Friday, August 17, 2012

Sweet Evil Sequel: Cover Design Contest


Happy Friday Everyone!

Today I'm excited to share with you some details about an EPIC contest going on at the moment. Wait till you hear. Before I give you all the juicy details though, I want to confess to you my love for a little book called Sweet Evil. I first stumbled across this book on Goodreads and thought it sounded like something I might find enjoyable. Wrong. This book was not one I simply found enjoyable, but rather one that absolutely blew me away with its beautifully painful romantic tension and emotional turmoil, and I fell completely in love with Kaidan Rowe, son of the demon of lust. THE DEMON OF LUST! I feel the need for a cold shower coming on just thinking about him.

Since I'm so madly in love with Kaidan and Sweet Evil, imagine my excitement upon discovering a contest over at Bewitched Bookworms to design a cover for the sequel. Your imaginings of my excitement cannot possibly live up to the real thing, as I may have spastically danced around my living room before leaping into my desk chair to sketch out possible designs. And what does the winner get you ask? Nothing big really, just a character named after them in book two.

*Jenny falls down dead*

Let's just take a moment to think this through. If I win, my name (in all its hugely imaginative glory O_o) will appear next to Kaidan's in the sequel. Clearly, the proximity of our names in ink will lead to a whirlwind romance wherein he abandons Anna and professes his undying love for me, the new girl he just can't keep his hands lips body eyes off of. Obviously. I think Wendy will thoroughly appreciate my suggestions for the new direction of the second installment's romance ;-)

I hope any of you who want to try your hand at designing a cover for the sequel, titled Sweet Hope, will enter! And for those of you who are perhaps not so artistically inclined, fear not, you can still enter to win copies of Sweet Evil, all the specifics are available at Bewitched Bookworms.

Each person can enter up to three cover designs, so below are my three submissions. The contest runs through August 22nd with voting taking place August 24th. Be sure and check out the Bookworms' post to see all the current entries, I've got some seriously stiff competition!




SWEET HOPE (from Goodreads)

Anna Whitt promised herself she’d never do the work of her father—polluting souls. She’d been naive to make such a claim. She’d been naive about a lot of things.

Haunted by demon whisperers, Anna does whatever she can to survive, even if it means earning an unwanted reputation as her school’s party girl. And all the while there’s Kaidan Rowe, plaguing her heart and mind.

When an unexpected lost message from the angels surfaces, Anna finds herself traveling the globe with Kopano, son of Wrath, in an attempt to gain support of fellow Nephilim and give them hope for the first time. It soon becomes clear that whatever freedoms Anna and the rest of the Neph are hoping to win, will not be gained without a fight. Until then, Anna and Kaidan must put aside the issues that have formed between them, overcome the steamiest of temptations yet, and face the ultimate question: is loving someone worth risking their life?


  1. Jenny! Holy cow, those are AWESOME! I cant even decide which one I like best, they are all great!

    1. Thank you! I had so much fun doing them:):)

  2. *squeals* I adore you! And those covers are freaking amazing!

    And... all your beloved Readers should come when the voting starts!!! I actually have no idea which one I loved best! they are all amazing - there is something about the feather and stones that is totally mesmerizing! And the last one? The girl is perfect!

    *looks at the commenters below* Do not forget to vote for Jenny when time has come!

    1. BEST CONTEST EVER DANNY! I'm going to be a wreck on the 24th, I want this so bad!

  3. Your covers look amazing ! This contest is so cool, good luck.

  4. Okay, a couple of questions, is the girl going to be called Supernatural Snark in the book??? Secondly, if you are going for you in the book, that girl should have dark hair not that sweet little blonde braid!

    But I love the covers! Third one is my favorite, but believe it or not I have not read it yet. Yes I have the actual book, but sometimes my heart can only take so much! Soon, soon!


    1. Hahahaha I think we're going to shorten it Super Snark actually, and maybe I'll get to wear a cape or something ;-)

    2. SuperSnark!!!!!!! (LOL)

    3. I need to make myself a badge or emblem or something:)

  5. Jenny your covers are amazing!!! <3! I honestly can't choose between them!!! I'll definitely be voting for your covers to win! :)

    1. Thank you so much Jasprit! I'm really pleased with how all 3 came out, so we'll see what happens:):)

  6. Oooh, Jenny and Kaidan sitting in a tree...!

    This is such a fun idea and I LOVE your covers designs! They are all so good. I think the third one might be my fave, but I'm really loving the second one too.

    I haven't read Sweet Evil yet, but I really need to get to it soon. I've heard all the good things! :)

    1. Hahahaha that's right! I will definitely sit in a tree with Kaidan. Or a bed. Whichever ;-) I hope you get a chance to read it soon, I just loved it to pieces:)

  7. OMGOSH JENNY! Those three covers are BEAUTIFUL! I wish I was as talented in designing covers/other things! *sigh* Hahahaaa I love how you're so excited that if you win, YOUR NAME will be next to Kaiden's! LOL I don't think ANYONE can resist the sexy Kai :D Good luck Jenny! I really hope you win :D

    1. I would possibly hyperventilate if I won. How cool would that be?! I'd be together forever with Kaidan. Win:)

  8. OMW!!! Jenny you are so talented. I love the 2 and 3 covers...but I think cover two is my fav....:D

    Goodluck friend!!!!

    1. I'm kind of leaning toward two as well. Though yesterday it was #1, so tomorrow it stands to reason it will be #3:)

  9. I have so much love for this post, hahaha! I'll keep your suggestions in mind...oh, wait. The book's already written! Darn. :) But I know exactly where ole Super Snark will make her appearance if you win. *hugs*

    1. Thwarted before I even had a chance to plead my case with you! Dammit:) Even if I don't win, is it possible to get a mention in a scene with Kaidan? Maybe just a short one where I completely enchant him and then, sweet and selfless person that I am, release him back to Anna so he doesn't break her heart? Yes?

  10. That's it. I'm totally jealous of you. You write awesome reviews and now you're a fab designer too?
    I think I hate you. :)
    I like all your designs. The 3rd one is my favorite, but the 1st one is very alluring. :)
    I hope you win, Jenny! :)

    1. Hahahaha thanks Nick! But don't be jealous, I suck at so very many things. You just don't see them here on the blog. Like cooking. Or math. Or anything other than graphic design and reading:)

  11. You seriously should think about doing cover design as a side job! You are uber talented!

    I do think that if she doesn't change the romance in book 2 it is only because it had already gone to press by that time! :)

    1. I am thinking about it! I need to get through my busy season at work, and then I'm going to add a design tab to the blog and see what happens:) It's so much fun to do these!

    2. That's what I'm telling Jenny since MONTH!!!!
      ..just saying,...

    3. It's going to happen I promise! 3 more weddings to get out the door and then I go into my slow season and can focus on other things:)

  12. I like your idea Jenny! I love triangle with two girls and one guy... now that is switching things up! But then again, it won't really be a triangle once Kai gets his on you! ;)

    Love your covers! I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you.

    1. THANK YOU! And I'm the complete opposite of Anna looks-wise, so he could have his light and dark girls:) I think it could work.

    2. Somehow.. I think I am missing all the fun.. somehow I need Kaidan to ..uhm.. thank me for this awesome idea!?!??!

    3. He can thank you all he wants after I have my wicked way with him ;-)

  13. OMG Jenny!! So gorgeous! You are so talented!

  14. Jenny, you make the most beautiful covers! :)

    1. *blushes* Thank you:) Designing covers is so much fun for me!

  15. This is such a cool contest. If I can find the time to design something I'm definitely going to enter too. Your covers are awesome by the way! =) My favorite is number three.

    1. I hope you enter! I love seeing what other people come up with and how they translate the story into images:)

  16. Wow, those are SUCH gorgeous covers, Jenny! I wish I was artistic so I could enter, but unfortunately even my stick figures look lame. I remember John Green had a cover competition for his fans to design a new cover of An Abundance of Katherines and the cover turned out to be beautiful, so I can't wait to see what the final cover of this book will be! Thanks for sharing, Jenny!(:

    Ivy Book Bindings

  17. I love, love cover 1 but the other two covers are really good too. Cover 3 for some reason reminds me a little of a Western; I think it's because of the sepia tone. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, Jenny :) I hope you win!

  18. Go Jenny, GO! YaY! Those look rockin'! I think you have an excellent chance. Is this going to be another career? SWEET!

  19. Oh my goodness, Jenny! Those are SO GOOD. I love them all. Go you!

  20. Wow--you're really talented with the cover designs! I don't know if I have a favorite out of those three since there are so many things I like about each one. Despite your (and other) recommendation of the first book, I still haven't read it *hangs head in shame* but I will rectify it and cheer on your cover designs so you can have a wildly passionate romance with print, of course.

  21. let us know where we need to vote. your covers are marvelous

  22. OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS, Jenny these covers are absolutely amazing! You are so talented, my friend! You should seriously think of doing this as a profession... as long as you keep blogging of course ;) Well I'm no psychic but I have a serious feeling that you are going to win this whole competition... I look forward to seeing 'Jenny' alongside Kaidan! Lovely post and beautiful covers, Jenny-chan. <333

  23. How cool that you're entering the contest. Best of luck to you! I think I like #3 the best but since I don't know this series it's hard for me to judge.

  24. Jenny, those are all so brilliant! I had a tough time choosing which is my favourite. :) I think I would have to go with the first, though. :)

  25. Beautiful covers! Wow! So jealous of your artistic skill! I really need to get around to reading Sweet Evil!

  26. Amazing covers!!!! I mean when I think of crappy covers out there, then you are up there with the bet. Flawless and good

  27. Go Jenny! You are so creative! I would love to design but I am not good at it.

  28. My word, these are FANTASTIC! I'm amazed at how professional these all look! I could definitely see them all on a bookshelf, and I'm not just saying that to be nice. ;) You are super talented, Jenny. I can't work out which is my favourite. Maybe the last one. Or number 2! I hope you get to see your name next to Kaidan's. ;)

  29. Lol Jenny! I was totally cracking up with this post. I'm sure Wendy will put your suggestions to use in the next book and I hope all works out with you and Kaidan!

    I love the third (last) cover show with the very pretty girl and scrolling on the cover. :)

  30. Wow, all the entries are FANTASTIC! I loved each and every one of the three coves you've made! Like Sam said, they all look professional and you're absolutely talented, Jenny! My favourite is probably 1....or 2.....or 3....(I can't choose since they are all AMAZING!)

    Anyway, good luck with the contest, Jenny! ♥

  31. Still need to read this book, Jenny! But I can definitely recall your immense love for it when you posted your review and it's been on my tbr ever since! And holy crap, I cannot even comprehend how you were able to make such things of beauty. Mind you, I am pretty hopeless when it comes to even the most minimal of graphic design so that might not be saying much, but I still maintain that you are hella talented. I honestly could not even tell you which one of these three I like best - decisions, decisions...
