Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Guest Post: Kate Evangelista + Taste

Today I'm pleased to welcome author Kate Evangelista to the blog to talk a little bit about one of her favorite characters from her paranormal young adult novel Taste. After reading this post, I have to say I'm a fan of Luka's even though I haven't "met" him yet, and I can't wait to learn more about him in Taste!


As the title of this post already indicates, I’m here today to discuss a little bit about one of my favorite characters ever. Luka Visraya has always fascinated me from day one. During the beginnings of Taste, I wasn’t quite sure if he was the villain or not. He certainly acted like one during earlier drafts, but as I got to know him better, he became more playful. I like playful Luka more than villain Luka.

I believe that Luka is one of the more complex characters I have in my head. He grew up feeling he isn’t fit for the responsibilities given to him, as you will see a lot of when you read Taste. He has issues with his father, and I think that’s why I want to give him a hug half the time. I’m drawn to his melancholy nature. The scene where he is sitting on a bench in the dead of winter staring up at the moon is one of my favorites.

Another reason why I appreciate Luka more than any other character, especially Demitri, is because he’s more relaxed where Demitri is more controlling. Now, there’s nothing wrong with a take charge character, and Luka can certainly lead with the best of them, but he’s less rigid about taking charge. He allows situations to happen within reason and takes things in stride.

I’ve always been asked: if I were to go on a date with one of my characters from Taste, who would it be? I guess, at this point, it’s pretty obvious. Luka would be a more fun date. He can be protective the way Demitri is, but less overbearing. I love the way Luka gives Phoenix her freedom and allows her to explore and satisfy her curiosity without really putting her in any danger.

Many have been asking me if I will write a sequel to Taste. My answer to that right now is that Taste is a stand alone. But if I ever entertain thoughts of a second novel, I think I would focus more on Luka. I want to see where else his character can go.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today. It’s been a pleasure taking the time to reveal a little bit about my favorite character with all of you. If you haven’t grabbed your copy of Taste yet, please do so. I dare you to break curfew!

Thanks so much for taking the time to be here Kate! More information on Kate and Taste can be found here:

Amazon Buy Link

TASTE (from Goodreads)

At Barinkoff Academy, there's only one rule: no students on campus after curfew. Phoenix McKay soon finds out why when she is left behind at sunset. A group calling themselves night students threaten to taste her flesh until she is saved by a mysterious, alluring boy. With his pale skin, dark eyes, and mesmerizing voice, Demitri is both irresistible and impenetrable. He warns her to stay away from his dangerous world of flesh eaters. Unfortunately, the gorgeous and playful Luka has other plans. 

When Phoenix is caught between her physical and her emotional attraction, she becomes the keeper of a deadly secret that will rock the foundations of an ancient civilization living beneath Barinkoff Academy. Phoenix doesn't realize until it is too late that the closer she gets to both Demitri and Luka the more she is plunging them all into a centuries old feud.


  1. I'm very curious about Luka. I like guys that have elements of playful and villain in them. What can I say? I go for bad boys. And a hint of melancholy is just icing on the cake. Going to look up this book now.

  2. Luka sounds like a really interesting character! And I really love this cover! I'm off to look this book up!

  3. This Luka guy sounds intriguing. I haven't read Taste yet but it's on my wishlist and I hope to read it soon.

  4. Oooo! I think I've heard of Taste before and have seen it around the blogosphere but never actually got the chance to read it. LOVE Kate's guest post! Luka sounds really interesting.

    Thank you for sharing this awesome post with us, Jenny! ♥

  5. This sounds really intriguing and I love that Luca got more playful as she wrote him. I love when a character surprises like that :)

  6. Alison - Same! Luka is definitely my kind of fictional boy:)

    Candace - I love the cover too:)

    Chel - Doesn't he? Taste is on my list as well, I'm looking forward to reading about Luka!

    Celine - Hope you get a chance to read it soon:) We can all swoon over Luka together!

    Felicia - I'm glad he's a bit playful as well, I love a brooding boy, but I like when they have a bit of a sense of humor as well:)

  7. Oooooh yes! I need to read this one!!! Between Luka and Demitri I think I'll have quite the decision on my hands! Who's going on the Lick List?!?! ;)

  8. YAY! Awesome post! Loved this story :)

  9. Wow this guy Luka definitely sounds like one that I need to meet soon! Thanks for sharing this guest post with us Jenny, Taste sounds like an awesome read and the cover is gorgeous! :)

  10. Ashley - I'm thinking both need to go on the list. The more the merrier right?:)

    Savy - So glad you liked it!

    Jasprit - Right? I definitely need to be meeting him as well:)

  11. So Luka's more of a Beta hero than an Alpha--I can totally get behind that. Sounds like a great character who I'd love to meet!

  12. Great guest post! I haven't heard of this one before but it sounds interesting! Luk seems to be a great character. Thanks for sharing!


  13. Such a lovely and sad cover, and I do like those

  14. Mary - Me too! I'm all for a beta hero now and then:)

    Heidi - I have no idea who did this cover, but I agree the image is gorgeous!

    Jaskirat - Glad you enjoyed it!

    Linda - Me too:)

  15. Ooooooo! Kate, I have to admit that I hope Luka keeps you up at night until you give in and write 'his' book! I love complex characters that are a bit of good and BAD! And don't even get me started on how madly I fall in love with them once they reveal their playful side! Yup, Luka is definitely my type. Thanks for sharing more about him.

  16. It's refreshing to have a stand-alone in a paranormal romance nowadays. Luka sounds like possibly the bad-boy in this story. I seem to already be drawn to Dimitri, especially if he's protective over the MC. Thanks for the awesome guest post. :)

  17. Oh I need to read this one. I like the sound of this boy. I love a character that surprises you and becomes more complex than intended. SWEET!

  18. I haven't heard about this one but I really like the sound of Luka. I'm looking forward to meeting him too :)

  19. Missie - SAME! I always love getting a spinoff book that gives me a much loved character's story:)

    Rachel - Agreed. I can't even remember the last one I read!

    Melissa - Me too:)

    Z - YES! We can all meet him together:)

  20. I think I need to read Taste, after reading Kate's guest post. She makes Luka sound very interesting. I need to see who Phoenix chose.
