Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Deck The Halls With Heven and Hell: Guest Post + Giveaway with Cambria Hebert

Today I'm thrilled to be a stop on young adult author Cambria Hebert's Deck the Halls with Heven and Hell blog tour, a fabulous event that kicked off a few days ago and runs through this Friday. Each stop has a fun post from Cambria and a giveaway, so be sure and check out the full schedule and follow along for lots of book and swag goodies!

Cambria is doing all of us who wait until the last minute to do their holiday shopping a solid today by giving us a few tips on what to avoid buying for those special people in our lives. Thanks in advance Cambria ;-)

Hello Everyone!

I am so excited to be here today as part of the Deck the Halls with Heven and Hell event!

I know everyone is likely out trying to shop til they drop to get all their holiday shopping done. The crowds, the sales… the choices! It’s enough to make a grown woman cry (or is that just me?). So today I thought I would help you all out by telling you what NOT to buy. Believe me, this list will save you!

So without further delay allow me to tell you the Top 10 worst Christmas gifts to ever give:

10. Nose hair clippers – you are supposed to pretend you don’t see the hair that is making its way toward grandpa’s (or grandmas !) lips.

9. A vacuum cleaner – this is especially true for men. They won’t know what it’s for and women will think you are trying to make her do all the cleaning.

8. Fruit cake – unless the person wanted a door stopper.

7. Automotive parts – especially one tire instead of four :/

6. A framed picture of yourself – it’s just weird.

5. Toothbrush or other hygiene product – the person will think you are trying to tell them they smell.

4. Underwear – Just don’t do it. Every time you see them you will wonder if they are wearing those panties you bought them. It’s just wrong!

3. A “cupcake car” reportedly going for $25,000. No I am not kidding:

2. Re-gifted item – Yes, this is tempting because it requires less time shopping. But if you didn’t want it what makes you think someone else would???

1. A Snuggie – Just get the person a really great blanket and a book.

What is the worst gift you have ever gotten?

Happy Holiday’s everyone and remember to enter the giveaway!

*My grandma gave me a license plate once. It was not attached to a car. Just a license plate. When I stared at her in confusion after realizing she was not telling me something amazing was waiting in the garage for me, she told me she got it because I liked horses and the license plate had a picture of a horse on it. Awesome.

Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). In addition to her many writing credits she is also the co-host for JournalJabber, a blog talk radio show that focuses on writing and books. She currently lives in Pennsylvania where she is plotting her next book. More information on her and her books can be found here



Thanks to Cambria, I have a fabulous prize package to give away on the blog today. To enter, please just fill out the Rafflecopter form below! Giveaway is open to US residents only and will run through midnight EST on Saturday, December 15th after which time a winner will be chosen and emailed. Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hmmm... I don't think I've ever gotten something ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE before. My mom used to buy me clothes sometimes that I thought were pretty ugly. She doesn't do that any more.

  2. ROFL the story about the License Plate is awesome!!! :))) I so very much agree on the Vacuum Cleaner, or an Hot Iron - same stuff, feels like woman should do more homework...

    The worst presents I get from my MIL who buys stuff she likes and doesn't think about buying stuff I might like.. Results in clothes/scarfs/bags I never ever wear..

  3. Heh, I am pretty sure I have received quite a few of those items for Christmas before! I didn't mind, as long as I could see the thought behind it. And I would definitely be thrilled to receive a cupcake car!!

  4. LOL! The nose hair clipper, just awesome. And yes I would not be happy to get that...make that any of those things. Still a vacuum cleaner would be good as our sucks

  5. Wow! I have to agree with all of that. The nose hair clippers? Seriously? And Jenny, the license plate had me really laughing! Haha! Hmmm, the worst give I'd ever had... I remember receiving this really old, ratty and used pouch as an exchange gift in our class Christmas party in 3rd grade! And it wasn't even wrapped in a gift wrapper. It was wrapped in a bond paper!! I was so disappointed I cried. My class adviser who was so kind promised me that she'll give me a different gift instead. :)

  6. Actually one year I got tires and I LOVED that present ;) What can I say, sometimes I am practical in nature.

    Worst present I ever got was a really bad yellow jumper. Granted it was the 80's but yellow has never looked good on anyone of my seriously pale complexion LOL

  7. I really like my Snuggie *hangs head in shame* It's pink and keeps me toasty-warm. Of course, it was a gag gift but still!

    Worst present? Clothes from my mother. Our tastes are so not the same and I always felt guilty if I didn't wear it more than once or wanted to return it.

  8. BAHAHHAA!!! That list is crazy funny!! I don't remember the worst gift I've gotten, but probably some weird umm.. decorations of some sort are the worst.

    Oh, but I celebrated my 20th birthday this August. My friends got me lots of presents and I got condoms as well LOL. I don't know why someone would ever want to gift something like that to me out of all people (I mostly hang out with guys, I just kind of get them more and they aren't that backstabbing or bitchy as girls.. so maybe I should draw my conclusion from there lol, because they always get those weird sexist things to each other), but yeah, haha. I tried not to get offended and just thought that they care for me, which they do, so that's kind of sweet?? Idk :D At least they got me a book with recipes and full of facts about food among other things since I'm studying food technology and marketing at Uni + they know I looooveee my books so it wasn't that bad, but it sure made me laugh.

  9. I love your list.
    I'm SO with you on most of them (fruitcake and nose hair clippers) but I have to respectfully disagree on the cupcake car.
    WHOA! Really? I love it!

  10. A liscence plate???? LMAO!!! That is hilarious! One time I got a canister of film for a camera.... but I had a digital camera that didn't take film.... lol.
    that was kind of wacky. :)
    LOVED reading all the comments and the gifts they have recieved. :D You have a great readership here, this was a fabulous stop and I thank you so much for hosting me today. I hope you all have a most awesome holiday season and that NO ONE gets nose hair clippers. LOL!! (or a liscense plate)

  11. Hmmm, the worst gift I have ever gotten is receiving a gift card to a place I never go to. I ended up giving it away

  12. Worst gift sorry LOl had to be a sweater from my aunt that had so much christmas stuff on it it looked like santa threw up LOL

  13. The worst gift I ever received was a mop bucket full of cleaning supplies. I wasn't sure if i was supposed to thank them or feel humiliated that some one thought my house was dirty enough that I needed cleaning supplies.

  14. I can't think of any truly bad Christmas gifts I have received. I must be lucky. Haha But everyone that I exchange gifts with generally knows me really well or just asks my Hubby what I want.

  15. Underwear from salvation army.... my gram is a bargin hunter what can I say lol

  16. My sister gave me a CD she was really into but i couldn't stand. I tried to leave it in her CD player she caught me. Next time i saw her i let her borrow it and when she tried to give it back i tried to let her keep it longer, she wasn't having it. So i got stuck with woulda thought she have me a yo yo cause it kept coming back to me! Lol...anyone like Kid Rock? You can have it:)

  17. LMAO on the licence plate story, Jenny. I wouldn't know what to say either.

    And why in the world would anyone drive a cupcake car? Um, yeah, definitely not my style.

  18. OMG! So the first thing I need to post is that this was probably the funniest thing I've ever read! I hard given people underwear like my fiance Lol and this year we are regifting my mom Lol!

  19. I am not sure what the worst gift I ever got was. There have been so many bad gifts. I have a stash in the garage in case I need an emergency gift. They often become secret santa gifts for my husbands work party.

    I have given several of those gifts on your list of things not to

  20. OMG! So the first thing I need to post is that this was probably the funniest thing I've ever read! I hard given people underwear like my fiance Lol and this year we are regifting my mom Lol!

  21. I received a Visa gift card but when I went to pay at the checkout it was empty! Needless to say I was a lil humiliated and not happy with the person that gave it to me lol!

  22. Wow! Those gifts are pretty terrible! I love the cupcake cars but I gotta agree I wouldn't want someone to gift something like that to me! And OMG a license plate? :O
    Haha! This was a really funny post, Jenny! Thanks for making my day! :)

  23. the worst gift i ever gotten was a yellow boy's sweater that zip up

  24. A license plate! You mean that isn't an acceptable gift? ;)

    This post is brilliant! I didn't even know nose-hair clippers were a thing, but I am tempted to buy a whole batch and hand them out to people. :D

  25. Another terrific guest post. A license plate is a pretty bizarre gift. Oh come on a cupcake car would be great... the nose hair trimmer, underwear and so forth not so great. Thanks for making me laugh. Hmm worst gift ever.. hard to say... probably one of my brother's many gag gifts, and my mom has a habit of wrapping up old stuff like a sweater I had when i was in grade school that the hood got all stretched out on.. weird and no thanks.

  26. I actually like the cupcake car...and auto parts are a good gift if that is what they asked for! :)

    It was a re-gifted item I got (I don't normally mind those) that she said she hated. Um... thanks? :P

  27. The worst gift I have ever gotten would have to be a skillet. My mother got a little mini skillet because she thought it was cute. Thanks mom.

  28. I can't think of any bad gifts.

  29. My aunt and uncle, God Bless em, think about what they'd like and then buy it for me. I got some beautiful stone jewelry, a caramel color all shiny and polished, but the center stone, that rests right in my cleavage is a penguin. I have one stuffed penguin from my childhood that I love and everyone thinks I collect penguins because of him. Anyway, this necklace would be beautiful, but the penguin, well it makes it look comical. And I know they spent a fortune on it.


  30. The worst gift I've gotten is a tin of nasty cookies. They tasted like they'd been purchased the Christmas before. Probably had. lol

  31. I will take a vaccuum! As long as its a Dyson ;) And that cupcake car? Yep, I will take that too! I actually got my mil a snuggie one year. It was an different brand but the same idea and she LOVED it. She uses it every day and tells me if I see that brand again to stock up cause its so much better than the real snuggies.
    Fun list!

  32. My cousin drew me a really bad picture and gave it to me to hang on my wall...

  33. An appliance was the worst gift and not even a fun one, it was a crock-pot and while I use it wasn't romantic and yeah i said i wanted one, but not as a gift..LOL

  34. Hahah, are you kidding? I'd give my left kidney for a cupcake car. So awesome!

  35. So funny funny thing is I think I am getting some panties from my daughter lol

  36. I got dishs towels and baking pans.

  37. I have not gotten a gift that I have not liked yet :D!

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