really looking forward to reading Under the Never Sky. It's been on my TBR list for a while! Thanks for the giveaway :)
    GFC: laceyblossom

  49. nice interview... have read good reviews for the book it sounds interesting... would love to win this one... :)

  50. Thanks for this amazing giveaway! I follow on GFC as Suz and I would love to win!

    susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

  51. Anne; GFC


  52. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    thebusybibliophile at gmail dot com

  53. Woo, Perry! Great insights and interview.

    GFC: candice
    candicerjames [at] gmail [dot] com

  54. I really liked Perry--he was a great character, especially because he was a nice person (hard to find in YA, for some reason).

  55. I've been wanting to read Under the Never Sky for awhile. Thanks for the giveaway.
    GFC: Molly Frenzel

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. I put the wrong email above, i forgot i got a new one.

  58. What a fantastic giveaway! I have been holding out to read Under A Never Sky until Through the Ever Night avaialble...I like to read new books when I can read at least two in the series. I'm weird that way.

    Thanks so much!

  59. Sigh......... Under the Never Sky was so beautiful....... I can't wait for Through the Ever Night.


    ajiehuang1997 (at) gmail (dot) com

  60. I have yet to actually read this book, but you make it sound absolutely amazing!
    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  61. I have the first one from the library waiting to be read! Can't wait!
    GFC Markella

  62. Great interview. :) I never got the chance to get Under The Never Sky. :/ I'm hoping this would be my chance, so thanks a bunch for the giveaway!


    GFC: Angie

  63. I really want to read this! Thanks for the awesome interview/giveaway!

  64. Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    GFC is kassiah (I think) lol

    kassiah at fictionators dot com

  65. AWESOME giveaway, how generous of you!!! I have been wanting to read Under the Never Sky for sooo long! Great interview too :) I can't imagine how amazing it must be to correspond with someone like Veronica Rossi!

    I follow via GFC as Holly, email is hmbryan(at)alumni(dot)duke(dot)edu


  66. Perry sounds like a really awesome and romantic guy. I'm really excited to read about Perry and Aria's story in Under the Never Sky. :)

    Also, thanks for the giveaway! :)

    GFC: Noely Jeleen Balmeo


  67. I've heard sooo many amazing things about Under the Never Sky! I totally laughed at this:

    "I can field dress a deer in twenty minutes flat."

    And what a great question too!

    GFC - Ashley Evans
    E-Mail - cazzyae(at)gmail(dot)com

    Thanks for the great post and giveaway! :)

  68. I love the cover of the new book! thanks for the chance.

    GFC: Twisty J

  69. great giveaway! thank you for this! i hope i'll be pick! :)

  70. Oh good gracious, what a great interview. Makes me want to read Never Sky again right now because I loved it SO MUCH. I can't wait for book two and OH MY GRACIOUS those covers. WOW.

    Thanks Jenny! ~Ash

  71. I LOVE the interview!!! Under the Never Sky is just so AMAZING.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

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